Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 26, 1937, p. 4

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replacement of lost soil 192000 a square mile reestablishment of canadas drought are would be costly busi ness some drifting so extensive injury is almost permanent calgary it all the nitrogen and phosphorous which has been blown out ot crop lands ot the drought district of western canada in the last seven years were to be replaced by artificial fertilizer it would cost from 5121000 to 192000 a square mile a survey conducted by four canadian soil experts reveals the men dr f a wyatt professor of soils at the university of alberta and e s hopkins a e palmer and w s shepil of the dominion experi mental farms branch published a booklet on their investigations and listed cures for the farmers biggest bug bear soil drifting here are some ot their findings it would require from 150 to 250 worth of commercial fertilizer to re place nitrogen lost fron one aero ot fertile farm land by the removal ot a layer ot soil one inch deep and from 10 to 50 to replace the phosphorous one inch of soil over an acre con tains 300 pounds of phosphorous 1500 pounds of nitrogen and 15 tons of or ganic matter sand storms in tons one inch of surface soil blown from a single section of land means the re moval of approximately 100000 tons of soil a cubic mile of lower air during a dust storm contains 225 tons of dust in some districts where the land is lighter soil drifting has been so ex tensive the injury appears to bo al most permanent where from one to four inches of top roil have been lost it will be found almost impossible to raise good crops for many years even with abundance of moisture in 1031 a quarter section near re- gina that was subjected to heavy drifting from high winds was found to have lost the equivalent of ll in ches of top soil or approximately 195 tons per acre damage widespread at one time it was thought that soil drifting was confined to tho open prairie lands of tho south but of late years it has rpread northward and now much damage is being done in formerly wooded farm lands in south ern and central alberta and in tho peace river block strip farming is the most highly ad vised of tho preventatives under it strips are laid down at right angles to the most frequent winds and from 10 to 21 rods wide other suggestions include shallow plowless cultivation of summer fallow extensive use of cover crops in- eluding the planting in regions of sufficient rainfall o seedlings in early august land left in a cloddy condition with as much trash on top as possible princesses get present london a trekcar of the type used by girl guides has been delivered at buckingham palace for princess elizabeth who has joined the girl guides and little princess margaret a brownie beach in the desert eastern canadas giant eavmer dairy products brought farmers of eastern canada moro than 171000000 during 1936 this represents over 40 of tho total farm income for quebec ontario and the maritimeprov- inces it is more income than 13 produced by any other single farm product ten times as much as from wheat and more than double the revenue from oats for thousands of farm families milk is a yeararound source of money asteady dependable income paid eachmonth oroftener to make this steady income possible people must be reminded constantly of the goodness of milk and milk products borden helps to do this job by keeping milk foremost in tho minds of millions of buy ers making ever larger marketsfor 2 ff bairlcts dairy products purchasers of milk manufacturers of mltk products dlstricutobs throughout the world li o raccaoc aoszoc aocaoi aozaocr the mines perron east malartig sladen malartig 5 senore latest information on request j b cane 1 80 king st west toronto ont phon2eigm5m 30k33e 30e50z iqe30e i0e30e d o fl o 0 o o n 10 cream and skim milk farming pays best in tho long run dairy farmers who mako the most money generally aro those who keep hogs and poultry in addition to cows and pro duce the feeds to feed them properly they expect th ir cows to pay their way and yield a profit from cream however they also keep cows so that they may hayo skimmilk to feed to calves hogs and chickens skimmilk combined with farm- grown grains grows calves hogs and market at lowest c03t and helps hens lay moro eggs than is possible without it a cow producing 8000 pounds ot 4 per cent milk a year supplies around 7100 pounds of skimmilk or roughly an average of around 24 pounds or 3 gallons a day during the period she is in milk a wellstarted calf will tako from 10 to 15 pounds ot skimmllk a wellstarted calf will tako from 10 to 15 pounds of skimmllk a day a growing hog on pasturo from 3 to 5 pounds and 30 hens around 8 pounds ship your cream to us our trucks will call or wo will pay extra for making your own delivery stouffville creamery co our creamery open dally also open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings telephor 8sfi3 v the beach on the shore of lake mead the great body of water created in the middle of- thei south- western united states desert by boulder dam the lake is rapidly becoming a major attiaction for tourists 1 editorial comment from here there and everywhere canada education under fire incidental to the major news of the battle for madrid comes an item to the effect that children in spanish government territory are going to start to school again in madrid alone about 100000 youngsters of school age who remain ed in the city because their parents would not consent to their evacuation were not able to attend classes be cause their schools were within range of rebel guns since madrid is still a target for rebel missiles it is interesting to see just how the minister of education solved the problem of reopening the schools heres just how simple it was madrid children will have their schools even if we have to open them under fire from enemy batteries he said thus despite great obstacles the nobility and dignity of learning is re established spanish children may proceed in their quest of a higher ex istence studying history while its made with daily object lessons in the latest most destructive methods of perpetuating civilization kitch ener record long lived canadians there are 103 persons in canada today says canadas weekly pub lished in london who are aged 100 years and over they had begun their young lives when young queen victoria ascended the throne just one century ago this coronation year the population of canada 100 years ago was about 1250000 there were 200000 in nova scotia 000000 in lower canada and 397000 in up per canada there arc 3000000 per sons in canada today who were alive at tho accession of edward vii in 1901 in that year tho population of tho dominion had risen to 5371000 there are 4355000 persons living in canada today who were alive when ceorge v became king in 1911 20 years ago and the population in that year was 7207000 it is now 11000- 000 niagara falls review highway laws stricter an english court refused a man per- mission to appeal his conviction for dangerous driving whereby he was imprisoned cot 12 months and dis qualified as a driver for 15 years he was driving very fast along a straight road late at night when his car knocked down a woman who died as a result of the accident it was des cribed by one of the judges as the worst case of dangerous driving that could be conceived english courts certainly do look at such accidents differently than do canadian courts imagine a canadian going to jail for a year and losing his drivers license tor 15 years because he ran down and killed a pedestrian amherstburg echo the probation system there has been much discussion in canada of the merits or demerits of the probation system for both juven ile and adult offenders against the law tho success of the system de pends largely upon the thoroughness and tact with which it is administered an excellent illustration is found in manchester england not only has the work of the probation officer produced good results but it has been done at very small cost to the city the cost is only one shilling per case com pared with 2 5s per week for send ing a boy to a remand home or thirty- two to thirtyfive shillings per week for life in prison or thirtyeight shill ings per week in a home office school records kept for a period of five years show that eighty per cent of the of fenders who began their probation ary term in 1932 have not appeared again before the magistrates although they have been free from supervision for three years st john telegraph- journal irrigation plans weakness the 400000000 irrigation scheme proposed by r o sweezey for the x got tho finest roofing money can buy on cny payments spread over tlirco yeorstitelnp and rib roll roofings aro durable hand rome in appearance fireproof even jifihtnincproof if erected according to tho iishtninrkodact bty from a company that has erved you honestly fcr years whoso products sot tho yaco eastern steel products limited titelap and ribroll roofing both titolap and rib- roll aro easily put on over your old roof they save you money by cut ting upkeep costs pro tecting your crops and livestock bo sure to got tho genuine ej3p pro duct send ridgo and rafter measurements for free cost estimate years to pay under the home improvement s tatite a drivescrow nail develop ment of tho preston lcd- hcd nail takes ten times as much force to draw it out of a sheathing board as a stan dard barbed roofing nail jamesway poultry equipment write for literature on tho famous jamcswsv poultry equipment complete line of incubators brooder stoves poultry house equipment of all kinds specialists in ventilation and housing for oultry ho prenton fertilator attached to your seed jriu enables you to sow fertilizer with your fail wheat 703gotphsbtt preston ontario eastern steel products fctorsabot montreal mi toronto arid west has two weaknesses there is no guarantee that fertility would he secured nor that the amount ot money would bo sufficient or secur- able moving the people to better pas ture would be quicker and cheaper st catharines standard geography lesson lord tweedsmuirs trip is helping also to educate canadians thus most o them have learned for the first time that there is a place in the north called tuktoyaktuh peterborough examiner englishspeaking union lady astor thinks if great britain and america joined together not to rule the world but stabilize it there would be a real chance of stabilizing it the truth of the suggestion is so apparent as to require no elaboration hitchhike racketeers if all tho young welldressed able- bodied men who solicit rides along the highway were really penniless and unable to furnish themselves with rec ognized transportation there might be some reason for allowing them to pester passing traffic and for meeting their wishes although it is often a de cidedly risky business to take strang ers into a car and many a man has found himself slugged and robbed as reward for his kindness but in all too many cases these people who prey upon motorists are not only neat and welldressed carry ing their belongings with them in grips or suitcases but have ample funds in their pockets to pay for transportation by means of train or motor coach the average young hitchhiker is simply a petty racketeer who moves from place to place by his nerve and at someone elses expense and who boasts of his free travel at the end of his journey while lie has plenty of money to move without such assist ance brockville recorder and times the empire canadian policy of shirking when canada takes stock of her vulnerability in considering her share in empire defense she cannot be blamed for including the protection that she can reasonably expect from her powerful neighborhood the united states as an important item on the credit side it would be another mat ter entirely if she held her place in the empire merely for what she could get out of it in the way of benefits the time might come when those benefits would be in danger of being destroyed by ai enemy take aus tralia alone we huy from canada more than we sell to her would can ada stand idly by and see that market lost to her through some cause which she could have helped to prevent her market openings in great britain aro vastly greater and there are the other dominions and also the colonies and dependent aus- t rakish oi 3 paiseiirie hroblem there is a possibility perhaps small but distinctly growing that if partition of palestine is not hurried it may prove unnecessay and nobody wants it for its own sake among the jews the trend of opinion seems to bo that partition would be acceptable but only if the jewish share wcro made much bigger likely enough arab opinion would favour a division with a bigger arab allotment but the important thing is that both jews and arabs aro beginning more and more to think that mutual reconcilia tion and cooperation would he prefer able to the scheme ot partition which is in fact before them now that movem may be temporary it may fade a i v be countered by the eitrivl- e enmnts on the two sides hut should it succeed it would give possibility of a settlement far preferable to partition which was frankly a policy of despair it is plain ly wise to give this new move towards a new deal in palestine a chance london dally herald london many men think that when they give their wivc3 jewelry and the wife dies first they get the jewelry back but mr justice far- well has ruled this is not necessar ily so scientist watches brain at work london striking success in his attempts to use for medical diagnosis tho newly found electrical waves in the brain 13 reported by dr frederick lemere following a series ot tests at the national hospital for nervous dis eases loudon it is now possible through these waves to watch the brain at work their production at tho rate of about ten beats a second is suspended by any form ot concentrated thought wireless amplification is used to make visible the minutely small electrical changes involved after studying the brain waves from 15 normal persons and co pa tients suffering from various brain in juries dr lemere concludes that such records could be used in many types of canes to remove doubt as to the site of tho injury other workers have concentrated on finding new and wholly abuorinal forms of brain wave the violent electrical discharge noted in attacks of epilepsy and an unusually slow rhythm ot about three beats a second are examples rhythm changes dr lemere has concentrated al most entirely 011 the measurement ot minor variations in tho regular ten- asecond rhythm bo finds that when tho brain is injured the rhythm may be more pronounced on the injured side of the brain on the other hand a number of other types of brain in jury result in no such unbalance dr lemere believes that brain wave records show also that there must be a fundamental difference between the mechanism of epilepsy and that of the violent form of headache known as migraine it has been argued that migraine represents a nerve storm of broadly similar type dr lemere is psychiatrist to the eastern state hospital washington with a grant from the rockefeller in stitution he has visited this country for the special purpose of studying tho new brain technique everybody winner in strike of paris taxixien paris the paris taxi strike died at the age of 3c hours oddly enough everybody even the public won the taxi drivers won increased salaries the taxi owners won an agreement with government officials which is expected to result in a sup pression of tho gasoline tax and com pany turnover taxes everybody agreed to lower faros l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phono residence jphone g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 mansion house stouffville ontario full course meals 3oc room and board by tho week 000 tobaccoes chocolates soft drinks sandwiches onr specialty ladies and gents rest rooms mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc button block stouffvulo money to loan medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phos- iso coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdds office over bank of commerco office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pm phone office phono residence 1011 1015 clarcmont every tuesday ofllco over tuckers store phono clarcmont 1401 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and ot the university of toronto office in grublns block phono s201 markham every tuesday ofiice in wear block see h 0 kllnck obrien avenue for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insuranco canada life assurance co also automobile and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarhet formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at bratlnvaitcs hardwnro phone 9601 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvilu monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am briarbush hospital main street stouffville license no 203 graduated nurses in- attendance private semiprivate and public wards ambulance service phono 191 mrs b r good superintendent fly spray clean and odorless will not stain cows 90 cents gallon for late crop sow turnip seed rape seed millet salt for curing hay and blocks for pasture field we have a fresh car just in blocks 30c each cement on hand at all limes also land tile flour and feeds order your coal now as theirice is going up s w hastings phono 1cd stouftvlllo ontario g vie kings uxgwcvy wsafe direct economical summer time table leave toronto leave stol 815 am c 1230 pm a 430 pm standard b 530 pm timo 0 1015 pm a 615 am 1 825 am c 1250 pm d 245 pm c 350 pm 0 840 pm a dally except sun hoi b- sun hoi only c sat only d dally except sat sun hoi e sat sun hoi only weekend service to uxbridgo vacation touks all expenses paid muskoka georgian bay the great lakes tho quints the big cities tickets and information at mansion house phone 1s1

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