i pir fvj- f y- vf- c the tribunestouffville ont thursday icember j01942 classified advs phone 15301 ifece wood lots a few lots of stand- ins mixed wood tor private sale toplar birch and elm apply to h burkholder phone 3709 i articles for sale for sale two new reversable smyrna rugs size 30i60 rot s goudle phone 7402 for sals 1horse bob sleigh and box also a hay rack all good d ramer markham rri phone 1232 for sale a quantity of spy apples for sale edw walls phone 7s2q for sale 750 lb delaval cream separator like new hand or electric 25 or co cycle apply w a harding mansion house stouffrille for sale beautifully toned cello and valuable horn for sale at once n forsyth phone 25803 for sale ladys fur coat in excellent repair black astrachan about 36 bust apply one door east of the presbyterian church stouftville for sale pair of girls white stgoid h ferry command hockey boots and skates size 4 wl flone 110s good as new phone 7821 stouff- viue s i estjray ayrshire steer about a year and a half old notch in the ear warren graves ml albert for sale quantity of good cook ing onions 6 quart basket 30e pushel 150 also carrots and cabbage ross vague ringwood hot air furnace for sale phone 5716 j 5n flrst class condition pipes and registers all complete price 3500 jos borinsky wanted wanted good driver state age and price jas dickson clare- mont wanted immediately bicycle for 12yearold boy must be good repair phone 25802 shooting match the annual christmas match will be held on the farm of john scott claremont on wednesday after- noon december 16 geese for prlz- j es shells provided open to all vegetables still wanting a few more soup carrots any variety r e brown phone 176 wanted job milking your cows cooling your milk and grinding your grain with a delaval milk- erfrigidaire coolerwoods grind ers rollers and coolers moffat electropail heaters tradeins accepted toronto radio sports 241 yonge st wa 4301 for sale or rent for sale quantity pure home rendered lard 15c pound 25 lbs or over 14c dave mcdowell phone markham 43r4 car bargain 1939 delux sed an dodge car excellent condi tion five good tires new battery defroster and heater m lehman main street east for sale quebec heater 2 lads used only two winters apply to harry pugh phone 2902 beatty bros ltd litter carriers pumping outfits water bowls electric grinders re pair parts etc bell son phone 281 stouffville livestock for sale 5yearold filly colt good type garnet vanzant stouff- ville rri 10th concession of markham 1 miles south of stouftville sow yorkshire sow for sale about due arthur carruthers phone 1503 claremont sale by tender sealed tenders for the purchase of the desirable property occupied by mr william cutting gorham st east of newmarket being the northeast part of lot no 33 in the second concession of whitchurch containing four acres one rood 27 porohes will be received by the undersigned until dec 31 1942 possession of the property will be given april 1 1943 terms 10 per cent january 2 1943 balance april 1 1943 louis l nichols rr2 gormley phone stouftville 4004 sale register for sale 35 pigs 9 weeks old also one fresh cow bert tait j phone s109 j thursday december 10 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain and large list of entire household j heifers that sold from 175 to 290 third line uxbrid0e best wishes to the little girl at tindals mr itussel dowswell is recover ing from a case of mumps pte gordon taylor spent the weekend with his wife and other relatives mrs baldwin and george spent a day in the city recently visiting relatives the snow storm blocked the roads all through the district where is the mamtalner sorry to hear teddy kidd is the victim of appendicitis we hope for a speedy recovery sorry to hear mrs tindal is suffer ing from a serious case of pneu monia in newmarket hospital g n r robert dawson and mr and sirs c hallet visited their par ents for a few hours on sunday mrs myers who is in her 90th year had the misfortune to fall and break her leg on friday we are all very sorry to hear of this accident it always means a lot of suffering for an old person to break a limb coming events the annual christmas concert at the bethesda public school s s 12 whitchurch will be held on the evening of tuesday december 22nd edna foskett teacher next bowser sale nets si 1203 despite the early winter storm that blocked many country roads in the district the dispersal sale of the holstein herd of john w bows er newmarket was a decided suc cess with the 68 head sold bringing 11205 the 40 caws and bred heifers averaging 230 top price of 350 was reached twice by a fiveyearold cow and by the herd sire humbercrest echo pietje who is out of an 800 lb fat dam he went to highland lake farms richmond hill several other cows brought from 275 to 310 a great attraction was the group of 18 daughters of eaton hall ahbekerk mostly bred cdter for sale good order n claughton phone 1203 stationary engine for sale clutch pulley and governors complete apply to joe mcmulien phone 7812 for sale your choice of two electric washers one wood tub and one copper tub brooder house new 150 to 200 chick capacity insulated and paint ed inside and out furnace kettle 50 gal capacity in real good shape set double team harness also set of single harness and harness parts also collars gw baker gormley phono 7304 oak heater stove for sale a2inl stove and two coal oil heaters apply to oliver zellar phone 2110 for sale reg ayrshire cow in fully accredited herd springer apply h summerfeldt lot 23 con 6 markham 10 pigs for sale 7 weeks old also 100 pullets 5 months old plymouth rock also 100 rock roosters fred mowder clare mont phone 1401 pigs- seven pigs for sale about- 50 pounds each earl doner phone 2508 pigs s nice pigs eight weeks old for sale earl keith main st stouffville for sale a number of geese for sale e a storry phone 9206 for sale 25 leghorn hens and about thirtysix wyandotte iroosters about seven months old mrs lewis hoover claremont phone claremont 1504 lost and found parts for sale from 1929 1 chev coach also battery wellington yake phone 8505 for sale01d fashioned sofa morris rocking chair also table model aladdin lamp mrs jacob boadway church st stouffville for salea quantity of large sweet spanish onions phone s602 wanted flocks all breeds to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1943 hatch ing season flocks culled and blood- tested under government super vision free of charge guaranteed bonus over grade a large price with additional hatching premiums your chance to make up to 25c per dozen premium over the price of grade a large also turkey flocks wanted for hatching also wanted pullets all breeds and ages yearling hens cockerels suitable for breeding write for full particulars tncddlc chick hatcheries ltd fergus ontario furniture etc at lot 10 con 4 markham on no 7 highway property of william brooke terms cash sale at 2 sharp a s farmer auctioneer saturday december 12 a first class suburban property of a good 8roomed brick house and lot known as the baptist church parsonage at york mills no 110 york mills road e sale at 1100 am for further particulars and terms see bills or apply to i gooderham trustee 30 shepherd ave lansing or to auctioneer clarke prentice wednesday dec 16 farm stock implements hay grain household furniture etc the property of w j bodie lot 17 con 2 north york xy miles east of lansing stoplight on lansing cut off highway sale at 1 oclock terms cash no reserve clarke prentice auctioneer wednesday december 16 auction sale of dairy herd guernseys and jerseys 32 head the property of harold acreman lot 18 con 3 markham head- ford to be sold subject to blood test taken prior to sale terms cash a s farmer auctioneer auction sale on friday december 18 the property of robert sellers lot 12 con 5 uxbridge 4 miles straight north of claremont matched team of draught yeldings 4 years old milch cows young cattle hogs fowl hay grain insilage and turnips also farm implements sale at one terms cash w f marquis uxbridge auctioneer yearlings averaged 115 and calves 72 the auctioneer was a b bnibacher bridgeport with lloyd shantz breslau assisting in the ring hoise admirers will be glad to learn that there will be a horse shew in connection with stouffville christmas fair dec 22 send the tribune to absent friends annual meeting take notice that the annual meet ing of the north york plowmens association will be held at the residence of walter woods yonge st aurora on thursday dec 10 1942 at 8 pm all parties interest ed please take notice r e ratcliff secretary in mfmorlaji brown in loving memory of our baby son russel who passed away december 3 1941 aged 1 year 6 months o blessed little sunbeam o child of love and care we give thee to the keeping of the tender shepherds care fondly remembered by mummie and daddy card of thanks i sincerely thank the many kind friends and neighbours for their remembrances sent to me during my illness it has all been greatly appreciated mrs w empringham school concert at ss no 10 whitchurch bloomington will be given on thursday eveilng dec 17 at 8 oclock silver collection m gerrard teacher m the melville public school con cert ss no 13 markhamtwlll hold their christmas concert at the school on thursday december 17 at 8 pm admission 15c children free ruth allen teacher the christmas concert at webbs public school ss no4 uxbridge will be held on friday december is at 730 pm m cowle teacher the christmas concert for ss6 markham victoria square will be held on monday december 21 at pm silver collection dorine gooding teacher lemonville school christmas concert is to take place on monday evening december 21 at the school everybody welcome marion van- nostrand teacher the christmas concert of the second line school uxbridge will be held on monday december 21 at s15 pm buy your tickets for the lucky draw on a quilt donated by mrs a taylor miss mary stamp teacher the annual christmas concert of ballantrae school whitchurch ss no 11 will be held on december 17th at 8 pm admission 10c and 15c miss zimmerman teacher the stouffville christian church sunday school entertainment vill be held on tuesday december 22nd at 8 oclock you are invited to attend the altona public vschool christmas concert on december 22 at 815 silver collection a play robbers on the trail written by the school pupils mary f graham teacher atha public school ss no 16 pickering will hold their christmas concert on friday december 18 at 8 pm admission 15c children free net proceeds for evening telegram british war victims fund mildred lakey teacher hillcrest public school tvill hold their christmas concert friday evening dec 18 at 815 oclock everyone welcome admission 20c children 10 cents m i fleming teacher the annual sunday school chiist- mas concert will be held christmas eve dec 24th in the community hall victoria square everyone wel come whether members of the sun day school or not dont forget the christmas con cert of ss7 markham on tuesday evening december 22nd at 8 pm remember the mount joy school concert on friday evening of this week a varied and interesting pro gram will be presented bingo oddfellows hall stouffville friday dec 11 830 pm good prizes lots of fna proceeds for the soldiers comfort fund have you bought your tickets for the leather windbreaker the draw will be made at the next bingo game dec 11th in the oddfelows hall all persons with books please make re turns either to shine davis harry golden or bert lickorish proceeds go to the soldiers comfort fund dont forget the christmas con cert of victoria square school ss no6 will be held monday evening december 21st at s pm u v s ik y i iv y t t f t theres a better quaker feed for every need 6 since feed plays such an important partinanyfarmersnetprofitsweeon- sidered it our job years ago to main- tain experimental farms where quaker feeds and different new ideas might be tried and tested under actual farm conditions we are constantly seek ing ways to improve quaker feeds so that you will get more efficient results and at the same time cut your feed ing costs considerably we feel con fident that quaker feeds are the most profitable and economical feeds on the market today the quaker oats co peterborough ont quaker feeds are sold and recommended by stiver bros2 authorized quaker dealer i t stquffville ontario phone 4501 goodwood stouffville christmas market is set for december 22 there will be an attractive hoise show prize list next week no library opened last week due to the librarian being blocked in with the snow rather early isnt it a report of the recent convention will be given at the womens insti tute meeting harvey feasby and elmer coop er are taking basic training at slmcoe and were home for last sun day the lads report excellent social life at camp conducted by church groups sorry to report that mrs meyers fell on saturday and fractured her hip mrs charles feasby is suffering from a cold also the flash writer is down with one hearty people so they will be expected to make a prompt recovery mrs bailey of winnipeg is visit ing at the harper home her hus band is overseas and she is spend ing several months in this district floyd mcdonald is home from alaska probably for the christmas season mrs j f reid has been advised that her sister miss mowbray of gravenhurst is in a toronto hospital with a badly broken ankle suffered in a fall miss joan thaxter was in tor onto one day recently t election talk is very quiet here final council meeting next tuesday auction sale jerseys guernseys milking machine the property of h acreman lot 18- concession 3 markham twp at headford wed dec 16 guernsey bull ornetta fisherman boy no 23861 jersey cow due time of sale eligible to register jersey cow bred sept 16 th jersey cow bied sept 27th jersey cow fresh guernsey cow bred august 24th guernsey cow bred july 18th jersey cow bred july 15th guernsey cow bred july 3rd jersey cow birchdale silver sun rise no s22s4 fresh guernsey cow fresh jersey cow bred september 6th jersey cow bred october 18th jersey cow bred july 8th guernsey heifer bred august 23 guernsey heifer bred october 20 guernsey heifer bred sept 8th guernsey heifer bred sept 14th guernsey heifer bred 7 yearling heifers guernseys and jerseys 5 spring calves guernseys wilkinson cutting box delaval milking machine 3 units the above herd will be sold sub ject to blood test taken before sale- terms cash sale at 130 oclock no reserve as proprietor is going out of the milk business a s farmer auctioneer gormley phone stouffville 7309 major lj stiver is promoted the announcement has been made of the promotion to the rank of major of capt l j stiver gso 2 in charge of operations at camp borden he has been on headquar ters staff at camp borden since february 1941 when he was second ed from his active service unit the presbyterians again change their hour of meeting the kirk session of st james presbyterian church desires to call attention to the change in the hours of sunday services effective through out the winter months service will he held at 230 p m in the after noon with sabbath school and bible class at 130 pm irish regiment as gso 3 in charge of weapon training a native of mount albert district where his parents mr and mrs by ron stiver reside in east gwlliim- bury lie attended public and high schools there and graduated in arts from momaster university he en listed in the 48th highlanders in 1925 and was commissioned in the 1st battalion canadian machine gun corps three years later in 1937 he transferred to the cameron highlanders of ottawa but the following year upon his return to toronto he joined the irish regi ment he wai one of the first to enlist for active service in toronto being called up on august 26 1939 and be was sent to the rcaf station at camp borden on a guard detach ment he rejoined the irish when that unit was mobilized in jnnc 1940 but was seconded eight months later in civilian life he was an agoncy assistant with an insnraneo company