Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 22, 1943, p. 1

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famfftifut fztefbmie leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 54 no 12 stouffville ont thursday july 22 1943 ten pages a pretty double wedding ceremony for clarke sisters markham second baptist church was crowded to capacity on satuiday afternoon by guests and friends for the double wedding ceremony of miss mary gertrude clai ke and miss ruth evelyn claike daughters of mr and mis j almoin- clarke whitchurch township mary gertrude was unit ed in wedlock with donald campbell moyer son of mr and mrs harvey moyer markham township and ruth evelyn was wedded to edward char les roberts son of mr and mrs charles robeits toronto rev norman jtowan pastor ot the church and rev douglas davis united chuich minister stouffville officiated both biides were given in marri age by their lather assisted by their uncle mr lome clarke piincipal of malvern collegiate the brides were gowned alike in marquisette over satin with fingertip veils and they carried showms of pink loses and blue cornfloweis attending miss gertrude clarke were her cou sin miss elsie vannostrand maid of honor wearing turauoise sheer miss margaret hicks in pastel green and miss louise clarke junior biidesmaid m pastel pink their shoulder veils were held with flow- eis and they can led colonial bou- quets of pink loses miss ituth clarkes attendants weie her cousin miss evelyn hisey maid of honor miss marion vannostrand and miss kathleen roberts junior bridesmaid they were gowned similarly to the other attendants the gioomsmen were mr dan kelly of hamilton and ac 2 bruce clarke rcaf and the usheis mr alexander sutton mr david clarke ac 2 david ro berts and mr douglas clarke mis alma oldham rendered two solos and mi clarion baker offici ated at the organ the floial decor ation provided a goigeous setting tor the double ceiemony the leception held at the home of the two biides was an inteiesting lawn function attended by some 125 guests the biides mother leceived in a dusky rose ciepe suit matching leghoin hat white accessories and i corsage of roses also receiving weie the mothers of the giooms mrs moyer in a dress of fuchsia tloweied ciepe and mrs roberts attiied in lose sheer both woie coi sages of roses following a delightful luncheon rev norman rowan officiated as toastmaster toasts were pro posed to the brides and biidesmaids by mr bruce claik and ac2 bruce clark jtcaf and responded to by the giooms messrs don moyer and edward roberts further congratu latory speeches weie made by rev d davis mr fied hicks and rev norman jlowan both couples will make their homes in toionto where mr moyer will teach at malvern collegiate while mr roberts is a chemist in the employment of lever bros do we want a board of education now mastkil mechanic the municipal council and the j school trustees will have to decide whether stouffville wishes to estab lish a hoard of education since our continuation school is to pass into the lealm of a high school it would appear that we have the option to carry on with six trustees managing the affairs of both the public and high school or we may set up a board of education to man age the business of our schools while any change in the set up must be made thiough the municipal council that body is likely to follow the wishes of chairman ira aldred and his other ti ustees under the school law amendment act 1943 subsection2 of section 2 of the act there is a slight change making the section read as follows the council of a town village or township which has been established as a high school district in accordan ce with section 0 of the high schools act may on or before the 1st day of october in any year at a meeting specially called for that purpose de- claie by lesolution that it is expedi ent to form a board of education under this act for the purpose of es tablishing and maintaining one or more public or high schools in the municipality it will be noted that the words may on or before the 1st of octo ber leave it optional since it does not say shall youngster received a f11actuue1 arm master john thomjison 7yearold son of mr and mrs stanley thomp son met with the misfortune of breaking his arm while in attend ance at the mbc bible school clos ing exercises last thursday evening in the local church- john was play ing across from the church on the school grounds when in some man ner he was pitched from a teeter with the resultant injury markham barn destroyed by fire a mysterious fire destroyed the large steel barn on the farm of clif ford mcdowell 7th concession of markham about a mile and a half north of no 7 around 730 on tues day evening the seasons hay crop some grain implements truck cow horse and a bull were destroyed by the flames neighbois saw the fire shooting up and gave the alarm no thing could be done to save the build ing although fire brigades from markham and unionville quickly re sponded the bain was served by hydro but was in good condition ac cording to engineer burns the loss is puitly coveied by insuiance lighting stuns a bride of recent weeks a bride of recent months mrs al bert yakely the former nelda slack was seveiely stunned by a bolt of lightning when a heavy stoim passed over uxbridge township last week mrs yakely was sitting by the win dow in the home of her parents mr and mrs stanley slack south ot goodwoodwhen the lightning struck she was so badly shocked she had to be put to bed and one foot seemed to burn quite severely however mis yakely is now recoveied and feels no ill effects of the close call her husband pte albert yakely is in training in ontario ninetyone next sunday one of our long established citi zens mr robert stewart will reach his 91st birthday next sunday july 25 th one has only to listen to his speech to know that he came from aberdeenshire scotland for he has the perfect accent of the aberdonian j mr stewarts father was a farmer although he died befoie robert was boin robert followed the plow for several years after coming to canada at 20 or 27 years of age but later moved to town and conducted a but chering business retiring he worked several acres of land and is now a patient at the brierbush but is able to be around every day his only son is on the high school teaching staff in toronto is us timetable on schedule new taking over stock yards no cure says baker col geo drews 22 point piogiam which includes taking over the stock yards is no cuie for what morgan baker mpr says is a serious situa tion in ontario at mr bakers nomination last week in newmarket he launched out at the colonels pro- giam at various points including the proposal that the provincial government pay 50 per cent of the school costs which mr baker said if it ever came to pass would mean taking away the authority of the latepayeis to direct their own schools speaking about the stock yard jumble he declared taking over the stockyards advocated by coldiew will not atfect one iota the price the farmei gets for his stock the prices of feed and stock are all in the- con trol of ottawa i think that there is a seiious situation at the stockyards i dont think taking over the stockyards would cuie it there is a monopoly there i dont think that the gov ernment can do anything about it the farmei s will have to do it them selves by building up their own or ganization to handle their own stock the government cant tell canada packers what to do lewis wells son of mr and mrs elmer wells lemon is home from the west for a two weeks fur lough lew is now a fullfledged motor mechanic in the r c a s c he has just completed his course and on his return will be located on van couver island cottage sold at byllantrak the fiame cottage and one and a half acres of land at ballantiae be longing to the estate of the late mis john gray was sold a few days ago to mr arthur vaughan who in turn lecently sold his 50 acres as leport- ed in these columns a month ago mr and mis vaughan will take immediate possession of their new piemises and ballantiae hamlet will gain a coveted pair of new citizens farmer comes on thieves plucking car no lake issue there will be no muvclmims 1ake issue of the tribune this milliliter due to the pressure of war conditions for some years now it liis been the habit of this newspaper to put out mi issue oath summer in the inter ests of the lake residents but the depletion of our staff due to the war makes the taking on of this extra work prohibitive few names added t vot list his honor judge macdonald held a court of revision on the 1942 vo ters list for stouffville last thuisday morning in the council chambers when less than a dozen names were added to the list there were no rejections but few people knew about the court since there was not time to pioperly adveitise the date and what it was all about however if your name is not on the list and you are entitled to vote provision will be made for you when you appear at the polling booth it will only be necessaiy to take an oath to obtain your ballot theie were no enumerators in markham village or township or in stouftville and the 1942 municipal list was used as a basis for making out the names ot those who may vote lake resident 75 years ago dies in alberta carries conservative banner jn york east stray horse killed in motor crash two men injured as car ditched a change in timetable made by t men were injured one ser- gray coach lines affecting stouffville iously when the car in which they was lesponslble for leaving about 20 were riding went out of control and passengers stranded in town on sun- ended up in a ditch on the tenth day evening coming into town to concession half mile north of catch the 940 bus they discovered stouffville that it had left at s oclock under a ne of brown hi ear pencrlaw driver of car suffered a new time table which jnst became lbe fracturfi of a nec effective after being attended by dr s s under the new schedule the bus ball of stouffville he was taken to leaves daily each morning sunday the toronto general hospital wil- and holidays excepted at 715 and mot thompson n passenger in the on sunday evenings at s oclock car wa treated for minor abrasions thee aie the two chief busej to an br t i t ne two men were drlvinc to a keep tab of for uacr service in nmr goodwoj jv an out apply for a lime table front rawllff of rlagw0d xo cha the tltlver were laid i travelling south on the sth con cession of whitchurch just north of ballantrae about 130 oclock on monday morning morley brown and walter holden stouffville and mur- lay vague ringwood collided with a horse belonging to wm card that had gotten out of the field resulting in the death of the animal and severe cuts to two of the motorists morley and murray each suffered quite sev ere cuts about the head but walter holden riding alone in the rear seat came off without a scratch dr ss ball attended the injured the horse was can led about 100 feet on the car but fell off when the car came to a stop according to con stable robt windsor whom the lads sent for since the accident happen ed in the dead of night visibility was not good how the horse escaped from the pastuie was not known to the police the animal was a gener al purpose work horse the weekly newspaper at innis- fail alberta carried the surprising news of the sudden death of an old lesident of this part of ontario the late j d quantz who was raised around musselmans lake and a brother of our wm a quantz who lecently moved from stouffville to toronto the weekly province says respecting his death on friday antler hill lost one of its pioneer residents in the pass ing of j d quantz the late mr quantz had been in his usual health but was known to have a heart condition he was about as usual on friday and had been in innisfail the previous day and ap pealed to be quite alright and was talking with his many friends in town during the afternoon he retired on friday night but he did not ause on saturday morning at the usual time his son went to call him and discovered that his fa ther had passed away during the night it was just one month to the day since mrs quantz had died the late mr quantz was born in markham ont in 1s64 and would have been so years old in a few months he lived for some years in mays ville kentucywhere he had practised as a veterinary surgeon he was married in cincinnati ohio in 1s91 air and mrs quantz came to al berta in 1s95 and settled in the ant ler hill district where they had re sided up to the time of their deaths there is one son o p quantz living on the home farm another son doan quantz served in the first great war and was killed in action in belgium on june 2 1916 two brothers also survive e a quantz of innisfail and waquantz toronto the funeral was held on tuesday travelling west along the stiver sideroad off the sixth concession of markham the other evening ernest harper came upon a gang of car thieves stripping a motor car which proved later to be the property ot dr hoare of toronto as the farm er suddenly came upon them the thieves made oil in a car taking with them two tires they had stripped fiom the stolen vehicle and since that was all that was removed from the car it is evident that mr harper arrived early on the scene ernest harper farms on the sixth line and had gone west on the side- road at 715 to have a look at a field of alsike he intended to cut as he came up over a knoll right ahead of him to the side of the roadway was a parked car with thieves busily engaged in stripping operations due to the low sun in his eyes mr harper could not get a good pic ture of the pilferers just ahead of him and they made off in another car before he reached them harper notified constaible gayman who piomptly investigated and later found the car about to be plucked belonged to a toronto physician dr h a hoaie 1g2 rochester ave on a previous night thieves stole a car in markham from the garage of harry stewart in order to get the car from the premises without sounding an alaim the sneaks push ed the auto a safe distance away then towed it out of town to the devils elbow on the sth where it was stripped everybody is anxiously looking to the couits to impose more severe penalties for this sort of thieving that is becoming a big racket in tor- onto and which is spreading out to the country nothing short of the strap win deter some people from stealing cars since they are cowards the fear of having their own hides hurt is the best punishment we can think of engagement mr and mrs ralph davis wish to announce the engagement of their daughter marion to sjtanley gibbons son of mrand mrs h gibbons the wedding will take place on july 31 at their home july 6th from the united church rev robt simons conducted the service the pallbearers were mes srs a stevenett c newton dbate- man w kennings harry osborne and a lennox the late mr quantz will be mourn ed by a wide circle of friends he was a kindly man and was beloved by all who knew him mcconnell says ccf wants too much power john a leslie progressive conservative can didate for york east for the august 4 th election he re places hon geo s henry as a candidate an old age pension that will not make the recipient depend ent upon the kindness of his triends or the charity of his neighbours a fair deal for the farmer devised by practical farmers and an easing of the burden of taxation by way of the government taking over at jea 50 of the col of educa tion are a few of the plarks in the platform of mr leslie ringwood man is robbed by thugs walking along university avenue in toronto about midnight wilmot vague of ringwood was set upon by two thugs who backed him again st a tree and relieved him of 6 or 7 then allowed him to so with threats not to set up an alarm wil mot lost no time in notifying the police however who sent a cruiser to the scene and arrested one sus pect whom mr vague identified as one of his assailants he will come up in police court today thursday mr vagu had motored his bro- ther to the general hospital where his nephew was undergoing an emer gency operation wilmot waited for hi brother to return home and de cided to take a stroll along univer sity avenue when he wa attacked by the two huskies h j mcconnell the liberal candidate for york east was in town tuesday he is a man of ac tion he makes quick blunt ans wers to questions and it is obvious that he would be happier in action driving hard at a job big enough for his great reserve of energy than in discussing politics with a reporter mcconnell mickey to his friends expresses humorous regret that his opponent in york east in this elec tion is not geo s henry mcconnell in the last election his first political campaign came close to beating the former premier drews promises impossible asked about his conservative op ponent mcconnell pointed out that the leader of the progressivecon servative party in ontario has yet to find candidates who are of cab inet calibre he is confident that the politically wise electorate in york east can see that mr drews pro gram is a mere series of promises that cannot be fulfilled mcconnell becomes very serious when he discusses the ccf he said it reminded him of adolf hit lers pleas for power in germany of the nazi promises to end unemploy ment and to give germans a heaven on earth hitler put the germans to work all right said mcconaell and now he is putting them into their graves to build the nazi war- continued on back page h j mcconnell death of lottie shaw the death of miss lottie shaw in toronto on july 16th removes a formeroldtime resident of stouff ville daughter of the late tom shaw who left stouffville over 50 years ago to live in toronto miss shaw was probably born in this town an only brother survives of this family circulation counts in advertising the tribune has it

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