britain to launch big health drive spend 10 millions in physical fit ness campaign britain began september 30tb a campaign for health and physical fit ness without parallel in the history of the nation prime minister chamberlain who at 68 is fit enough to tramp miles ot river bank with a fishing rod in his hand opened the campaign with an address broadcast to tho empire he touched off a 2000000 health drive which will run a wide gambit from setting- up exercises to maternity and child welfare services from organized games to health mms and better care of the teeth running side by side with britain s rearmament program it is proof that britains leaders are aware of tho im portance of national health in possible wars of the future what britain pro poses to do it is pointed out is com parable on a less lavish scale with what italy germany and russia have been doing for years namely empha size national health as part ot the pre paration for national emergencies the new health program approved by the government has been in pre paration for the last year it will be in the hands of district leaders parti cipation will be entirely voluntary but the drive will he especially keen in the socalled depressed areas the slums and largo industrial areas new and better way to learn geography of java batavia replies john- johnnie jones what is the capital nie thinking thats an easy one for he has just received a letter from the third officer of s s adventur er arl the postmark was batavia this better way to learn geo graphy started two years ago when four ships of a london england shipping company were adopted by two elementary and two secondary schools the british ship adoption society encourages schools and col leges to associate themselves with certain ships nd to make friends with their officers and members of their crew- in this way interest is fostered gnd geography becomes a living thing letters received from their sailor friends give them firsthand inform ation about the world and help break down a natural insularity visits to the ships themselves are cagcrly- lookedforwardto delights today 480 schools including most of the wellknown public schools belong to the society an appropriate motto for the members is a friend in ev ery port fish treaty limits size of fish caught eat more fish is a slogan familiar to us all but unless care is taken the demand will outrun the supply of fish in european waters so ten european governments belgium denmark germany great britain iceland the irish free state the netherlands norway poland and sweden have just signed a conven tion limiting the size of mesh used it is hoped by these means to leave in the sea enough little fish to keep the species alive and num erous the convention insists on the british minimum mesh for all fish ing except in territorial waters be low the fixed limits no fish of the following may be landed or sold cod haddock hake plaice lemon eoles soles turbot brill france finland latvia and portugal are not at present in favour of all tho restricvons imposed by tho conven tion plane ride cures whooping cough i jean planchenault french ama teur aviator of le havre claimed that an airplane ride at 8000 feet altitude was a successful home cure for whooping cough planchenaults daughter aged three had whooping cough and sev eral doctors were unable to cure her after an hourls ride over the ble- ville airdrome the father said the child was completely cured i i missionary sleeps under 500 skulls u skulls of white men count for lit tle in the headhunting activities of tho dyaks of borneo according to rev c ross diebler who has spent five years there as a missionary he is attending the annual convention of the christian and missionary al liance which opened at alliance ta bernacle when mr diebler first visited iutch borneo headhunting was common with the coming of chris tianity it has become less popular ho says but the hill natives some times return to their old habits j there are still plenty of skulls said mr diebler i have slept bo- ncath a row of at least 500 you ubqon get used to it the papers s ay editorial comment from here there and everywhere canada comparing casualty lists one hundred and five british flyers have been killed in accidents this year that record sounds bad until it is compared with the highway casualty list during the same period peterborough examiner where it all goes how much canadian nickel has gone and is going into the manufac ture of the worlds instruments of war in these years since 1918 that it seems to us is a question the can adian people should put to them selves soberly earnestly because it does involve a most serious responsi bility halifax herald those radio licenses the government department issu ing radio licenses might save itself a great deal of work and household ers a lot of inconvenience if collect ors were supplied with adequate and reliable information as to those who have remitted their fee only a gov ernment could afford to offend the public by demanding that household ers produce evidence that license fees have been paid financial times where dissent is treason it becomes the people of the democracies to take note of what is going on in the nations of the other persuasion we have a right to say and believe on th eevidence that is available that human life is better to live in the democracies than in the dictatorships that is a very simple way of putting it but that is the apt expression of what matters there is a terror abroad in those countries men are not free to speak their minds what we call opposition to the government those countries know only as vancouver province the bicycle craze there has been as astounding in crease in the patronage of bicycles in ontario especially in the cities towns and villages has the bicycle at tained the popularity that was char acteristic of 40 years ago in the last nineties there was a bicycle craze in canada and the united states even the most inferior roads were swarming with male and female bicyclists touring clubs were form ed and there was much organization to promote rides to various parts of the country special trucks were built for racing and circuits were formed for the holding of races at night at electrically lighted speed ways sarnia observer a national trade policy without suggesting that canada should turn away from the policy of exporting to markets abroad it is be coming more than ever apparent that the governments reliance on the capture of world markets is devoid of any promise of sustained prosper ity at home the productive re sources of this dominion are more than sufficient to assure every can adian worker of an abundant stand ard of living the national policy of canada mustsurely be designed first to maintain this standard at home by productive labor applied to home re sources canadian enterprise in world markets could follow under conditions of greater security for canadian vorkers when national prosperity is no longer dependent upon competition with workers abroad under a lower standard of living it will call for more light on parliament hill ottawa citi zen remove license plates it is generally admitted that one of the most effective means of remedying violations of the traffic laws is the removal of license plates for a definite period from the cars involved in the offences a driver may treat a fine lightly but as the ottawa journal suggests an offending driver then would come under the force of domestc or busi ness displeasure and resentmant that is perfectly true and if the penalty of removing the license plates from the crrs were carried out their owners would be exceed ingly careful as to who was permit ted to drive certainly the only remedy for the carelessness and recklessness that is abroad today on the part of a small percentage of drivers is by the imposition of dras tic penalties hence the sooner the highways department decides upon the removal of license plates in addi tion to the other penalties imposed the sooner will the highways become safer for lawabiding motorists brantford expositor they are not exhibits dr a r dafoe physician of the dionre quintuplets has spoken out against treating the babies experi mentally as guinea pigs ha re ferred to the statement of dr lee r rigler before the international congress of radiology at chicago that the quints might help the science of heredity materially by being sub jected to complete xray examina tions the story of the five babies is a dramatic one but any tendency to regard them as exhibits or as ma terial for laboratory probing is a re grettable one there are human lives involved in callander and the supreme right to develop as normal children otherwise they drop into the classification of freaks adding another sorry chapter to the ex ploitation of physically unique people whose birthright is their greatest handicap to overcome that handi cap should be the main goal of those who have the interests of the babies at heart anything that would ag gravate it should be checked at the start hamilton spectator the empire sign of social progress in the small groups of english folk found all over the empire every one knows every one else hence the bank clerks wife will be entertained by and must in her turn entertain tho british consuls lady there is con sequently a leveling of classes and the leveling is upwards every one uses finger bowls london queen problems of eastern europe the problem of eastern and central europe is the one which if mishandled is most likely to lead to a general war and it is the one in which british policy finds it most dif ficult to follow a clear line on the ono hand the electorates of great britain and still more of the over sea dominions view eastern europe as the field in which their own inter ests are least directly engaged in which they can exercise the least di rect military force and in which they are leant willing tc commit them selves beforehand indeed with a navy which cannot reach eastern europe at all an army which has practically no european expeditionary force and a homo air force which is unlikely to reach par- b 3 fact by ken edwards little alma shep- pard has the un usual distinction and honor of driv ing a harness morse for the measured mile faster than any amateur man or woman eleven- year old alma drove her fathers horse dean han over a three- yearold turning to basolill wo point out that lefty grove holds the record winning percentage for pitchers for a season with a mark of 8s5 made in 1931 when he pitched for the ath letics winning 31 games and losing four despite the poor showing of the st louis cardinals this year un der the managership of frankie frisch the latter has been signed to pilot the club for 1938 believe it or not the st louis cardinals have a member of their team who they say can play every position on the baseball diamond well with tommy farr all set to take maxie baer after farrs trip home well say solong until next week this column is dedicated to our friends bobby and donnie rutledge good little sportsmen by elizabeth eeoy parade a commentary on the highlights of the weeks news j news in brief fire does great damage chicago a terrific explosion and fire damaged the main building of the swift and company plant in the stockyards this week- the blast followed an outbreak of fire on the third or fourth floor and officials estimate the damage might run as high as 200000 4 injured in explosion basle switzerland four men were killed and 11 injured when an air compressor producing pressure of 6000 pounds per square inch explod ed in the burckardt machine factory while undergoing final tests sev eral of the injured may die a new civilization in north just back from a tour by airplane of tho central manitoba mining area northern saskatchewan alberta and the northwest territories as far north as the arctic circle on great bear lake the dominion minister of mines hon t a crerar sees in tho canadian north with us slower tempo a more contemplative people arising a peo ple with more time and aptljude for thought not beset by city excitement and quite content to do without it tho minister declared that a pros perous future lies ahead ot the nower mining fields up there and there is room for tremendous development with water transportation available everywhere in tho summertime and almost yearround air service it is be lieved facilities will be ideal for estab lishment of a comfortable civilization quints have complete set this week yvonne dionne cut her twentieth tooth tho last of the quin tuplets to acquire the full score of baby grinders the five now have 100 teeth amongst them romeberlin axis ever since the autumn ot 1935 when germany refused to join with the other european nations in imposing sanctions on italy for her aggression in abyssinia we have been hearing the phrase romeberlin axis es pecially of late in the mediterranean crisis when italy was accused of pir acy and nations rallied to one side or another last week the axis was made doubly solid by the visit of mussolini to adolf hitlor the speeches of both men on that occasion while reaffirming their united front against bolshevism declared also that naziism and fascism are joined in a common desire for world peace with the cementing of such a bond entered also by britain and later france we may see a better day dawn for eur ope and tho world terminal market proposed a terminal market in toronto would do a great deal towards rectify ing sorry conditions in ontario where by farmers in the holland marsh find themselves possessed of bountiful crops and no markets declared the deputy minister of agriculture j b fairbairn all produce would come to tho one market ho suggested thus permitting control ot supply and demand better prices to producers many parts of ontario are similarly hit each year the fruitgrowing dis tricts included and tho crop3 rot en farms because of poor market3 right jobs for jobless surveys being made under the head ship of the national employment com mission are attempting classification of all unemployed persons in canada to discover forms of work to which they are best suited eventually it is hoped to have every ielief recipient classified according to his fitness for some form of employment special mention will be made also it the job less man is permanently unemployable as a result of some physical mental or social handicap report and marshal vassili bluech- cr commander of the soviet far eastern army is in daily radiotele phone conversation with the soviet military attache in nanking gen eral lepin test flights to start winnipeg test flights over the western section of the transcanada airlines should be under way in about two weeks says philip john son vicepresident in charge of op erations of the airline officials expect to adhere to or iginal plans beginning operations from winnipeg westward with eas tern lines opening later johnson in dicated he said he believed regular operations on the western section would begin next spring russia helping china tokio a certain quarter pre sumably the war office has been informed that soviet russia is fur nishing men and munitions to china in her war with japan the domci agency reports ten russian officers arc assisting in the defense of chinas national capital nanking according to the ity in numbers with germany the only way in which great britain could exert direct force would be by turning what might be a local con flict into a world war on the other hand neither great britain nor any dominion can be indifferent to al terations in tho status quo in east ern europe especially if they are brought about by power politics or war because of the farreaching ef fect they may have upon tho balance of power in the world as a whole round table magazine 50000 building addition orillia word of a new 50000 building to be started immediately at the ontario hospital near here was received this week the three- storey building will accommodate additional dining facilities in the basement and day rooms on all oth er floors population the national council of labor urged the government to ban war material sales or monetary leans to japan 7000 ask aberhart resign edmonton resolutions approv ed at a meeting sponsored by the peoples league of alberta demand ed resignation of premier aberhart and his government and urged unity of opposition parties in an effort to free the people from the tyranny of the social credit government 700 were present at the meeting says bombing was necessary tokio the japanese govern ment has defended as strategically necessary the aerial bombing of nan king which drew protests from world governments including great brit ain and tho united states the japanese point of view was contained in a reply to the formal united states protest of sept 22 transmitted after oral representa tions against japans announced in tentions of subjecting the chinese capita to a mass aerial bombard ment wants international crime commission washington establishment of an international crime commission linking canadian united states and mexican police was proposed this week by colonel s t wood of the royal canadian mounted police shanghai lines hold shanghai chinese defenders of shanghai held their lines intact after weathering a terrific offensive into which japan hurled every wea pon she could muster after some of the fiercest close- range fighting on the shanghai front since the outbreak of the conflict the front was silent urge japanese boycott london great britains resent ment against japanese aerial activi ty in china was voiced this week by industrialists and labor leaders in separate meetings expressing deep horror at the barbarous and systematic massacre by japanese aircraft and submarines of the defenseless chinese civilian lovers struck by lightning two lovers wore struck by light ning while sitting under an umbrel la at sarajevo yugoslavia the girl was killed instantly and the man was hurled several yards by the shock and severely injured french snail farmers pay penny a hundred all burgundy france peasants have been busily searching under hedges and walls for snails which they sell to the local snail farmer tho snail farmers pay about a penny for every hundred snails and then transfer them to little parks where they are fattened up on veg etables and greens each park is fenced off with closemeshed wire and contains plenty of moss under which the snails rest tho fattening goes on until the autumn then the snails are raked out of their hiding places and cook ed in salt water more than 80- 000000 snails are eaten in france during the season the wonderland of oz by l frank baum grasping the object ozma in a low voice pronounced the word ev tho rooms were quite empty of life after that that gnomo king had gained a new ornament for upon the edjjo of the table rested a pretty grasshopper which seemed to have been formed from a single emerald it was all that remained of ozma of ozj in the throne room just beyond the palace the gnome king sudden ly looked up and smiled next he said in his pleasant voice dorothy the scarecrow and the tin woodman who had been sitting in anxious sil ence carh pave a start of dismay and stare 1 into one anothers eyes has she failed asked tiktok so it seems answered the little monarch cheerfully but that is no reason why ono of you should not succeed the next may have twelve guesses instead of eleven for there arc now twelve persons transformed into ornaments well well which of you goes next ill go said dorothy stepping forward not so replied the tn wood man as commander of ozmas army it is my privilege to follow her and attempt her rescue away you go then said the scarecrow but bo careful old friend i will promised tho woodman and then jie followed the gnome king to tho entrance of tne palace and tho rock portal closed behind him school teaches trailer lh postgraduate course in gypsying deluxe now its a postgraduate cours need to be a road gypsy de lux cording to capt j l mlfsud op of the only trailer driving schoc tho united states how to live in a trailer but tortably is the basis of tho sen curriculum can you authorltajj discuss high hitches versus low dies do you know how to entcj friends in your homo on wheols you park 20 feet of trailer withou ing the bedroom in eight lessons if the answers nro no then it to professor mifauds university the upper reaches of tho bronx eight lessons on tho hows and wl trailer driving and trailer home c mics mifsid concluded his lectures i public classroom at the first tr show in new york last night three days he has been demonstrt how to manoeuvre a trailer and to live comfortably in the small t tors of the rolling homes its not difficult to live under he like conditions in a trailer mi said its only a question of people justing themselves to the more cj pact liviug quarters of a trailer wl differs in size only from a regular artmont not all women can wear r fashion expert says very fi have the personality only one woman in ten has the sonallty to wear red adrian faml creator of feminine movie fashic gives this warning color he said should be a fra for a womans personality that 1 why most women are more attract in blues browns and blacks thl personalities can overshadow dull shades but only a woman with a vi personality can hope to compete wj the brilliance of a red dress must be backed up hollywood stars who can wear r safely according to adrian are jo crawford jeanette macdonald clai ctte colbert and marlene dietrich joan prefers blue as do most star he declared the dress of red bea designed for her in the bride wo red is the first of that color s has worn on the screen it gives t proper dress effectin an importa emotional scene and was created t that purpose on the average woma it would have had the opposite effeq instead of making her stand out in group it would push her into the bac ground leaving the dress liters hanging in midair with no personali to back it up combine career if you are willing to put fcrt extra effort says former screen star lois wilson screen heroine caml forth yesterday with some trenchan views on the subjects of romance an career making one of her infrequent stagl appearances and the first in chlcd go in clare boothe3 satire thl women miss wilson gave the mail rlageandcarcer wont mix businesf short shrift cannot she asserted agrej with any opinion that matrimony ami a career are incompatible i have nel ver been married but i am not avoid ing marriage i am looking for th other part of my puzzle tho trouble is that not enough peol pie marry with the idea of staying married they are unwilling to pull forth the effort to make marriage anyf more than an episode a thrilling ro manco opposites if there were no such things as night youd not appreciate the day if darkness never came your way youd find no loveliness in light thered be no joy in leisure time for the discipline of work the levels speedily would irk the man who had no hills to climb thered be less glow in happiness if we could never suffer prin the glamour would be bleached from gain if loss could cause us no distress the melody of sound admits no harping on a monotone all joys arc meaningful alone by contrast with their opposites miss florence loft aged 3g of swnnscombe kent eng an english field worker died from burns after preventing some children from going near a fire she had lit in a field eva an elephant belonging to detroit circus has died from catins a pair of boots