sttbiiiie volxlvii no 5jj m stouffviue ontario thursday september 23 1937 a v nolan j p publisher two poliomyelitis cases found in stouffville board of health ordered locaa schools closed until september 27 the first ease of poliomyelitis to break out in stouffviue was report ed on thursday afternoon last when the 13yearold son of mrand mrs ira aldred was found- to have the disease the home was immediately put under quarantine by the moh but the lad is- said to be making good progress and high hopes are entertained that he will not be stricken with a serious form of paralysis a second case was reported the following day friday when the eldest son 12 years of mr and mrs wesley schell was taken down an early diagnosis of the case again enabled the serum to be adminis tered early in the case and it is hop ed that the disease will be modified both lads were pupils in miss tindalls room at public school the board of health summoned a special meeting on thursday even ing inviting the school board to attend the result was that the pub lic and continuation schools were ordered closed for ten days it is admitted that even this move may be of no avail in stamping out the disease as it is not so far ascertain ed how the disease is carried or if it is really a communicable disease however other municipalitias ar closing down on school attendance and it was thought that this would be the best course to follow in stouffviue unless there are further closing orders schools will assemble again on sept 27 in stouffviue victor footo 15 eldest son of mr horatio foote mongolia is down with paralysis he had not at tended school this fall hence never contracted the disease there how ever mongolia school was closed as a result of the case 200 pheasants are rel markham township bids fair to become an ideal game sanctuary be fore long last week the govern ment oept of games and fisher ies released in the municipality some 200 pheasants which when unmolested will add to their num bers over a year or two in an amazing manner simultaneous with the releasing of these birds 500 signs arrived to be posted throughout the municipal ity apprising the hunter that the township is a game preserve and carrying of firearms or hunting within its borders is forbidden the township has had additional signs made on their own order of a larger design and these will also be placed in conspicuous places so that there will be no excuse for anyone to plead ignorance of the law some fifty game wardens have been named for the municipality whose business it will be to see that the township is protected from hunters with so many wardens charged with this duty it is hard to see how anyone will successfully lire a gun in the municipality without one of them hearing it vault contract native son made is awardedi good showing local herefords wi at l the line herd of herefords at burnbrae farms ringwood owned by george rodanz made an out standing showing at lfhdsay fair last friday cleaning up eight firsts out of eight entries there were sixtythree cattle entries in the show the following is a list of the winnings of the local herd first on 3yearoulbull first junior bull calf first 2yearold heifer first junior heifer calf first senior group first junior group first set of sire first senior heifer calf reeve rennie in the movies reeve james reunie was called to toronto one day last week to wit ness a private showing ot the screen picture beyond the sunset in which tbo reeve himself played a part tho picture was screened near toronto six months ago and was for nso by the canadian wheat board in england for several months sixteen copies of the picture have been in almvst constant use in the old country it is only at this date that there is a copy of he picture available for ori- vate showing and tho promoters the well known advertising firm of coekfield brown co arranged to screen it last week at the royal york hotel when mr rennie was pre sent to see himself in action dr ii b freel is attending a post graduate course at the toron to general hospital this week miss marjorie crooks and miss doris mitchell of iluntsviue were recent visitors at the home of mr and mrs jack mcmullen miss crooks is a sister of imrs mcmullen build up resistance take nyal creophos because of its tonic and antiseptic properties builds strength to enable the system to resist disease germs j m storey druggist the home of quality drag mrs james wagg dead on thursday last sept 10 rachel stafford wagg wife of the late james wagg passed away at the home of her daughter mrs w h snowball in markham in her 87 th year mrs wagg whose husband prede ceased her nine years is survived bv a family of seven children sons cecil clinton austin foster vin cent and leo and one daughter mrs bert snowball of markham mrs wagg was of fine old pioncr stock who occupied a homestead on the wagg sideroad just north of stouffviue for over half a century the funeral on saturday was from the home of her daughter service was conducted at blooming- ton by rev arthur greer with interment in the bloomington cemetery fred betz sons have been awarded a contract for building an addition to the municipal hall in stouffviue totalling an outlay ot 1800 the new part will be adde1 to the south end of the council chambers and will include base ment vault electrioians room and room for lavatories the whole undertaking will be financed with out appealing for any extra taxation no doubt plenty of people will and should congratulate the reeve and council on this undertaking ta provide a vault which has been so badly needed for years councils have admitted the need but some how took the chance against fire and did nothing about it the ever increasing amount of records that must be preserved makes the de mand even more imperative today and to have the whole thing fin anced without resort to special tax ation is certainly most fortunate a rebate from the school board of nearly 1000 plus receipts from back taxes that will come in from the november tax sale arer two items that will more than offset the much needed addition to the hall said reeve arthur weldon in ex plaining how extra taxation is be ing avoided to meet the cost of the undertaking work on the building will com mence at once on tuesday evening of this week a number of our citizens met in the bible classroom of the stouffviue united church and formed a com mittee to take charge of the western relief train which will be loaded on tuesday october 12th further par tieulars will appear later deal kester kc was nosed out of the running at the liberal convention for south cochrane held at iroquois falls charles gallagher of south porcupine was nominated as standardbearer at an enthusias tic meeting mr kester is a native of stouffviue a timmins despatch says charles gallagher of south porcupine was nominated as the liberal candidate to contest the provincial election on october g in south cochrane riding at a con vention ot district liberals held here yesterday afternoon john rowlandson of porouis junction present member of mis constituency was ousted on the third ballot while dean kesterkc of timmins lost out on the fourtn ballot to mr gallagher by ten votes mr gallaghers selection came as a distinct surprise to many kestar having lead the voting on the first three ballots the vote on the first ballot was kester 169 gallagher 147 row landson 142 mclnnis 40 johnson 10 spoiled 3 mr johnson was eliminated on this ballot mir kester increased his lead to 179 on the second ballot and gal lagher jumped to 156 mr kester touched on his plat form work not relief for the un employed filling ot government jobs from the liberal ranks a land clear ing bonus for farmers a graduated license fee for motor cars and trucks according to the number of months the vehicle was in use members of the family of mr nathan forsythe gathered on tues day at the home on church street to congratulate this wellknown citizen on his 85th birthday autumn weddings hon duncan marshall minister ot agriculture is having a warm fight in peel county in the last election the minister it will be remembered spoke in stouffviue in support of the liberal candidate for east york well known north yo is dead one of northern north yorks grand old men and a prominent citizen of sutton for the past thirty years walker holhorn passed away at his home on tuesday in his 70th year suffering a stroke some few- years back mr holborn had not been in robust health for some time and for the past few weeks had been gradually failing the deceas ed was an active worker in tho various organizations societies and municipal bodies of his towi having served is reeve of sutton in 1930 31 and 32 ho was past district deputy grand master ot the local oddfellows lodge and a lite member of the masonic order he was a staunch liberal and an active church worker he was a keen fol lower and supporter of the sutton hockey and ball teams surviving aro his son george and a daughter lillian both of sutton tho discriminating hitchhiker has developed to the point where i ho stands at ease until he sees i approaching a radioequipped car mackechnie good the french room at forest hill gardens in kitchener ontario vas the setting for a lovely early auntiimn wedding on saturday morning at 1100 am september 18th 1937 when miss evelyn may good kitchener ontario daughter of mr and mrs e r good stouff viue became the bride of mr charles campbell mackechnie ca toronto son of imr and mrs c struthers mackechnie ot glasgow scotland the ceremony was performed by rev j henry good cousin of the bride before the mantel banked with palms ferns and autumn flowers they were unattended and after a wedding breakfast served in the dining room of forest hill gardens mr and mrs mackechnie left by motor for atlantic city and new york ny where they will spent a fortnight and on their reaurn will reside at is strathgowan ave tor onto where mr mackechnie is con nected with price waterhouse chartered accountants baker bales a quiet but pretty wedding look place at the mennonite pasonage at gormley when the rev h shantz tied the nuptial knot of elsie bales youngest daughter of mr and mrs isaac bales of jefferson and george arthur baker son of mr nathaniel baker and the mrs baker of second concession of markham towns oldest man passes on on sunday mr daniel miller aged 93 years passed away at his home on main street he had been an invalid and bedfast for the last few years and his sight had gone for half a century the late dan miller trod the streets of stouffviue as a hardworking man born on the sth of markham al most opposite the present widemau church ho was one ot a family of thirteen children all of whom pre deceased imr miller mr miller early learned to make his own way in life and when a young man farmed in markham but finally located in town where he worked as a laborer his life partner and an only daughter predeceased jbjim about ten years he was the oldest man in town at the time of his death private service was conducted by rev we smalley with interment in tho stouffviue cemetery hon geo s henry choice of ea york co borne shoulderhigh in tory convention reeve ronnie who starred in beyond the sun set a screen picture recently shown in rural england for the pro motion of canadian agriculture hon george s henry leader of the opposition during the past three years was the unanimous choice ot the east york provincial riding con vention held last night in the rh mcgregor school although six were nominated the others withdrew and mr henry was chosen by acclamation loftus reid guest speaker ot the evening told the large gathering that after many years acquaintance with mr henry ho had learned to trust and respect him he also stat ed that in his opinion the province was fed up with hepburnism but not necessarily liberalism hon george s henry was carried to the platform shoulder high upon entering the convention hall ho told the meeting that one would have a heart of stone if he were not mov ed by such an enthusiastic meeting sat 25 years i have been your representative for about 25 years and this is prob ably one of the most enthusiastic meetings that it has been my honor to attend said mr henry- in his nomination speech he re viewed the administration ot the liberal party and the conduct of mr hepburn his tactics in driving mr macaulay from the house were the dirtiest piece of cowardice that i have ever encountered said mr henry he has even been taken to task by his very close friend george mccullough who when not in structing him what to do writes editorials of the wonderful courage of mr hepburn in referring to the beer parlor situation mr henry said that under the conservative regime liquor had always been kept under control dries commended under the liquor control board the sale and control was even com mended by strong temperance peo ple said mr henry tho separate school question 1b my opinion is one ot the major issues of this election despite the efforts of mr mccullough and mr hepburn to keep it quiet he has introduced the cio question mere ly as a red herring to avoid the more important issues in which the pub lic are interested continued mr henry the other five delegates nominat ed walter stewart secretary ot the east york provincial riding associ ation john leslie member frorj scarboro hollis e beckett also ot scarboro harry metghen presi dent of the east york federal rid ing association and r m leslie president of the east york provin cial riding association all pledged their strongest support to mr henry r m leslie in a brief address told the meeting that tho only reason that the hepburn government had reduced the price of license plates for motor vehicles was because they had so many in their use that they could not afford to pay tor them mr neighen stated that he had met two ot mr hepburns organ izers who had told him that if mr hepburn was returned he would eventually let beer parlors and hotel beverage rooms remain open until such times as the owners saw fit to close neal lehman kennedy sinclair mixed garden flowers in ring- wood christian church formed the background for a wedding satur day afternoon sept 18th when doris anne daughter of mr and mrs everett r sinclair becamo the bride of harry pringle son of mr and mrs james w kennedy rev e morton assisted by rev r w serrick performed the cere mony miss nora stapleton presid ed at the organ and accompanied mrs dorothy smith who- sang o perfect love the bride was given in marriage by her father and wore an ivory satin gown and tulle veil arranged in a halo of seed pearls and orange blossoms her only ornament was a gold brooch worn by the brides grandmother her flowers were johanna hill roses babys breath and maidenhair fern miss edna sinclair attended her sister as bridesmaid in an icehluo lace gown over taffeta with navy- accessories and carrying a bouquet of ophelia roses imr murray sin clair hrother of the bride was best man dr l w black and mr wal lace moseley were ushers the brides mother was in an ashes of roses crepe and lace gown with black accessories and a corsage of talisman roses the grooms mother was frocked in navyblue cut velvet with blue accessories and corsage of pink roses following a reception at tho homo of the brides parents mr and mrs kennedy left on a wedding trip to new york and atlantic city tho bride travelling in a grey woollen salt and wine accessories upon their roturn tboy will live in aglncourt a quiet wedding was solemnized in stouffviue mennonite church on wednesday sept 15 1937 when miss annie elizabeth lehman second daughter of imr and mrs isaac lehman was united in marriage with mr norman deloert neal son of the late mr and mrs george neal rev a d lehman brother of the bride performed the ceremony the bridesmaid was miss mary lehman sister of the bride and the groomsman was mr jack mitchell cousin of the groom only the contracting parties and witness es were present the bride and groom will make their now home near altoria johnson cockerill ferns and autumn flowers decora ted the humber bay gospel taber nacle for the marriage ot phyllis marguerite cockerill daughter ot mr and mrs cockerill ot mussel- mans lake to imr stanley judson johnson son of mr and mrs h c johnson ot humber bay with the rev j slimon pfflciating misa kathleen stephens played the wed ding music and during the signing ot the register mjss leona johnson sister of the groom sang because the bride given in marriage by her father looked charming in a gown of white satin made on princess lines with full length veil falling from a coronet of orange blossoms she carried a bouquet ot ophelia roses lilies of the valley and maidenhair fern the bridesmaid miss evelyn smith wore a gown of blush pink taffeta with pink velvet hat and carried a bouquet of pre mier roses and babys breath mr ernie johnson brother ot the groom was best man and the ushers were mr cecil johnson and mr carl cockerill the reception was held at tho home of the brides sister who looked lovely in a gown of black tulip velvet with matching hat and corsago of- white gardenias the brides mother received wearing navy blue sheer and navy blue hat with corsage of premier roses mrs johnson mother ot the groom assisted wearing brown georgette with brown accessories and corsage of butterfly roses later the couple left for a motor trip north the bride travelling in a navy blue suit with navy and white accessories on their return they will reside in tor onto not my machine says fred coultice found guilty of running a gaming house at lake musselman among the churches detective george stewart and constable w j meyers visited coiilticos pavilion at lake imussel- man the other day and as a result of their sojourn there mr coultica was hauled up on a charge of run ning a gaming house in police court at newmarket he was found guilty and remanded one week for sen tence a slot machine which was seized was confiscated there was ao skill it was purely a matter of luck said the detective who claimed that he exchanged a couple of slugs won from the machine for chocolate bars i refused to give you anything for some time pleaded mr coultice i told you the machine was for amusement only you said there were no mints in the machine and finally i gave you a couple of chocolate bars furthermore thats not my machine mr coultice insisted that the machine in court was not the one seisjed from his premisos and the police insisted that it was they took my machine away said mr coultice it had a notice in it slugs not cashed walter tranmer musselmnns lake gave evidence that ho had played the machine off and on all summer and that he had never got anything except gum out of it when he got slugs he played them back in why play it you dont got any thing out of it mr mathews asked another witness why play pool was tho answer given thats a game of skill said mr mathews the fine should be at least 15 said imr mathews this is a bad thing there is lot ot money wasted on these machines i have no sympathy with the machines said the magistrate the office points out that some times playing these machines gets to bo a mania and leads to other charges said mr mathews helping and inspiring gospel messages and piano selections will be given thursday and friday nights ot this week at the ringwood christian church by rev and mrs d percy from little britain tho public are invited 745 pm stouffville baptist church wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting sunday sept 26th 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service everybody welcome christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday sept 26th 1937 18th sunday after trinity 200 pm harvest thanksgiving service rev g b armstrong will speak the grace church choir of mark ham will provide the music everybody welcome sixth line baptist church rov w e smalley pastor phone 2203 sunday sept 26th 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am church service subject two gates which ono are you entering biblo thought for this week isa 3021 and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee say ing this is the way walk yo in it when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left bloomington and ringwood christian church rev e morton preacher one thing we certainly were nover made for and that is to put prin ciples on and oft at the dictation of a party next lords day services sept 20 1100 am bloomington 700 pm ringwood anniversary services at ringwood the kinsmen quartette will have full charge and mr oliver raymer will be tho speaker we know you will want to be present stouffville presbyterian rev w h fuller ba sunday sept 26th 1937 200 pm sabbath school 300 pm worship service everybody cordially invited lemonvillb bloomington baliiantrab united churches rov chas b jeltery pastor sunday sept 26th 1937 1045 am ballantrae bloomington anniversary 230 pm rev r v wilson ba bd of mt albert 730 pjm irev e c french of toronto everybody welcome stouffvhile con christian church arthur greer pastor sunday sept 26th 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship sermon subject amen allelujah 700 pm gospel service revelation and conversion wednesday evening prayer meeting at the home ot mrs leslie rowbotham senior christian endeavour in the church basement church hill 200 pm sunday school 300 pm church service friday 8 pm senior christian endeavour everybody welcome stouffvtllb united church l e atkinson miafetor wednesday 8 pm prayer and fellowship meeting sunday sept 26th 1937 1100 am morning worship rov w a westcott ot aurora 700 pm evening worship subject the religion at remnants you aro cordially invited to worship with us tho wms will meet at the home of mrs levi hoover on tuei- day evening september 28th at s pm stouffviiiljb mbnnonith church rev i brabacher pastor sunday sept 26tb 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm gospel service it you like to hear tbo gospel of jesus christ lifted up you-wlll- enjoy our services