v12 ylfy the tribune stouffville out thursday nov 9 1944 sunday school lesson lesson for november 12 golden text blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be call ed the children of god matt 59 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the fact that the church of god is made up like the whiterobed multitude of revelrtlon 7 of men out of every- kindred and tongue and people and nation necessarily put it in a position calling for great wisdom and grace in times of world upheaval as well as in eras of comparative peace that there will be no lasting peace here on earth so long as the prince of peace is rejected we well know but the believer is to follow after the things that make for peace and the things whereby one may edify another rom 11 19 and when natures worse passions are let loose as in times of actual strife and conflict between nations he is called upon to be a loyal citizen of the government under which he lives while avoiding anything like hate or ill will toward enemy peoples whatever their offenses that it takes superhuman power thus to live goes without question but that is exactly what the in- dwelling holy spirit imparts to the yielded christian there have always been differ ences of opinion among spiritually minded believers- as to how far thcy can go in accordance with the christians true place as a stranger here in supporting war measures j some of the most eminent military s leaders in christendom have shown themselvese to be sincerely con scientious children of god many on the other hand have been utter ly opposed to any participation in warfare and have been and are now classed as conscientious ob jectors but all can agree in this it is our responsibility to pray for our leaders and to do all that we can to work for peace and for the victory of righteousness t when moral questions are back of the conflict 1 tim 211 verse by verse matt 5 43 it hath been said it was in the scriptures that god said thou shalt love thy neighr- bour lev 19 18 but it was in the added traditions of the elders that the words were found thou shalt hate thine enemy the first was divinely inspired the latter was a mere human addition no- where did god command his people to hate anybody verse 44 i say unto you love your enemies jesus christ spoke with full divine authority as god manifested in the flesh he pro claimed the law of love love not alone for our friends but for those who treat us badly and whose hearts are filled with malice to ward us it is grace reigning in the heart that enables one to maintain such an attitude toward those who despitefully use us verse 45 that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven love is the manifestat- ion of the divine nature for god is love 1 john 48 16 we give evi dence that we are partakers of this nature 2 pet 14 when we as dear children walk in love eph 51 2 for god showers his bless ings upon both the evil and the good he who hates even his worse enemies is not a consistent follower of christ verse 46 po not even the pub- licans the same the publicans were despised by the jews as rene- gades who sought to enrich them- selves at the expense of their own people while serving their roman rulers but they loved their own families children and friends to love only those who love us is to be no better than they verse 47 if ye salute your brethren only moreover to give honor and recognition only tothose who manifest regard for us is to be on the same level as the publicans for unregenerate men generally acknowledge those whom they con sider their friends and brethren verse 48 be ye therefore per feet even as your father which is in heaven is perfect the word perfect is used in the sense of complete or mature not of absolute freedom from inward tendency to sin it refers to treating all men as those in whom god is interested and for whom he cares if we dis criminate against those whom we consider injurious we are setting ourselves up to be judges whereas we should seek to do good unto all men- leaving their judgment with the lord rom 13 1 let every soul be subject unto the higher powers christians are children of god 1 john 3 2 members of the body of christ 1 cor 1227 and inheri tors of the kingdom of the son of gods love col 1 13 margin but all this does not relieve us of our responsibilities as citizens of the countries to which we belong government was established by god for the benefit of mankind and the curbing of iniquity verse 2 whatsoever resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of god this stands to reason when we recognize god as the supreme moral governor of the un iverse we must acknowledge that all delegated authority is set up or condoned by him and until abro gated claims our allegiance it is instrictive to notice that when the holy spirit led paul to write these words nero was emperor of rome and therefore of the civilized world in spite of his excesses and cruelty he represented divinely given authority verses 3 and 4 rulers are not a terror- to good works but to the evil it is the general custom of rulers that is here emphasized there have been evil rulers who persecuted- those who walked in rmistice 0 we pay tribute not only to those courageous men who fought and fell in world war i- but now added to that honor roll are these mens stalwart sons who bravely fight and fall in world war 2 fight and fall in a valiant effort to win the peace that flickered arid burned out after the last battle of 19141918 yes o all libertyloving men we pay tribute on this armistice day for to keep our blessed land where we might live as free people they have made the supreme sacrifice they have paid the highest price for victory and peace with bowed heads and a prayer in our hearts let us pause and meditate on this armistice day 1944 for those who did not return from the lastwarfor those who will riot return from this warfor the speedy return of those who still fightfor total victory and a lasting peace uprightness in those whom they are appointed to govern therefore the christians responsibility so to behave himself as to deserve the approval of all who represent the majesty of the law of the land to which he belongs verse 5 ye must needs be sub- jectfor conscience saice diso bedience to lawfully constituted authority would produce a bad conscience for it is actually rebell ion against god who delegated this authority and recognized the necessity of human government when he appointed noah as the first magistrate after the flood giv ing him the power of the sword in case of flagrant violation of law gen 95 6 thus began the dis pensation of government which has never been repealed though new dispensations have come in with each succeeding age verse 6 they are gods min isters this places human govern ment on a high and holy plane and indicates the divine disapproval of anarchy therefore the christian isto be a lawabiding citizen pay ing tribute or taxes asrequired by the state verse 7 renderto all their due to seek to evade the obli gations of citizenship whether by attempting to dodge lawful taxat ion or by defying proper authority is inconsistent with the recognition of the overruling providence of god who would have us give hon or to whom it is due the heart of the lesson the christian is not under law but under grace this does not mean that he is to be lawless or that he should fail to acknowledge and comply with the duties and responsibilities obligatory upon all citizens he is rather to be an ex ample to others of subjection to the laws of his country while thus loyal to the commonwealth to which he belongs he is to despise no man but seek the good of all even when his country is at war with other nations he is not to be righteousness but even where dominated by hatred and malico those in authority are not person- toward the enemies of his people ally good men they ordinarily i while loyally doing his part to value and appreciate decency and bring about a righteous peace ottawa letter in this country we have 15 es tablishments producing macaroni vermicelli and noodles and each year during the war their output has been increasing last year they produced g0435568 pounds nearly 15000000 pounds more than in the previous year no part of canadas total war effort can show a more astounding development from scratch than that accomplished by our shipyards and their canadian workmen in 1939 we had 14 large and 15 smaller boatbuilding establishments which employed about 4000 men in the summer of 1943 at the peak ofthe progress 75000 men and women were busily employed in 25 major and 65 smaller yards of some 400 cargo ships ordered- 321 were de livered which included 285 10000- tonners of these 90 10000tonners were sold to the united states mar itime commission in addition tlie canadian government has deliver ed- 102 ships to the united king dom and one to australia under mutual aid which- are returnable to canada at the -end- of the war canadian merchant seamen provide the crews for a fleet- of merchant ships which grew from 37 at the beginning of the war to 150 in less than five years heres an interesting note on one of the 10000tonners after loading with ships stores and water it will carry on the average 2850 tons of flour cheese bacon and ham 2150 tons of- steel enough motorized equipment to outfit a full infantry battalion 1900 tbns of bombs sufficient lumber plywood and nails to build 99 cottages enpugh aluminum to build 310 bombers or 640 fighter planes and two- complete bombers stowed on the aftdeck in a knock- eddown condition canadas potato crop is now shown as 47540000 hundredweight for 1944 an increase of about 4000000 hundredweight over 1943 most provinces showed ah increase except manitoba whose crop was halved because of floods which brought blight androt v notes and comments german scavengers german armies are ordered to live off the land that will be hard on denmark holland and finland and will prevent an early reappearance of their produce on the british market the chairman of the meat board says that britain will require all the bacon canada can produce in 1945 and 1946 those who complain of the- hardships imposed by war might ponder the family history of kenneth barry maloney aged six months baby maloney has just arrived by air from england in grand rapids michigan there he will make his home with his paternal grandparents all other close relatives are gone his father a pilot with over 100 missions with the us air forces was killed almost a year ago his mother died in childbirth his maternal grand parents in england lost their lives when a flying bomb des- troyed their home and the youngster was the sole survivor v nomination day close at hand municipal nomination day in stouffville is only two weeks away hence it is time that business people and rate- payers generally gave some thought to the personnel of the 1945 council it is fairly certain that there are those on the present council very anxious to be relieved of office and if new blood is brought in the lions club and other active bodies would do well to sponsor candidates who will best serve the ratepayers in a wise and wholehearted way there are not big issues at stake for 1945 still a live council can do much to advance the community and very often new men bring along that enthusiasm so lacking in those who hang onto office too long advantages of men serving several years are many of course main one being the experience they acquire over that time however we like to see new men coming along too several men on the council have quietly expressed their wish- to retire- this year and with that in view serious thought should be given to the situation lutxuf miita a weekly editor looks at iwa wrtrtea fpecraffy for the guidance of members of the canadian forces who volunteer ed for active service who have served and have been honorably discharged and for the guidance of deceased members of the forces eligible under the regulations there is- some urgency in the an nouncement that application forms for the war service gratuity are now available at all naval military- and air force units and establish ments in canada or at district or subdistrict offices of the depart ment of veterans affairs former members of the cana dian forces qualifying must use the printed application form but de pendents arid canadians who serv ed in other commonwealth forces may send applications by letter dependents however should fol low the printed form and indicate the members- name and service number state the extent to which they were dependent on the dis charged or deceased member and whether they were getting depen dents allowance or assigned pay at the time of termination of the mem bers service naval personnel or dependents should address their letters of ap plication to the secretary naval board naval service headquarters ottawa thearmy to the secre tary department of national de fence army ottawa attention b paymastergeneral air force to the secretary department of nat ional defence for air ottawa at tention records officer one copy only is needed and its free of postal charges payments of the gratuity will not begin before january 1 1945 but early action is requested so that claims may be cleared as soon as possible after machinery goes into full operation what about the women that was the major problem discussed at a meeting in ottawa recently j women employment supervisors of the- employment and selective ser vice officers from all sections of canada indications are that the transfer of those women presently engaged in war production to new types of employment will call for serious attention by authorities opportunities for employment of women within their own areas and training courses to assist in the necessary readjustment are to be explored many married women it is assumed will be ready to return to their homes when assured that the labour emergency situation has been eased sympathetic and prompt attention is also to be given discharged service women seeking civilian positions- the labour de partment points out in an article on the subject during the last two years cana dian mothers have frequently been heard to say if there isnt cotton to make alp the shirts combinat- ions and panties we need for our children then where does all the cotton go this question is answered by the consumer branch wartime prices and trade board taking last year as an example it was found that each man in uni form required 150 yards of cotton for clothing fighting equipment and bedding this would be enough to make 10 shirts four house- dresses four girls playdresses four pairs of sheets five pairs of floor length curtains and a dozen diapers when they realize that each of the hundreds of thousands of men in uniforms requires 150- yards mothers get some idea of what is happening to cotton such information emphasizes the im portance of making every scrap of material go as far as possible by patching and mending m canada is a great wheat and flour producing country figures show that the month of august opened the crop year 194445 with a production of 2015866 barrels of flour as against 1888030 barrels in august 1943 it took 8936210 bushels of wheat to produce these 2015866 barrels of flour stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 xisva ks