Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 15, 1944, p. 2

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the tribune stouf f vllle ont thursday june 15th 1944 gjij imiffmu ribun established 1888 r r member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages latest paid circulation 2075 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 3250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments publicity of some magnitude few ontario towns came in for any more publicity the past few weeks than did our own lovely village of stouffville through the home town paper capturing the clark mem orial trophy the newspaper field newpapers right across canada published the awards which added to the repeated times it was announced over the air summed up to millions then last thursday night the editor was accorded a place on cfrb program ontario panorama to mention our town again and to associate our community with some of canadas distinguished men it has given the tribune great satisfaction to have accomplished what we have so that we were in a position to publicize stouffville on a scale seldom done before too concerned with trifles swooping in on rural church goers in whitchurch town ship as they were going to or from church and charging them with not having a license plate or failing to have their registration card looked like police business to us surley men of the county force have other more impor tant work than to visit the heart of a purely rural farm area where the church goers are caught not niore than a mile or two from home without their registration card some farm ers carry such papers in their working clothes since they are on the farm in them more than in their sunday best and it is quite understandable that they might be caught unpre pared in the home neighborhood if police officers are so minded as to hunt them down at least one bethesda farmer returning from bethesda church received a double summons to appear before magis trate keith on these two counts last week another bad phase of such business is that forcing a busy farmer to leave the land and spend a good part of a day in the city answering these charges as was the case in this instance six enough to pay on ottawa has promised a bill this session providing a monthy bonus for childien and when announced it was at once pointed out that quebec stood to gain most from such a social step that province piobably has not as high a liv ing standard as ontario consequently a bonus of 4 or 9 per month per child ould mean more in quebec however those big quebec families of 14 to 18 child ren piesent a problem if the government intended to hand out so much per child regardless of the number in a family the toronto star is authority for the statement or sug gestion made a few nights ago that the bonus will not ex tend beyond perhaps the sixth child no doubt the star merely intended to tip the government off on how to get out of the situation as between quebec and the other pro vinces anyhow the idea is sound and the government woud be very wise to act on it a black eye for quebec for several years the jewish congregation of beth israel in quebec city have fought against intolerance and obstructionism in their effort to build a synagogue they won their fight which rests firmly on the ground of free dom to worship and were within a few hours of consecrat ing the building to its religious purpose when incendiarists set fire to it police are investigating the occurrence and it is yet too early to apportion blame but it does seem clear even at this juncture that the fire was caused by intolerant per sons imbued with prejudice and hatred the mere mischief- maker does not go to these lengths to gratify a passion for trouble this fire was characterized by careful preparation inflammable material was poured on the windowsills and the incendiaries carefully chose a moment at which they could throw lighted torches with impunity incidents of this kind have a nazi odour about them and it is regrettable that they should occur m a province like quebec self reliant towns many small town weekly newspapers says the printed word report that local organizations have set up postwar committees these committees try to find out how many jobs will be available for the tooys when they get out of uniform so far it has been noticed few small towns are propov ing that local problems be settled by having the dominion and provincial governments spend money locally to provide jobs perhaps the small towns realize they havent the po litical influence to exert sufficient pressure on ottawa and provincial capitals this is a pleasant contrast to the great cities where there are organizations which are asking or intend to ask that the dominion come forward and help in a big way the bigger and richer the cities are the more certain they are that the taxpayers in smaller places should help them out must watch our step picton times kr wilson m the financial post says canada will have to work hard to maintain a big market for her bacon m britain after the war while britain appreciates our efforts in stepping up bacon production it is foolish to think that the british mar ket is going to keep canadian bacon on that record mr wilson states that two years after the war is con cluded the danes will ibe in the market again in a big way it is claimed that denmark will always have the edge on canadian bacon so long as our export bacon comes from grainfed hogs as danish bacon is a complementary of the dairy industry danish bacon is claimed to be more uniform and of better flavor because it is tied closely to the butter industry and can make use of dairy products such as skim milk this better favor is questioned by canadian bacon raisers if canadian bacon is delivered in as fresh a stage as danish it is claimed the favor will be as satisfactory canada must produce a high quality bacon and be able to supply the demand but it is a certainty that to keep the british market we will have to purchase goods in exchange wptb questions typical questions consumers have asked the wartime prices trade board this week are answered by the central consumer branch com mittee q where can i exchange my can ning sugar coupons which 1 do not need for preserve coupons a the exchange can be made at your local ration board with the d coupons yoi re ceive you may purchase jam syrup honey or other preser ves the first5 f coupons may be exchanged now as they be come valid on may 25 othe second 5 will not become valid until july 6 and cannot be ex changed before that time q would you please send me a list of the ceilmgv prices on fur 00313 a soiry there is no ceiling price on fur coats however the purchaser is protected by a board order which makes it necessary for furriers to at tach a tag to each garment showing the correct name of the fur as well as the trade name q i live on a farm and have quan tities of fruit and berries to preserve is it possible for me to obtain extra canning sugar for this purpose a no this is not possible every ration book holder in canada is allotted the same amount of canning sugar 10 pounds plus the amount they may pur chase with their d coupons q is it right that the board bi ought out a new ruling that the grocer cannot sell lb of butter my grocer tells me he can only sell butter by the pound a a there is no such board ruling your giocer may sell a lb of butter if he wishes cutting the butter and selling it this way entails a certain amount of extra time and labour with the shortage of help these days and the extra work made nee essary by rationing etc stanley theatre phone 100 showing each night at s15 saturdays holidays 700 and 900 thursday friday saturday june 15 1c 17 dixie bmg crosby dorothy lamour technicolor animal reel popular science sports monday tuesday wednesday june 192021 mr big donald oconnor gloria jean select short subjects thursday friday saturday june 222324 my friend flicka lehmans shoe store s footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock 3 greed the dominant idea of the so called christian woild is how much money they can snatch from each othei 4 giaft the principal objective of the politically ambiti ous is to get their nose in the trough and keep it there 5 im- p morality one factoiy alone makes haps you could save your cou- million- contraceptives annually a weekly editor looks at o w i wntii spteiouy lt a wwfcfy nwfpoprt of cao4i angels of jueicy they call them the 3500 trained young nursing sis ters who stand behind the 750000 canadians m the armed forces it is interesting to know that the first call ever made in canada for nurses for war duty was in 1885 at the time of the north west rebellion ten came west and served first ones to go overseas went to south africa at the time of the boer war leaving in 1809 returning in 1902 two thousand served in the first great ar 600 of whom were decorated for heroism in 1941 at the request of the south african government canada sent a contingent of 300 nurses some of whom have since returned trade and commerce minister mckinnon told the house of com mons that he expects canadian trade to go well over the 5 billion mark quite a jump over last years record figure that takes in exports and imports of course but the balance in our favour will be sub stantial because for the first four months of this year it was just under tialf a billon dollars which is about double the corresponding per iod last year note for housewives the consum er branch at ottawa says that housewives are confusing meat price charts with meat cutting char ts some of the women are notaware r there are two kinds of charts while others have forgotten alla- bout price charts since the suspens ion of meat rationing shoppers are reminded that butchers are still dis playing price charts for beeflamb and veal the beef price chart with strips of figuresattached gives the ceiling price for every cut of beef the butcher may sell and the same thing holds tiue for veal and lamb the good housewife will study them so shell know what shes buying and what price she should be paying by the way this year there is a price ceiling in both canadiangrown and imported rasp- bernes and strawberries concerning butsh columbia only is an order by munitions and supp ly prohibiting sawmill 6perators from destroying byproducts from mill waste material which can be used for fuel or for piocessing pur poses they use sawdust a lot m the province for domestic heating and as there is a shortage another older brings restrictions respecting sale supply installationetc of sawdust burners a veteran of the last war a neph ew of the famed author ralph con nor lt col athol r gordop of win nipeg has been chosen to write canadas medical history of the war it will be a histouc document rec ording in detail for futuie generat ions of doctors both the human and the scientific story of the dramatic pan medicine has played m the gieatest war of all time this histor ian isnt going to browse through musty documents for his material but is going right up amongst the shot and the shells and smells of war intends to visit every battle front where the royal canadian army medical corps is found m behind the scenes of the huge war effort which keeps canada oc cupied is the salvage campaign a report issued shows that for the 35 months ended march 1044 canad ians have collected the huge total of 400250645 pounds or 43451 pounds per thousand of population some 1752 committees like the one you have working in your own com munity directed the great job und er the aegis of the department of national war services ottawa while industrial activity reach ed a new alltime maximum in this dominion during 1943 the expans ion in industrial employment that yearwas on a limited scale compar ed with eailier stages of the war according to the dominion bureau of statistics there was an increase of 6 per cent in the index of employ ment as compared with 1942 but the index on payrolls went up 12 9 per cent women predominate in the list of new workers who entered m dustry between 1939 and 1943 per sons in recorded employment weie well over 700000 oi 61 6 per cent of the working force of canada but some 600000 of them were taken in to industry in the years 1940 to 1942 inclusive for delivery to the united king dom the canadian government has bought during the first three months of this year cattle in the form of beef totalling 107000 head as a comparison cattle maiketing in the month ofmarch 1938 were 83 000 head in march 1944 101000 head owing to the unexpected heavy slaughter of hogs in our exporting plants during the first three months of this year the meat board has been able to repoi t phen omenal progress in the expoit con tract with britain weve reached the halfway mark total purchases of bacon towards the minimum co mmitment 560 million lbs amoun ted to nearly 277millton lbs up to april 1 1944 are you one of those who annual ly raise cain about dogs and cats damaging front gardens ornament al plants etc the department of agriculture says a simple spray will repel them the name of the mater ial is nicotine sulphate mix it in one half teaspoon to one gallon of water spray thinly you can apply it so thinly that persons are un aware of its presence but animals hate it v canadian armed forces both home and abroad are growing their own fresh foods again in their an nual victory gardening campaign experts say a fully cultivated acre of ground will supply fresh veget ables for from 500 to 700 men soldierfarmers in the british isles have produced a minimum of 160 000 tons of fresh foods including 25000 tons of potatoes this all sav es shipping food to seas troops over- all restrictions on wheat deliver ies have been removed by the feder al government canadas wheat sur plus which stood at over 900 million bushels a year ago is expected to be shovelled away to 300 million by the end of july this year commercial takings fiom our surplus amounted to around 350 million bushels so far this year already meandenngs of the luscious stra- wbeny generally speaking west ern canada depends on british col umbia for supplies ontario berries are usually marketed in ontario and quebec and only on rare occas ions are any shipped to the west or maritime destinations quebec berr ies are usually marketed within the piovince new brunswick ones are sold locally with some shipments to nova scotia and to montreal nova scotia berries mostly are sold with in the province maturity starts in earliest sections about june 1 and the latest start about a month later lions club big street fair june 28th over 200 in prizes 0lde tyme modern dancing to harry miller and his orchestra on wednesday june 21 cedar beach gardens musselmajts lake dancing 830 1030 admission 35c pons until you had sufficient to purchase butter 1 lb at a time q for three years i have camped in the north country and paid 10 00 per week for a cabin this year when i made my re servation the owners notified me they had increased the rate to 14 00 a week is this per- missable a definitely no the owners are not allowed to increase the rent unless they have first secured permission from the rentals administration of the board q my giocer will not accept tea coupons which i still have in my no 3 book is he correct a no he is quite wrong all tea- coffee coupons in your no 3 book are still good for the pur chase of tea or coffee they will remain valid until an expiry date is- announced editors mail ariow fakes bc dear sir your paper is one of the leading weeklies in its field a fact that is pi oven by the wide publicity it receives because you wield an influence i ask you to hear my plea for the small number of people i represent i hope to say some thing that will an est the attention of humanity on its down grade rehabilitation is much in the news and the wonderful world promised by the politicians and soon to come on the contiary we i get away with and it is just one factoiy of a hint dred this is the index of the nat ions morals 6 illegitmacy thou sands of little babies are born who will never know a fathers name or have a fathers guidance 7 ob scene literature the circulation of obscene lewd and lascivious ht- eratme is demoralizing youth and there is not a democratic govern- ment to stop it 8 venereal dis ease in 4 years the incidence of veneral disease has reached epi demic proportions 9 juvenile de linquency juvenile crime is menac ing and alarming little children of 10 and 12 commit all the crime on the calendar including murder the failure of the home is the primary cause salacious literature demoializing cinemas and indiscip line aie creating a tribe of young criminals which bodes ill for the fu ture 10 clime the wanton and atrocious crimes of democratic countries have no counterpart a- mong the most degiaded savages a highschool principal was ask ed his opinion of the moials of high- school pupils he replied they are bad but they are on the level of the morals of the community a lady principal was asked her opinion of the morals of youth she replied they are bad but the parents are to blame a medical wntei and world travellei was asked his opin ion of the morals of the race he replied they are low because of the low moral standard of the par ents a prominent police magis trate was asked what he would say of the morals of the race in general without hesitation he teplied they have none they will do anything they think that they can are approaching an eia of economic chaos and financial bankruptcy such as the woild has not exper ienced moie important than social secunty and all that tube of rac kets is a moial legeneration and spiritual levival without which any nation is doomed what is the indicment against the english speaking world it is as follows 1 physical deterioration of 3600 high school students medi cally examined 3 out of 4 were found physically defective 2 in- sanity asylums are crowded to the doors a striking evidence of the mental deterioration of the race that is the tiuth unpalatable though it be all the rules of good chaiacter vntue and honesty have gone by the boaid the christian world has shot the word not out of the ten commandments and religiously observes the revised version ancient rome was destroy ed by crooks and fancy women if the same fate were suffered by all those of the same standard of morals we fear that not much would remain of the democratic world there are many who view with alarm the downward trend of the higher ideals of life f e burnham w j js sfy i o i t

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