ijssel t vsm kvi ri jr k9 ii i v- theatre phone 100 showing each night at 81s saturday and holidays 700 and 900 3hnrsdajr friday saturday november s 6 7 melm cowboy ts abbott and costelto musical and short subjects monday tuesday wednesday november 9 1011 bringing up baby katherine hepburn cary grant comedy and walt disney cartoon t0r0mt0 goodwood flashes avalter davey fc stanton ave toronto fro enmi sd i pleased toihearj that mrs george stewart is up and around again since her illness mrs miller has her two daugh ters home on a visit thursday friday saturday november 12 13 14 sis hopkins judy canova i bob crosby sunday schooii lesson continued from second page ft if 5 f presence and as seeking his glory in all that they do to this end there should be the daily reading of the scriptures and prayer in the family circle when all together bow before tlhe father above and commit one another to his loving care but besides this the ydung are to be trained dn fche ways of the lord and the knowledge of his word where parents leave this to the sunday sohoopor other outside j activities they are unfaithful to the xesponsimiity god has put upon them nothing can make up for lack of christian nurture at home i i verso by verse r deut 6 4 jehovah our god is one jehovah this was israels great confession to the v of the godhead and was one of the first lessonstaught to every child in the homes of the chosen people verse 5 thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart 1 the children dn every family were to be brought up to recognize fflieir responsibility to give god the first place in their lives to love him was the first and great command- jjnent y verse 6 these words shall ibe in thine heart the family heads were to know toie word of god arid to hide it in their own hearts thus they wouldbe in a position to lead the young in the right way verse 7 thou shalt teadh them diligently unto thy children to the parents was committed the responsibility of training the child- ren dn the knowledge of bhe lord as set forth in the law of moses and of course in later years in added books of the scriptures verse 8 bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes in other words they were to walk and work in accordance with the word and it was to control all their thinking in later years the jews sso literalized hills command that ithey wore strips of parchment on which portions of scripture were written in little leather boxes j astened to the wrist arid hound about the head so that they were held in place onthe forehead or jusfaboveuhe eyeslmseasier2i to t somesuch badge than to have a heart arid mind ever subject to the truth yz verse 9 write themupon the posts of thy house and on tfhy gates this too was taken very literally by orthodox jews and is- to this day the deeper meaning is that fi cuccijci meaning la uiui hlpthe portals ofthe home are to be tfa guarded by the word of god jivt nothing permlttedto enter that and is divine guard george todd is loading cars of her daughters turnips beets carrots and cab bage a continual shipment going all the time mr d mcdonald is busy with his carrot output mr and mrs baldwin and george had dinner with their daughter mr and mrs reuben may on sunday mr and mrs wm may and johnny had a sunday dinner with mr and mrs harry woodland and family mr and mrs george jones and gordon also mr and mrs may visited mr and mrs everett hock ley on sunday mr and mrs bert may and family had sunday tea with mr and mrs wm may f a forsyth is busy soiling victory bonds our friends john and mrs lueid are improving v a drop in fruit sorry to hear our friend mrs freeman slack had the misfortune to have one of her swing shelves break down which destroyed a quantity of fruit lots of business the vegetable growers in goodwood have got every available person working these days harvesting their garden products mr norman knight has moved to tenth street stouffville and will continue work at pickering plant mr and mrs woodland received a letter from their son alt who is a prisoner of war they sent him a parcel right away lac billie burnham mr bur- ham and phyllis visited mr latch- am on sunday mr and mrs reuben middleton visited the toronto hospital on sunday and saw mis middletons brother archie miike harding the members of st peters anglican mission musselmans lake held an entertainment in st chads parish hall toronto on wednesday night this week pro- ceedsto go to the building fund for a church to he built at thelake l jwar workers jinet- at- mrs raes on tuesday aftern6oriand evening andpacked sixteen- boxes for our local boys overseas among other things each box contained a christ- imascake made and decorated by mrs george todd mrs moffett and daughter joan of vancouver are visiting relatives in goodwood mrs moffett was form erly gladys rodman of uxbridge only three or four pupils of webb school have escaped having the mumps mrs walter davey wife of the correspondent visited her sister mrs0 blbaardonwednesday and thursday- z mr ralph faukner called on mr and mrs george brown on sunday f mr and mrsh norton had sun day dinner with their parents mr and mrs d norton mrs w symes called on mrs c studholme of uxbridge on monday sorry to report the collins children ill with the mumps mrs ht norton arid mrs d norton visited mrs george wilson on sunday mrs arthur lee son and daugh ter ere visiting their parents in tor onto bruce is about to join the us navy our best wishes arthur is a former uxbridge boy 4 mrs j middleton has returned to toronto for a few weeks to be with goodwood lol held an inter esting meeting when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year wor master deputy master chaplain recsecy finsecy treasurer dir of ceremonies 1st lecturer 2nd lecturer pierre evans walter todd richard rae robert sellers walter hope norman wagg geo stewart donald spenceley thomas ogden committeemen john davis dean wagg h elson sick committee walter hope nor man symes and the w m mrs davey wife of the corres pondent- visited in woodstock last saturday jiebured above are pte and mrs charles p gordon who were married in st matthews church- red hill surrey eng land on september 2 the bride is the former betty frances wells daughter of mr and mrs c wells of red hill surrey eng land and the groom is a new- market soldier holding itwas 2virtually im possible for a person on the ground to determine the height of a plane magistrate keith dismissed a low- flying charge against cecil greaves of toronto v evidence was heard a week ago it was alleged that near markham village greaves was flying by reason of low altitude or proximity to persons or dwellings dangerous to public safety cpntraryto the air regulations magistrate keith said machines have come over here and made a terrific noise but i cannot say how low they were i do not think ftae evidence is sufficient to warrant a conviction and i dismiss ithe charge left- estate of 345210 patients and industry bring their own reward the late dr locke foot specialist of williamsburg who made a charge of ten cents a toe or 1 a treatment left an estate valued at 345216 txion1lle courier makes a record collection mr e b shank who is courier on the rural mail route from union- ville post office collected 2325 lbs of rubber in the recent campaign this is an outstanding amount to collect from one route and stouf f mile floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers j milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 we pay phone charges gordon young ltd phone adelaide 3636 toronto sents a lot of work and real interest in the project and we congratulate repremr shank c4 ivly or contrary to the t v will- the- scriptures are to felour doors j jujvs verse 20 when thy son asketh hw thee what mean the test the home is to be a i w monies xno hwho is w uw f iechool where the children are taught theholy scriptures and vj- where- their questions ns to the fesj meaning of the statutes of the lord will be explained clearly and tfl eimply so that ifcheir youthful st riilnds may be ahle to comprehend py 21 jtn l shalt say kijevv the- lord brought us out of g- egypti the annual celebration of es- r in israel was themem- p ot t redemption of the tfrh egyptian 1ondage ki this vas to bo c clear to the p that they toomight re- kfvrjoiceln the knowledge gods de- k 5 hveraiiceeven so today ve should il i in recurring observance j supper and this trj should bo impressed upon the minds ond hearts of all the family verse 22- islbns andxworiderslvbefore eyes the recltarofrthetnightv works of the lord wascalculate i itojr give the chlldreri a roverence ivvyforthe confidcncein the one who jty jla iwrooght- so marvelously on be- r sihalfrof the nation to which they fcjv5vefsex2s hebroughvas out 0 u- ri f shewed tliat- he imight bring us in this is ever the way of the lord he de livers from the world that he may bringhislpeople into the privileges of communion with himself israel was called to be a separated nation unholy unto the lord so with the church today if this is impressed on the children when young they will be hhe more likely to follow in the r saimepath in y later years when theykriow the lord for them selves verse 24- thesi lord for our good always the path of blessing is thepath of obedience when gods whl is put first all ee win r into place parents should he careful to explain to their children that gods will is not a mere arbitrary determination to subject all men to hirriself7 but isall planned for the ultimate good and lasting blessing of his people verse 25 it shall be our righteousness to do all these commandments it js not justify ing righteousness tliat is here in view but righteousness of life evidencebf subjection to the will of god for us today the standard is far higher it is our righteousness as believers to walk in the spirit that he may give daily deliverance from every evil tendency 2 tim 314conunue thou in the things which thou hast learn ed tiriiothy had been instructed carefully in accordance with the passage we have been considering by his godly jewish mother and grandmother so when he heard the gospel lie was ready to receive it in all simplicity paurexhorts to continuance in the study of and obedience tothe sacred writings of the old testament which had heeri the means of preparing his heart for the gotpel message verse 1 5 j frorii a child thou hast known the holy scriptures it is- thing thus to learn the-wofd-vf-god- in- the family circle timothys mother had given heed to the commandments- regard ing- tnlsr as we have considered them in deuteronomy 6 teaching a child the truth of scripture is like placing kindling and fuel in order i thenwhena is struck it bursts in to a flamed the safest way to invest your hone qtt ivi yrf when you buy victory bonds you arejaying savingshavebeen collected but the average upfor yourself the best of all irivestrnents for v may not fit case your qwncircumstan- back of eactf one is yourcouhtryfs solemn cesare distinctly your own you may be able promise that every dollar you invest in victory to do better both out bf your current income bonds wul befepaidto a and outof your accumulated sayings inthe fair rate of interest youcartborr 6w against baiik or you may not be able to reach the them and they are readily saleable when yoif average your share of voluntary savings is need the cash and that solemn promise of repayment iri full is backed by all the vast resources of the dominiofi of canada when the war is over you will want to buy all the things we must deny ourselves now every dollar you can possibly spare j how to buy give your order to the victory loan salesman who calls on you or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank or give it to any trust- company or send it to your mocal victory loan headquarters or you can authorize your employer to start a regular payroll sav then your victory bonds willgive you the money to buy all these and your purchases will provide when they come whats your share of the savings job well the average canadian would have tojend to h wiii eswsfis8t canada to meet canadas need 1 infeyerys ffi of income left after taxes and compulsory- order form- new employment for our boys ings plan for yoti bondsmaybe bought ome home again in denominations of 5b10050b v li000 and larger salesman bank trust feu company or your local victory loan v- jv a ji to 3of1v03 nothing matters now but victory 3rr- y national war finance committee u3s mif gk ri- tj5v i- m m m- ii jif trtrsjvwf