vm s hsfz f f -iv- x jj i-j- swf j sfl r the tribune stouffville ont thursdayfeb 24 1944 k- sty fciouffmu ribmu established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average paid circulation 2000 subscription rates- per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 8250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments v of coal during- eight hours of service while a 6200 type lo comotive needed for heavy main line work in national sy stem service consumes ninetons during a threehour run the site wei located surely the municipal council of stouffville ought to be commended for showing enough interest in the future of the town as to purchase a site that may be used for the er ection of a music hall something the place so badly lacks while a few people do offer their appreciation many more come along and offer complaints one group says the lot is not large enough another says the location is not right and of course there is a certain group who would not buy a lot at all this latter group which is not large do not be long to the class of people who build irp a community they are interested only in themselves and possess no inclin ation to help others t however we believe large majority of people in stouffville will see the wisdom of purchasing a site while there is still one available the lot neafthe station has park- ingfacilities that few other lots on- main street near the centre of the town offer besides there are no other vacant lots and to buy one with a building on would be to spend more money than the council could be induced to spend on a site the lot now owned by the town is well located has the aforementioned parking facilities which will be further in- creasedwhen finally the road is widened from obrien ave to the railway and it is just near enough to the business section to draw a n crowd from the badly congested centre section of the main street the present lot will accommodate a building with seating capacity in the auditorium for 600 people- and that ought to be large enough for stouffville a basement below with liberal accommodation for dining purposes and work rooms for the womens institute are of prime importance wash rooms must not be forgotten either however it is suggested that the council should appoint a strong committee to work on plans for this building so that in the course of a few years or whenever the time is opportune it could be erected in the meantime if someone comes along with the funds to make it an outandout memorial hall it can be built that much sooner coining close to home at the last meeting of whitchurch council a bill came in for payment from a doctor for attending one or more pa- tients in the township suffering from venereal disease the names of the patients could not be placed before council they are known by- a number only and a doctor who dis- closes any names is- subject to severe penalty similar bills will shortly be appearing on the council tables in stouffville uxbridge markham and in pickering township all of which should be great cause for alarm so prevefant has venereal disease become that the government provides for treatment of these sufferers without cost to j the patient and with every effort taken to hide their iden tity it is in the interest of the nation that the thing be stamped out it would be in the interest of the nation to take every step possible to eliminate the cause of this dis ease the health league of canada says that in the present national drive for the eradication of venereal disease there has been frequent emphasis on the responsibility of parents to instruct and guide young people and inoculate in them good moral attitudes the importance of the home where character is moulded where attitudes are taught and where acceptable standards are developed is fundamental to any effort to reduce delinquency and prevent its physical re sults wptb questions x national locomotives need big coal pile the large fleet of locomotives hauling urgent war traff ic over the canadian national railway lines during the past twelve month period used sevenandahalf million tons of coal to raise steam for that purpose this is practically double the amount of coal required in a normal prewar traffic year a yard engine burns approximately three tons when niagara was a sea like many of the most valued things in life we are apt to take our hydro electric utility for granted if we stop to think we know of course that hydro power is due to the harnessing of energy from falls and rapids but falls and rapids are caused in various ways how we ask did niagara falls originate those of us whahave watched the falls at work have probably noticed that the water carried by the niagara river from lake erie flows over thick beds of limestone big blocks of which often break away and fall into the chasm below beneath this hard rock are softer shales the falls would not exist were it not for the heavy capping rock it protects the underlying shales which otherwise would soon wear away how and when were these rocks formed that now serve us so well royal ontario museum authorities tell us that millions of years ago portions of a vast sea teeming with sponges and lowly shellfish covered southern ontario in cluding the area now occupied by niagara falls as time went on the sea gradually retreated leaving behind the limy oozes and muds which f ormeel the ancient sea floor these sediments subsequently became compacted into the limestones and shales described above in the limestones are entombed the hard glasslike skeletons of sponges which now often appear as chert balls or nodules these chert balls do not dissolve as readily as the limestone and- hence serve to reinforce the limestone layers which make possible the falls thus remains of the lowly organisms of an ancient sea play their part in the economy of our pre sent day industrial civilization sunday school lesson lesson for febrary 27th jesus presents himself as the messiah i a high priest nskcd saith unto him art tlibu the christ the son of i thoblessel fl a whole rotoiii approach to the lesson ri tv yt the words ichrist ana messiah v mean the same the one isfrom the greek the olher from the hebrew7 -arid- they mean the anointed one this wai a term commonly usedinlho btvioi old testament in the prophecies concerning gods king whom he ch t vas to anoint 1 with his holy spirit that he might- reign in righteous jj nessoversandbring blessingtothe earthmn the new testament we see our lord jesus who is called chris hc himself accepts the designation js 1 a terkr i rt5 i j i ioih tti t yimnpma- 3sj9omohin lo iaoisit frfk bauam economize with hydro long life lamps obtain them at your hydro shop fo it bauattsoo cutttaliiv ji and pronounces a special blessing upon those who thus recognize him when- the children and others wel comed j him a3 the one who came in the name of the lord to set up the kingdom of his father as the messiah but he showed that he must first be rejected and cruxifled before he would enter into his glory raised from the dead he was to take his place as the christ on the right hand of the father there to wait in patience until all his enemies were subdued andmade as a footstool for his feet meantime asthe ascended lqrdall authority iscbmmitted to him and he has commanded hlsdis clplesto carry his gospel through out the world versor by verse mark ili vhen they nigh to jerusalem he sendeth forth two ofhisdisciplest the time had now como for the prophecy of zcchariah as to the royal entry of messiah into jerusal em in preparation for this he sends two of his disciples to the place where he know they would flndthe animal on which he was torlde as a- foretojd by the prophet i vefsei2 find a colt tied whereon never man sat loose him and bring him as lord of creation he could claim and control anunbrokonicolt subjecting it to his will verse 3 say ye that the lord hath need of him and straightway he will send him hither the owner of the colt was well known to hiin and he know there would be i im mediate response to his request to use lln his service verse- 4 they found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways meet this un tamed animal standing at a cross- roads in itself a picture of the sinner the place of opportunity and decision waiting for the control ling hand of the master verse 5 whatdo ye loosing the colt as anticipated there wero some who did not understand and who questioned the disciples right to tako the colt with them verse 6 they said unto them ovenas jesus commanded and they let them go the wordof the lord was suff iclentand made all clear the owners of the colt allowed his claim without opposition verse 7 they brought tho colt to jesus and cast their garments on him and he sat upon him im provising a saddle by folding and arranging their outer garments they prepared for the lord jesus to ride upon tliis beast that had never been broken for use by man the creature recognized its- creator and sub mitted to his will verse8 many spread their gar ments in the way and others cut down branches it- was tho oriental way of doing honor to a king or a victorious leader verse 9 hosanna blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord the multitude sang with glad ness partof the wordsof the 118th psalm written centuries before in i anticipation of the coming of the messiah yeisc10 blessed be the king dom of our father david that com eth itfthe nameof the lord hosan na in the name of the lord hosan na in the highest hosanna means save we pray they were still quoting troni psalm 118 they felt assured that thelongwaitedior ful fillment of the promise of the king dom- had come and messiah was a- hout to take his placeon the throne of david they did notknowtliftt the cross must come first 1 f r verso ib jesus went into- the temple and began tocast outithem that sold and bought undoubtedly itwas as a convenience fortravel- lersjcoming tojerusalemto wor ship that j lambs and doves were sold at the temple gates and that moneychangers set up their itables to provide the visitors with jewish coins in place of- those of foreign lands but little by little this hadled to commercializing the things of god and had become a public scan dal acting with authority as the ilord of the temple jesus christ drove these covetous selfseekers out of the sacred precincts verse- 16 would nol suffer that any man should carry any vessel thr ough the temple he emphasized the holiness of gods house by prohibit ing traffic of any kind inside its walls verse 17r my house shall be cal led of all nations the houso of pray er but ye have made it a don j of thieves saiah had so designated the templeseven hundred years be fore note- the universality of it- it was a house of prayer for all nat ions the jews had not only sought to shut out the gentilesbut had mis used it themselves considering that gain is godliness as many do today among professing christians verse 18 the scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy him tho lead eis in israel who should ihave re joiced in the cleansing of thesanc- tuary were filled with anger arid more determined than ever to get rid of the one whose words and ac tions werea constant source of irri tation tothem and whose holiness accentuated their wickedness and corruption they were men of the same character as those depicted by jeremiah long before tho heart of the lesson what is commonly called our lords triumphal entry into jerusal em was the recognition by those in israel who waited expectantly for the manifestation of gods anointed one that the lord jesus christ was in very truth the son of david the promised messiah but they did not understandthe true nature of his kingdom nor did they realize that the sin question must be settled be fore he could take his place as lord and christ the temple was the centerof israols worship and of their national life there tho lord exposed and dealth with the corrup- tlon and covetousness which demon strated- the hyp6crlsyand unreality of the i religion in which they glori fied aluthismust be judged in the cross and acknowledged by the peo ple ih repentance before they could be taken up again as the israefof god and the kingdom sot up la righteousness r typical questions consumers have asked the wartime prices and trade board this week are answered by the central ontario consumer branch committee q my dealer in hamilton will only sell me one pair of stockings at a time it has always been the custom to buy two or three pairs of the same weight and shade for economical reasons when we are all asked to be economi cal in wartime why should he be allowed to do this a many of our peacetime customs have had to be changed during wartime while it is desirable under normal circumstances to buy two or three pairs of stock- ings at one time when there are periods of shortages merchants are asked to distribute their merchandise as fairly as possi ble among their regular cus tomers your dealers supplies may have been very short and oue pair to a customer may havo been the best way to distribute them q is there a ceiling price on hair- dressing i have had my hair done at the same place for over a year first i paid 55c then the price jumped to 60c and now it is a dollar a flthere certainly is a ceiling price on hairdressing they must not charge more for the same service than they charged dur ing the basic period sept 15 to oct 11 1941 the charges differ in different shops as they are allowed to charge whatever prices were in effect during this period as you have given us the name of your hairdresser we are having the prices investi gated q i moved to a farm two years ago and have worked the farm ever sincer the owner has given me notice to vacate and i am all prepared to put in crops this spring how much notice must he give me a farm properties do not come under the jurisdiction of the wartime prices trade board these matters come under provincial law would suggest that you consult your lease or agreement with the owner then take the matter up with a solicitor business directory i dental e sbarker lds djdjb honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university otvtoronto office in grubfu block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear stock v medical ile nd dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and maj phone 196 coroner tor york county editors mail dr arthur l hore physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetrics also eye ear nose and throat eyes tested glasses fitted school children tested free markham ont phone 7 ac kennedy cliiropractor church street stoutfriue monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience 20 20 years experience york county uxhridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 addressgormley po look for announcement ofgorm- lcys musicnlo night sunday feby 27tli7s0 pm in this issue lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing j j- womens hosiery groves shoes socks boots i t and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock 5u loth 2nd month 1944 editor stouffville tribune esteemed friend enclosed find 200 for which please my subsription to the stouffville tribune which is a much valued paper in elmer starrs home he seems to find much interest in the adds i value the well written sunday school wesson and church notices and news items of the-sun- day schools and other organizations on the east side of this township for which i am sunday school superin tendent but where i do not know the people much and now on account of travel limitations cannot well get around to visit tho schools as i should i aim to keep the lists of officers of the various school groups for reference and reget they are not more generally published i feel god will bless thee for thus devoting so much space to his work it surely is a real mission thine for furthering the masters cause very sincerely elma mstarr stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303- clarke prentice phone aglncourt 52 w3 suiiiken licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and oj- tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the lmto j h prentice former prentice ft prentice farm farm stoek sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates insurance th0m4s bffikett general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies it reasonable rates prompt service phone 26902 stouffruu ih o klinck phone 3307 stouffville fife auto burglary sickness mn accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneerof canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yean experience strength and service unexcelled ii brierbusho hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stonffvuie maternity- medical and surgical ambulance service f iirr day and night- service mrser good phone 191 r g clendening funeral director f ambulance service taoi jo markham ontario phone 9000 i a c burkholder i j i insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers officephone residence phome 3160 3614 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pubuie vi t king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office w c pollard kc port perry uxhridge ontario phone 28 office c phone residence phone elgin 7021 mo 6231 samuel b bor1ns barrister solicitor etc 603 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone 8errle day and night i s