stouffville ont thursday janary 21 1937 toronto flashes goodwood and district in particular p h davey and his sister visited in stoutfville the other day headley hill visited his mother who is spending the winter in the city we note that mr mcculiough kc is attending his office again indicating improved health mrs flowell of quaker hill is visiting miss greta hatley at mr and mrs george lees home watch that little colored label on your paper and see that the date is in advance of the present time which is the period to which your subscrip tion to the tribune is paid to we read that mrs kendalls cat is cured of the asthama thats fine tliero will be no catastrophe now three cheers for goodwood the hockey boys are on the ice and noth ing short of old man summer can slow them down rev john bushell and wife hare gone to florida 23 years ago this january potatoes from goodwood sold on the toronto market at 120 bag now the mer chants pay 140 so the tubers run about the same supply and demand being the governing factor rather than cost of production we read with regret the death of our friend henry obrien in cali fornia son of james obrien town cop in stoutfville 50 years ago the scribe had just acknowledged a letter received from mr obrien about toronto flashes and it will arrive in the south too late opposite our summer home at island grove the ice lias broken up establishing a record for midwinter we would think there is no snow to be seen at the lake and sunday was a moderate day to slip around the shore line although we missed our friends the robins and butter flies as evidence of the in the industrial field improvement the renown- apples we have just received a shipment of blenheim orange apples good cooking good eating special special hornes nujell campfire marshmallows 4 packages 30c 3 lb tin 65c princess soap flakes westons with 1 small package of the royal cream sodas new concentrated super 2 lb carton 28c suds both for 15c bulk spaghetti per lb 5c fresh wheat germ per lb 5c christies new cocostix biscuits choice cut beets 3 tins for 25c bulk cocoa 2 lbs 25c choice quality tomatoes choice quality peas no 2 12 tins each 10c no 2 tins each 10c frozen salmon smelts smoked fillet fresh oysters and herrings fresh fruits fresh vegetables ratgliff co stouffville ontario ed firm ault wiburg ink manu facturers where ye scribe and george lee are employed are running a full 24 hour shift much of the time orders from south africa england xew zealand and in canada from coast to coast are handled we expect to see councillor middleton stepping out with that new hat mentioned in this paper last week wo will expect to see him at the stoutfville old boys supper at the walker house on the even ing of january 29 tickets are obtainable at the tribune office we hope that many others will bo on hand reserve your tickets iu ad vance as per notice on page five miss mary todd is visiting here in toronto we remember her when we both attended the old wooden school wood of course refers to the building and not the pupils heads for we were all smart in those days sorry to report the illness of mrs r j davey of palmerston she is a sister of the late john jones resident of goodwood long years ago we trust mrs davey will soon be restored to perfect health she is an interested and regular reader of the tribune twentysix years ago this janu ary there passed away in toronto two former well known goodwood residents marion emily lewis former wife of the correspondent died on january is and on january 20 his father james davey the late mrs davey was the second daughter of the late george and mrs lewis mr davey for over 34 years was section foreman on the gtr at goodwood it was an unusual case as mr davey and his daughter-in- law were both buried the same day and hour gone but not forgotten once again folks our memory goes back forty five years we think of the armstrong family there was george armstrong who lost his wife some years back and by the way was a sister to will and ethel todd our friend george is now living with his sister on wellesley st robert armstrong former carpenter with t eaton co lives at scarborough bluffs anu for some months mrs armstrong has been in bed sick then most every old resident knew oscar well he lives near our friend george lee and we are glad to say oscar is now recovering from an accident to his leg received while working in a garage oscar is a motor mechanic other members of this well known family are more or less scattered through ontario by iw d 8 stanton ave 9b30e d xoe30i ioexoi aoi 30b30i ioc aos great stock reducing sale n previous to stocktaking we purpose to make drastic reductions in the price of many of our lines and our customers will reap the benefit thereby these lines are not old goods but are fresh and new and seasonable this is an unusual opportunity to secure first quality goods at moneysaving prices below we list a few items that will prove especially interesting flannelette blankets ibex flannelette blankets full double bed size about 70x84 white or gray with pink or blue borders ibex blankets are known for their soft cosy nap and long wearing qualities regularly 235 per pair sale price 219 wearbest blankets are very attractive in checker of blue green gold and pink a fine quality blanket that looks well and wears well size 70x84 regular 250 a pair sale price 235 large size ibex blankets size 70x90 regular 269 pair sale price 249 down comforters these lovely down comforters which are soft and light are covered with fine down proof art sateen with satin or sateen panels in rose and green regular at 750 each sale less 20 pc regular 450 475 each sale less 20 pc pure all wool blankets fine quality all wool blankets full double bed size with pink or blue borders splendid value at per pair 750 sale price 649 sweeping reduction on womens hats we purpose clearing out our entire stock of fur felt hats all new and desireablc styles no dead stock hats for every occasion our stock is limited so make your selection early regular 225 and 195 sale price 100 no more income tax rebates this year for the first time the income tax of municipalities was collected by the province through the federal income offices the amount returned to the town treasurer et stoutfville and the town ships surrounding was nil as they collected nothing this cumbersome system is to be discontinued and the province retains the full amount of income tax collected this will save considerable- bookkeeping in the provincial treasurers office in return for retaining the municipal income tax the province will pay the entire cost of old age pensions and mothers allowances now borne by the municipalities a considerable saving to them at present the dominion pays 75 per cent of the cost of oldage pensions the province 15 per cent and the municipality 10 per cent mothers allowances costs are borne entirely by the province and the municipality on a 5050 basis municipalities will carry on as at present until the legislation has been passed and thereafter the necessary adjustments will be made by the province the necessary legislation for the changed system will be made at the present session of the legislature xo fewer than 935 municipalities in ontario will benefit by the change and stoutfville and every township about us will benefit now that the entire cost has been shifted from the municipalities to the province old age pensions and mothers allow ances boards are nsked to play the gamo fairly as ever so as not to place too great a burden on the pro vincial treasury when the mothers allowances act was changed last year to include widows with only one child the additional cost was about 4 million dollars for the 2600 extra families toronto will have a loss of over threequarter of a million by the tax shuttle and 5 other municipali ties estimate their loss at over a quarter a million whereas 7 others will be able to reduce their tax rate by substantial amounts of course there has been strong protests to the hepburn government by the corporations that lose by the tax shuffle years travel cost 36095 street and afternoon frocks reduced smart uptodate frocks in wide variety of styles and materials and in all sizes here will be found dresses to suit every style of figure take advantage of this unusual opportunity to supply your requirements at a very low cost gloves for cold weather there are all kinds of dainty gloves but they leave you cold if you are a woman who likes the out of doors weve collected a grand assortment of furlined wool lined and gay wool knit gloves to gladden the heart and warm the hands of all women who like comfort without sacrifice on all fur and wool lined gloves 20 pc reduction on wool knit gloves 10 pc reduction all wool hose pure cashmere hose from reliable can adian mills best quality and full fashioned regular 89c sale price 69c silk wool hoseregular 79c sale price 59c womens coats we have a few fine quality winter coats left which we have reduced to a price that will clear them out in short order these coats have large collars of various furs and are extraordinary value womens coats regular 1650 sale 1150 womans coats reg 2150 sale 1150 womans coat regular 1275 sale 995 girls coat 14 years reg 875 sale 695 pillow cotton and sheeting etc 42 circular pillow cotton reg 55c 40c 42 circular pillow cotton reg 40c 35c 40 circular pillow cotton reg 30c 25c extra heavy quality bleached cotton sheeting 81 wide reg 75c sale price 60c 81 wide reg65c sale price 52c 84 wide reg 75c sale price 60c unbleached sheeting 76 and 84 wide regular 45c and 50c sale price 40c weekly paper news travels far while the circulation of a weekly paper is not large in comparison with that of a city daily it is often remarkable how far the news pub lished in such a journal travels and how much it accomplishes illus trating this we read last week a story in the kincardine news on the farm of duncan mcgregor a farmer of the kincardine vicinity a horse kicked his brotherinlaw and the story was reported in the news a reader in alberta received his copy of the kincardine paper and read of the accident when visiting a neighbor whose name was mcgregor he asked if he were per chance any relation to the duncan mcgregor of kincardine of whom ho had lately read it turned out that the two mcgregors were brothers and had not heard from each other tor thirtyseven years correspon dence was commenced and now the two brothers thanks to the old home paper are in communication again there is no worthy institution that needs your support and assistance more than your old home paper the local journal that is your commun itys best advertisement and tho link that binds together its present and former residents scattered they may he all over a continent and further bennett ministers spent 26238 and premier kings aides 9857 ottawa jan 16 bennett government cabinet ministers spent a total of 2623 in travelling expenses from april 1 to oct 22 the first seven months of the 1935- 36 fiscal year while king govern ment ministers spent 9857 on travelling from oct 22 to march 31 last according to the report of georges gonthier auditorgeneral tabled in the house of commons travelling expenses of bennett ministers outside hon c h cahan and hon donald sutherland for whom none was shown were rt hon r b bennett 125s hon robert weir 2775 hon e n rhodes 3000 hon wgernst 1200 hon wa gordon 2420 hon t g murphy 1g50 hon maurice dupre 2400 hon hugh guthrie 500 hon alfred duran- leau 550 hon grote stirling 2500 hon r c matthews 1000 hon j earl lawson 300 hon arthur sauve 400 hon sam go- heil 700 rt hon arthur meighen 600 hon j a macdonald 285 hon h a stewart 1500 hon r j manion 2000 and hon ir b hanson 1200 king government ministerial travelling expenses were rt hon w l mackenzie king 33 hon j g gardiner 950 hon c a dunning 649 hon j e michaud 1s00 hon t a grerar 1350 hon ejrnest lapointe 600 hon norman rogers 100 hon c d howe 1000 hon ian mac kenzie 900 hon j l ilsley 725 hon j c elliott 400 hon p j a cardin 300 hon fernand rin- fret 300 and hon w d euler 750 think it over did you ever stop to think that hard times mean nothing to a hen she keeps on digging worms and lay ing eggs regardless of what is said about conditions if the ground is hard she scratches harder it its dry she digs deeper if she strikes a rock she works around it but al ways she digs up worms and turns them into hardboiled profits did you ever know of a hen starving waiting for worms to dig themselves to the surface did you ever hear one cackle because times were hard not on your life she saves her breath for digging and her cackle for eggs yes sir a lesson be be learned from the little red hen new books in library the perennial wheat sharp reductions on all roller towell ing and linen tea towelling also on all white and and coloured flannel ette and pyjama cloth do not miss this sale the w h shaw store iocxox joe30i one of the most spectacular features of the news of the past week was the anouncement that the plant breeders at ottawa had been sussessful in growing several kinds of perennial wheat as many wonders have already come from those same plant breeders at the central experimental farm and as they are always conservative in their statement it may be taken for grandted that they have been successful in their now venture and that they have at least made a start towards achieving a goal which will possibly benefit canada as much ap their earlymaturing wheat have al ready done the perennial wheat would be sown once like a grass and would bear crops of wheat year after year it is stated that the wheat will not be good for bread making but that wont matter much for there is usually plenty of wheat in tho world without the new kinds but perennial wheat offers a new weapon in tho war against drought and soil drifting on the prairies if a perennial wheat can he grown in place of a grass it may stop drift ing and in time will restore fertility to the soil if it yields a crop of grain at the same time that is a pure gain fergus news xoe30z a formor notre damo football player has been appointed as a body guard to president roosevelt ho should know how to run effective interference for the chief executive fiction they walk in the city j b priestley clansmen ethel boileau no hero this warioick leeping the island of sheep john buchap modern tragedy phyllis bentley john o the green jeffery farnoi luck of the bodkins p g wodehouse tho rebel loyalist iralph connor bredon and sons neil bell nonfiction sagittarius rising cecil lewis the hundred years philip guedalla arctic adventure potcr frenchon at home and abroad j ramsay macdonald gone afield cecil roberts arctic trader philip h godsell tuvjenilo little grey rabbits party alison uttloy a treasure ship of old quebec ethel hume bennett 1treasury of many wonders crossland and parrlsb master skylark john bennett claudius the bee john f loeming boris grandson of baldy esther birdsall darling susannah a little girl with the mounties muriel denison the boy scouts year book franklin k mathlew seeing canada with lowell thomas lowell thomas my little london book gilbert cousland tireless wings percy f westerman the unicorn with silver shoes ella young jock tho scot aiico g rosman stories of tho youth of artists m n roberts the wonder book of why and what harry goldlng the wonder book of engineer ing wonders harry goldlng 101 things for boys to make a c horth 101 things for a girl to make lillio b a c horth canoeing with the cree arnold sevareid an exciting term a brazil pearl divers victor bergo our wonder world storie of wonder of nature f j aico altona mrs william reesor spent the weekend in toronto quite a number are sick with olds in our community mr ana mrs e howsam and family visited with relatives at utica on friday last mr obijah jones is still in the bnarbush hospital but is reported to bo somewhat better mr aud mrs e davis of blooin- ington spent last wednesday with his parents mr aud mrs a davis the twinkling star class held a skating party on the rink at stouft- ville on saturday night and re turned after to the home of miss evelyn reesor for a hot lunch the justsoclub met at the home of the leader mrs d crosier on friday evening to arrange to take up new work in sewing for this year any of the girls in the com munity wishing to enter upon tho work will be gladly welcome to attend a meeting this saturday afternoon at two oclock r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone dont buy new implements before you look over our used machinery much of which is like new seed drills disc and hoe 11 and 13 disc e cry popular make walking and riding plows they will do the work just like a new plow land rollers 3 drum wagons binders and rakes one power tractor binder mccormickdeering good as new first class shape you can save si 50 on this double tractor disc ex cellent also horsedrawn disc benj raxlin we buy hides wool and live fowl phone 192 stouffville ont genuine values ford tudor vs 1935 ford tudor vs 1934 ford tudor 1931 ford tudor 1930 ford spl coupe rumble 1920 ford tudor 1929 oldsmobile sedan 1930 hudson sedan 1929 we are giving away another car 2 pontine coaches 1928 whippet coach 1929 whippet coupe 192s ford 2 ton truck vs 1934 international panel truck 1932 ford 1 ton truck 1930 rugby panel truck 1930 absolutely free you have a chance on every purchase of a dollar at our service station d f holden dealer stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 coal grain seed all kinds of coal reading anthracite genuine pokohontas alberta and coke poultry feeds of all kinds on hand at all times hog feeds cattle chop and whole grain we are in tho market for farm seeds s w hastings phone 109 stouffville ontario new years resolution ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone 18601 cent a mile r bargain fares minimum adults 75c children 40c from stouffville attraction peterboro jan 293031 invitation ski tournament going all trains january 29 30 return up to following monday all trains including 600 pm ox petcrboro sunday evening for toronto and intermediate points tickets and information from agents canadian national m ad xot121b