iyyy t is v 7 paob snc the tribune stouffville gnt thursday jan 29th 1942 chartered banks are not the only institutions reverting to foinale help on their staffs last week the 7 management of the dominion stores at uxbridge passed from bert mccarl who is transferred to chapleau to mrs janet mcpherson who has been employed in the store for some time toronto goodwood flashes walter da vey 8 stanton ave toronto mrs j f roid is improving in health her many friends will be happy to learn buy your spare tribune at charles watsons store our friend thomas baston has had the cast taken off his foot will todd is filling up with ice or next summers use the annual church meeting at siloam will take place on friday night january 23rd good skating on andrew taylors farm is reported how nice it would be to attend the united church young peoples skating party on monday night sorry to hear our friend mr ir thurlwell has been on the sick list he has been engaged at the picker ing munitions plant hats off to our friend elmor cooper who has signed up in the kings forces best of everything elmer i yes friends its very mild weather so mild tliat on friday the corres pondents wife picked parsley from the garden for her meat dressings sorry miss mary morganson is not very well but glad that mr miller is quite a lot better a successful night is reported on monday at the united church young peoples under the leadership of george dowswell the current event leader mr and mrs morris have left their home in bowmanville and re turned to toronto where mr morris is employed by his old boss mrs morris is a sister of miss heyward of mt albert and niece of mr and mr george lee birthday greetings to d mcdonald j t feren justus todd ronald taylor miss anne christie john haynes murray stewart ruth bison goodwood marlon evans claremont garnet bacon stouffville rr3 mrs g seebeck jas bewell markham routes mrs w swain mrs russel storey george dowswell stouffville and district mrs bateman friend of the correspondent who for more than 50 years has been in charge of the caretaklng of st clements church died last week and was buried in st johns cemetery norway rev john bushell took part off the funeral service on friday another old goodwood boy has answered the call at toronto sun day january is nathan stafford brother of our friend calvin passed away he was in his 79th year the funeral was held from washington johnstons parlors on tuesday to prospect- cemetery the w i met at mrs john raoa continued below claremont by staff correspondent by order of the wartime prices and trade board you must have a licence by march 31 1942 every person or firm is required to have a licence 1 if engaged in the business of buying for resole or selling any commodity or 2 if engaged in the business of supplying any of the following services x the supplying of electricity gas steam or water telegraph wireless or telephone services the transportation of goods or persons the provision of dock harbour or pier facilities warehousing or storage undertaking or embalming laundering cleaning tailoring or dressmaking hairdressing barberingor beauty parlour services plumbing heating painting decorating cleaning or renovating repairing of any kind the supplying of meals refreshments or beverages the exhibiting of motion pictures process manufacturing on a custom or commission basis if you have already applied for or obtained a wartime prices and trade board licence under a previous licensing order you should not apply again why licence applications should be made at once apart from the legal requirements licensing of the name of every person who has been granted a your business will enable the board to adviseyou licence or who has already applied for a licence is quickly and fully of the price ceiling regulations being placed on the boards mailing list your name thataffect your business will be added when your application is received ovvv to et your licence 1 get an application form at your nearest post office 2 complete the application and mail it postage free there is no licence fee 3 you will receive by mail a licence identification card bearing your licence number those who do not need a licence 1 farmers gardeners livestock or poultry producers and fishermen unless buying goods for resale 2 employees of a person or firm which is itself subject to licence viinltivf 3 operators of private boarding houses tote persons who have already applied for or obtained -a- wartime prices and trade board licence should not apply again what the law requires you to bo after march 31 1942 any official representative or investigator of the wartime prices and trade soard may require you to produce yourlicence identifica tioncard if you are subject to this licensing order after march 31 1942 you must notify the director of licensing of the wartime prices and trade board ottawa in writing quoting your licence number of any change in the name address or character of your business within 10 days osuch change you must retain your licence identification card as it will remain in effect unless suspended or cancelled as long as the maximum prices regulations continue if you are already licensed a licence identification card validfor the duration of these regulations will be automatically mailed to you before march 31 19421 you need not apply for a renewal and there is no licence fee turtherinformation write the regional director of licensing wartime prices tand tradeboard at nearestof the following cities vancouver edmonton john or charlottetown b rlre6inawlnnpeg toronto montreal halifax saintjohi ii-i2ipj- t- tani anitr fk authority of the wartime prices and trade board i- mhbhmhhhbmihihmibhiihhhiihfll v i 7r-rrr- t jvf iwi ottava canada mrs ed lewis was visiting uxbridge on saturday last the red cross collectors have been conducting a canvas among our local village folk during the past week rev elmer daniels and family of toronto visited here recently with his father and mother rev and mrs walter daniels mr and mrs gordon overland of kingston were visiting at the form ers home here over the weekend mr james coates was home in claremont over the weekend the easterners war work group held a quilting at mrs norman lintons on wednesday miss francis loyst visited with her sister mildred of oshawa recent ly miss doris prouse of toronto spent the weekend with her sister mrs t hammond and hor parents mr and mrs arthur prouse and family the baptist mission circle met at the home of miss s e evans on tuesday tho topic our christian faith in a changing world was taken by mrs james coatesgroup mrs donsdale visited ifriends in toronto on monday mr and mrs gordon robinson and family of oshawa spent sunday with mr and mrs arthur pfouse and family mr joseph taylor who lives just south of the village is in very poor health and has ibeen taken to tor onto for treatment the ladies who frequently gather at the home of mrs l storey to engage in quilting for war work have completed a total of twenty quilts and are being congratulated by neighbours on the 8 th concession mr boh dawson son of mr and mrs dave dawson of the north town- line ran into a nasty accident last weekend when he accidently got his hand caught in the root pulper which severed a considerable portion of his one finger mr john scott was elected 1st vice president of the markham agri cultural board at the annual meeting agricultural boards annual meeting held a week ago the markham fair directors showeda neat profit this past year and were able to wipe considerable back debts from their books we ywish to correct a statement which appeared in these columns last week concerning mr abijah foisy ths visit to his sons home mr forsythe is ill in the hospital only one more week for c a overlands closeout sale the form er e baker establishment will be closed on february 7 read the display adv on this page and take advantage of sonic of the specials offered while they last another snow block was removed from the 9th concession this week with the cutting down by mr nor man neal of a row of cedars which lined the roadway in his front field this part of the 9 th was always not ed for being a real sticker when any snow storm came along due primarily to these heavy trees tho cedars were planted some years ago by mr jos cadicux and his son cyriel of stouffville when they occupied the present neal property congratulations to miss gladys prouse on winning a quilt on a draw at evans wards recently the same evening they presented the bowen family east of claremont with gifts to mrs bowen a quilt mr bowen a purse and bill a necktie before their departure to whitby all had a nice evening together pickering councilmcii on county committees reovewm reesor was placed at tho head of the county iroad com mittee of ontario countys 19 42 in council last week and deputyreeve blake ann is is on the argicultural committee home and the speaker of the after noon was our friend mrs d mcdon ald her subject was- child wel fare which was of much interest the next meeting on february 18 will be held at the mcdonald home when it isexpectod a very prominent wellknown gentleman will give an address we would suggest you put a red circle around this date of february 18 a quiet wedding was solemnized in tho vestry of college street unit ed church last saturday tjhen kathleen lee daughter of mr and mrs oswald lee was united in marriage to john l son of mr arid i mrs neilans tho ceremony was performed by the brides cousin rev c a gowans tho brlde attondedoy her sister miss grace lee was attired in alice blue wool and black ooucle coat with silver fox fur collar and hat hor corsage wasof roses and bouvardia aftcr the ceremony the couple went to northern ontario for their honey moon well known to the corres pondent we extend our very best wishes to this young couple mrs neilans is a granddaughter of mr continued on page ten further taxi service expected at least one taxi service is now being conducted from claremont to the dil plant at pickering the present service is conducted by mr frank derusha pete hardy doing the driving there are now some two dozen local folk making the trip each day and rumors of some local party opening further accommodation were heard this week breaks wrkt in fall mrs frank loyst had the mis- fortune while hanging out clothes last week to fall and break her wrist medical attention also revealed that a bone had been broken in the ladys hand which will keep her from her dally duties for a while moving to claremont mr and mrs george middleton and family of the 4th concession uxbridge moved to the village this week where they took up residence in the house formerly occupied by mr wm dickinson mr middleton is working at the dil plant annual red cross meeting an open meeting of the red cross will be held in the community hall here on friday evening january 30 the film battle of britain will bo shown along with an address by major watson representative from headquarters proceeds from tho evening program which will com mence at 730 will go to the war savings certificate campaign follow- ing the showing of the film the annual meeting of the north picker ing red cross will be held an in vitation is extended to everyone to become a member of the red cross and an opportunity may be had at this meeting to receive a membership card mr boyer will bo 86 wednesday mr ira boyer one of the villages eldest townsmen was 86 years of age on wednesday of this week and marked the occasion jby a family gathering at the home of mrs esther palmer on saturday those present for the occasion included mr and mrs george lee of stouffville and mr and mrs manderson and son glenn of balsam mr boyero is in very good health and except for be ing somewhat shard of hearing his faculties are very keen 4 of the ojdest if not the oldest man living in- claremont todayandhas spent his entire life inthis locality when riiore active mr boyer was a keen bowling enthusiast uxbridecti gctfoureoios some forty hunters drought down four foxes in a drive last saturday the party congregated at altonaand struck over the fields north and east thefour marksmen who were successful in bringing down the game were messrs morgason davis todd and alsop mr bob redshaw who deals in furs quite extensively has secured the pelts a similar hunt is whitchurch twp being staged in this wednesday forced to give up farm wr evans of the 9th concession has decided to give up farming be cause of the labor situation arid will dispose of his entire stock and im plement on thursday february 5th mr evans intends to secure a position in munition work on satur day of this week dave pugh- will offer five acres of standing tlmher by auction at lot 10 coh cqnsistsofoim hemlock and- maple and aquantityof cedar posts a s farmer is the auctioneer for both sales claremont lady rocolvcs english mail a letter received this week by one of our claremont readers reads in part as follows just at present we are having what are called hit and run raids nothing like the concen trated attacks we had last winter jerry paid a visit around here last new moon and a small town near here got it six people were killed and some damage done to property but they got him and the honors went to a canadian pilot we still have to everything ready before we retire for the night warm coats and everything handy- for you never know even if you get to the shorter if the house will be thereafter it is over but- ware tiankfui wo still have our home and that is more than a lot of people- hare- it is wonder- f ul to know that everything is organ ized and how brave everyone seems to be even thejclddfesj when you wako up at n1ght nothere ig nch a dreadful silence with petrol ra tioned theiwayjtisvscarcely a car goes by we have a piece of shrap nel that just missed ur nephew one night when a ratd was on he stepped back justlntlmeandu fell at his feet we picked it ripln the moon light after theallclear we listen to president roosevelts speaches and all your canadian ministers- i y 7-