page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 4th 1939 imtffmu ribun established 1888 a member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 5250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments its spring cleanup time again now that the snow and ice have gone and the warm sunshine is making the world bright again and our thoughs turn to springtime there is that call to clean-up- paintup and beautify during the long winter months when we liked to sit before- the fire place or toast our feet at the kitchen stove dust gathered in the cellar there has been a deterioration of paint on the outside of the house and our buildings generally have become a little shabby mothers of families are busy housecleaning windows are being thrown open and curtains are fluttering in the breezerugs are being beaten and the house turned inside out why not the same on the outside if we beau tify our homes our lawns our gardens we create a pride and an enjoyment in our environment which brings a real uplift to our mental attitude stouffville with its paved thoroughfare well kept lawns and flower beds has the distinction of being one of the prettiest towns between toronto and the north country and it is hoped that every citizen will do his or her part toward even more beautification this spring top pay for railway employees railway engineers driving trains between brockville and montreal draw a pay of 2070 for a ten hour return run it was revealled before the special senate committee last week not bad wages for a company cnr to pay when running behind at the rate of a million dollars per week the loose manner in which government business in handled is a bigger threat against democracy that either hitler on mussolini the cnr is to build an eighteen million dollar depot in montreal which could be done without or left until the railway earnings warrant the expenditure as it stands the money will come from the pockets of the tax payers paid your income tax you are reminded that last monday was the last day for filing income tax returns and paying the first instalment on your income it is regrettable if this proved disturbing or caused you to stay home from your first of may fishing expedition but the law must be complied with it provides stiff penalties for noncompliance its too bad but the government needs the money it has so many expenses the canadian national railway loses are enormous your income tax together with that of 200000 other individuals will provide a lot of revenue this year probably about 35000000 that is a fistful but the loss of the cnr have to be met in just four months the cost of the government owned railway will eat up as much money as will be paid by in dividuals by income tax this year the cost for the other eight months must be provided from other source what a job mr dunning has the canadian weeklies last friday and saturday the ontario and quebec division of thecanadian weekly newspapers association met at ottawa the annual gathering is a reminder of the fine arts played by the weekly pressaccording to the toronto daily star which comments further the weekly paper in your town performs a service which some city people are apt to underestimate they underestimate too perhaps the importance of the smaller communities in which many of the weeklies are published these com munities supply the nation with more than their share of the countrys foremost men and women leaders in the professions in business life in public life the star continues- the weeklies are closer to their field and to the life of the people than any metropoli tan newspaper can hope to be their writers know per sonally many of those about whom they write they have their fingers upon the community pulse they are in touch with the men and women of their constituency to a degree which in a larger constituency is not possible and they learn to be accurate if there is a mistake in a name or an initial or in the facts about a local gathering they soon hear about it so the training afforded by a weekly newspaper is invaluable in its relation to the realities of human experience and the importance of faithful reporting a metropolitan newspaper cultivates its field ex-ten- sively a weekly intensively the former reaches out into the far corners of the world for news of what is hap pening there the latter concentrates on its own district in a way which city papers cannot possibly do instead of foreign correspondents it has closetohome correspondents country correspondents they are called who send it weekly budgets of news from places round about these rural parttime newspaper men and women make a genuine contribution to the paper which they serve- and some of them serve it for a lifetime they give it a home touch which the metropolitan press cannot provide one of the finest men which weekly newspapers ever gave to toronto or to any other city was the late joseph t clarkeditor of the star and on this paper there are many others who have had their training in the smaller centres mr clark was onetime editor and publisher of the pickering news it is fittingtherefore that a trophy which the publisher of the star is donating to the canadian weekly news papers association for annual competition should be a jos t clark memorial and so named it is awarded to the best allround newspaper published in a town of 1500 or less this year being won by the stouffville tribune will probaply be presented by the late mr clarks talented son mr gregory clark it is a symbol not only of the late joe clarks affection for the brethren of the weeklies but of the stars continued appreciation of their splendid service to their communities the star concludes the pincher pinched it appears that the law is no respector of persons when it reached out and landed a blue paper on constable ben gay- man of markham township as this officer was in the act of escorting a victim of his own arrest to the don institute constable gayman who was transporting ross norton of unionville to the toronto bastille on a charge of desert ing his family and was in full police regalia was served a sum mons on monday for speeding within the city limits came swarming up the maskin- onge river and residents were stampeding for their favorite spots with hook and line thoy came with a rush after the ice went out of the bay last week and good fishing is in full swing when its fishing time its summer time up here said andy cameron who runs the boathouse south of the lake fish running means summer at lake the three unionville lads who went on a spree with a re volver in the crosby memorial rink last week were put on six months probation monday when they appeared before magistrate keith in county police court the trio must also make good the damage done the arena summer came to the lake simcoe district last week de spite cool winds and cloudy send the tribune to absent skies the annual run of perch friends sunday school lesson stanley theatre phone 100 stouffville playing this weekend heres the hilarious starstudded comedy youve waited for yiaua cafvias approach to the lesson a hard held presents a challenge to the man o faith in which he de lights he knows that god works not with what he rinds but with what he brings his spirit is able to break down and save the most indifferent or the most contentious men athens was the center o the greek culture a veneer of learn ing that covered but did not des troy che wickedness of paganism which excused and even pretended to sanctify the vilest practices cor inth was notorious for itsvice and corruption to corinthianize was a synonym for a life given over to shame and sensuality of the most degrading jharactr the worship of the gods of greece produced no change in the lives of their devot ees religion and immorality went hand in hand the gods themseves were but deifications of lust and ambition those who worshiped them were like unto them but to tihese cities paul came with a message which he knew to be the dynamic of god mighty to the destruction of satanic strong holds and powerful in building new and holy lives which would demon strate the might of the spirit of god to renew and regenerate the most depraved of mankind as well as those who gloried in their self- righteousness and fancied superior- i ity no message was needed it was the story of the cross jesus christ and him crucified which revolut ionized multitudes in corinth and resulted in the establishment of a strong and highlygifted church of god in that iniquitous city verse by verse acts 181 came to corinth this was the chief city of achaia the province south of macedonia it was a city of great wealth and was given to unspeakable corrupt ion verse 4 persuaded the jews and the greeks having taken up a lodging with aquila- and his wife priscilla tentmakers paul worked at his trade with them to support himself and thus ibe independent on the jewish sabbath days he preached in the synagogue where many greeks as well as isrealites thronged to hear him verse 5 jesus was christ after a period of preparatory min istry when silas and timothy join ed him paul declared boldly the messiahship of jesus verse g your iilood be upon your own head opposition at once developed on the part of the jews declaring that they were respon sible for their own doom for re jecting the message of the gospel paul turned definitely to the gen tiles who were evidently eager to hear more about the good news verso 7 justus one that wor shipped god the house of a pros elyte from paganism to the worship of the true god was opened as a preaching place where paul con tinued his ministry verse s hearing believed and were baptized a mighty work of god broke out even the chief ruler of the synagogue crispus was sav ed and many others believed on the saviour ad confessed his name in baptism verse 9 hold not thy peace paul needed encouragement and instruction in a night vision the lord cheered him and assured him that he was to continue as he had begun verse 10 i have much people in this city ho who sees the end from tin- beginning knew there were many in corinth who would believe in the lord jesus so lie would not have his servant turned aside to go elsewhere until the liar- vest had been gathered in verse 1 1 a year and six mon- their most holy faith 1 cor 21 not with excellency of speech writing to the church at corinth some lime after he had left them he disavows any ttempt to influence them by mere oratori cal ability or human eloquence ho proclaimed the testimony of god in simple language counting on that o do its work verse 2 jesus christ and him crucified paul had but one mess age for a needy world it was the gospel of the crucified saviour who gave himself for our sins it was not- christ as teacher prophe or reformer that he proclaimed but christ as the sinners substitute who died on the cross of shame verse 3 in weakness and in fear and in muoh trembling there was no bombastic selfassurance he recognized his own limitations and dreaded the intrusion of that which might nullify his preaching verse 4 in demonstration of the spirit and of power he was not afraid lest his addresses might not be polished and refined he rather feared that hey might be too much so and he knew that olny the power of god could reach the hearts and consciences of men verse 5 not in the wisdom of men he would not have people looking upon him with admiration and trusting in him as a spiritual leader because of his wisdom and ability he would turn them from himself to god that their confid ence might be in him alone the heart of the lesson it is the preaching of the cross which is the appointed method of winning souls and building men up in christ paul did not undervalue culture and education but he ths for this lengthy period the apostle remained teaching the word of god leadig souls to christ and building the young converts up on dreaded the possibility of the re finements of rhetoric and the clev erness of the orator so occupying the minds of the hearers that they become occupied with his ability in stead of with the christ he pro claimed therefore he studiously avoided anything that would have such a tendency aad in all simplic ity he preached the message of the cross in humble dependence on the holy spirit to use that proclamat ion for the salvation of souls in this he became an example to all other preachers monday tuesday wednesday may 8910 be sure and see ralph morgan and tommy ryan in orphans of the street and on the same program shine on harvest moon thursday- friday and saturday may 11 12 and 13 see hopalong cassidy and windy hayes together in bar 20 justice and on the same program beverly roberts star of gods country and the woman in a gripping drama i was a convict paauf h the time to modernize your property why not take advantage of the home improvement plan our nearest branch manager will gladly furnish full par ticulars of the unusually favorable terms to borrow money with which to improve your property you need not be a customer of the bank to secure the service write or call for descriptive booklets the bank of nova scotia over a century of banking service 37ib m the world of tomorrow 1 w at the worlds fair of today new york 1850 round trip after aprll 27th j attractive tours in new york including taxi to hotel assured hotel accommodation admission to fair grounds sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york and other entertainment 10 so i3sq ww0wm moo to g tpi a mtsj a to 1556 m 175 m26i06m 3650 mjsi reservations must be made at least a week in advance descriptive folder and complete information at mansion house stouffville ont hi mwbmby a- million paklfmras oneofthem partnership with the sim life of canada is a deed of security for you and yours your representative j l abel ringwood ontario