Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 11, 1943, p. 2

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday beby 11 1943 ujij tmiffmu utriiwn established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages weekly circulation 1850 copies subscription kates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments attend church regulalry according to the canadian census of 1931 3331446 persons recorded declared they were either baptist presbyterian or united church members against this we refer to church year books which indicate that not more than a third of these people go to church the figures are rather startling yet when we think carefully they are only what one might expect right here in the home community not more than a third of the people attend church services with any regularity at all while a considerable number never darken the door of a church this paper conducted a go to church campaign two years ago issuing a series of advertisements putting forth reasons why everyone should attend some church begin ning this week a similar campaign is starting again we have no sponsors for this undertaking and put it forth as a mere goodwill campaign for what it is worth the situation around stouffville is no different than else where only two out of three attend church what would this country be without the church down in oshawa a go to church camipaign is being sponsored by the three service clubs in the city if all its members set an example themselves at least some empty pews will be filled now turn over the age and read our advertisement while washed the cock pit seventyeight game birds seized in an etobicoke raid on a cock fighting joint were resold to the owners after fines had been imposed one man was assessed 200 on a charge of operating and another found guilty of aiding was fined a similar amount these fines would be readily made up from the profits of the cock fights staged illegal ly but what the public will wonder about is why the birds were allowed to be resold to their original owners they were too tough to eat and were bought for only one pur pose of course of becoming fighting birds again surely the law winked its eye when it carried out such a white wash of a cruel lowlown type of sport the owners of the cockpit were allowed to repurchase the birds again it is apparent to continue the cruelty on them from which the birds were rescued a protest from the humane society would have been in order against the resale of the goods to the lawbreakers that will enable them to continue their crime farmers demand attention one branch of the government wants the farmers in 1943 to produce 28 per cent more hogs nine per cent more cattle 12 per cent more sheep 29 per cent more eggs 11 per cent more potatoes and six per cent mpre milk an other branch would draft the young men from farms a similar branch would have young farm women join the auxiliary services and still another branch is trying desperately to keep prices from rising unless the desperate situation on the farms as regards help is considered- and something done about it the pro gram set above will add up to a food shortage we can count up a goodly number of farmers in the immediate district who have sold off their herds of milk cows and others who have given up entirely because they cannot jay the wages offered by war plants that have absorbed the available help from the farmers spring seeding is not far away and unless the farmer can see help to take off his crop he is not so likely to plant it prompt and vigorous action to assure the farmer the same help the war plants receive should be cqming now public business newmarket eraexpress listowel town council recently agreed to hold a com mittee meeting once each month to discuss fully problems coming before the regular council meetings no bylaws or resolutions would be passed at the committee meetings but the council would put through the necessary resolu tions and bylaws at its regular meetings with a minimum of discussion it was apparently the mayors idea and it was also the mayors idea that the press and the public should not be present at the committee meetings some of the coun cillors did not understand this side of the plan apparently and when they did and when other citizens expressed criticism the council gave up the whole idea the point is that the public is entitled to know not only what decisions are reached by a public body but also what are the reasons for the decisions whether the questions have been thoroughly discussed whether pros and cons have both been brought out what particular members think about each question and the extent to which var ious nfembers of the public body have influenced the decision public business is not like private business it is some times a handicap to have to decide public business in pub lic for possibly if a single individual could make the necessary decision and conduct the business for the town in dictatorstyle he could often drive shrewd bargains on behalf of the corporation but public business remains public business it is the business of every citizen and sunday school lesson leon for feb 14th 1013 jesus heais a max borx bund golden text one thing i know that whereas i was blind now i can see john 925 flic lesson as a whole in this chapter we hare a wonder ful pilgrims progress from sightlessness and utter penury to the worship of a cleareyed de livered soul at the feet of the one who had manifested his power and grace so marrelously in the first seventeen verses we have the story of the blind beggar and his healing the question was raised by the disciples master who did sin this man or his par ents that he was born blind we might wonder at the suggestion that congenital blindness could be the result of the individuals own sin but some of the jews held that a child might sin before birth basing their strange view upon the words he took his brother by the heel in the womb hos 123 the dis ciples were obsessed with the same idea as that which jobs three fiiends advocated that all sickness and misfortune are the direct re sult of sin and sent by god as pun ishment our lord negatives this idea and by his miraculous power frees the poor mendicant from his handicap but it was on the sabbath day and at once the pharisees are incensed because the law of the sabbath seemed to them to be violated so they put the healed man on the spot as we say today and endeavored to have him give evi dence against jesus verse by verso john 9 is the jews did not believe that he had been blind so incredulous were these j legalists that they would not or could not believe a the old home town bystanley business directory dental e s barker lds djtjls honor graduate of royal colles of dental surgeons and cf tie university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block save km all ing none had ever heard of a man opening the eyes of the blind be fore he who had so done must of necessity be one sent of god verse 34 thou wast alto gether born in sins they were so angry they overstepped the bounds of truth xo one is born in sins all are born in sin psa 515 that is all paitake of that fallen sinful nature handed down from our flist parents but we are not born in sins we go astray after we are born in actually sinning against god they implied that his was a peculiarly tainted birth and were indignant that he should presume lju bug o rubber save them each and all- little bits of rubber nothing is too small build a mighty weapon to make the axis fall bits of dried erasers castoif rubber heels the apron and rubber pad too old for the one who kneels the sponge that falls to pieces the rubber glove thats torn the fruit jar ring thats lost its spring air cushions weak and worn to instruct them yet they weie the moie incensed because they had no proper answer to give so they cast him out verse 3p jesus heard and found him the good shep- heul knew of the tieatment his genuine miracle shee badieceived and sought him of healing had been performed they persuaded themselves that possibly the man had never been actually sightless so they called his parents to give testimony concerning him verse id is this your son who ye say was born blind note the innuendo involved in the form of the question they as much as implied that the parents had been partici pants in fraudulent representation legarding the affliction of their son as a means of moving the hearts of compassionate people verses 20 21 we know he as born blind but who hath opened his eyes we know not they feared to tell all the truth because of the enmity of the leaders so they concluded with he is of age ask him he was fully competent to speak for himself verse 22 the jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was christ he should be put out of the synagogue the mans parents dreaded the results of a frank confession only divine power could give sight to the blind this was one of messiahs authen tications luke 418 but the sanhedrin had determined to ex communicate any who confessed jesus to be the christ this was a sentence dreaded by every jew verse 23 therefore said his paems he is of age ask him so they referied the questioners o their son whose keenness of mind and sharpness of tongun soon be came embarrassing o his inquisit ors verse 24 give god the praise vo know that this man is a sinner out he put to him the direct ques tion dost thou believe on the son of god the time had come for a full fiank confession of his faith veise 36 who is he lord that i might believe on him eagerly the man responded by asking another question he was evidently leady for the revelation of the divine character of his deliveiei and heal er verse 37- it is he that talketh with thee so does the lord ever delight to make himself known to every honest seeker after the truth without any reservation he de- claied the mystery of his divine- human personality for though a man he was also the son of god verse 3s lord i believe it was the glad confession of one who was thoroughly convinced of the claims of jesus christ so he wor shipped him he had come all the way from the place of need and of darkness to fullness of light and blessed satisfaction in the presence of the holy saviour who had come to earth veiled in humanity to make god known to mortals the case they parried by roo nesting fuller particulars verse 27 will ye also he his disciples the man refused to re peat what he had told them already as recorded in veise ii he irquired their reason for desiring juch in formation were they read to be taught by him and so to become his adherens or discipcs verse s thou ait his disciple we are moses disciples they woie pngry and leviled him declaring that they weie among the orthodox give them to the salvage man when he comes to call medical dr s s ball physician t surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetrics also eye ear nose and throat eyes tested glasses fitted and repaired markham ont phone insurance extend registration thomas bffikett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates promt service phone 25902 stouffriua labor minister mitchell has an nounced extension to march 1 of the period for registration of single men in age groups subject to military callup who have not yet received notice to report for medical examin ation the registration affects men who were single as of july 15 1940 it also applies to widowers divorced men and men separated from their wives since july 15 1940 who are classed as single men if they have no dependent children heale1 rs now they could not deny the reality ofl 2 ten the miracle but they insisted that the lord jes pet ntrent kow noi lom whence he i ihev sinner because a deceive of the y 3 christ was not m3 dirl u t in their eyes he was a vow nm fn li fellow w w o r j- f hence he they oecnuse a people veise 25 one thliit i know ort wherov i was blind now i can see he wi ely refused lo be drawn nto their theological quibbling but insisted on testifying to the groat thirg that had taken place in his own experience he knew he hart ippn blind he knew it was so no longer they could draw their own conclusions verse 2g how opened he thine eyes betrayed by curiosity and in ability to overthrow the facts in wonderworking teacher yet he had demonstrated his power in a most marvelous way it was up to them to discover for themselves who it was that was in their midst verse 31 we know that god hearcth not sinners in so saying he was but agreeing with them it was not a denial as god ever hear ing a sinners prayer but a recog nition that he did not honor sin ners by working miracles in re sponse to their words but he does so hear and recognize those who worship him in truth the man was a good theologian after all verses 32 33 if this man were not of god he could do noth- could scarcely have spoken more disrespectfully of the lord jesus they spurned him as in unknown upstart wiih no proper credentials whatever verse 30 he hath opened mine eyes tiiumphantly the man turn ed their woids back upon them selves they who were supposed to be authorities on the law of moses and usages of israel knew not this horace walsh electrician for the stouffville hydro system trouble of any kind over the village system cheerfully attended to private work at moderate rates telephone 2704 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock stouffville marble granite works h o klinck phone 3307 stouffrffie fire auto burglary sickness 2nd accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yean experience strength and service unexcelled a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance c -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence pboae 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary ponttfc o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch offlcs wcpolalrdkc pert perry uxbridge ontario phone 25 office phone elgin 7021 residence phone mo cm samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street wesi 1 toronto orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am brierbush hospital government licensed slain street east sfouffrtoe maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registerde nurses and 24 hoar service mrs e r good phone 191 l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night every citizen is entitled to know all about it on the other hand it is usually a great advantage to the town and to those conducting the towns business that they work in a glass house when citizens know what is being done how it is being done and why it is being done they pay taxes more promptly and cheerfully and they vote intelligently at the end of the year when there is a capital expenditure to be made the citizensif they have the say will invariably turn it down if they- havent been taken completely into the confidence of the spending body if they have been kept fully informed and the spending body is right they will not be slow to give their approval r g clendeninc funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience 20 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sates a specialty telephone stouffville 730s address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourl j2 w3 milmkcn licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm rnd farm stock sales a specialty a fair and reason able rates ft

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