overeating affects health mr and mrs alfred g creed ot windsor who are both eighty years of age celebrated the diamond jubl- leo of their wedding the other day and curious friends asked them how it came about that they were both so vigorous at the advanced age the answer was work hard live plainly eat and drink what you like ob serves the gait reporter the problem is not so simple for plenty of people find that they are often assailed by illness even when they havo tried sincerely to obseive regulations calculated to keep them in good physical condition overeating probably contributes most to physical disability many mci and women are the papers s ay icdltorlal comment from herb therk and every where beautties in new york with ballet show canada need great men there never was a time in the worlds history probably when there was a graver need fo great men than too there is today important events are over- transpiring today which will shape the weight after thirtyfive years of age destinies ot every nation on eartli and this extra weight is due to eat- new thought in the matter of govern ing too generously one difficulty is nient economic control religion and that the majority of people abandon most other departments of human ac- exercise after they are thirty years tivity are appearing on the horizon of age tlioy sit practically fourteen demanding the judgment of the best hours a day hut continue to eat meals minds that the world can produce equal to those that were necessary when they were getting plenty of outdoor exercise i authority on statistics relating i to health says that two and three- tiio masses look tr their leaders for competent guidance and this is the task of great men which recalls the words of matt hew arnold who in defining the great tenths pounds for each inch or height men of culture stated they are those ought to give the normal weight for j w have a passion for diffusing ror the average man the individual of i making prevail for carrying from one five feet nine and a half inches j end of society to the other the best the best ideas of their have labored to divest there is much incorrect information i knowledge of all that was harsh un on the matter of weight there is couth difficult abstract professional a general impression that normal exclusive io humanize it to make it ought 0 weigh about 159 pounds the j knowledge sixfooter ought to weigh 1g5 pounds time who they cau be given assistance that will enable them to reach a higher econo mic plane the working out of the plan will be followed with keen in terest as the national responsibility for the welfare of the indian popula tion is widely recognized edmonton oirnal weights ought to he higher but in surance companies hay made exhaus tive studies in this subject for they are betting their money on the re sults of their investigations and they find ton many apparently healthy jol ly ten are too greatly overweight so that they are shortening their span of life by carrying around this extra bunen for excess weight is just as is the individual were compelled to carry a nackscl of the weight of efficient outside the clique of the cul tivated and learned yet still remain ing the best knowledge and thought of the time chatham news cost of carelessness in the first eleven months of tins year statistics show the use of motor vehicles in this province increased 76 per cent the number of traffic ac cidents in leased 10 per cent the umber of peisons injured in acci the ecess which ho has accumulated len j 27 5 per cent and the by overeating e- some other errone ous method of life contracts gain in december awards total 6118800 crease of 402 percent in- ottawa contracts awarded in the dominion for the month of de cember as compiled by maclcan building reports limited amounted to 6118800 an increase of 402 per cent over the december 1935 fig ure of 4364900 and this despite the severe weather that spread across canada the latter part of november ontario with 2338000 and que bec with 2132200 headed the list other provinces in order were al berta 612300 nova scotia 421600 british columbia 331000 man itoba 140500 saskatchewan 123- 200 new brunswick 21000 there were no contracts awarded in prince edward island contemplated work reported for the first time amounted to 14405900 bringing the years total to date to 259537600 as compared with 232- 960100 for 1935 an increase of 114 percent toronto and suburbs with 152 jobs costing 793600 was ahead of mon treal island where 89 contracts were let amounting to 576200 plusfours help womans figure new york culottes while they arc not so strongly in evidence as last season will be sought by smart women because of their trim- ncss they are exceedingly good heln to pave tn looking when the trouser division is only at the front the back being treated like a skirt plusfours are mannish for the first time they ac tually contribute to the good appear ance of a womans figure as for pajamas and slacks they have be come narrower and generally sleeker the new play togs seem meant to play in and one may take to cycling golf or tennis assured of being com fortable and pleasant to behold property damage was up 333 per cent eigbtyfow persons were icilled in these eleven m inths against eighty two in the same period in 1935 and the record of death has been at least maintained in december accident injury damage are up far out of pro portion to the increase in motor traf- c vancouver province mrs simpson no matter what turn events may take mrs wallls simpson remains a public figure for life down the years she is bound to crop up in the news and is almost certain to find a place in history future historians may ap praise this place future novelists and playwrights maj clothe her as a ro mantle figure ranking with the glam orous women of the ages for whom men laid down their worldly posses sion- if not their souls most of us in canada know little about mrs simp son except what we have found out from reading reports from across thi atlantic suggest an intense hatred for her on the part of certain people there who feel that she has been a siren who has lured a king from his duty and carried a throne close to the rocks rut one hears little of that in western canada after all what woman might not have her head turn ed by attention that appears to run to adoration from one who was the most popular king and one of the most popular and soughtafter men in the world retina i enderpost the good they do cost of maintaining legations abroad is negligible compared to the benefits which can be achieved they are well worth the expenditures if only to pro mote more friendly relations but there are also the concrete benefits in the way of increased trade to be considered for some time there has been talk of a trade agreement be tween canada and belgium and set ting up a legation at ottawa should windsor star jingle in the pocket the year end brought with it more ingible evidences of progress in nova scotia than for many dreary vears there have been the addition al car order at trenton and the pros pect of more to follow the order for tee rails at sydney and the prospect more yet to come- and all time re- rd shipment of coal up the st law rence and tho anticipated continuing demand the even and a half percent wa increase in steel and subsidiary plants the doubled christmas bonus i the pay envelope at westville and now another may bo added to these vth the extrc week3 wages found in pay mvel pe of the employees of the oxford foundry and machine com pany laurler once said folk did not need to b told vhen prosperity existed they knew it by the jingle in their pockets it would be far from the iruth to say oat everybody is pros- pel us but tnis at iea3t is true that many have fel more of a jingle in their pockets han they have known for a long while halifax chronicle ignorant females 1 have been warned by three different feminine friends that if i take any iiorr cracks at them about not knowing what drafts on a stove are there for the said friendships will come to a sudden end in a hum ble and apologetic tone of voice 1 ioiil remark couldnt i now if the cap fits we- it ow about trying to catch them voung by teaching it in the schools they could nave toy stoves and the tttle darlings could learn at an early age to shut the drafts no more fool ish than lots of the rubbish taught to the sons and daughters of the hard working id hardup parents at the present time kamloops sentinel boys like girls would revive not too smart marriage trade dont be book of knowledge is stamford j- p offers to perform advice to coeds if you want to be the most dated coed on the campus dons be a book of knowledge it has a rightful place under a mans arm during the day ceremony on instalment basis were voted the class poet or the senior most likely to succeed dont let your best beau find it out ad vises alice ward hughes in the new york sun the boys do like them smart but in a subte way in talking to thepaigned for the republican party in girls they find yes i know hard- anha maria left and antonita are two of the ballerinas who will appear with the ballet espanol when it opens in new york theyre pictured going through paces during rehearsal dont blame the teachers its the department at fault ly an adequate response oh real ly goes over much bigger the boys have their high pressure jobs and stiff classes maybe both during the day and so when evening comes they lcok for relaxation in the company of some girl they do not want to be kept on the alert perhaps boys are fundamentally more forthright honest however they deplore an oversupply of those same fine qualities in a woman they like a good joke but not if it is on them they are always the most unwilling target of a joke that reverts to them it is auite all right to laugh with them but not at them ever one day two seniors were discus sing books and authors the young man mentioned goodbye mr chips and lost horizon but said he could not remember the name of the author i know who you meanbut i cant think of his name either she procrastinated out of class she simply did not want to beat him to it so if you want to be the all-ameri- can sweetheart be a diplomat be cause we think he knew what he was talking about the poet who said be good sweet maid let those who will be clever candid admission these is nothing connected with tho press that has ever got me into such great trouble as the accuracy of the reports of what i have said con fides lord derby and such admirable h nest and candor is worthy of a plree in tho eords st catharines standard the empire when war comes as long as hitler and mussolini con- inue to get their way without war europe la lu no immediate danger of c inflict but this is merely another vay of saying that when war comes i will b at the time and under the onditions most favorable to the fas- 1st cause peace on these terms can offer no security tho nation lon don mickle males muckle the moderate investments of our thrifty classes havo piled up britains one of them in toronto saturday night it is high lime that someone came t the defence of canadas teachers of english who are being blamed for something they alone cannot remedy u the canadian book fair wilson macdonald used his noetic license to attack the teaching of literature in the province of ontario and recent ly the editor of saturday night criti cized more guardedly it is true the english teachers who had hardly recoverod from the crippling attack of mr macdonald there in be no doubt that eng lish literature is taught badly in on tario there can be equally little doubt that the blame should rest not with vhe teachers but with the de partment of education although the aim in teaching litera ture to use the terminology ot the pedagogues should be appreciation principal assets w over 1000000- 000 is invested in the post office sav- igs banks and national savings cer tiorates and there are many hundreds of millions more in life assurance policies and in the keeping of build ing societies analysis has shown that the average holdings of stocks ard shares in the railway companies the big banka and many of our great industries do tot exceed a few hun dred pounds like the army of work men which reared the pyramids the hosts of the small men have reared tt great edifice of british wealth- london dally mail is enlightening found more essential than homework i r teachers are required to prepare the pupils for departmental examina- j gi tions which demand detailed knowl- 1 0600016 veusus edge hence they must spend their cs time ruthlessly dissecting poems and plays and putting them line by line and wold by word under a mic roscope recause of the length of sleep the courses they have no time to do anything else under the circumstances not only does the pupil acquire a distate for good literature but the teacher driv en day by day to the horrible mutila tion of poems he loves eventually loses his own passion for good liter ature or at least he loses any urge he mcy once havo had to inspire a similar passion in his pupils he just stuffs their heads full of facts as he would if he were teach ing history or geography and after spending a day in the literaturedis secting laboratory he returns home not to his ruskin or his browning but to a detectivo story which will demand nothing more from him than a guess concerning who did it the root of the trouble is the de partmental examination with its de mand for facts and for detailed knowl edge of the content of the course only when these examinations in eng lish are either abolished or modified will the teacher be free to devote his time to leading boys and girls to a love of letters fortunately a trend in this direc tion is now apparent in the depart ment and the day may come when the school children of ontario will be permitted to enjoy what they now detest stamford connecticut franklin mittau podiatrist and one of the 21 justices of the peace elect- but after class he likes to get away ed in november is making a valiant from the librarian type so if you j effort to revive the dying marriage business in stamford he is offering to perform marriage ceremonies on the instalment basis so much down and so- much when you feel the urge to pay the rest mr mittau who says that he cam- pa the recent election did not have to chance defeat for ni ration was equivalent to election for justices of the peace he said that he had not yet per formed a marriage ceremony but that he was hopeful i wont charge any fixed fee but will leave it to the parties who de sire to be married he said suppose they forget about the in stalments he was asked i havent looked up the law hut i suppose thered be a way to make them pay he replied however im willing to leave it to their own conscience it would hurt them moro than it would me to cheat besides all id be giving would be my ser vices mr mittau has sent cards to news papers and organizations letting it be known that he is willing to tie nuptial knots on the above basis lis neglected to explain that the blood test law and the fiveday wait are necessary before a license could be issued but said id make that plain to any pros pect when he called me before the operation of the new connecticut marriage law which prescribes a blood test and prohibits the marriage of people whose tests disclose a social disease justices of the peace here picked up consider able money performing marriages for instance joseph davidson a lawyer who was perhaps the cham pion marrying justice of stamford counted it a poor year when he did not receive from 600 to 800 in mar riage fees this year under the op eration of the new law his fees dropped to 15 new york state town justices are getting all the business that former ly went to greenwich and stamfora suburban heights houses soon iway be built of steel sarnia homes of the future selected from numbered designs and pictures and delivered by truck in sections were visualized by charles grace sarnia contractor in an ad dress on advancements in home construction to a service club ex teriors of homes might even be of steel such as that from whicli auto mobiles are manufactured mr grace said square houses with flat roofs and no verandahs and with windows on the corners were the most mod ern trend he said what is needed iho truth is that the authori ties sometimes with the connivance of tho courts are themselves to blame in large part for tho added dangers to highway travel in ontario they are today reaping the harvest of light sentences and reduced charges and unless they change their ways there is little possibility of the situation be ing improved what is needed more than anything else in dealing with tho minority that persists in conducting itself without regard to tho safety of others on the road is not further education because that has been tried and found want us hut fearless enforcement of tho laws that are already embodied in the highway code and an end of all tho evasions thai havo been practised by tho crown authorities and the courts brorkville re- and times oil indians thj federal efforts to better the position of tho indians havo had good results in tho omlnlon as well as in i tho united states but it is felt that i much more could bo accomplished for i them and an enlarged program was announced at ottawa tho other day tho department will dovoto particular attention to improving their skill as the total of 15982 clubs register- ti and to hciplng cm to take cd in great britain on jan 1 1936 bottcr care of furs before theso are was 325 more than on jan 1 1934 nurketed when also an increase of 359 was there are many other ways id which shown since 1905 the rmbcr f clubs has risen by 9393 h bury la teachers in elemen tary schools of this place have con ducted a bedtime census in an ef fort to find out the cause of child rens listlessness anu their inability to enter fully in physical training exercises and games questions put to the children aged from five to 14 revealed that 4000 of them went to bed after 8 oclock and 3000 after 9 oclock nearly 1000 children were still up at 10 oclock and 99 at 11 oclock seventyone infants aged five went to bed after 9 oclock and 11 after 10 oclock one fiveyearold child gave her bedtime of the previous night as 11 oclock the teachers who have conducted the census point out that the re sults provide an indication of the growing practice of late nights among school children miss h l evans headmistress of camborne school has appealed to parents to see that their childrn get sufficient sleep in the interests of their physical fitness she said children come to school tired and yawning unable to con centrate because they lack the fresh ness and vitality to be gained from the long nights rest that every child needs in after life they will reap the evil effects of this lack of sleep an extra hours sleep is advoca ted as a prescription for better health and efficiency by the princi pal of the kendall high school in a report to parents she thinks sleep more essential than homework rural homes recommended for war veterans commis sion hears ottawa legion officers country doctors observes the halifax herald the country doctor gradually is disappearing in this province as elsewhere the wordpicture of the man who winter and summer be hind a faithful horse carried health and healing and advice into the iso lated farming and fishing and lum bering settlements seems to mean little to todays generation a gen eration accustomed to the specialist in the larger centres the village doctor with much more science but much less opportunity to mingle and be one of his people the latest to drop from the ranks of the oldtime petitioners is dun can andrew murray of river john in tiou county a school teacher first lie later had a brilliant uni versity career which might have carried him to wealth and fame in ottawa the establishment of rural homes for canadian war veterans physically unfitcd for occu pational employment was urged upon the war veterans assistance com mission at a public session here to day col j g rattray cmg com mission chairman presided and evi dence was heard from officers of the ottawa branch of the canadian le gion other recommendations were that a corps of commissionaires be form ed in small units to perate in largo urban centres and to be recruited from both married and single war veterans captain gordon h ro chester who presented the case for the legion urged that such a corps should offer a means of permanent employment at a rate of pay that assured a reasonable standard of living unemployed veterans should be utilized in reforestration or other needful national development work said captain rochester other re commendations submitted asked that dominion government give assur ance that no war veterans would be dismissed from the public service except for cause and that the sol dier premerence for government em ployment be continued federal relief in lieu of municipal relief for nonpensioners and train ing opportunities for men whoso profession ni longer provided remun erative employment wcrepoints also pressed on the commission with regard to creating rural homes captain rochester admitted that the idea of soldiers homes was what he had in mind he be lieved that undor a cooperative sys tem costs of maintenance could be so reduced that such establishments provided they were situated on good land close to cities could be made selfsupporting no mannequins for her w l- clark writes in windsor the cities instead he chose his old s when queen mary buys a county and there for more than 40 d gne k003 usually to one of two years he wa present at births he wellknown firms in london taking warded off deaths so long as he was the garment she holds it against able he comforted the painridden herself looks in the mirror and she the worried and the harassed in the quickly decides yes or no country roundabout in his own they used to try and have mannc- storo he compounded those medi- quins and models parade for the cincs whicli childhood and age alike queen mother but she does not go know ho was a member of every for that and she rarely pays moro family than 100 for a dress