wv f- a- 4c0z lr page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday february 5 1942 i qty tnuff mil ulnbmtr established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve page3 average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 3250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments the sugar situation sweet for all lots of householders in stouffville have been con gratulating themselves on their foresight in having pro cured a bag of sugr before the order came into force a week ago limiting the amount one may buy however there is this thought to keep in mind any of those folk who had a bag or half a bag of sugar on hand are liable to a fine as high as 5000 if they are caught pur chasing even a quarter pound of sugar until they use up what they have v few people if any will be hoggish enough to attempt to buy more sugar when they have ten or twenty pounds on hand but just in case they are about the penalty after all no one is standing with any great advant age folks who had no sugar on hand may purchase their requirements up to the limit of the allowance which is very liberal three quarters of a pound per person adopting one time again ottawa has made a sensible move in bringing about one time again in canada be it standard or daylight saving one town running on one time and the next one operat ing under another time created endless confusion the fact that daylight saving is adopted instead of standard time is hailed in many quarters as the best time to adopt that may be so but if anyone can explain why daylight saving is better than standard time for the winter season we would like to read about it there is no saving of daylight during that season but there is increased hardship in being forced to get up in the dark we realize that many folk favor daylight saving time and generally conclude their approval by saying some thing about the saving of hydro so far the hydro electric power commission has never shown any figures indicating there is any saving during the winter that there is some saving in the summer isreadilyadmitted farmers making 25 to 30 cents per bushel on deal a number of farmers feeding wheat in western and central ontario are trading their ontario winter wheat for western wheat and making 25 to 30 cents a bushel on the deal according to advices reaching the ont dept of agriculture this not only gives the farmers bushel for bushel but a tidy profit as well which may be put in various cash uses as repair parts for machinery purchase of baby chicks commercial fertilizers etc with feed on many farms showing prospects of run- ning low before pasture time manj farmers are exchanging wheat and putting the profit into more western grain this is true in a number of counties according to dealer reports where half the wheat crop is yet to be sold or fed these dealers state that lambton farmers are trading their wheat freely making 30 cents a bushel on the deal huron reports more wheat is being traded all the time with a 30 cent profit bruce farmers are also trading and so are those in north york according to reports the ontario wheat being exchanged is going to the millers for pastry flour it is stated churches take stock in a day when the influence of the christian church was never more needed and despite the numerous calls for patriotic purposes and war financing it is very encouraging to note recorded in the annual reports of churches in stouff- v ville claremont and some of the smaller places balanced budgets treasury surpluses allocations for missions met andjncreased memberships both by profession of faith and certificate like private business the churches annually take stock to ascertain their spiritual and material profits and losses and plan for the future some reports indicate that the attendance at public worship is on the upward trend this may be due to one or two things increased populations brought about by indus trial and construction projects undertaken as part of the price of war or the awakening of a new consciousness that in these uncertain days the church has much to offer through its gospel message and its ministrations perhaps we areon the eve of a great revival in churchgoing such as has been brought on by the war in britain most ministers we fancy would like to see the first signs of it in sunday evening congregations which today in the majority of our churches are mere shadows of what they were in bygone days when there were not so many voices calling and so many attractions to keep people away without a doubt getting the people out to church sunday evenings is one of the greatest problems facing ministers and church officials generally today v rfth the church today is not and must not be one of despair not uttered in muffled tones but must be j directed to all who care to listento its clarion summons v 1 jy y sunday school lesson a busy sabbath is capernaum golden text i was in the spirit on the lords day rev 110 the lesson as a whole the teaching and healing minis tries of the lord jesus christ were ever intimately connected the latter complemented the former and in a sense authenticated it his works of power proved that he tvas the son ot god the messiah of israel and the saviour of the world he wrought no useless miracles no merely specta cular wonders he was not a magi cian seeking to astonish people hy his mystic ability over the elements or the minds of me a in all that he did he had the fathers glory and the blessing ot mankind in view this sabbath day in capernaum is but a cross section of his entire life ot service for which he had been sent by the father who anointed him with the holy spirit that he might go about doing good and heal ing all that were oppressed of the devil acts 1038 he recognized all diseases every physical infirmity as primarily the work of the enemy of god and man inasmuch as there would have been no sickness in the world if sin had not come in to mar gods fair ci eation verse by verso veise 21 they went into caper naum to this city our lord and his mothei and tnothren had lemoved fiom nazareth and to jesus it was theiefoie home matt 413 john 2 12 it is called his own city matt 91 heie he taught fre- quenth and wi ought many mnacles it was a city pnviligede above all otheis m galilee yet it rejected his testimony and against it he pron ounced one of his most solemn woes matt 11 23 stiaightway on the sabbath da punctiliously jesus observed the sabbath of the law in the a god intended that it should be kept but he refused to recog nize the mass of nations and legal istic additions to the script mes which the rabbis had connected with it and which made iburdensome what was intended foi blessing the synagogue was open to him as a recognized teachei and he entered into it and taught verse 22 he taught them as one that had authority and not as the scribes these men were accustom ed to give out what their teachers had said before them and didnbt attempt to give any authoritative m- sti uctions themselves jesus spoke as one sent fiom god who did not need to bolster his msti uctions by quota tions fiom human authorities but pleached the word as the mouth piece of the fathei whose repre sentative he was this was teaching such as the people had nevei heaid before verse 23 a man with an un- ession this was not just a- jewish superstition on this occasion the ser vice was interrupted by a man un der the control of a wicked and un clean spirit verse 24 i know thee who thou art the holy one of god the denv on who possessed the man recogniz the person and authority of jesus and feared lest he was about to visit the evil spirits with judgement confin ing them in the eternal prison house of the damned men might be in credulous regarding christs claims but fallen spirits knew him for what he professed to he verse 25 jesus rebuked him our lord did not desire testimony from demons he commanded the spirit to lie silent and to come out of the frenzied man verse 26 when the unclean spirit had torn him he came out as with a last vengeful effort the demon inflicted further suffer ing on his poor victim and then in unwilling obedience to the command which he was powerless to disobey he left the man free from his awful power the deliverance was evi dent to all present verse 27 what thing is this what new doctrine is this the amaz ed throng that tilled the synagogue were thrilled when they recognized the power of jesus over evil spirits and questioned one another as to the meaning of it all and the source of his authority never had they known such a manifestation of the divine approval before as they had listen ed to the ordinary exponents of the law verse 28 immediately his fame spiead one told another of the re- maikable thing that had taken place in the svnagogue of capernaum un til the news had penetrated all that part of galilee but as after events proved it is one thing to recognize in jesus a great teacher prophet or wonderwoiker it is quite another to bow in repentance before god and leceive the saviour he has sent as the redeemei from sin v veisp 29 they entered into the house of simon and andiey onginally these hiethien dwelt in bethsaida it may have been aftei simons mamage that he removed to capernaum possiblj to share the home of his w lfes mother veise 30 simons mother laj sick of a fevei everywhere jesus went theie were evidences of the havoc sm had wi ought in israel had this people been faitfiful to god he would have taken sickness away ciom them exod 15 26 but they had failed as a nation to obey word consequently sickness and dis ease were everywhere prevalent seeing the condition of this suffering woman the disciples called jesus attention to her confident that he would leheve the situation verse 31 he took her by the hand and immediately the fever left her there was healing in his touch in tender personal con sideration for the poor sulteiei he gently laised hei up and the fevei left hei his hand calmed and gas rationing order becoming effective april 1 will limit pleasure driicrs to 300 to 380 gallons annually most important news announced last week from a domestic standpoint was the fact that motorists using their cars chiefly for pleasure pur poses are to be allowed between 300 and 380 gallons of gasoline per annum other owners using their cars for business purposes will be allowed greater amounts ot gasoline accord ing to the nature of their business and proven needs these preferred classes are divided into six categories first on the list will be a category cars which are owned privately and driven for nonessential purposes special provision will be made for us tourists who will be provided with gasoline licenses and coupon books without costs other motorists must pay 1 for coupon books the units in ration books will allow purchase of five gallons but the purchaser will be permitted to turn in half a coupon if he wants to buy only two and a half gallons there will be only one book to cover the year it will be divided into quarters with more coupons useable in the summer months of heavy motoring than during the winter period gasoline rationing plans are pro- giessmg and it is the governments intention to impose them apnl 1 clean spnit the sciiptuie plainly soothed hei and bi ought deliverance tell us of the leality of demon poss- from the fue that tiuined in her your biggest buy veins in loving gratitude she who had iain theie so helpless now arose and ministered to others verse 32 when the sun did set as the day drew to a close a motley throng could be seen coming from every side bringing the diseased and demoniacs that jesus might mam test his healing power on their be half veise 33 all the city was gath ered togethei at the door this is not meie hypeibole capernaum was not a large city fiom eveiy quarter its inhabitants went to the bouse of simon and andrew impelled either by curiosity or a sense of need alas the great majority of them never consideied seriously their responsi bility to him who hal come among them in the activity of his grace not only with healing for their bodies but to pioclaim salvation for their hy souls verse 34 suffered not the devils demons p speak because they know him he healed many of their phjsical infirmities dehveied others fiom spiritual bondage to demon powei but he refused to allow the wicked spirits to declare his identity for he would not recede testimony fiom the hosts of the evil one the heart of the lesson the life of oui lord on eaith was one of ceaseless seivice this does not imply that he was always active ly engaged in teaching and healing he found abundant time for quiet communion with the father yet none of his disciples weie so busily engaged as he the lecoid of this one sabbath day m capernaum is but a sample of the many such days he spent in pioclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and meeting the needs of men and women as a testimony to the divine mteiest in human con cerns in all of this he has left us an example we waste so much time upon things that do not profits he made every moment count for the gloiy of god in our lives there is so much that is of no leal and last ing value in all he saidoi did there was a woi thwhileness that counted for eternity business directory dental e s- barker lds djfcfll honor graduate of royal colles of dental surgeons and ot tfca university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and 8urgeo xray office cor obrien and phone 196 i coroner for york ooam insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville h o klinck- 108 st geoge street toronto for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pnhbo 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardk c port perry uxbridge ontario phone 25 office phone elgin 7021 residence phone kmgdale 7z8s a loaf of that grand bread from stovers bakery theres a lot of goodness baked into our bread because our bakers know just what people really like the kids will like it and the grown folks too serve bread regularly at your meals and that means serve stovers the stouffville bakery stouffville ont samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto brierbush hospital government licensed main street bast stousvtn maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor i phone 4303 for best results ship your cream to us the best way to keep your meat is in cold storage rent a locker 600 per year from the time you rent same stouffville creamery co phone 18601 l e oneill stouffvtxilb funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone registered nurses and 24 koer service s mrs e r good phone 191 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stonffrflm monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am phone ki 4812 res ha 7 ernest w hunter chartered accountant auditor residence office 61 chilton rd r jos toronto 57 bloor st w i r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sale a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt 52 vf milllkca licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of ca s f and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea son bio rates