stouffville ontario thursday september 30th 1937 aiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimuiiiuu ii town topics ihonk ix vouit pkksoxaus 13301 uuumuiuuiiummuuumuuuiiiiuiuiutuiiui miss annie lehman of hamilton spent the weekend at her hoin here mr robert kerr of toronto wis the weekend guest of mr donald moyer on the sth of markham alliston fall fair has been can celled this year because of the paralysis scare the cray coach lines service to oxbridge was discontinued cu sun day last it being only a midsum mer service two small peach trees beside mr jess cobers home have borne a wonderful supply of fruit this year when they were picked last week the one tree yielded live baskets limiitiiiiiiiitimiiimiimiiiiuiiimumik important cattle sale today dont miss silent barriers coming to the stanley theatre uex weekend the misses mildred and edra burkitt spent sunday with mr and mrs aita burkitt at oakville the cabbage market is dull and local growera are anxiously waiting for some kind of a bid thousands of tons of cabbage are in the hands of stouffville growers this is markham fair week mr and mrs elmer lehman of kitchener spent sunday afternoon with mr and mrs john lehman we read in the medical journal that a mans hair and his teeth are his best friends however true this may be dont forget that even the best of friends sometimes fall out duck hunting open on friday dont miss silent barriers coming to the stanley theatre nex weekend mrs e a walker of port perry and mrs r robertson of oshawa were in town visiting mr and mrs k g tarr mrs f b murray of calgary was the guest of mrs a v nolan last friday mrs murray is a daughter of mr j f brownscombe of ux- bridge and has been spending some- weeks in the old home district a shower by a number of stouff- villo young people was tendered mrs cecil carpentier nee ethel sanders last friday evening am many lovely and useful gifts wore received stanley theatre phono stouffville 100 thursday friday saturday september 30 oct 12 i promise to pay with chester morris helen mack leo carrillo short subjects imrs roy brillinger son and daughter clarke and elinore also mr clark wallace of orillia were weekend guests with mr and mrs harry brillinger sunderland winners of the local oba league defeated napanoe in the playoffs two straight games on saturday last they went on to defeat ivy a small town near barrie ivy won their district by defeating thornbury mr and imrs earl cook have re turned from syracuse to take up residence in lemonville for the winter months syracuse having finished their activities for this season in the internation league baseball loop if you have visitors or informa tion that would make suitable news you will confer a favor on this paper by calling us on the telephone or if you prefer just write your own item mr king and mr bennett are taking no chances in being accused of interfering with the ontario elec tion the premier has gone fishing and mr bennett is holidaying in british columbia mrs m l murphy will receive at her home on north church street on friday october s from 4 to 6 oclock his many friends will be glad to hear that little murray mcmullen son of mr and mrs earl mcmullen altona has completely recovered from poliomyelitis the xewmarket express refeis to that town as the hub of xorth york quite so the nuts at the hub hold the old band wagon together as it were liberals make a popular choice on tuesday of last week mr noah baker completed another year of his long life when he reached his 79th birthday this well known citizen does not look his age he is quite active and enjoys nothing better than being busy assisting in the labors of the day mondav tuesday wednesday october 456 love under fire lorctta young don ameche comedy short subjects it is just 4 0 years ago this month since the late dr f a dales located a medicd practice at myrtle later coming to stouffville where he practised for more than 25 years we understand that mrs dales who is living at keswick is slowly re covering from a critical operation and old friends will anxiously hope for her restoration to normal again thursday friday saturday october 789 silent barriers starring richard arlen mr byron appleton one of lake musselmans eldest citizens is stay ing for a short time at the home of his niece in stouffville mrs walter talbot born on the farm where he now resides on the west shores of the lake 75 years ago mr appleton never dreamed when he was a young man that he would live to see his property surrounded by a bustling summer resort and some 350 o more cottages housing 1000 camp ers in addition to this there is the floating population which probably outnumbers the campers on many days of the holiday season the collection taken by the girs who made the canvas for the york county childrens aid society amounted to nearly 20 it was an nounced the funds will be used to purchase little extra for the children under care of the society the county throught taxation is requir ed to maintain the shelter and pro vide the necessaries of life for these unfortunate ones we are indebted to henry hoover of markham who brought in to the tribune a russian squash grown from seed brought direct from russia about seven years ago the squasb has grown along the lines of the ancient mohammedan temple or mosque with the lower halt ex tending out over the top story as if to please the natives of the old world it is done in gorgeous colors which we are sure would appeal to the russian heart mr hoover tells us that a popular way to serve the russian squash is to lift off the top half and after removing the seeds fill with dressing as you would a fowl replace the top and cook with plenty of butter and seasoning this is said to make a delicious dish a horse belonging to fred herb street at vivian fell dead in the harness the other day while the own er was drawing in potatoes it had previously shown no signs of ill ness said the farmer several persons in this district have taken advantage of the home improvement plan to fix up their homes or premises and the offer of the dominion government is extend ed to farmers too talk it over with your banker there is but one chauge from the summer to the winter timetabe affecting stouffville depot the even ing train from toronto is due here at g16 a halfhour later than it has been arriving all other passen ger trains remain as heretofore pickering township council dis puted an account sent in by the markham fire brigade for 40 said to he for service rendered at the recent fire in claremont which de stroyed the old hotel property on the corner of claremonts main thoroughfare mr imartin reesor is an ex perienced grower of sweet potatoes who reports that the growth this year is one of the best he ever saw mr reesor gave us a sample of these sweet tuibers which weighed two and a half founds mr ireesor lives directly opposite the school house on main street and always has a fine garden miss mary hay of toronto who is intending to sail for india next month where she will join imr harry worling former pastor of stouff ville christian church will sing and give a farewell message at the morn ing service at the local christian church on sunday mr and mrs s w hastings and daughter helen spent last week with friends in shaker heights cleveland ohio going by way of buffalo and returning by detroit they had a most enjoyable trip mr and mrs hastings were celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary the complete sale list of farm stock and implements belonging to the estate of the late edwin forsyth will be found in detail elsewhere in this issue it is one of the largest lists wo have issued from the office of this paper for some time and the sale will be one of the most import ant farm auctions of the season it is to commence at 1130 sharp and a booth on the grounds will furnish light lunch fl flick of a switch or the touch of a button summons your personal genii you should know him bettor his name is hydro it is ho who whilo you slopt kept the motor humming on tho blower or oil heater so that you awoko to a warm comfortablo houso it is he who makes the toast cooks the meals bakes the cakos runs tho vacuum cloanor tho washer and tho ironor and what a friend when you settlo down in your favorito chair at night to road or sow under proper light with your radio to bring tho best in ontortainmont i you retire in security knowing that should emergency strike ho can bo summoned install tly lights 1 telephone i what other sorvico can you buy at such low cost that does so much and while tho prico of practically everything wo buy has steadily advanced during tho past two yoars tho hydro has and is steadily lowering tho cost of electricity to you in addition ovory effort is being mado to extend tho benefits of hydro every where in tho province of ontario as a partner in this great ontorprise you should take a keen interest in everything that pertains to hydro and its efforts to lower power costs still further hydro electric power commission cn yntilfr- prof orton of emmanuel college toronto has been secured to preach the anniversary sermons in the stouffville united church on sun day november 7th back in his student days prof orton preached at ballantrae one summer and is recently called to emmanuel from western canada he looks forward to a visit to the district near whero he spent part of his student year3 with keen delight dr c r boulding newmarket a famed dog fancier with his kennel of champions received an addition to his family last week when 3enholme bayar wiredhaired terrier arrived aboard tho queen imary from england the thorough bred was seven days from the time he left england until he arived in newmarket and no doubt travelled in much more luxurious comfort than did any of our grandparents who made that trip in olden days when the liberal party in tho riding of york east at its recent convention elected h j mcconnell for its standard bearer in the pre sent provincial elections they cer tainly made a good choice judging by the popular acclaim with which he is being received all over the rid ing whether it is in the farming areas or the industrial districts tha verdict is the same and can be well summed up in the words of a man who has lived in the riding all his life when he remarked at last the liberal party has brought forward a candidate whom all sections whether farmer or worker can get behind because he has all the at tributes of a real legislator born in owen sound some 4 4 years ago of methodist parents he played an active part in the community life of that town and it was during his successful career as a lacrosse and hockey player that he was christen ed mickey by which name he is still known to many of his friends and associates coming down to the toronto district many years ago iie quickly forged ahead in the busi ness world and at the present time is a valuable and highly respected member of the staff of a large oil company i at his meetings in the south end gf the riding he has dealt very i clearly and lucidly with the prohj lems confronting the worker and small owner and has pledged him self if elected to sponsor legislation which will set up tribunals before which a home owner in the case of foreclosure being forced upon him shall have the right to appeal so that whatever equity he has in his home will receive protection with reference to mothers allow ances he maintains that the pre sent payments are too low because this scale was set in 1921 and the cost of living has increased consider ably since that time dealing with the recent an nouncement of premier hepburn that the liberal party it returned will at the next session of the legislature introduce unemploy ment insurance mr mcconnell has pledged himself to support this legislation one hundred per cent feeling that it is long overdue at his meeting in imarkham he surpris ed many of those present by his thorough understanding of tne problems affecting the rarmers in his riding his statement that if he is elected he will support very much needed amendments to the milk control act received very popular applause dealing with hepburns hydro policy which has saved thousands of dollars to the rural consumers through the reduction of the ex cessive service charges imposed upon them for many years by the henry hydro commission mr mcconnell will urge that the service charges be eliminated entirely which would mean building many more miles of hydro lines in the farming areas during the last year of the henry hydro commission about 100 miles of lines were constructed in the farming areas whilst last year un der the hepburn hydro commission over 2000 miles were built due entirely to hepburns hydro policy h j mcconnell who has been well named a young man of action has gathered around him during the campaign men and women from all walks ot life and all shades of opinion and progressive thinkers all over the riding are en thusiastic because at last they are able to present a united front he- hind a real fighting candidate vic tory for liberalism in york east is in the air we have given you the candidate now you give him your vote if you do the 25 years ot re actionary tory domination in this riding will be completely swept away from campain headquarters rev l e atkinson was sort of pinch hitting for rev dr mitchell last sunday evening at the anniversary service held at pine orchard owing to the doctor be ing indisposed he was unable to fill the appointment he had previously mado and irev mr atkinson wo are sure mado a very worthy sub stitute rev robert young took the work in stouffville for the local pasor of the united church the wms of the united church of stouffville is holding its thank- offering meeting at the home of mrs j a heise october 7th at 245 pm the speakor for the day will bo mrs murray past president ot grey presbyterial wjms will the ladles of the congregation come and enjoy mrs murrays talk on phases of mission work also a social hour afterwards build health and strength with wampoles extract cod liver this famous year round tonic tones i up tho entire sys tern helps you regain energy and is particularly effective in com bating winter ills such as coughs colds grippe influ com and bronchitis this preparation also la excellent for loss of appetite blood disorders nervous troubles and for weak an aemic children for elderly people and for convalescents price 100 per bottle sold ud recommended bf sold by bo ad w a ys drug store veterans social xight an open meeting and social even ing will be held on monday october 4 at s oclock in the fire hall all veterans and their families are in vited to attend also the widows ot veterans please bring baskets come and spend an evening together quality no wonder we fiilthe egg basket we get fulopep egg mash service nd special for more egg money make your weekly egg check larger by giving your laying hen9 the feed that will help them lay more big easily marketable eggs eggs with sound shells that gaae high and bring top prices icgg vmashit supplies all the elements that lay ing hens require to make eggs and maintain body weight and health stiver phone 4601 fall sale of five roses flour until sept 30th order now and we will pro tect you until that date bros stouffville ontario asi3 fo pas senge c ego studied i rv be d sa s ve dn and w vcn rtvud an tires tor 2e u or doctor tires p i eeiaws hull through mud and snow oirs ttntfttifr s v tir a fin 6 tvor s vtitcs u co o tver j ever itp b el mv css ovvm rl ls4 mmmmwwwmk