i vol xlviii nox tottffiriue stouffville ont thursday june 17 1937 gibtttte a v nolan j p pumuhur help kidneys do not suffer with rest less nights backache loss of pejj dizziness burning or smarting urination cir cles under eyes rheuma tism etc take safe sure and soothing backrite tablets and get relief j m storey druggist the homo of quality drugs japs maltreat chinese youth presbyterian wms gathering is told the twentysecond annual meet ing of section five ot toronto pres byterial of the presbyterian womens missionary society was held in st james church stouffville thursday there was a splendid attendance from the auxiliaries in the section namely st andrews scarboro st andrews markham st james stouffville and knox agincourt and to all mrs w h puller pres of the stouffville auxiliary extend ed a heart welcome reports were presented showing increased giving to the cause of missions and lorge useful bales of quilts and clothing sent to the supply department mrs hall 1st vicepres of the toronto presbyterial brought greet ings from the presbyterial and gave interesting impressions of the pro vincial meeting in london mrs ledingham presbyterial home helpers department secre tary presented the work to her dept and very fittingly as this is the home helper year presided at the conference at the lunch hour when the work of the literature welcome and welfare imission dand and supply departments was presented by the various secretaries mrs j d wilkie home on fur lough from formosa gave an address at the afternoon session and explain ed a large collection of articles which she had brought from that laud our mission work in formosa is among chinese and this work has been made increasingly difficult by the action of the japanese govern ment in forbidding the use of the chinese language in the schools and even inflicting punishment on chin ese children speaking their own lan guage on the way to school mrs wilkie said their work was only possible by the knowledge that they were being upheld in prayer by friends in the homeland and begged us to make use of this powerful weapon of prayer mrs jfm bingham sec or the girls teen age department made a plea for increased activity and moro warmth and zeal in our effort to accomplish our womens mission ary society aim the world for christ an invitation to hold our 1037 meeting in st andrews church scarboro was gratefully accepted solos by miss somerville and mrs rusell of unionville added to the interest of the program the ladies of the stouffville auxiliary prepared a lovely luncheon and supper and in every way made the delegates feel at home the sessions closed with prayer by the rev wh fuller undue water shutoff annoys householders many caught without water to boil a kettle for even ing meal when the town water system was turned off on wednesday afternoon shortly after three oclock to per mit repairs to a break in a pipe very few householders were pre- arcd for an undue shutoff lasting until ten oclock in the evening and as a consequence some folk went hungry others got by with a dry sandwich and a few cleaned the stores out of pop and all sorts of slush used in lieu of real good drinking water such our stouffville system is noted for investigation showed that workmen failed in their effort to drain the pipes so that necessary repairs could be made and it was not until reeve weldon arrived home from attending county council that he jumped into the situation and directed matters the situation certainly created no end of inconvenience while it lasted and even noahs ark and the flood was no consolation to the householder who had to go with out so much as a cup of tea while men folk walked about with long whiskers and wondering faces right in the height of the trouble a chimney fire broke out at the mansion house which threatened to call for the service ot the fire brigade however by the aid of hand fire extinguishers the danger was averted and wnat might have been a most serious fire had there been no water passed with only damage to the reputation of our good water system having experienced this trouble before of shutting off the water for an undue length of time would it not be a good thing to place some responsible person in charge who know how to really shut off the water and drain the pipes in the trouble area promptly if more shutoffs are required lets have them and so be rid of this great waste of water which while not serious at this time of year would have been a bad loss had it occurred in the dry summer season the reeve and councillors receive no recom pense for their services yet they are called on to get out and handle this sort of situation because they have no employee responsible in such an emergency protest 36c each toward road oil farmers offer to pay but lake residents say no briarbush hospital alain street stouffville ijcense no 203 graduated nurses in attendance private semtprlvate and public wards ambulance service phone 191 mrs e r good superintendent special for saturday and sunday june 1 9th and 20th ice cream bricks will be sold at 15c for these two days only at stouffville cafe campbells meet the campbell clan held its ninth annual reunion in the stouffville park on saturday afternoon last about one hundred and twenty five representatives were present from various parts of ontario the after noon was pleasantly spent in sport under the guidance of mr fred hicks of hamilton about five oclock the assembly sat down to a bountiful repast which had been prepared by a committee of ladies after the supper a program was pre sided over by the president mr k campbell of our own neighborhood speeches were made by messrs w downey fred campbell george downey fred hicks george jack son f parsons and dr thos mitchell the executive for the next year was elected consisting of pres wilton downey vice presgeorge jackson sec-treas- margaret pyne votes of thanks were extended to the retiring officers and also to th village of stouffville for the use of the park the next reunion will be held in bolton ontario g he kings highway safe direct economical change of time table leave stouffville leave toronto eastern a 615 am wwrern b 10 am b 825 am standard c 1230 pm c 245 pm tlmo d 430 pm b 740 pm c 445 pm b 915 pm a dally except sun holb sunday and holidays only c saturday only d dally oxcopt sat sunday and holidays attractive round trip pares new york 1660 buffalo 660 washington 1885 chicago 1670 tickets and information at mansion house stouffville phone 11 rather thau pay 40 per cent of the cost direct of oiling our road we will buy the oil ourselves and well keep the cost back out of qui taxes and you can sue us for it blazed bert lloyd president of musselmaus lake ratepatrs association speaking before whit church township council on satur day when a deputation appeared to protest the arrangement for putting oil on the roads throughout the municiality this summer in the past the lake areas have been oiled under instruction of the council and the cost borne by the whole munici pality increasing demand on the part of farmers living near the read- side and in hamlets induced reeve toole to lay down one policy for all and that policy is that everybody must have the same treatment what the lake people get the farm er should have and as it was im possible to give oil to all the idea was evolved that a 40 per cent conntribution should be ijortheom- inng from those directly benefitted the decision to do this had arous ed the ire of the cottagers mr lloyd said there are 250 ratepayers they put up their own road signs try to keep the lake area clean pay for collecting garbage in full help the farmer ray for his schools and spend but two months in the district the invest ment in one square mile he de clared is 200000 three out of five ears passing around the lake are outsiders failing to budge the council in their stand to treat cottagers on the same basis as farm ers in respect to oiling mr lloyd openly threw down the challenge to do the job themselves and refuse to pay their taxes to that extent reeve toole outlined the policy to the delegation he said we have adopted a policy equal for all concerned and i expected it would draw some opposition from cottag ers i find in other places oil or dust layer is put on the roads on a frontage basis that is the case in townships just north of us we felt that due to the situation at musselmans and wilcox we could not invoke a bylaw on the frontage basis as cottages are stacked be hind each other on side roads and these would escape we all think yon people need the oil or dust lay er and the direct cost will be so small one farmer badly needing a dust layer offered to pay as much as 6 or 7 and his annual tax ex ceeds 200 i think you men should agree to the same treatment as others like this are willing to accept past president wm evans pro tested against being forced to eat sand with every meal and also objected to someone who said the lake people were a kind of detri ment anyway we are not cheap said mr evans we help pay for cutting weeds shoveling snow etc etc and we are not kicking we are good hydro patrons too the past president said during a heated part of the de bate deputy reeve cook told presi dent lloyd to stop chewing before you hear my argument mr cook was explaining that some farmers who badly needed oil pay an annual tax of 200 whereas a hundred or moro cottagers pay only about 000 each councillor kidd said he always found the cottagers good citizens but he thought many of them were under the impression that all ihuir taxes went to the benefit of the township whereas about half of it ensures to the benefit of the county he favored the basis laid down by council for oiling as fair like wise councillor herb wells favoied it councillor leary said that since the government pay 50 pc of the cost the township assessment around the lake should take care of their share reeve toole again reminded the deputation that council was only asking cottagers to do what they have done in georgina township and others he named clerk crawford said that on a basis of 200 cottages the cost of each individual cottage would only bo about 36c but one farmer mr duffy will have to pay 7 or 8 whole hamlets have applied includ ing lemonvllle and bloomington at an average direct cash contribu tion of a dollar or more per house holder or 20c per rod better methods in water system it is high time that somethlu was done along this line our water system has been operating in a very sloppy manner and sooner or later will run into the red if more businesslike methods are not employed the fact that water is supplied at next to nothing is no reason that some should escape paying four dollars a year for all services while others pay the full amount if a householder has a bath room kitchen taps lawn tap that is all they can be charged and if some of these services are not supplied then the cost is less kitchen tap only is 2 per year lawn tap only 1 and bath and toilet service 1 per year sometimes there is a barn tap aad this is 1 for ordinary purposes where in canada can you get sudi low water rates we commend the action or council in getting after this situa tion and we hope they will insti tute such arrangements that will not allow the system to lapse again into such condition somewhere in the archives of stouffville is a bylaw which forbids plumbers householders and any other person from effecting an ex tension to the water system con nected with the domestic supply without securing a permit from the village clerk this bylaw has been completely ignored over the years and the result is that bath rooms have been installed outside lawn services added and other extension made without the knowledge of the village authorities with the re sult that some have gone complete ly free of the usual water charge for lawn service or bath room it is not that the amount to be paid is great but the principal that all should pay alike must be maintain ed in view of this situation the council will tighten up on the whole matter as a first step they have appoint ed air george storey to make a sur vey of the supply or service ot every householder and when once these are recorded they intend to clamp the law on those who in future open water pipes to make extension without first obtaining a permit propose a fire area in township hear rus creighton and canadian mountaineers at garden party next tuesday his the engagements mr and mrs a h lawson tor onto announce the engagement of their daughter dorothy irene to mr william j prince son of mrs j armstrong and tho late mr w j prince the wedding to take place juno 30th speedily follows husband to grave the death of mrs sam p footc at the home of councillor george leary gormley on saturday after noon june 12 1937 followed tho burial of her husband by exactly one week to a day mrs foote in her 78th year had been in declining health even before her husband died she was however able to attend the funeral but within few days she suffered another mild stroke which proved fatal born at columbus ontario county deceased came to whit church with her parents at the ag of 16 years they located on the w b sanders place at lot 10 on 4 and the then miss laura banbu grew into young womanhood in the neighborhood where she was de stined to spend so many happy years she was an ardent church worker and life memuer of the wms fiftysix years ago she married mr foote and she is nw survived by her two daughters mrs wm chapman aurora and mrs leary who so tenderly and con stantly cared for the aged parents during their declining days there also survives two brothers and two sisters namely r f and edward banbury and two sisters mrs geo biden and mrs s v bray all living in western canada tho funeral tuesday afternoon was to bethesda church nearby the old home which was hers for so many years interment was made at hclse hill cemetery amateur show july 1st a monster amateur contest and hardball tournament will be sponsored in stouffville by the stouffville baseball club on july 1st the baseball tourna ment in the afternoon in memorial park will consist of four firstclass teams the evening profiram jwlll feature aii amateur contest in the arena commencing at 8 pm st six cash prizes will he awarded send all amateur entries to reg button stouff ville whitchurch township council will establish a fire area arouud aurora if there are a sufficient number of farmers favorable to the scheme it was decided on saturday at the june council meeting couucil passed a resolution to advertise the proposed bylaw in the aurora banner each farmer in the area covered would be assessed for any cost involved any time the brigade rendered assistance in the area to be set up under this arrangement only those who stand to benefit from the scheme will have to pay through his solicitors evans and evans bradford j b grose threat ened to institute bylaw action if council did not pay him 16 alleged owing the treasurer was instruct ed to offer the firm of lawyers 7 which they held was due mr grose and which he has previously refus ed to accept it was stated the unemployment relief depi of the ontario govt notified council that they would no longer contribute to relief given able bodied single men between 20 and 60 years major snively was given per mission to erect no dumping signs on roadside at his property on the south townline resolutions were passed granting b wells lemonville 21 for wire fence bonus and l j harper 35 for three sheep alleged killed by dogs claiming that 18000 groundhogs had been exterminated by reason of their recent campaign sir aemelius jarvis master of the fox hounds asked council to contribute 153 toward the project the council assembled at nine oclock in the morning and adjourn ed at 2 to sit as a court of revision on the assessment roll only minor appeals were filed and when the court arose the assessment stood close to the figures set by the two assessors it was resolved that no more appeals to strike dogs from the assessment would be considered unless it is to adjut some error in addition to the deputation from musselmans reported elsewhere a letter from wilcox ratepayers inti mated they were not making appli cation tor road oil bert lloyd president of the musselman lako association ask ed for a list of unpaid taxes about the lake area it was found that about 100 are in arrears for one year and most of them have a tax of 6 to 10 ireeve toole said at the close this had been one of the most strenuous days of the year sitting with ones feet under a table from 9 am until 6 pm is harder work than follow ing a plow according to the feelings of some members general accounts hydro for hall express herald adv era adv bailiff fees p r stamps h dewsberry moving gould dr carruthers medical county office supply j williamson constable etliel cherry services county hospitalization lcmurphy chosen continuation head retiring school principal charg es that certain trustees were implicated in dirty work 3 co 4 00 2 4 5 10 00 3 00 3 00 8 50 24 30 30 75 7 50 84 55 mr l c murphy principal of the creemore continuation school was engaged on monday evening to fill tho position ot principal now held by mr e w durnin the salary is 2000 mr murphy has been at creemore for three years and in all has been teaching for eleven years he is a young married man with three children the new principal is said to possess out standing qualifications as a teacher of mathematics and his selection was made from a choice of same thirty applicants who were all qualified with the necessary crtl ficates for the position in acknowledging the consuma tion of his contract the retiring principal mr durnin wrote the board in no uncertain words about his welcome release from their domination or words to that effect he said that as he saw it this was the conclusion of a campaign of gossip and slander which would appear to have been engineered by the three trustees who did the dirty work three years ago mr durnin further stated that there was no scarcity of gossip about some of you the letter received in silence was placed on file and was in sharp con trast to one received from principal watson and signed by all four lady teachers on the public school staff they appreciated the increase in salary recently granted them and took the opportunity to thank the members of the board the chair man and the press for their co operation during the year al of which made their duties a source of pleasure the letter stated the meeting passed a few accounts and adjourned present were chairman dr ii freel and trustees mcleod mcjmlullen a stoverllloyd turner and dr bali once a multi millionaire left only 4044 attend the veterans garden party in memorial park next tuesday ten years ago a multimillionaire who refused an offer of 2500000 cash for his interest in abana mines frederick gilmoor teddy oke tor onto broker left an estate totalling 471236 according to his will which was probated last week he died on april 30 last teddy oke was born in uxbridge and left his home town as a barber to go to the mining country in northern ontario prior to the 1929 market crash oke held the controlling interest in abana a market leader in 192728 which sold abound 4 per sare after tro market debacle he lost his command the company is now known as normetal mining corp made in 1922 his will bequeathed 75 per cent of his total estate to his widow and 25 per cennt to milta roselle oke a sister his assets were listed tor probate as office furniture 300 bank and othor stocks 3044 cash 36836 and an option agreement on shares of catherine lead mines 1000 local team win beeton prize a large local representation travelled to beeton on the kings birthday to take in the sports day and celebration being held there the stouffville oba nine were successful in carrying off the base ball honors and copping the 2500 prize awarded in the first game pitcher bruce lehman of the local squad turned in a nolilt norun appearance against beetons no 1 team the final score was s0 pol- grave defeated beetons second team and stouffville whipped them into submission by the score of 124 bruce again doing the twirling a softball team from home also made a good showing but failed to finish in the money among the churches lemonville bloomington ballantrae united churches rev c b joffery pastor sunday june 20th 1937 1045 am ballantrae 300 pm lemonville 700 pm bloomington donk bas the uxbridge citizens band are presenting for the first time in this district donkey basehall on the eveninng of wednesday june 23 at 8 pm in the uxbridge arena this is the worlds greatest laugh producer and more fun than all the circuses put together dont miss this great laugh jest mrs clarkson of rochester ny has been visiting in town with mr and mrs d h cook mr and mrs r johnson and mis3 ethel byam were weekend guests at fenelon falls mrs wellwood and miss lever of richmond hill and mr and mrs cassan of toronto visited mrs white on obrien ave this week the monthly meeting stouffville library board held in the library next evening at 730 oclock notice the change of date members are requested to sent ot the will be monday please all thh be pre- memorial service the annual memorial day service at stouffville cemetery will be held on sunday next june 20th at 230 pm a suitable service is now being arranged by the cemetery commission h o kllnck blake sanders and le oneill stouffville band will assist in the musical numbers stouffville baptist church wednesday june 16 the prayer service has been postponed lu order that as many as possible may be able to attend tho association to bo held in maple hill baptist church friday 8 pm bible class to be held this week in the home of mr and mrs gibson sunday june 20 services as follows 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service the services next sunday will be in charge of mr d mcgregor of toronto you are cordially invited to all ot our services stouffville mennonite church rev i brubaclicr pastor sunday juno 20th 1937 1000 oclock sunday school 1100 oclock farewell address miss edma fuzee stratford out going missionary to syria 700 pm brother cecil brown altona irov peter cober will be the speaker at the reopening service at altona at 230 our stouffvills quartette will assist in song you will find a welcome at any of our services by sixth line baptist church rov w e smalloy pastor telephone 1903 sunday juno 20th 1927 1000 am sunday school 1100 am church service subject after death what wed 8 pm prayer meeting bible thought for this week itev 206 blessed and holy is he that hath part in tho first resur rection on such the second death hath no power but they shall b priests of god and of christ and shall reign with him a thousand years christ church anglican rev p herman rector sunday june 20th 1937 4th sunday after trinity 200 pm holy communion stouffville presbyterian rov w h fuller ba sunday june 20th 1937 200 pm sabbath school 300 pm afternoon worship everybody cordially invited 9 stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday juno 20th 1937 1000 am sunday school and bible class 1100 am morning worship subject sword or cross 700 pm evening worship subject let us alone wednesday 8 pm prayer and fellowship service you are cordially invited to worship with us stouffville congregational christian church arthur greer pastor sunday june 20th 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship subject strength for today 700 pm gospel service subject an invitation to a conference wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting church hill 200 pm sunday school 300 pm worship friday 8 pm senior christian endeavour bloomington and ringwood christian church rov e morton preacher sunday juno 20th 1937 that man who was lifted up out of the filth of wickedness who look ed upon himself as a drunken bum and is known as benny wilson will ho with us next sunday from tor onto at- 1100 am bloomington 200 pm rlngwood 730 pm altona the baptist male quartette from claremont and miss alta fockler from bloomington will render special selections of song at tho altona service plan to be at altona to enjoy tho musical program mon day night