stye sribttne volxlvii no 42 stouffville ont thursday janary 21 1937 a v nolan j jp publishtr protect yourself from the flu nyal creophos will fortify the system by inereasing strength and re building waste tissues and be cause of its antiseptic proper ties repels disease germs relieves bronchitis and deep- seated coughs markham council postmastera native son is cracks down on of athabasca i killed in crash is dead salaries u s daily recalls life work late on foggy road henry obrien threatened dismissal of police trecked to far north in 1904 officer changed to probation i v c roadway meets death xear bradford a stouffville boy as a result of charges laid against constable scottie walker of mark- ham at the nomination meeting and later at the inaugural meeting a special session of the council was r called thursday last in the audi- j jvjl s a orvll 1 r tlie hojl at unionville to accommodate the large crowd of ratepayers who assembled there was much verbal battle but i at the end council adjourned to their chambers to deal with the case as well as that of salary cuts from the ulerk down the constable bradford jan is v c boad- ago ill druggist homo of quality drugs g doib cr owing to a number of customers being disappointed this offer will be continued for a limited time regular 350 oil permanent re duced to 250 shampoo and finger wave included spiral cioqiiignole and combination other waves priced up to s750 finger wave hair cut c 2oc 20c oil shampoo facials manicuring bleaching tinting dyeing special prices for girls under 1g east end beauty shop marie brown corner main montreal sts phone 176 dental neil c smith ldsdds ollice over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 2 130 to 530 phone ollice 1011 residence 1015 ers7barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ollice in iruliins block phone s201 markham every tuesday office in wear block insurance h o klinck obrien avenue tor your insurance need in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 born in stouftvule c9 years ago james minns was borne to his long rest when he died in northern alberta just at the close of the year he was a son of the late george minns harnessmaker on the south side of main street 50 years ago james conducted a draying business here for some time but went west thirty years ago he married isabel placed on probation and chang- 1 harwood a scott township girl and a c bukholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire mansion house stoiiffvillo ontario full course meals 35c room and board by the week sfl00 tobaccoes chocolates soft drinks sandwiches our specialty ladies and gents rest rooms briarbush hospital main street stouffville license xo 203 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards ambulance service phone 191 mrs b r good superintendent ed from a salary plus mileage basis running about 120 per month to a straight salary of 100 with no extras clerk charlie hoover saw his salary cut from 1500 to 1300 which is to include mileage in pur suance of his travelling in connec tion with tax collections mr hoover is allowed an oflice hand extra as heretofore at 500 per year the gross saving to the township will amount to between 400 and 500 per annum relief officer a v orr came in for scrutiny too but as he was engaged jointly with vaughan township it was considered a matter of courtesy to the other council to take no action to dismiss him without a conference withn vaughan officials someone said he could not be dismissed without 30 days notice mr orr being present said no such notice is required i will quit now if you say so at the inaugural session of the council on january 11 councillors clark and barker introduced a resolution to hold a special meeting in the near future to revise town ship officials and salary schedules in presenting the resolution council lor w l clark gave notice that at this special meeting he would move for the dismissal of the present re lief officer and the appointment of a resident of the township to that position regarding the salaries of officials mr clark said it had been his contention that during these difficult times the paid official of the township should meet the taxpayer half way it is my intention to see that they meet the taxpayer half way ho said anoher resolution by deputy- reeve charles hooper and council lor harry barber asked for the resignation of constable james walker on the grounds that the officer had interferred with relief administation in the township constable walker who was pre sent urged the members of council to give the question serious and impartial consideration the rum ors that are around about me are a pack of lies i have done my duty as best i could as an officer of the township for nearly eleven years now and if thero are any charges against me im pepared to go before the police commission and prove my innocence said constable walker am a returned man he said and ive never been fired off a job in my life im going to fight this thing to a finish to clear my good name they say i was going around among tho relief recipients telling them to vote for padget this is something i never did the officer reminded the council that as a momber of the county force he was responsible to the polico commission native of stouffville and son of late george minns harnessmaker here 50 years i way of barrie was instantly killed and his wife- was injured early to day when the car in which they were riding was involved in a col lision with another said to be driven by dr swan of midland in a dense fog on xo 11 highway i south of here coroner dr edwards i of newmarket announced an in quest will be held given first aid treatment by dr judge of bradford mrs boadway was rushed to hospital at barrie dr swan was uninjured but both cars were badly smashed provincial officers ivan spencer of bradford and alex ferguson of aurora said the boadway car was travelling south on the highway and the swan car was coming in the opposite direction the crash occurred about 100 yards south of served as market editor of the news for nearly forty years large funeral at dickson hill for her every sympathy is felt by many old friends in the native dis trict the athabasca echo one or albertas leading weeklies publish es the following account of mr minns life and his final passing away the holland river bridge concluded by the passing of james minns t despatch on monday athabasca loses another rsorn in stouffville 50 years agn of its pioneer settlers of the district w c boadway was a sou of our mr euchre on friday tills friday evening tho oes invito their friends to a euchre to bo held in their rooms commencing at s oclock there will be attractive prizes and at tho close light re freshments will ho served o tie kings uigway safe direct economical leave stouffville a 715 am b 925 am c 345 pm b s40 pm eastern standard time leave toroxto b 1100 am c 130 pm e 530 pm c 545 pm b 1015 pm a daily except sun hoi b sun hoi only c sat only c daily except sat sun hoi attractive round trip fares toronto 155 buffalo 6 so new york 1735 mansion tickets and in formation at house stouffville phone 161 for the last two years mr minns has been in poor health but has held onto his job with much suf fering ably sustained by his loyal and efficient wife last year he took a short rest on vancouver is land at the home of his daughter and was benefitted by the change but that internal trouble believed to be cancer was slowly sapping his strength for brief periods he was compelled to take hospital treatment both here and at edmon ton where blood transfusion was necessary notwithstanding his serious con dition his old pioneer spirit was so dominant that he was soon back to his post of duty and kept the kings service going 100 per cent the last few weeks he stayed at the hotel to be close to his office on sunday the last painful stage was reached and he was taken again to the hospital where he soon had to yield to his fate and rejoin many of his pjoneer pals and settle in a new and better country he leaves to mourn his faithful copartner and one daughter mrs helgesen of metchosin victoria and two grand children also two brothers frank of toronto and john of port colquitlam bc and three sisters mrs lyle of van couver and mrs palmer and mrs ridsdell of toronto his only son james harwood predeceased him iu 1927 mr minns came west from on tario in the prime of life at the age of 35 and spent two years at ed monton in 1904 he heard a rum our of the opportunities of the new north and treked to the athabasca landing long before the railroad was brought in he homsteaded few miles south of the new town and in its growing pains took an active part in its development he served as school trustee when tho fine new school was built in 1911 he was appointed postmaster and has held the position with distinct success and ability ever since through the ever growing duties and responsibilities apart from his official duties which he never neglected he was a member ot the masonic lodge and tho old timers association but his ono hobby was in his flowers and he and his wife had a garden in which they were justly proud mrs minns was his consistent cooperator both at the oflice and in the garden and she followed him as school trustee for several terms the funeral was conducted on thursday by rev j a hockin at tho united church the largo audi torium was filled with townspeople and many old timers from colinton meanook perryvale rochester boyle grosmont as well as east and north of the river the choir led the singing of old favorite hymns and mr hockin delivered a most impressive address on the sadness and hopefulness of death the joy of christmas has always been linked with tho sorrows ot death since the birth of christ had been tho occasion ot massacre of infants in bethlehem ho spoke of the great respect in which mr minns was held in the district and his devotion to duty his kindliness and his keen sense of humor mrs blacklock presided at the organ and played the dead march as the coffin which was completely covered with fino flowers was car ried out by messrs j p evans m w hitchins angus mcleod and h v bayliss m b redden and j a daigneau about a dozen cars followed to the cemetery on one of the coldest days of the winter the last day ot the year and incidentally the first ttmaroj to pass over the now bridge and the new s road up the east hill isaac boadway and his first wife who was jane cleaver she was n sister to mr boadways present wife one sister also survives the victim of this acident mrs c w graham of barrie and two halfbrothers carl boadway stouffville and earl in the usa goliex wedding anniversary a happy event took pla ce on sun day last when the family of mr and mrs john s latcham paid them a surprise visit on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary tho marriage took place at good wood on january 17th 1s87 in the former methodist parsonage now the henderson home at a a time when the trains were snow- hound and the wedding party could get no farther than uxbridge the entire fifty years have been spent in the township of uxbridge the last ten being in the village of good wood a sumptuous dinner was served at one oclock and the table was decorated with a handsome wedding cake and daffodils when the meal was finished a presentation of new bills was made to the bride and groom of fifty years six of the seven children were present the youngest daughter be ing absent on account of illness there are also eight grandchildren numerous greetings were re ceived all of which were much appreciated particularly those from the sunday school of goodwood united church of which mr latch am is a regular attendant on sunday mornings the indianapolis news henry s obrien aged seventy- seven who retired a few months ago after serving as market editor of the news nearly forty years died at 1205 am on new years day at ft lauderdale florida he had been living there with members of his family since illness forced him to relinquish a post he had held siuco the financial and market pages of newspapers were reorganized and expanded four decades ago widely known in business circles in indianapolis through his intimate contacts with the statistical infor mation that came from all over the world mr obrien first entered newspaper work as publisher of a suburban weekly paper in what was to become west indianapolis his alertness won the recognition of editors of the news and he was enlisted to aid in a campaign to annex the separate municipalities of west indianapolis haughville and mt jackson when the fight was won mr obrien joined the regular city staff when developments in evening mar kets required special attention he barkey deep sorrow but not without great hope entered the home of a dickson hill family on wednesday january 13 1937 when mrs simeon hoover passed into eternal rest she was in her 71st year and had been a long and patient suffer er the largely attended funeral on friday afternoon witnessed the re mains lakl away in the dickson hill cemetery following the church service conducted by irev mr brown pastor he was assisted by rev henry goudio who read the scripture and isaac pike and rev h shantz leaders iu prayer fitting tribute was paid to the devoted christian life led by the deceased who since childhood had been a member of this church and one who faithfully endeavoured to live the christian life the late mrs hoover was a de scendant of one of the first families to locate at stouffville her father being abraham stouffer she being born on the stouffer farm lying north of the village before an mbc church was established at stouff ville she worshipped at dickson hill as a girl in 1881 she was married to simeon hoover who survives her together with a family of six being mrs roy moyer of dickson hill mrs chas hoover of unionville george of markham mrs clarence barkey ringwood mrs elmore whitchurch and mis jos grose buys ringwood farm abraham raymer place stood in family name for more than 100 years our townsman joseph grose has decided to return to the soil after quite a few years spent in stouff ville in a more or less retired capacity mr grose lias purchased the abraham raymer farm on the 8 th concession of markham at ringwood tho property contained 200 acres but last spring 100 was sold off to e gillham who erected a new house and now mr grose takes the other hundred with the original buildings ho will take possession in the spring this farm was patented in tho year 1s09 by one philip beek bcek then sold this farm to one henry kosiuger in the year 1816 it was then sold by the said henry kesinger to abraham raymer sr great grandfather of the present peter ii raymer in 1822 the said abraham raymer sr sold it to his son abraham raymer jr in the year 1s25 abraham raymer jr transferred it to his son peter raymer in the year 1853 tho said peter raymer transferred it to his son peter h iraymer the present owner in 1906 this farm has therefore been in the raymer name for 114 years which probably creates a record for this district tho deed to tho original raymer is an interesting document the purchas er being only able to make his mark indicating that he could not write ho had come from pennsylvania and although possessing very limit ed education ho had good judgment and was ablo to select a piece ot land which gave promise of being well located in an excellent district and how well ho estimated is now perfectly clear was assigned to this task one he performed so capably he held the title of market editor throughout the remainder of his journalistic career funeral service was held at ft lauderdale on monday january 3 death was due to heart disease the widow two sons harold obrien indianapolis and james obrien detroit five daughters mrs victor meier mrs curtis dun ham mrs paul davis and mrs wallace walls all of ft laudex- dale and mrs iralph a scott miami four brothers two living in chicago and two in canada and two sisters also of canada survive born in canada mr obrien who was known as ob by his associates was born in tho village of stouffville canada twentyfive miles north of toronto and was educated in that community later becoming a teacher in the public schools while reminiscing he frequently recalled his first contribution to a newspaper an obituary sent to the hanover ontario post a week ly in 1s82 the article which was accepted dealt with the virtues of a mother who had held the welfare of her offspring closest to her heart hut the last line of the obituary disclosed the victim to be an old hen encouraged by seeing his contri bution in print mr obrien con tinued to assemble various items from the canadian community in 1883 he became a book agent in the summer vacation period and one trip took him to cornwall near montreal the publisher of a weekly newspaper needed a re porter so mr obrien accepted em ployment there working five years meanwhile his two bothers who had gone to chicago urged him to come to the united states and in 1888 after marrying the daughter of the high school principal he came to the united states on his honeymoon attrnctied to indiana while visiting in chicago he heard reports of a natural gas boom in indiana and soon thereafter he settled in indianapolis he believed there was a need for a suburban weekly but shortly after this enter prise got under way the news joined in the campaign to annex the municipalities representatives of the news met mr obrien at ono of the public meetings and urged him to enlist with tho large dally newspaper in tho annexation fight to the men and women in close contact with mr obrien through out his career he often confided that it had been his intention to bo como a feature writer however tho excellence with which he performed his duties on tho market desk shunted this hope aside edith at home there also survives one brother mr abraham stouffer on the old homestead and three sisters mrs jacob boadway miss elizabeth stouffer and mrs martin wideman church officer served steadily for 50 years at the ninetysecond annual meet ing of the congregation of melville church held last thursday two of the church officials retired from office after a notable record of ser vice mr robert francy was a steward of melville church for fifty years completing a full half century of devoted work for the interests of his church mr edgar h nigh at the same time retired from the office ot treasurer of the church after eighteen years that were always marked by efficiency and devotion to his work it is somewhat unusual for a congregation to have such splendid records of devoted loyalty over so long a period ot its history the annual meeting of the stouff ville horticultural society will be held in iratcliffs hall on the even ing of february 5 details next week liberal women enjoy pot iajck nearly fifty members and friends of the womens liberal association enjoyed a potluck supper and social evening at tho byam home on tuesday of last week morgan baker mpp was guest speaker for the occasion while impromptu speeches from other gentlemen pre sent musical numbers readings and games all contributed to a most de lightful program among the churches church hill mr iner farmery of toronto gave to us a delightful service on sunday last by his preaching and by his playing on the violin the christian endeavour will bo cancelled this week to allow for a skating party at island lake on thursday evening wo will meet at 8 oclock refreshments afterwards rirth9 barkey at altona on january 19 1937 to mr and mrs charles barkey a son i christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday january 24 1937 septuagesima sunday 300 pm evening prayer thursday january 21st at 3 pm the w a will meet in the church also at 730 pm the annual vestry meeting will take place in the church mm mm mm stouffville presbyterian rev w h fullerba sunday january 24 1937 200 pm sabbath school 300 pm afternoon worship everybody cordially invited lemonvhile bloomington ballantrae united churches rev c b jeffery pastor sunday january 24 1937 1045 am ballautrae life worth living 230 pm bloomington 700 pm lemonville attractive goodness stouffville congregational christian church arthur greer pastor sunday january 24 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship being on the winning side pastors solo light in darkness by cowan 700 pm gospel service flying or walking bright song service preceding the evening service you will be made welcome stouffville menxonite church rev i brubncker pastor sunday january 24 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm gospel service the public will always find a hearty welcome at all of our services bloomington and ringwood christian church rev e morton preacher the snowshovel because of lack of snow may rust out rather than wear out but the christian can be strong in the lord and in tho pow er of his might eph 610 sunday january 24 1937 services xcxt ixirds day 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 730 pm altona the lord could say to many to day as he said to the woman of samaria ye worship ye know not what john 422 if wo lovo pleasure more than the lord plea sure is our god let no man de ceive himself 1 cor 318 stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday january 24 1937 1100 am morning worship subj power in quietness 230 pm sunday school and bible class 700 pm evening worship subject the bible in prison monday jan 25 8 pm yps program under the christian cul ture dept the womans association will meet at the home of mrs f l button on tuesday evening january 26 at 8 oclock wed jan 27 8 pm the annu al congregational meeting you are cordially invited to come and worship with us sixth line baptist church rev w e smaller pastor telephone 1903 wed 8 pm prayer meeting sunday january 24 1937 1000 am sunday school 700 pm church service subject are the righteous saved with difficulty friday jan 22 8 pm young peoples society at sixth line church bible thought for this week 1 cor 1013 there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be temp ted atiove that ye are ahle but will with the temptation also make a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it stouffville baptist church o s mcgrath pastor wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing in the basement of the church friday 8 pm bible study meeting in the home of mr nelson byer sunday january 24 1937 1000 am bible school class es for all ages 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service pre ceded by short song service if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shalt be lieve in jhine heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved rom 109 thero must bo confossion with the mouth have i made it have i openly avowed my faith in jesus as the saviour whom god has raised from the dead and have i done it in gods way let me honestly answer this question there must also be belief with the heart do i sincerely believe in the risen lord jesus do i trust in him as my sole hope of salvation is this trust from my heart let me answer as before god if i can truly claim that i have both confessed christ and believed in him then i am saved the text docs not say it may be 30 but it is plain as a pikestaff and clear as the sun in the heavens thou shatt be saved god hath said it i believe it i shall be saved i am savedoiory be to god for ever and ovor you are heartily invited to all onr services