page sis the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 25 1942 toronto goodwood flashes walter davey 8 stanton ave toronto mr and mrs r may enjoyed din ner with his parents on sunday mrs harold norton visited her parents mr and mrs george brown mr and mrs lloyd wagg and family had tea with his parents mr and mrs dan wagg on sunday mrs george sfcarpe of winnipeg is in toronto visiting relatives in cluding mrs bert sharpe mr and mis herbert wagg were visiting with mr and mrs j h wagg one day recently s s convention delegates from goodwood were erma dowswell and lillian bacon mr and mrs clayton hill were guests of her parents mr and mrs a ashenhurst on sunday mr newburne is relieving j f reid at the cnr who is reviving his health by a weeks holiday walter symes and wife from the 5th were guests in brooklin recent ly at the wm robb home all ladies welcome to the 5th i line womens association meeting on thursday july 2 at the home of mrs a wilson miss erma dowswell has accept ed a school near brechin for the coming teaching year erma is a graduate from stouffville congratulations to miss grace wagg who has completed the years business couise at uxbridge high school we understand that clarence jones who recently bought the walter norton farm is erecting a silo mr and mrs george jones and gordon also mr and mrs clarenco jones visited with mrs jones hrother and also at alvin farmers at gormley on sunday sorry to report the illness of arthur jones who underwent a critical operaton just after the death of his wife glad he is up and around again thank you charlie feasby for delivering that box on behalf of the library board to the navy league call at stanton ave and be better paid cat fishing at mud lake sounds good and sends a thrill through and through well mr and mrs r quantz joe forsyth mr and mrs 33 norton all spent a day at mud xake last week wesley taylor is visiting his mother in stouffville and with friends in goodwood district wes has completed his training with the rlcaf at macdonald man and graduated as a pilot officer after holidays he will go to laohene quebec that chivaiee gang visiting the parsonage could be heard near stouffville wo hope they will al ways be ready to work that hard for their minister floyd lewis of the rcaf stationed here in ontario has gone west to visit his parents mr and mrs walter lewis at dinsmore sask bunny morgason of the tele gram staff in toronto and a product of goodwood is now on holidays and has gone west to meet his in tended bride wedding news later some- goodwood women are al most brave enough to hang out a decorators sign since they have puton so much paper this spring mrs charles watson was visiting mrs d watson in stouffville for a time last week guess that charlie could not spare the time off since he is not only working his own garden but that of william whlttleton your correspondent accompanied bandmaster ridley to stouffville on sunday for the memorial service at the cemetery a resolution was passed at the s s convention at sandford im ploring the king government to curtail tho liquor sales wo learn that hoyle brethour who moved last spring from gravel hill to a farm just east of uxbrldge was only able to put in 25 acres this spring because of weather con- notice patrons will please keep in mined that mr boadway will be away from june 22 to july 6 and that grease jobs will not be done during his absence please govern your requirements accord ingly boadways service station ditions mr and mrs talbert evans and son visited with mr and mrs n s mcdonald at utica recently also mr and mrs e v evans and mr and mrs jacob johnston and fain ily visited with mr and mrs stan ley slack at port perry haying started last week along tho 4th where some of the early birds were making hay while the sun shines and that was not too often the past week seems strange that some are haying and some are planting corn lol xo 572 will hold church parade and service to the baptist church on sunday june 2s the cemetery decoration day is a week later we hope brethren will place flags or flowers on the graves of their brethren who have gone be fore there will be cemetery decora tion day at goodwood july 5th stouffville lions club posters are hanging over toronto we saw one in a big manufacturing plant this week wedding of some local interest was the marriage at rogers pres byterian church toronto of vera may simpson only daughter of mr and mrs wm simpson to wil- bert armstrong of toronto mrs armstrong is tbe granddaughter of the late george morgason the couple went north for a honeymoon tiip and later will reside in the city birthday greetings to lillie dav is altona albert miller roseville p h davey toronto ada yake carson watson fuibridge greta collins olive may marion reid goodwood mrs gordon brown assess four 100 on gaming charges were arretted after squad raid fllng fines of 100 and costs with an alternative of one month in jail in each case were assessed four ux bridge men friday afternoon by- magistrate f s ebbs when they admitted charges of operating com mon gaming houses three slot machines were ordered confiscated the charges were laid last week after a flying squad from the pro vincial police office in toronto un der staff inspector edward t doyle raided the maple leaf cafe the mansion house and the poolroom and cigar store there the men charged were william carnegie henry leask arthur p martin and robert ansel beverley carnegie and beverley were both charged as partners in the slot machine seized in the maple leaf cafe they admitted operating the machine on a 5050 basis and were both fined martin was charg ed in connection with the mansion house and leask the poolroom and cigar store prices on beef suit farmers report of agricultural com mittee submitted to york county member last week mr charles h nolan stouffville mrs james evans mrs everett hamond alvin mowder mr and mrs howard forsyth all of clare- mont rr jean milton scugog richard wannup brougham little garry st john near stouffville several members of york county council representing farming com munities in tne municipality frankly admitted that the farmer was satis- fled with the present price he was getting for beef in a discussion of the agricultural committees re port as i view the situation from the information i have received here to day the farmer is in pretty fair shape declared reeve f g gardin er of forest hill village he has exercised the alternatives he has at his disposal he sold his hogs at an equitable price when pork be came scarce and people turned to beef a shortage in beef arose and the farmer is now taking the en hanced value of his machinery of milk production rather than the interest on his investment repre sented by the milk produced by the animal as the dairy herds were re duced milk will become scarce and he will get an increased price for milk i cannot see that there has been any case made out for punc turing the price ceiling the war time prices and table board are taking the only sane course to pre vent inflation which would be followed by a slump a hundred per o i wbankof nova scotia ettabtlsbtd 1833 over a century of service the branch of this bank most convenient to you is the place to arrange for your seasonal borrowing for your systematic saving and for the use of all banking services your victory bonds are valuable protect them against loss by keeping them at the bank tbe cost is small cent worse than tne one through with which we have just passed while there may oe some criticism of some smaller detail of its man ner of applying the principles of economics we should realize that they are following the only course to give the working man and every one else a fair break he conclud ed j s osborne of east gwillira- bury declared that the shortage of beef was only temporary there is always a shortage of beet at this time t charles hooper deputy reeve of markham warned thatif farm ers turn dairy herds into beef a serious situation will develop and urged council to do something about the situation he pointed to the increased number of cattle slaughtered during the first 21 weeks of 1942 as compared with the similar period last year warning if it is not already on its way to rationing headquarters you should mail your application card for coupon rationing at once after july 1st no one will be able to pur chase sugar for regular domestic use without turning in a ration coupon application cards for coupon rationing for sugar have now been mailed to every house hold in canada but in an undertaking so vast some homes may have been missed or some cards may have gone astray so no matter where you live whether it is in areas served by letter carrier or not if your appli cation card is not already on its way to rationing headquarters you should wait no longer after filling in the card according to the instructions on the pamphlet which was delivered with it just drop the card in the nearest mail box or post office it needs no forwarding address just drop the card in the nearest mail box or post office it needs no forward ing address if you have not received an application card you should get one at the nearest post office at once the ration cards being issued for use july 1st are for sugar only and good for 10 weeks at the end of that period a coupon ration book good for 6 months will be issued under the new system of coupon rationing you are allowed the same coupon rationing means no change in your allowance of all post offices have received full instructions io rush application cards for coupon rationing to the nearest wartime prices and trade board office where they will get immediate attention and the coupon ration cards mailed right back to you amount of sugar as at present vfc lb per person per week the same provision as at present for additional quantities for pre serving and jam and jelly mak ing will be continued special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied all retailers sugar the wartime prices andtrade board w vwmit