Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 10, 1944, p. 7

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ttv- v t sas- vvrv v vv l vr2 5 n rjrtftrj the tribune stouffviile ont thursday feb 10th 1944 claremont and district by staff correspondent local agent movrders store on monday evening feb 14th at be a library subscriber s pm a meeting of the claremont to make a better library it needs and north pickering red cross your sn and furthermore youj branch will be held at the home of have access cjiaremoxt boy overseas mr and mrs bert harvey at jtsz- ham a good attendance from each unit is requested y the womensjtesutute will hold their regular jstseilng on wednesday feb 16thathe home of mrs lons dale yjmir presence is requested 5 hill of oshawa spent theweekend with her parents mr rsad mrs loss hill mrs john gauslin and granddau ghter jean murray also miss emma brown visited at the home of mr and mrs r wellman on sunday mr pete hary former local bus driver now employed in toronto was a weekend visitor at his home here fred redshaw is nursing a very sore thumb and hand this week which was stricken with bloodpoi soning miss margaret wallace of the local bank staff visited during the week end at her heme in weston the bypu of the baptist chur ch held their regular meeting last monday at the home of mr and mrs edgar ward a social hour was en joyed at the conclusion of the meet ing j mr morris brfistead of toronto was a vislttir at his home over the wegken3r mr and mrs gordon ratclift of stouffviile visited mr and mrs jud ward on sunday mr harry found has left the vill age we understand and will make his home for a time with his daugh ter and family mr and mrs cecil story mrs ed lewis brother from singhampton has been a visitor in the village for a few days mr edgar sherk has taken a posi tion as guard at the ajax plant mr wilpcowie and miss doris dolphin of toronto visited at the home of mr and mrs duncan dolphin last week mrs roy morgan was removed to st michaels hospital last week where she underwent an operation friends will regret to hear latest word here is that she is progressing favorably mr david gregg who has been in the best of health for some time suf fered a severe liemmorhage last week and has been constantly under the doctors care since i to the latest books in order to keep abreast with the times some good nonfiction hare been recently purchased e g agent in italy a thrilling story of italys under ground movement s k a german antinazi who is forced to leave his own country after helping to free hundreds from concentration camps enters italy and there lends his sup port to the antifascists sk is anonymous but his credentials are authentic this book is a detailed study of german occupation in italy young lady randolph rene krans a biography of win ston churchills beautiful american mother long long ago alexander woolcott incidents in the lives of various celebrates such as abraham lincoln caivin coo- lidge irving berlin songwriter franz schubert helen keller geo bernard shaw h g wells stephen foster oliver wendell holmes or son welles emily bronte etc a work of great interest and education al value malta epic ian hay the story of malta in the present war by one of britains most famous writers and others just as interesting and informative the firemen enjoyed the best pat ronage in many a day at their dance held in the hall on friday evening over two hundred attending the boys plan another sucl event nest week so watch for it w sustains broken arm frank white young son of mr and mrs j white who is tenant on the j fan- farm look an unfortunate tumble during the weekend and sus tained a bioken arm the young fellow was coming out of the milk- house at the time we are told and stumbled in some way falling heav ily to the frozen ground pte william hicks who is a fullmechanical i n str u c t o r queens own rangers has ar rived safely overseas according to word received by his wife mrs hicks and baby bernice pte hicks is the third son of mrs g hicks serving overseas a fourth brother is stationed in nova scotia the hicks are life long lesidents of brougham and claremont district brougham mr geo burton of gormley spent sunday visiting friends in this dis trict mr and mrs willson of toronto visited with mr and mrs thos beer on sunday the comrade bible class held a social evening at the home of mrs barclay sr on wednesday evening when all spent an enjoyable time to gether mrs frances ritchie of toronto was a recent guest at the b ritchie home mr frank hamilton has been un der the weather during the past week his many friends hope to see him around again as usual soon a red cross meeting will be held at the home of the president mrs bert harvey on- monday feb 14th at 8 pm mr and mrs hubbard visited her parents mr and mrs hamilton on sunday mr and mrs fred madill were guests at the home of mr and mrs a b matthews one day recently miss margaret cassie is visiting her brother fred and mrs casslo this week mrs r miller of toronto and son billy spent the weekend with her parents wm and mrs knox pickering township will revise buildittg bylaw constable given boost in expense account for use of car i green river thompson williams a very pretty wedding took place in trinity baptist church hamilton on saturday january r 1944 when edy the irene bernice only daughter of mr and mrsi thomas williams was united in holy matri mony to murl gordon thompson elder son of mr and mrs gordon thompson of south portage ont the bride looked lovely in the miss moore chief public health nurse of the ontario department acv companied by mrsb gordon pick ering public health nurse and dr n f tomlinson moh attended the pickering township council ses sion on monday and duringabrief address highly complimented pick erings governing body on their wise and audacious step in being among the first municipalities to engage traditional long bridal robe ojf heavy brougham red cross research develop bondkk- izbd steel for cans a new material for food packaging uybrhkje doctor arrested will face three charges stonffvillo family buy homo here mr and mrs john badgerow of stouffviile have purchased the resi- dence at the extreme east of the village and belonging to the late mrs fred cowie estate mr badgerow is employed here at the sarco plant and the move will be much more accessible to his work sale price was reported to be 1700 mr and mis badgerow and family will be a welcome addition to the village sale of kami is reported the sale is reported this week of the 30acre farm of murray slack one mile and a half east of clare- j dead horses and cattle mont the farm which originally telephone for freepick up ph contained nearly one hundred acres was formerly known as the taun place and has been purchased we understand by mr leslie gauslin of the same concession evelyn sanderson weds john duncan a quiet wedding ceremony was performed in the st clare rectory toronto on saturday january 29 1944 at 230 pm when evelyn marie sanderson daughter of mr and mrs nelson sanderson of clare mont became the bride of john francis duncan son of mrs duncan and the late frank duncan of new market rev f s mahoney per formed the ceremony the bride at tired in a twopiece dress of powder blue crepe was attended by mrs edward vallum of toronto while edwo rd vallum of petawawa sup ported the groom for going away the bride wore violet sheer wool black coat silver- fox trim and black accessories the couple will make their home in barrie the groom be ing a member of the rcaf sta tioned at edenvale ont taken into custody on thursday evening last shortly after s oclock dr it b e wilson of uxbridge will face three charges doing wilful damage to property intoxicated in a public place and intoxicated while in charge of a car police chief wm a vesey of ux bridge assisted by provincial officers ii quautrill and j sutherland made the arrest when the accused smash ed the front door of an uxbridge re sidence with his foot and also it is alleged put his fist through a glass- in the door the accused sustained a lacerated hand and after being taken to the whitby jail was given medical attention wanted one stouffviile 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 we pay ph charges gordon young ltd ph adelaide 3636 toronto h woods milk coolers and milking machines made by canadas foremost manufacturer of electric farm equip ment woods milk coolers and milking machines give dependable moneysaving service they are used by thousands of canadian fanners a woods milking machine will cut your milking time in half this milker is simple to operate is easily cleaned andwill keep your herd up to their highest production it sells at an attractive low price woods electric milk coolers are made in sizes to accommodate from 4 to 24 cam they are fast and sure in operation cooling i milk below nftydegrees in one hour if you are considering buy ing a cooler we advise you to get in touch with us at once to be sure of getting delivery we will be glad to send you full information on woods milking machines and milk coolers see your local dealer write our branch office at 2473 dundas street west toronto 9 or direct to the factory at guelph electric feed grinders milk coolers milking machines oat rollers electric fencers the w c wood co limited manufacturers of electric farm equipment head office ond factory guelph ontario ji cream for best results as to price and service let our truck call for your cream we payan extra two cents per lb of butter fa for cream delivered to the creamery stouffviile creamery go stouffviile ont phone 18601 early anxouxcemkxts should jib cvxxed the recent announcement of wp tb that canned salmon would be available for purchase by coupon on jan 17th has raised expectations thatare due to be only fond dreams for most people- the amount of salmon to be released is 200 thou sand cans or 96000001bs divide this among canadas population and it works out to less than a pound per person prom this distance it ap pears that many people will taste no salmon the policy of the board in making announcements of certain commodities to be available or in short supply is hard to understand 40000 program of construction for county roads during the year 1944 the county of ontario will spend 110000 all of it slibsidizable on county roads and bridgesjevying a mill rate of 285 for that purpose the amount is 20- 000 more than last year although the mill rate is the same as in 1943 sur plus funds take care of the balance on construction it is proposed to expend 40000 and on maintenance 70000 the countys contribution to oshawa suburban roads is 3500 the same amount as found by the city of oshawa the classification of the proposed work for 1941 will be governed toa large extent by the effects of the wea- ther conditions on roads bridges and culverts etc daring the winter and spring months preserve investment a schedule of proposed work as follows will ibe supplemented by maintenance work such as dragging gravel and stone resurfacing sur face treatment and patching where necessary of mulch roads with the idea of keeping and maintaining the original investment on roads bridges and culverts intact rama road 19 con a b kasement ot curves grading and ditching mara road 17 con 78i 9 grad ing ditching stone surfacing road 17 con 9 mulch road mile thorah roads 15 con 45 mulch road ft mile road 16 lot 1 con 5 cut corner brock i road 12 con 12 mulch road 1 miles ireach road g lot 22- con 14 build bridge cut corners and widen road mile reach road 2 con 79 grading ditching and gravel surfacing 2 miles scugog road 7 con 67 widen surfacing road 1 11 cut corners uxbrldgeroad 8 lot 3031 mulch road mile uxbridge town- quaker hill road 1 con 67 exten sion tofisher bridge pickerlngrroad 1 con 45 mulch road south of brougham 2 miles whitby road 5arcradlng and v laboratory experiments have re sulted in new methods of rust-proof- i ing metal used in canned foods and for protecting military equipment each new improvement along this line means better service to the con sumer and in most cases at lower cost canned food is of vital im portance in both civilian and military life of equal importance is the seivice tendered by conscientious men and women who are working voluntarily for the jred cross and every new member who will help to make gar ments for soldiers sailois airmen or civilians is giving splendid service to those who need it and lowei ing the cost by sharing the work wont you come to the s valen tines day meeting at mrs harveys brougham at s pm and see and hear of what north pickering branch is doing to help the red cross ditching two small culverts giavel surfacing road 5 lot is hill cutt ing and extension to concrete cul vert east whitby road 5 lot 14 17 hill cutting and extension to culvei t gravel surfacing the council adopted the commit tees recommendation that a diesel motor grader be purchased at a cost of 8818 same having been sanc tioned ty the dept of munitions and supply on february 1st such service for the public questioned by reeve ireesor on the possibility ot the township receiving a grant from the provincial govern ment in connection with this public health service miss moore would not commit herself although she did refer to a recent collingwood address of the ontario health minister dr vivien who outlined a tentative health plan to be put before the house at the next session which would be subsidized road supt roy ward revealed that the township woodlot would be practically cleared up this year and that over 100 cords chiefly hardwood would be available when present cutting operations were completed the wood is supplied for relief at 7 a cord relief accounts passed for january amounted to 9304 frank prouse of pickering build- in inspector for the township was present and after some discussion re garding the present bylaw in force in the township it was agieed that the same should be revised to better fit the present needs a deputation of ratepayers from dunbaiton subdivision waited on council with regard road improve ment in their area the matter will be left until the annual council road inspection in april constable socks inrrtac pay constable irwin asked council for an increase in salary to cover in- ei eased travelling expenses the con stable has been receiving a salary of 120 per month and 50 car expen ses the constable claimed that he could not keep a car on the road for the amount received after some deliberation council agreed that sal ary amount should remain the same while gc a mile should be paid for travelling plus incidentals 113 fpxes to date pickei ing township has paid 2 bounty on 113 foxes since last nov ember according to mr hugh pugh treasurer several more are known to have been shot which when paid will bring the total to nearly 120 43 classrooms inspected in january fortythree classroomi in schools white satin with button trimming her embroidered- veil was held in place with a halo of orange blossoms and fell in folds over the short train of her dress- her slippers were white satin and she carried a cascade of sweetheart roses and white sweet peas- her borrowed article was a gold cross and chain she was escort- ed up the aisle and givenmn marr iage by her father mrs charles w hann the former lois turner attend- ed the bride as matronofhonor very chic in her long yellow taffeta gown with matching headdress car rying an oldfachtoned nosegay of briarcliff rose3 and pansies the groom was supported by his brother grenvel thompson of south por tage the trinity director of music played appropriate selections throu ghout the ceremony mrs carter wi1- sonsang during the signing of the register mr charles campbell rcaf of scotland ontario and the brides brother george willlama of thornli ill were the ushers at the reception that followed at the home of mrs f perry mrs perry recei ved wearing a dress of navy lace mrs thompson wore a twopiece dress of navy sheer and mrs wil liams was in a twopiece black sheer wool their corsages were alike briai cliff loses and fern after a short honeymoon to nia gara falls and vicinity the happy couple will make theirhome in ham- i ilton rev dr d l priddle was the officiating clergyman therell be no potato shortage this year if equitable distribution can prevent it the prices board has put into operation its controlled distri bution system this year while tht spuds are still in plentiful supply and officials in charge are confident that supplies of the popular vegetable can be kept flowng smoothly throughout pickering township were inspected by mrs b gordon public health nurseduring the month of january special physical inspection was given to 108 pupils while phyr sical defects invision and teeth of 19 received corrective attontion how much is a dollar worth gj for instance during the last m dollar is worth as much as it can buqj world war people paid tj for a pound of butter while nou paq around nr todaq it is the same with shoes andthe other necessities of life in 1917 they paid fegg and you now paqforthe same ftuaitq this mearisijour dollar is worth more than the dollar of 1914-18- you get more z for uour money 1918 1944- because price ceilings and otherantiinflgtipnqru measures have keptthe value of qour dollar high andijqu will iceepjjour dollar highinvalue bq using moneqwiselia you protect ijourdollars worth everq time qoii buij a bond h- s s0 n ft poh debfe refuse i fo jioqrj soqdsjefg and refuse to frequent black markets tjiafs how to make monei with qour presentdollars remember dollars are worth less if tneubuu less iri 4 i promiseto give my support to keeping the cost of living down i will buy only what i need i will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services i will pay off old debts save for the future invest in victory bonds and war savings certificates and i will support taxes which help lower the cost of living s mi the 5ewi published by the brewing industryvontario to help revetl the dancers that indadon represents for u the people ofthenadon m gfeyrf-

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