Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 22, 1943, p. 5

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the tribune stouflfville ont thursday july 15th 1943 stamp out the uboat we must cut our losses in ships lives and vital supplies every dollar invested in war saving stamps during thismonth will beused to provide our gallant navy with depth charges the purchase of four wr savings stamps entitles you to send a personally signed stamp-o- grant to one of our fighting ships buy war saving stamps when you buy your groceries at ratclif f co town delivery phone 198 m 03aa t igp jjpeai fissbl hu jgal hbx hhhailfl toronto goodwood flashes walter davey 8 stanton ave toronto to be consi the plea put forth through the columns of this paper two weeks ago on behalf of the ballantrae farmers who receive mail from cedar valley that they be allowed to be serviced from stouffville has not tfallen on deaf ears postmaster gen eral mulock has promised to look into the proposal to route one of the ptouffville couriers who passes with in a mile and a half of ballantrae to carry the ballantrae mail indeed the matter is now being checked and the possibilities aie that this long buffering corner will get an improved mail service almost immediately from cedar valley the mail is de- aivered and taken only three days a jweek whereas the stouffville service 3s daily and more accurate since cedar valley is not on a railway line church hill mr and mrs cliff skinner of tor- cntoare visiting a few days holidays with mr and mrs wm beach mrs herb pegg spent a few days last week with her daughter mrs denzel oldham mrs wm siebert of zurick is visiting a few days with her mother mrs e paisley miss margaret baxter visited with miss agnes forfar on sunday we welcome into the neighbor- ihood mr and mrs kenneth lunny fovho have purchased mr arthur vaughans farm mr and mrs wes rusnell mr end mrs stewart rusnell and fam ily had tea on sunday with mr and mrs lazenby mr albert clark attended the family reunion on sunday held near drangeville 13yearold shirley odgen daugh- ter of mr and mrs leslie ogden island lake has just come through a trying experience last friday she entered york county hospital new market expecting to make an over night stop there and have her ade noids and tonsils removed compli cations set in and shirley was threa tened with pneumonia but rallied sufficiently by monday to enable her to go home that afternoon ringwood we are glad to report that ste wart vague who was rushed to the toronto general hospital last thurs day night for an appendix operation is well on the road to recovery mrs fred steckley and stiirley are holidaying for a couple of weeks near kingston where her husband is employed miss tillie barkey of toronto spent the weekend with miss ada barkey george rodanz has about 250 load agnes macphail opens campaign at hagerman opening her election campaign in york east at hagerman school on wednesday evening of last week agnes macphail addressed a well at tended meeting of the residents of that district miss macphail spent a good part of the evening in renew ing old acquaintances and in ex pressing appreciation for the many promises of campaign assistance in her remarks miss macphail stressed the need for a price floor which would assure the farmer a de cent living particularly in the period of readjustment when the war has been won the value of farm pro perty indicates clearly that agricul ture is an insufficiently rewarded occupation if the young people are to be kept on the farms said miss macphail there will have to be some assurance that agriculture will be fairly rewarded for its labours to establish young farmers on the land the government should make loans available at low interest rates over long terms in this connection miss macphail praised the system of loans which prevailed in denmark before the present war the candidate ireviewed the poll cies of the ccf pointing out that these had been democratically worked out by the people in annual conven tions held during the past ten years referring to the farm program of the ccf miss macphail assured the gathering that the family farm is and always has been the centre of the partys policy the family on the farm must be assured of a de cent standard of living and a promis ing future if the family farm is to flourish the public must own or control those trusts and monopolies which control the lives of the people through their handling of the money markets and all aspects of trade in the field of education miss mac phail recommended the revision of the courses of study in rural schools to allow pjipils to learn more things which would be of direct value to them in their lives on the soil such courses should include farm motor mechanics at the close of the meeting miss macphail answered many questions about cooperatives health insurance and other matters of hay in his barns with nearly 100 more to he brought in mr and mrs alex ratcliff mr and mrs stewart stouffer and mr and mrs floyd steckley and burnice had tea with mr and mrs truman grove on sunday proclamation in response to a well signed petition from the ratepayers of stouffville presented to the municipal council i am directed by that body to declare monday august 2 1943 civic holiday for the said village of stouffville and hereby direct all citizens to govern themselves accordingly a e weldon reeve miss earla symes is spending her holidays with her aunt miss e symes mr and mrs r e ashenhurst spent sunday with mrand mrschris forsyth mr and mrs e pilkey and babies have moved from zephyr to the 6th concession miss myrtle geldart visited last week with misses eve and merle symes mr and mrs bill hoffer of pene- tang spent sunday with mr and mrs e norton mr and mrs ted isle and family visited mr and mrs russell oake at roseville the weekend miss isobell hockley of toronto also yvonne harding are at her home for a few days mr and mrs walter warren and family of mount albert were visit ing mr and mrs reuben tiockleyon sunday mis e j hill newmarket visit ing with her brother and sister miss e a davey and peter h davey at their summer home island grove lake simcoe pte leo blueinan was home on saturday fiom camp borden very pleased to hear our friend mr feren is better and we under stand mr and mrs feren were on a trip with wilbur greenoury to lake of bays flashes birthday list now num bers 2036 mrs carrol of siloam is visiting in london little georgie jones had his ton sils removed by dr wilson of ux- bridge fte robt jones of saskatchewan expects to visit his wife and family the latter part of july mr chas forsyth visited at reu ben hockleys on sunday pte russell johnston who is tak ing a six weeks course at camp bor den was home for the weekend mr and mrs archie jones of ot tawa were visiting in goodwood on tuesday archie and the scribe at tended at the old wooden school in goodwood years ago at the same time flash correspondent visited stouff ville on saturday for a few hours very pleased to find mrs e jdavey some better sorry to hear our friend richard rae goodwood is on the sick list he has been ordered to take things easy while visiting the tribune office saturday the mysterious check for 2000 mentioned last week was called for having been sent in error to the editor mr william whittleton has return ed from his motor trip in his new car mrs bruce byam has been visit ing her parents near goodwood beth and joe greenwood of stouff- villehave been visiting their grand parents mr and mrs j ashenhurst mrs s ottowell and daughter visited at goodwood on sunday mr and mrs andrew pilkey and mrs kellington of raglan visited the maye families at goodwood rev and mrs atkinson and dau ghter visited with mr and mrs jos forsyth miss muriel hockley visiting her sister isabel in toronto freddie woodland of stouffville visiting at harry woodlands mr and mrs morley symes spent the weekend at their cottage in hall- burton mrs m rodman of uxbridge visited mrs j maye and mr dan wagg on sunday last mrs j middleton has her sister mrs clenderiing of orillia visiting her in goodwood mrs jean slack at home for a few days rev and mrs barnett of st cle ments church visited the davey home island grove on friday mr clayton pogue of vandorf o tribune subscriber is now in the army mr and mrs geo lee also mrs and miss beweli of unionville visit ed uxbridge and goodwood cemeter ies on sunday robert armstrong a goodwood old boy formerly with the t eaton co is now doing a little work for the government pte clare hill is now stationed at church st toronto rev a e iunau celebrates his birthday on july 24th mr and mrs distin mcdonald were in the city on friday dist is looking after his coal orders victoria square mrs ella ratcliffe of stouffville called on friends in the community oa monday a number from here attended the closing exercises of the gormley bible school on friday evening the chickenpox seems to like our community this summer now master donald avisou has them we are very pleased that mrs mac kay is able to be at home from the hospital we hope it wont be long before she will be able to be up and around again mr and mrs william boynton and margaret of toronto and mrs maur ice billyea of kirksville missouri had tea sunday evening with mr and mrs stanley boynton mr and mrs bert sanderson and mabel mrs rolph boynton and mr homer wilson attended the funeral in oshawa friday of miss effie gam ble a former resident of our com munity the y p u was well attended sunday evening when the service was in charge of miss ruby avison the lesson was read by mr harold klinck prayer by miss viola avison and reading by miss joy mortson special music was furnished by the heise quartette which was much en joyed by all the topic was taken by mr rodney reid closing bible school mght the mbc church was packed on friday evening for the closing exer cises of the vacation bible school sponsored each year by this church and splendidly supported by other denomination who realize the fine work being done the total enrol ment this year was 150 students according to rev h shantz while the average attendance was 117 fri days program was provided by the classes giving sketches of the work they had taken during the two weeks course of study and it proved quite a revelation to the parents and others that so much could be gather ed by the children in so short a time lemonville miss marion hastings is home for two weeks vacation mr and mrs orval diewery and harold had sunday evening tea with mr and mrs fred campbell stouff ville mr and mrs geofhood spent sun day with mr and mrs fred timbers and family the seventh line red cross branch met at the home of mrs orval drew- ery on monday afternoon of this week congratulations to doreen rae and grant wells for passing their high school entrance examinations our school board has been succ essful in securing a teacher for the coming year mrs j m brooks of toronto congratulations to mr and mrs mansel elson upon the arrival of a wee son miss nelda elson is spend ing some time with her brother and sisterinlaw the wa will meet this thursday evening at s00 pm at the home of mrs geo martin note change in the time this being made as a con venience to the farm folk pte lewis wells rcasc sta tioned at edmonton is at his home enjoying a two weeks leave he ar rived home thursday morning in time for our sunday school picnic mr and mrs snelgrove of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs roy irwin they rendered musical sel ections at the three services during the day mr snelgrove and mr ir win were colleagues at emmanuel college mr and mrs walter gray and elda and meryl motored to kitch ener last saturday to attend the camp meeting they arrived back home monday afternoon their three older girls carried on the farm work very capably mrs john gibbons and daughter dilys are spending a couple of weeks with mrs gibbons parents mr and mrs elmer wells it will be some thing like old times to have vera and lewis home again even for a short time goodwood young people will be our guests on friday evening of this week they will play ball with us on the school grounds then we shall all go to the church where the visitors will bring us the program everyone try their best to be pre sent great excitement prevailed mon day evening down the seventh when mr huckerby endeavored to move his russian deer to his new location one of the pets escaped and it re quired 40 men to recapture it per- haps the wild nature of the animals came to the fore when they found themselves free of the fence the sunday school picnic planned for last wednesday afternoon was postponed on account of the rain until thursday the weather that day didnt leave much to be desired a goodly number attended and a good time wag there to be had by all and everyone took advantage of it bloomington young people came to play us a game of baseball our side won this time when will we play again folks dicksons hill miss kathleen walker visited with mr and mrs ken walker this week the president oi our wms mrs r gibbins and miss martha hoover accompanied a carload of ladies from mount joy to the kitchener camp meeting on monday miss helen campbell is spending a few days with mr and mrs f hicks and family of hamilton sunday visitors with mr and mrs roy moyer were mr and mrs wes wideman and miss agnes sider mrs eldon lehman and children and mr and mrs clarenfce jmcdowell and jimmie there was a splendid attendance at the young peoples meeting on monday evening when rev j h sale register saturday july 24th auction sale of coal business and equip ment of the firm of williamson bros aurora daniel m william son and the estate of the late charles h williamson owners includes 2 ton international truck bins scales shovels shutes and bags located at the cnr tracks aurora license for the coal busi ness and lease of property at cn r included sale at 230 pm terms cash f n smith auction eer john fetch executor of chas h williamson estate tuesday july 27 furniture sale at part lot 19 con s picker ing on brock road half mile south of claremont the estate of the late annie m avers see dis play adv of goods offered sale at 2 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday july 31 170 hogs or more consisting of 40 brood sows some with litters store hogs chunks feeders etc the proper- ty of anthony hansen on bathurst st north york twp about 1 south of wilson ave terms cash sale at 130 clarke prentice auctioneer ill health reason for sale sherk showed his pictures of the alternate service camps at the mon treal river and in british columbia messrs francis star lome wide- man leonard burkholder harley wideman and lewis reesor related experiences of camp life the church services mennonite brethren in christ church gormley and bethesda rev ward m shantz pastor sunday july 25th gormley 200 pm sunday school 300 pm worship 730 pm evangelistic thursday 8 pm prayer meeting in the church saturday 230 junior meeting bethesda sunday july 25th 1000 am- sunday school 1100 am worship wednesday s pm next week prayer meeting be at the saturday night street meeting in front of the fire hall 830 936 stouffville united church rev douglas g davis minister sunday july 25 th 1000 am sunday school 11 00 am divine worship rev dr thos mitchell what shall i render unto the lord for all his benefits unto me psalm 116 verse 13 evening service withdrawn july and august stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor sunday july 25th 1000 am- sunday school 1100 am divine worship 230 pm mongolia s s 730 pm evangelistic roy brown will speak 730 pm altona evangelistic thursday evening 830 stouffville prayer meeting ing friday evening s30 mongolia meet- next week monday evening 830 young peo ples meeting wednesday evening 830 altona prayer meeting come and worship with us stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora stapleton organist sunday july 25th 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service rev e morton will preach at both services s00 pm friday christian endeavor church hill 200 pm bible school 300 pm divine worship for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord come and receive a blessing bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday july 25th 1100 am bloomington this service will he conducted by the bloomington christian endeavour society 700 pm- ringwood the ringwood young people will conduct this service childrens meeting in the ringwood church monday 700 pm you are cordially invited to attend these services plan to come stouffville baptist church rev d macgregor pastor sunday july 25th 1000 am sunday school- classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service the pastor will preach wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting come and receive a blessing four head of cattle advertised for sale by roy morgan claremont last week found a buyer two hours after the paper was issued mr morgan reports liny your de ijavatj milker now new magnetic 2 single units 305 a h p motor 5500 agents for 1 i case co tractors and full line of farm machinery b r leech toronto radio sports j i vonsc st toronto melville bethesda and peachs churches minister rev a j orr sunday july 25th peachs 1009 am melville 1115 am bethesda 730 pm every sunday evening until- sept 30 thursday july 22 melville ss pic nic at ratcliffs park friday july 23 bethesda picnic at the same place dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev j harold sherk pastor sunday july 25th mount joy mount joy1000 amsunday school 1100 am public worship 730 pm gospel service dicksons hll sunday july 25th 1000 am public worship rev s goudie will preach 1100 am sunday school 730 pm gospel service irev s goudie will preach the public is cordially invited to these services i christ church anglican rev f herman rector miss elizabeth foote organ m sunday july 25th 200 pm sunday school 230 pm evening prayer and ser mon second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday july 25th 955 am sunday school 1100 am worship mr bramwell reid of peterboro will preach special singing tuesday s pm prayer and bible study friday s pm young peoples meeting saturday 830 pm open air ser vice behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation we welcome you st james presbyterian church stouffville rev t decourcy rnyner minister sunday july 25th 945 am divine worship followed by sabbath school and bible class the minister will preach a candidate for heaven a message suggested by the parlia mentary election with lessons from it are you a candidate in this election god invites you to meet with him why not come to his house

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