Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 22, 1943, p. 10

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 22nd 1943 classified advs phone 15301 for sale or rent garden land for sale about 50 acres choice garden land will sell enblock or in five acre lots all under cultivation situated at lot 15 on the brock kd five miles north of claremont corner lot 5 acres good pine bush inclu ded in the above hydro passes place phone claremont 700 or write box 42 claremont for rent 100 acre firni on 8th con pickering good clay loam 8 roomed brick house bank barn garage pig pen implement shed two never falling wells one drill ed possession april 1st 1944 or sooner if desired apply box 4 markham mrs macdonald house for sale peter street markham seven rooms brick electricity water good bamlarge lot apply to ora ramer or amos burkholder farm for sale 55 acres a mile and a quarter north of stouffville good barn with hydro brick house hardwood floors bath and hot water heating springfed creek on the farm mrs d young ph stoultville 5603 stoker service have your stoker serviced now we work on any make place your order so we can do your work on our next call allen electric co 2326 dufferin st toronto to whom it may concern will the party who moved a small road grader from the markham township yard in unlonville in 1942 kindly return same at once chas hooper reeve kleerex clbairs the complex ion summer skin ailments re spond quickly to this quickhealing salve keep kleerex handy for sunburn poison ivy mosquito bites impetigo cuts burns etc 50c 100 200 medium and strong recommended and sold by storeys drug store wanted wanted graduate nurse for gen eral duty in 10 bed hospital sal ary 60 monthly plus full main tenance apply box t tribune office wanted a row boat in good condition jack rae goodwood ph 2002 wanted good used piano state price and particulars apply to box t tribune office jewelers notice although the store is closed i am still able to do a limited amount of repair work at my home also we have for sale ladies and gents wrist watches and some lockets j l smith fair street opposite the monument works harvest is ox- wbeat cutting commenced this week in markham townshipand by next monday will be quite general throughout the stouff ville district various reports are coming in about the possible yield some good and some not so glowing however there are a few fields of wheat that are a picture while others not suitably planted for the kind of season do not look so alluring personal mention mr and mrs l e oneill and two children are holidaying at lake boscong near halls lake livestock tenders for sale 13 chunks of pigs s weeks old apply earl keith stouffville for sale 150 plymouth rock roosters 10 weeks old 50c each for immediate sale walter vague ph 2s13 112 for sale 40 pigs 6 to 10 weeks old j faulkner 4th con lot 6 uxbridge twp for sale s yearling durham steers jw mcmullen ph 7812 for sale fresh ayrshire cow second calf by side e howsam altona ph 9006 for sale 1 pure bred guernsey cow due first week of august also 1 grade guernsey 3 weeks phone port perry 92 r2 black- water rr2 for sale young registered hol- stein bull phone claremont 8532 for sale about 100 leghorn roosters about 2 lbs albert brown ph 8209 for sale pure bred jersey cow four years old allan hoover ph stouffville 2501 122 articles for sale raspberries ready we can offer you daily picking of fresh raspberries call at the farm and get your requirements p savoretti ballantrae for sale ice refrigerator ogden ph 5s27 les for sale quantity fence bails mostly cedar 7c each c w reesor ph 3621 bbatty electric washing machine for sale phone s 113 quebec heater for sale 1000 as good as new h a schrama 4 doors east of valleaus garage stouffville mens bicycles for sale one ccm good tires and recondi tioned apply at the ringwood harness shop for sale large steel water tank size s feet long by 3 in diameter good condition andrew watson newmarket rr 1 ph newmarket 12 w3 horse register glengarry royal favorite 29773 a handsome bay clyde face off foie and hind legs white bred by h c mclaughlin gait enrolment no 449s will stand for season at his home stable claremont terms 10 g m forsyth owner whitkgate pride of daviburn 1154 registered hackney pony stallion beautiful conform ation color bay 122 hands high and siro of prize winning ponies he will bo at the stable of james torrance son markham until august 1st for particulars please apply at the above address the suffold stallion stone haven envoy no 311 enroll ed is a golden chestnut foaled march 1939 weighing 1s00 lbs the property of blake johnson lot 20 con 3 uxbridge this new type of farm horse comes sired from the royal stables england he has proven himself a sure foal getter there are a fine lot of colts from him this year come and see for yourself terms 10 at the barn payable feb 1 1944 or he can be trucked to your farm with extra charge of 125 pay able m time of service all acci dents at owners risk tenders wanted for ss no 7 markham for care- taking duties start with the new term apply to e c jones secy gormley tenders close july 26 bell anil son agents for beatty bros barn equipment elecric and hand pow er water system de laval milkers and cream separators woods and gilson milk coolers supertest oil and greases cocksliutt farm machinery and repairs phone 281 stouffville ont card ok thanks mrs e j davey wishes to thank her neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shown to her dur ing her illness the lovely cards letters and delicacies sent to the home also the beautiful flowers from the united church the womens in stitute and the friends will long be remembered card of thanks the family of mrs david jack wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes exten ded during their recent bereave ment used lmplements for sale goodison grain separator in excel lent condition masseyharris bin ders mowers quebec sulky plow 2 mh disc drills all in good repair new machinery wagon 2 fur row plow binder 6foot oneway disc we can supply new grinders also milking machines g w allison masseyharris dealer mt albert phone 702 implements we have the following new and se cond hand farm equipment on hand for immediate delivery 6 ft f w giant mower new 7 ft m h binder second hand 2furrow 10 inch bottom fleury tractor plow nearly new woods 6 can milk cooler new double geared pump jacks new beatty automatic shallow well pres sure systems both 25 cycle and 60 cycle new lacta cream separator 600 lbs re conditioned quebec sulky plow nearly new beatty manure carrier outfit new woods cowboy electric fences electric motors new reconditioned bell sons phone 281 stouffville implements for sale cocksliutt binders nearly new oil bath alemite greasing 2 deering binders also frost wood binder and four mh binders cockshutt drill oil bath near new with fertili zer attachment one deering hoe drill with fertilizer attachment one international potato digger and disc plow ben raxlan phone 192 stouffville furniture by auction the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auc tion at the northerly part of lot 10 in the 8th con of the township of pick ering on the brock road one half mile south of claremont on tues july 27 the following goods and chattels be longing to the estate of the late annie m ayers peerless coal range sheet iron hea ter 2 tables 2 couches 2 glass cupboards 4 rockers 6 dining room chairs 7 kitchen chairs sew ing machine davis 2 wooden beds springs and matresses 2 dressers 2 washstands iron bed spring and mattress 3 feather ticks wooden bed flour chest benchtub stand oak stand camp couch and mat tress dropleaf table gramophone 2 rag carpets 7 rugs parlor taole large round taible large chest buffalo robe step ladder camp chair arm chair round table set quilting frames 4 coal oil lamps number jars of fruit and pickles 4 galvanized tubs num ber galvanized pails coal oil stove and oven platform scoop scales 2 5gallon oil cans copper boiler strainer pail number of pictures and books number dishes com plete set dishes graniteware win dow screens quantity of coal and wood washing machine lawn mower small coal oil oven num ber knives forks and spoons kit chen utensils wheelbarrow num ber of garden tools sale at 200 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer v lome button kc esq executor stouffville mrs harry golden and two sons have gone to belle ewart on a vaca tion mrs j tindall queens court has returned from visiting her dau ghter mrs floyd nixon at lions head at the tip of the bruce penin sula invitations are out for the wedding of edna mae mckinnon to j robert cutt to take place in orillia this month the bridetobe was on the teaching staff of stouffville high school twelve years ago and has since been teaching at pawassin mrs m e watts will close her ladies store duving the month of august and patrons are therefore asked to make a note of the fact that the place will be shut up from july 31 to august 31 mrs watts notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of annie m avers aviilow deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons hav ing claims against the estate of annie m ayers late of the town ship of pickering in the county of ontario widow deceased who died on the 6th day of july 1943 are hereby notified to send to the under signed solicitors for the executors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 7th day of august 1913 after which date tho assets of the said estate will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice dated july 20 1943 f lome button kc executor mccullough button stouffville ont 123 solicitors for the executors sid line uxbridge mr and mrs joseph byer and miss flora byer attended the bycr- curlcw wedding in toronto on sat urday mr and mrs leslie synder tor onto were weekend visitors with his uncle mr and mrs gust prince of goodwood goodwood the war branch will hold a relief drive for the irussian fund leave any goods you can donate at either jack raes or jack todds goodwood institute meeting on july 2sth at the home of mrs bert staley plan to be there we miss richard rae at the corn er garage but are glad he is show ing some improvement the mcdonalds were home for the weekend miss fostena from toronto pte roy from woodstock pte floyd from rockcliff accom panied by his wife william whittleton is tuning up his threshing outfit for another big season and we expect to hear its hum any day now miss grace wagg has returned to toronto after spending a week with her parents mr alexander employed at lans ing was home for a day william wilkinson is improving after his recent illness lieut bert ashenhurst and his wife were here fom camp borden mrs ashenhurst is staying here to build up her health while the twins peter and paul are still in hospital charlie feashy is now ahead of the weeds that put up such a battle on hi property audrey and allan mcdonald did good work persever ance is necessary to establish per fection special church service in the unit ed church next sunday eveningjuly 25th when miss laura mathers pre sident of gray county federation of agriculture will speak her snbject mr and mrs a johnston mr and mrs k johnston and family pilot officer and mrs campbell miss mary armstrong of toronto mr and mrs jack morgan and family of brooklin mr and mrs g johnston and family and mrs switzer of agincourt mr and mrs l middle- brook and family of weston spent sunday with roy and mrs morgan and miss mary of claremont glutten feeds for your cows dealers are experiencing considerable difficulty in stocks of glutten feed oil cake and dairy feeds this means a possible scarcity next fall and winter we suggest that you place your orders earlv so that we can f protect your requirements in these lines let us put in your supply now so that you will not be short next fall and winter gormley feed store frank harvey prop gormley ont phone stouffville 7307 chicken thief caught in action for two or three years now h a boyd 6th concession markham farmer has been lying awake at nights trying to figure out what was killing his chicxens and leaving them with their heads off and wounds on the breast now he knows it was hootey the owl suspicious of this bird mr boyd set a trap on top of a post at the chicken run and next morning he had his prey another owl has been bagged since then about fif teen birds were destroyed by the owls vandorf most of our farmers will almost finish haying this week some fin ished last week an extra good crop of fall wheat will be cut the later part of this week the spring grain will be short oats and barley are now in head misses jean and audrey switzer and miss ruth oliver spent the weekend at their homes here our picnic was very success ful in spite of the downpour in the early afternoon everyone enjoyed themselves perhaps more for they were unable to work at home a collection was taken at the tables for the people of greece and it totalled 3250 bruce eade of gormley is spend ing a couple of weeks with mr and mrs russel sproxton and family we congratulate billy kingdon and george vannostrand david richardson on passing their entran ce examinations atha several frpm here attended the altona wi picnic that was held on tuesday afternoon in stouffville park all repotted a good time and all good things mr and mrs s arnold and fam ily also mrs a carruthers visited friends in newmarket on sunday miss jean milton is staying with mrs john scott for a few days arthur and mrs carruthers and ernie visited on sunday evening with the formers mother mrs w carruthers at cashel mr and mrs turnbull mr and mrs walters all from torontospent the weekend with their mother here mrs l hoover mr and mrsarnold and family and mrs carruthers attended the shower that was given mr and mrs j attler nee julia wilson on fri day evening the bride received many beautiful and costly gifts will be a better life for the far mer liberal and conservative candi dates are now in the field in musk- okaontario vhich includes uxbridge township rumor is that the ccf will nominate a man too so far as we know mrkelly hasnt given assur ance of finishing the stouffville road some pronouncement before election day would seem to be good business for him mammoth barn dance under the auspices of aurora horse show and newmarket lions club at bowsers farm on huron st mile west of newmarket at s pm on tuesday july 27th 1943 midway and irefreshments lucky draw for prizes value over s3q00 music by russ creighton and his canadian mountaineers admission to grounds free dance 2oc marriages byer curlew a quietbut pretty wedding took place at the home of the brides par ents mr and mrs s curlew s9 earl grey rd toronto on saturday july 17th at 1200 noon when their daughter ada became the bride of harvey p byer son of mr and mrs joseph c byer of goodwood the ceremony was performed by the rev h s hallman of vineland the bride looked lovely in rose street length dress with hat and veil to match with corsage of pink flowers the bridesmand miss dorothy reese of toronto was also in rose matching the brides the best man was orval bell also of toronto after the reception the happy couple amid showers of confetti and good wishes left by bus for a short honeymoon in hamilton and vine- land district green river air and mrs jess russell of rich mond hill spent tuesday evening with friends here mrs geo draper and two grand daughters formerly of thessalon hut now of new toronto are holi daying at the park the frank turner family enter tained their son ross trcnvr their daughter lois and a friend miss evelyn kennedy of toronto the ladies aid will meet at the home of miss fred gostlck on july 2sth mrs chas gostlck will take the tpoic mrs f postill had the pleasure of a visit from her sister mrs mer cer and their two brothers the mes srs besse over the weekend they also visited other relatives in the vicinity rev taylor of uxbridge has been much enjoyed as he filled in two sundays for rev n burke who with his wife is on vacation mr taylor was entertained at the home of mr and mrs eugene forsyth a shower for the newlyweds mr and mrs jack attler nee miss julia wilson was held at the home of the brides parents on friday ev ening many lovely and useful gifts were presented to the sweet young bride and her young husband mcconnell says continued from front page aim1ra chopping mill running daily we are in a posi tion to do chopping any day of the week s b lehman sons phone 612 112 machine he took german industry into state control like the ccf he promised to respect private property german business men may still hold title to their shops or factories or mills and german farmers may still have the deeds to tlfeir farms the farmer may own the cows but the state gets all the milk that is how trie ccf will respect private property he says the ccf not a labor party we hinted that the ccf was x labor party when mcconnell prom ptly answered that he had too much- respect for the intelligence of organ ized labor to believe that labor could support the ccf the cc f is not a labor party he declared flatly there are labor men in the party and some of them are candi dates but trade unionists know that the ccf has appealed to the ambition of labor leaders and that it is trying to use them to ride to- power if ever that happens labor will be thoroughly organized regiment ed is the better word to obey tha boss the state that then becomes the absolute master under the bureau cracy that the ccf would set np the first sign of discontent in the ranks of labor would bring swift legislation that would make an at tempt to strike treason punishable by death destroying labor even now the ccf is destroying labor i have good reason to be lieve that solid rank and file trade unionists see full well that the cc f is trying to draw away its leaders filling them with political ambitions promising those leaders that they will he the bigshots vho will issue the orders for ambitious men the cc f offers alluring promises our peo ple should never forget that the cc f aims to control all industry agri culture included mr mcconnell is a man of strong convictions and he puts his view point in a direct forceful fashion asked about himself lie talked a little about the last political cam paign about his service overseas and his work afterwards in soldier civil rcestablishment fifteen air cadets and mkwatts commanding officer of the local unit left here by train on saturday for the weeks training at mountain view

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