i s- vvv v4r v ki lls- i j page eight r fv v thetwbunestouflfvffle ontarioathursday september 24th1942- cessified advs phone 15301 yfur for sale or rent farm forsale fbast halt of lot no 2 con 9th whitchurch containing 94 acresipply to ac gtonffer- phone 674 100 acre dairy farm for saleflot 4 con whlt- church all workable good clay loam frame house large barn pig pens driving shed and hen house running water in stables good orchard for further par ticulars and price apply to the owner john spence stouffville articles for sale apples a few bushels of drop wealthles at 50c bus- charles barkey phone 6606- stouffville for sale wetlauffer 2 wheel- barrow size cemont mixer pow er drive good order fred chessman v for sale s acres mixed hay standing alfalfa and timothy apply to carl harper phone 471g for sale a rubber tired wag on with heavy duty tires also empire cook stove n b eby phone 9102 delaval milkers and j cream separators order now only a limited num ber available for 1943 we install and service bell son phone 2s1 stouffville wanted wanted number of men and hoys to assist in taking up vege tables and packing same for shipment apply to r e brown stouffville phone 176 female hep wanted for employment at the claremont canning factory to assist in can ning the present crop of tomatoes girls or women who can take a few- weeks employment should apply immediately at the factory ask for w symes wanted caretaker for clare mont baptist church make application and apply for parti culars to james mcoullough claremont wanted girl for general house work apply 9711 stouffville wanted young woman for gen eral housework toronto westend district good comfortable home well equipped wages 3000 per month or more according to experience mrs a g hayes 4s- princeton road toronto ont phone lyndhurst 0154 cider mtjul reopbxing we will reopen the altdna cider mill on sept 23rd make your ap pointments in advance please note that patrons must supply their own sugar vouchers for this use are only available during sept so attend- to your sugar ration immediately cider making from tuesday to friday each week inclusive autos a cider- mills p n nighswander phone 9021 tenders will be received for painting the exterior of mt pisgah church until october 1st lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted for further information apply to mrs archio monkman ph aurora 8406 marjcrie smith secty livestock for sale 3 acres standing corn iheavy crop peter connon lot 18 con- markham phone 7409 mnrkham for sale findlay queoec heat er apply mrs barrie mill st for sale 1929 dodge car good tires good battery 11 g kellington phone 5611 beatttbros itd litter carriers pumping outfits water bowls electric grinders re pair parts etc bell son phone 281 stouffville delaval milkers woods grinders and coolers frigidairo coolers electric refrigerators ranges and radios tradeins accepted toronto radio sports ltd 241 yongest wa 4501 for sale about acre of turn ips in the field for sale average size 4 to 6 inches oscar hutchin son altona order apples now choice sprayed mcintosh and snows also other fall and winter varie ties edw walls phone 7820 for sale 1 3f lister aircooled engine and one pump jack h stjohn ph 1103 for sale quebec sulky rid ing plow norman lehman phone 1507ciaremont for sale 12 inch fleury ham mer mill cyclone 2a battery complete also cockshutt fertil- jizer grain drill v disc apply to wm a barkey phone 406 stouffville pullets minorca and leghorn hybrids j b reesor stouffville phone 6005 for sale 10 pigs 8 weeks old o w zellers phone 2110 v lost a goat white with- gray forcquartcrs last seen on the 5th concession reward phone aurora s0rl3 bull for sale ireg holstein 2 years old blcod tested bull has excellent line of breeding apply h h reesor phone 8131 mnrkham wanted yearling leghorn hens phone stouffville 3702 for sale 7 young holstein bulls about 6 months old jack oboyle phone g715 for sale 10 sucking pigs al so 25 n plymouth rock pullets ready to lay w g sanderson obrien avenue new hampshire pullets also rock pullets and roosters for sale jos grose phone 2801 for sale booking orders for purebred yorkshire breeding stockt eligible for advanced registration sows 1500 boars 1200 at 8 weeks with papers also 3 boars ready for service sova for lease on share basis r e brandon rr2 markham phone 1904 the fuller 3rush we are now prepared to accept phone orders and will fill them as quickly as possible also phone if you wish me to call with our complete lino of fuller brush articles wm grovo phone 5505 sale register thursday sept 24 registered jersery herd horses swine and implements threshing machine also 97 acre farm at lot 24 con 3 north york east and south of steeles corners belonging to j c galbraith terms cash on chat ties sale at one a s farmer auctioneer saturday sept 2th auction sale hotel equipment household furniture such as dishes bed ding kitchen utensils garden tools also some pigs at property of d l ross at franklin hotel markham terms cash no re serve sale at 1230 sharp clarke prentice auctioneer monday sept 28 mortgage sale of solid brick bungalo on main street stouffville also brick garage formerly occupied by fred betz sale at 2 pm f w marquis auctioneer wednesday sept 30th auction snlo farm stock imple ments tractor and equipment hay grain household furniture etc lot 10 con 7 whitchurch township property of w dan hall terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm clarke prentice auctioneer tuesday october 6 auction sale of registered jersey cattle and farm stock implements hay and grain household furnish ings etc the property of david coats south half of lot s con 3 east gwillimbury all cattle are good producers and have a high average test fred smith auction eer jjl smith clerk terms cash sale at 12 oclock sharp lunch will be served at 1130 for those from a distance ah cattle are bloodtested and tb free tuesday october 6th entire household furitiire the property of william dunn 1 miles east of green river on no 7 thigh- way sale at 1 oclock terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 7 farm stock implements hay fowl also modern and antique furniture etc at lot 8 con 7 whitchurch lemonville the property of gordon lemon no reserve clark prentice auctioneer thursday october 8th farm stock and implements in cluding international tractor threshing machine hay grain at lot 21 con 3 markham at hertford the property of fred a clark terms cash sale at 1130 pm a s farmer auctioneer tuesday october 13 farm stock and implements and house hold goods belonging to henry w marks at lot 24 con 2 pickering about mile north of kingston road no reserve sale at one a s farmer auctioneer additional locals miss hortense booth was a caller in town the other day visit ing a great grand uncle mr nathan forsyth and mrs forsyth also mr and mrs howard malloy cousins miss booth is enroute to take up her studies at queens university king ston she is a daughter of mr and mrs chas boothsmission city word has reached here that mrs parker wife of one of the members of the cleveland colored quintette died in cleveland last week at their home there friends of this choral body will be sorry to learn of the loss sustained by one of its members school attendance holds high stouffville continuation school opened on tuesday morning with an enrolment of over 110 and which- is expected to reach 125 students when classes get into swing next month still a number are detained on the farms mortgage sale under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mort gage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on monday the 28th day of sept 1942 at two oclock in the afternoon at the premises hereinafter described in the village of stouffville by w f marquis auctioneer the follow ing property namely the northerly one hundred and sixtytwo feet 162 of the westerly fiftyfive feet 55 of lot number five 5 in block c according to registered plan no 51 for the said village of stouffville in the county of york and province of ontario on the said property is said to be erected a one and onehalf storey brick bungalow trimmed with stucco formerly occupied by fred betz and a two car garage l terms ten 10 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale the bal ance to be paid in twenty days from the date of sale for further particulars and con ditions of sale- apply to harris harris wallace of osliawa ont tario solicitors for the mortgagee dated at oshawa the 26th day of august 1942 merchants meeting the merchants- of the village are urged to attend a meeting in the municipal hull on friday evening at s pjn the new regulations respect ing the limited hours of busi ness must be dealt with dont leave nil to your neighbor to settle a e weldon reeve prospective school maims three of last years graduates from stouffville will attend normal school in toronto this fall namely doreen king eunice woodland and alice tindall guests with mrs as leaney for a day or two were dr and mrs m kelly mr george silvester of timmins and son george iof toron to also mr and mrs fred w silvester of uxbridge east york plowmen cancel competitions card of thanks we wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to our many friends for all the words of sympathy floral tributes and kind ness we have received during our bereavement mr and mrs gordon m ramer card of thanks i sincerely thank the kind friends and neighbors for the lovely card shower sent to mo on the occasion of my 85th birthday on sept 19 it was all greatly appreciated mrs james clemence gormley in memoriam stority in fond and loving memory of a dear wife and mother mrs e- a storry who passed away september 23 193s remembrance is a golden chain death tries to break but all in vain to have to love and then to part is the greatest sorrow of ones heart the years may wipe out many things but this they wipe out never the memory of those happy days when we were all together sadly missed by husband and family the annual fall plowing match of the east york fowmens associa tion will be cancelled this year due to conditions brought on by the war it was decided at a meeting of direc tors saturday evening the oldest and one of the most active associations of this kind in canada many will regret the can cellation of the affair which attract ed hundreds year after year the matches were held in markham east york and sfearboro townships in recent years north york match will be held as usual it is announc ed extensive rakers corn solvent painlessly dissolves a corn in 10 days or money back solvent painlessly dissolves cal louses bunions thicknails hard spots warts 25c 50c 75c 100 guaranteed as represented or money back george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist stoufrvillc ontario a very thin woman at unionville dizzy nervous couldnt keep still wake up at night with awful fright her lingeriea terrible signt felt like taking flight a neighbor woman name of shad der told her about bakers kidney liver bladder regulator relieves getting up nights leg- cramps and pains lumbago sciatica rheumatism headache backache neuralgia neuritis stitchinside nervous dizzy sluggish draggy dopy low-in- spirits appetite one and nervous indigestion bakers kidney liver bladder regulator helps nature to dissolve the uric acid crystals cleanse the kidneys get rid of the sluggish waste in the liver helps nature one and build up circula tion 3 weeks treatment for 100 5 weeks treatment for 150 guaranteed hs represented or money back george e baker pliinb manufacturing chemist stouffville ontario i paid for this cream separator with the extra profits made by using quaker calf meal thousands of alert canadian dairymen have proved that quaker calf meal costs less to feed prove it- to your own satisfaction this season and with the savings you make buy some needed equip ment for your farm quaker calf meal is a balanced ration scientifically compounded to take the place of whole milk after the first months and gives results that compare most favourably with whole milk feeding feeding quaker calf meal permits you to sell a maximum of milk from the herd while raising the calves into strong lusty heifers for sale and recommended by p x sxer brcys authorized quaker dealer stouffville ontario 7 phone 4501 it seems very sad in fact it makes you mad the weather gets cold the flies are bad pigs covered with flies right from tail to the eyes the baby crawls old cow bawls horses whinner hens say you old sinner kill the flies with bakers high test you know its best get bakers high test spray keeps flies away all day you save money in every way house sprays 10c 15c 25c 50c cattle sprays 79c forno 40 cattle sprays 115 for no 50 cattle sprays 125 for no 76 high test 150 large gallon containers extra in gal lots guaranteed as represented or money back george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist stouffvillo ont i know a traveller name of jott irepresented a big company found he was on the spot he couldnt help it being forced to scratch really very embarrassing however it got its snatch bakers quick healin ointment took away that itchy sting now he dont fee a thing i feel now i want to shout bakers quick healin ointment cleans piles right out bakers quick healin ointment quickly relieves piles hemorrhoids baby chapps chapped face and hands burns scalds braises cuts etc wr 25c 50c 75c f guaranteed as represented or money back george e rakkr phmb manufacturing clicrnkt stonflvillc ontario auction sale r dairy cattle clyde horses hog implements tractor and equip ment harness grain house- hold furniture etc by public auction the undersigned has received la- structions to sell by public auction at lot 10 con 7avhitchurch half mile north of lemonville wed sept 30 1942 the following property belonging to wdan hall horses bay clyde gelding 6 years bay clyde mare brown mare two good clyde filleys 3 years old cattle holstein cow calf by side roan cow calf by side holstein cow milking bred blue cow full flow bred holstein cow duo about oct 15th part ayrshire heifer milking fall flow red heifer 2 years 5 yearling heifers some are twa years old holstein cow due about nov 1st harness and gran 2 full sets of heavy work harness number of colars of different sizea some odd pieces of harness quantity of irye also quanity ot other grains if possible to have same threshed by time of sale hogs 2 yorkshire brood sows c good fat hogs 25 good feeder hogs 30 young pigs 7 weeks old tractor and imtlements allischalmers tractor 2030 hp late madel in first class working order cockshutt 3 furrow tractor plow with 10 bottoms good frost wood 7 ft cut binder complete with truck and carrier near new frost and wood repper 5ft cut good frost and wood 5 ft cut mower good massey harris 10 foot horse rake massey harris 13 hoe drill good set of cockshutt 3 section sprinjg tooth harrows 3 and 4 sections drag harrows witv eveners peter hamilton stifftooth cultiva tor 9 teeth mh hay tedder pea harvester 4row potatoe sprayer ihc corn cultivator complete with discs and shields turnip drill 2 scufflers good fat rack about 16ft longi hay rack stock rack wagon box- mh steel land roller 2 good spring wagon gears witk box and 6000 lbs cap another 4000 lbs cap 2 farm wagon gears 34 size buggy spindle wheels with rubber tires like new good top buggy iroad cart good set of sloop sleighs nearly new set bench sleighs good root ipuuper 2 steel deep well pumps 2 good gang plows 2 cockshutt nip walking plows 2 no 3 ixl hay forv iron drill plow made in scotland hoover potatoe digger full set of long slings beatty 2 full set- of shorter slings number of good logging ohainx different lengths 2 chain binders 2 cross cut saws ice saw- buzz saw 24 or 28 in blade saw mandle international 2 hp gas engine number of feed boxes and barrels 15 rods of pine stump fence which will besofdtiythe rod copper kettle 40 gal hog scalding trough milk cart cream separator number of forks hoes shovels bags trees yokes and other arti cles too numerqusto mention number of milkvpails furniture etc wooden bed with mattress and springs single bed large chest of drawers book case 2 flour chests extension table radio- number of kitchen chairs lounge va parlor suit wardrobe portable bath tub largo platters 1 chun number of large crocks 2 large iron stone pots 2 lanterns 12- glass sewers f j number of odd dishes lamps and other household effects terms cash sale at one sharp no rescrva as owner isgivlng np farming and farm has been leased clarke prentice auctioneer mllliken phone ragincourt52wi correctrov- we wish to correct an error which appears on page 3 of this issue alfred thomas is flight sergtnot scrgt pilot as stated in an rem concerning him circulation copies this issue 1750 fetif j i- si axcjffiv -1- t fv- t virh vber jjri t2ijx si i