3 im leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 53 no 15 stouffville ont thursday august 20th 1942 eight pages 1 0 rural mail couriers to launch rubber drive country residents urged to leave any scrap rub ber they have with the mail courier shouid raise nearly ton and a half on four stouffville routes for a twoweek period commenc ing monday august 24 rural areas of ontario aiid quebec will resound to shouts of any old rubber to day as country dwellers and sum mer residents of these provinces are asked to hand over the scrap rubbpr on their premises to local mall couriers who will act as rubber salvage collectors for the special rural campaign despite the inade quacy cl their vehicles in most cas- es to carry junk it is fairly estimated that at the rate of 5 pounds of scrap per box holder about a ton and a half could be hauled in from the four routes out of stouffville some routes however may show a far better percentage than others from august 24 to september s rural mail couriers of both these provinces will dick up and biing in to central salvage depots all scrap rubber articles left at rural maii- boxes by boxholders the drive is timed to include labor day and the end of the summer season so vaca tioning lesidents can easily dispose of old- rubber articles which closing of camps and cottages will bring to light farm dwellers are also ex pected to roll out a good supply of rubber scrap- in these rural areas which up to now have not been con veniently readied by regular salv age committees seriousness of the rubber situ ation in canada and the need of rubber scrap for reclaiming purpos es means that every scrap rubber article is needed say salvage offi cials no matter how old may be the discarded rubber bathing caps swimming tubes hot water bottles and flyswatters every scrap rub ber boost is a knock at hitler old tires and tubes from cars tractors and motorcycles though are the biggest source of reclaimed rubber particular emphasis is laid on con tributing old tire casings usually used on summer docks as boat buf fers these are wanted and officials stress their usefulness as scrap no matter how long submerged a fourpage printed card is being mailed to boxholders and residents giving the details of the scrap drive as it applies to them the card carries a list of questions and an swers on the drive a list of every day articles that can be salvaged for rubber collection plus a list of the vital needs for which scrap rub ber may be used city residents receiving mail by letter carrier are specially excluded from the rural postoffice pickup service as city collections would add too much to the task of the post office department in one drive bkide op local dentist the former mary pauline mc- farland who became the bride of capt neil carmichael smith cdc in birmingham eng land she is the daughter of mr and mis william lazier mcfarland roxborough drive the groom is the son of the late dr and mrs donald c smith stouffville after the wedding trip the bride will re sume her work in england in connection with a new training centre for british nursery school teachers she went over seas last may congratulations aie here extended on behalf of the many friends of dr smith who closed his dental practice here to join the cdc six lkilsons paid fixes ox monday out of seven persons summoned to court on monday for driving over 30 miles per hour in stouffville six were convicted and paid fines still another list will appear in court next week and so on until motorists decide to obey the law and drive their cars at not more than 30 miles in towns and 40 miles in the country business men out to help with the haitvest col laurie and four other mem bers of the civic staff in the city of toronto were helping with the harvest in the atha district and with threshing in that locality last week col laurie is a brother of mrs dj tran of the atha district the city slickers did good work and their efforts were more than appreciated by the farmers one of the farm owners told the tribune the spir it of cooperation is a splendid thing and goes a long way to cem enting the ties between rural and urban residents col laurie and his friends would be welcome any time if they see at to return for another day of threshing presiding elder honored at staxner camp an interesting incident occurred at the closing sessions of the mbc camp at stayner on sunday when rev m bricker was present ed with a useful travelling bag it was the occasion of the 66th birth day for the presiding elder who was born near new dundee in 1s76 elder bricker was taken by com plete surprise when called forward by iriev c n good who read a complimentary address and rev w b mover former presiding eld er made the presentation on behalf of the city mission workers and the ministers of the district enormous order filled for onions during the height of the onion season this summer an order came to town one evening from a big chain store for eight hundred doz ens and theie was just one day to make delivery says mr allen clos- son stouffvilles strong man in the onion business this was a task that fairly turn ed the hair gray for mr allen clossen but his copartner in the business l c murphy whom mr clossen says just doesnt under stand the term it cant be done was determined to make delivery and with the aid of about 12 or 15 washeis and bunchers the onions were ready and delivered to the city on time the consignment fill ed the truck and a car as well the onions all had to be taken from the field washed and bunched of equal number to a bunch and was said to be the higgest order ever filled by a local grower in so short a time this record incident is not to be construed to mean that the onion business is booming this year for that is not correct the fact is says mr clossen that the market has flattened and the sales are coming to an abrupt ending something has struck the onions too so that they are not maturing in a way that leaves them marketable mailmen boost rubber salvage richmond hill win king trophy richmond hill carried home the king bowling trophy on tuesday evening after playing off the final game with stouffville on the local greens there are seven clubs in the competition all of whom have been eliminated with richmond hill emerging as the victors so that the silverware will lodge again in the yonge street village youth freed on breakin charge the young toronto man who broke into lewis garage at stouff ville several weeks ago and wliowas apprehended by constable gayman of unionville came up before magi strate keltn in court last monday and was given his freedom it was decided that the prisoner was not mentally bright and was given jn- other chance after a stern warning from the bench the youth entered the garage by breaking his way in when no one was about and made oft with a supply of chocolate bars hanging around rlngwood later in the even ing mr e sinclair didnt like his actions and after the lad struck south mr sinclair notified the constable who picked up the fellow at markham village and found him loaded with chocolate bars and candles he confessed to the theft markham village dismisses moh dept approves dr a l hore medical officer of health for the village of mark ham has been removed from his position ihis dismissal was passed by the village council recently ard the department of health has acquesced in the matter no moh can be dismissed without depart mental approval dr hore recently submitted to the county judge the question of salary being paid him asking for a ruling on the proper amount this may have irked members of the council the tribune is told but no confirmation could be obtained from dr hore all that the retired officer would admit was that he held several letters from prominent citizens which testified to his capabilitiesone of these is from the chairman of the public- school board and it reads in part in reference to dr hore very satisfactory in handling soarlet fever and head lice in our village dr hore has been medical officer of health in the southern vlllago for 20 years and started on a salaryof 40 per year this is now 60 per year and the doctor moved to have it increased for 1942 the approval of the department as to the dismissal of the moh has been obtained bus and this clos es the whole matter said one responsible- citizen to the tribune on the other hand dr hore intend to appeal against the decision is the hopes of having it reversed former residents 50 years married mr and mrs e j davey were in toronto on monday for the golden anniversary of mr and mrs reuben gray residents of the city for 47 years mrs gray is mrs daveys elder sister and was raised in this town for their parents the late mr and mrs h w woodgate were resi dents here at that time mr wood- gate was the first municipal clerk when stouffville twas incorporated the golden anniversary event for mr and mrs gray was observ ed at the home of their daughter at 2065 gerrard street east married at stouffville mr and mrs gray lived here for three years and then moved to toronto and have lived there ever since mr gray was born in scarboro township the son of mr and mrs robert gray who were- early set tlers in the district he learned the flour and milling ibusiness as a youth and followed it all his life both are members of the salva tion army and have been engaged in the armys work in the city for more than 30 years mr gray holds the position of envoy he has been associated with s a groups in the central and eastern sections of the city as well as being a member of tho danforthbeaches conserva tive association mr and mrs gray have eight children living in or near toronto and 14 grandchildren any old tires or tubes will be the greeting of the stouffville mail couriers beginning next monday every salvage boost is at knock at hitler whitchurch tax rate considerably down at a special meeting of whit church council the tax rate was struck for 1942 at more than one and a half mills less than last year it was announced yesterday morn ing by clerk john crawford there is a straight half mill sav ing in the county rate which was set at 72 mills as against 77 a year ago in addition to this saving the township general rate is set at 49 mills as against six mills a year ag a very substantial reduction in accordance with government wishes there a very substantial reduction on expenditures on road work this year z miss bernice heslin of livingston nj has been in stouffville this week visiting with the family- capt neil smith married overseas a wedding of local interest was solemnized in the wedly hill vill age church birmingham england last satnrday afternoon when major norman coll ccs united in marriage mary pauline mcfar- jand daughter of mr and mrs william lazier mcfarland rox borough drive toronto and capt neil carmichael smith cdc son of the late dr and mrs donald c smith stouffville the bride who was given in marriage by dr wm blatz of the university of toronto wore a suit of marine blue with hat to match and corsage of white or chids the maid of honor miss anne harris of toronto was at tired in a blue suit with matching hat and corsage or pink roses after a reception at the home of prof and mrs shapiro of the university of birmingham the couple left for a honeymoon at penzance the bride left toronto last may with a group of canadian psychol ogy experts to open a new training three drownings at wilcox lake sunday wilcox lake claimed the lives of three toronto bathers in two separ ate drowning accidents on sunday the first drowning occurred short ly after midnight saturday when stewart l armstrong 43 of 78 broadway avenue and miss theresa lawlor 35 of 23 howland avenue toronto perished in forty feet of water several hundred yards- off the southern shore of the lake the other accident happened shortly after 5 oclock sunday afternoon when 19yearold stephen tymchuachyn of 98 markham st toronto was the victim of a seiz ure and drowned in 15 feet of wat er about 1000 feet off shore a fearless attempt to rescue him was made by 15yearold anita haynes of 314 gainsborough road toronto who swam to the scene and almost lost her own life when the drown ing youth dragged her down with him when he submerged for the third and last time before aid could answer their cries for help mr armstrong and miss lawlor disappeared beneath their flatbottomed rowboat from which they were diving well out towards the middle of the lake it is assumed that armstrong lost his life in attempt to have miss law lor who according to police had evidently suffered a seizure when she dived from the boat cries for help were heard from the shore by numerous cottagers who attempted to reach them by boat charlie crawford who was rowing on the lake at the time was the first one at the scene i heard a man crying for help and i rowed as fast as i could to where the voice seemed to be com ing from said crawford it was pitchdark hut i observed a row- boat unoccupied floating a good dis- first comfort fund shipment lost in over two years about 7500 cigarettes went to the bottom in lost shipment first parcels lost out of a tot al of nearly 100000 sent to local boys overseas report has reached the secretary of the solideis comfort fund here- that one shipment of smokes sent to he boys overseas has gone to the bottom through enemy action with the last shipment nearly one hundred thousand cigarettes have been sent overseas by the fund in addition numbers of other parcels containing sweets etc have also been sent some of the boys from stouffville have now been in england over two years and the monthly parcels from here go a long way to keeping them cheered up and fice from home- sickness letters just received july 1 1942 dear bert just a few more lines to thank you and all the rest of the boys for the cigarettes i am receiving very legularly i sure appreciate these gifts we are still stationed on the south coast but expect to be moved to another camp about 30 miles from here it is very nice here on the coast now and the weather has been ideal this summer we get the odd airraid but little damage has been done in this district i am receiving the tribune regu larly and i see by the last paper more boys from the stouffville dis trict have arrived here i do liope we soon get our chance to help get this job over so we can return to canada well news seems to be very scarce so i will say cheerio for now hoping the time is not too far distant when victory will be ours and peace will come once again un- til then keep smiling yours very sincerely cpl g b draper july 12 4942 to wed in hart house chapel centre for british nursery school crossen i teachers she will resume her work i tance off shore ion her return from the wedding tripl percy ash wellknown in whlt- church township and operator of a boat livery and owner of the boat used by the swimers arrived al the scene shortly after crawford we waited for some time in case the bathers reappeared but our waiting was in vain he said i then in structed crawford to row to shore for a rope and anchor to hold the boat at that very spot so as to act as a marker in our dragging opera tions sgt sidney barraclough of york county police who took charge of dragging operations paid that he and other members of his party dragged for several hours during the night without results dragging was resumed later at s am mon day and the body of armstrong was recovered shortly afterwards the body of miss lawlor was re covered at 1045 am about 100 ft from where the body of her com panion was brought out of the water leslie beazer onetime member of the toronto lifesavers police patrol who took part in searching for tho bodies charted the course in the dragging operations heex- continued on page 6 dear mr lickorish another parcel of cigarettes arrived from the comfort fund yesterday thanks ever so much i am in london for a few days embar kation leave havent the least idea where we are going but will get as much fun out of the trip as pos sible i am they only canadian in the draft rather regret leaving some of the boys that i joined up with but it seems that ill never learn to stop volunteering my address will be the sapie for the present thank ing you again i remain cpl murray sinclair attached raf july 7th 1942 dear bert i received cigarettes for which i am very grateful they are always welcome i saw capt neil smith last week he is looking and feeling fine and is located just a couple of miles from us we are having nice weather but we need rain which is exceptional for england thanks again dave edwards dear bert i just a few lines to thank you very much for the smokes i re ceived i have com e to be really quite dependent on themila lot of smokes were sunk by enemy action according to our bulletin board and i see one of my bundles from you was among them that is the first that has been lost to my knowledge guess things are busy at home these days is the old vinegar works in war work now i heard a rumour of it it would give some more people employment musfclose now fred castle miss jessie delorcs walls regn and flight lieutenant rev t h bussell somers rcaf whose engagement has been announced the marriage to take place on august 22 in hart house chapel the bridetobe is the only daughter ot mr and mrs edward v walls of stouffville her dance only son of t h somers and the late mrs somers toronto minister of tho kirk of st james charlottetown pei bevmr somers s occupying a pulpit this month in montreal births brown to mr and mrs george brown clarcmom nee edrya whltty on august 13 1942 thje gift of a son james william august 9 1942 dear bert well bert i guess you didnt get my last letter and i am sorry i did not write to you sooner r received your parcei of cigarettes and i sure was real glad to get them i have been in the hospital for three weeks with shingles and the mo said they were t from my nerves however im fine now but i wish i coum getout of hero i saw chuck lintner about two weeks ago and he is flnewill close for now chuck cadleux july 10 192 dear vets- just got back from scotland where i was on leave with my brother bob and found your always continued on page 6 mrs kanagy widow of the late s m kanagy of blair ontario visited her cousins mr and mrsira c rnsneu last week another guesty- at the rusnellhome is serr fred webber of tolland- alta rfw in the educational dept of rcaf at manning pool in toroa- 12 im 7 1- a u v jgsf