9teinrue i i c 7 volxlvii no 41 stouffville ont thursday january 14th 1937 a v nolan j j publisher nyal p1nol expectorant a healing remedy and prompt relief for coughs colds bronchitis and irritated conditions of the throat use huskeys medicated throat pastilles for husky voice hoarseness and tickling throat j m storey born at beihesda 83 years spent whitchurch reappoints 83 years ago mrs august linker was member of pioneer whitchurch family died monday evening in local district auditor and collectors after two years in the brierbush confined to his bed for only a hospital stouffville mrs august week death has claimed another of baker died on monday evening had our oldest men in the section in the she lived until next month she person of james wellman aged s3 would have celebrated her s3rd years a couple of months ago he birthday mrs baker was a very eft his home at glasgow and was bright old lady and was most i living with his only daughter mrs death removes james wellman councillor kidd tells council he after brief illness doubts widsom or bylaw passed to kcplnce school monijs the druggist homo of quality drugs owing to a number of customers being disappointed this offer will be continued for a limited time regular 330 oil permanent re duced to 250 shampoo and finger wave included spiral croquignole and combination other waves priced up to s750 finger wave hair cut 3bu 25c 20c oil shampoo facials manicuring bleaching tinting dyeing special prices for girls ujer 16 east end beauty shop marie brown corner main montreal sts phone 170 dental neil c smith ldsdds otlice over the bank of commerce ollice hours 9 to 2 130 to 530 phone ollice 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ollice in gruhins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday ollice in wear block insurance see h 0 klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of loudon england phone stouftville 25902 a c bukholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire familiar with conditions in other parts of the country as she had lived much of her life in the canadian west and in the united slates mrs bakers maiden name was susana steckley being a member of the well known steckley family at bethesda where she was born and at the time of her death was one of the oldest persons living who was horn in the township her husband predeceased her by quite a number of years but two sons survive be ing mr frederick steckley scarboro bluffs and oswald in california mr a b steckley of stouffville is an only surviving brother interment was made in dickson hill cemetery a bothwright in markham he died on january 5 1937 the late mr wellman was widely known and greatly liked he was born nearj mrs simeon hoover passes on the death of mrs simeon hoover at her home in dickson hill early wednesday morning followed a long period of ill health a member of one of the irst families to settle the stouffville district her maiden name was josephine stouffer and she was born on the old homestead just north of the village the funeral service on friday afternoon will be held in the dick son hill church at 230 oclock and interment will be made in the cemetery there richmond hill in the township of markham and spent all his long life in the district aljout stouffville engaged in farming he married sarah barker of his native town ship and they celebrated their golden wedding day live years ago two- years later the venerable couple were separated by death when mrs wellman passed on there survives them besides the only daughter two sons ralph of claremont and harry of glasgow also one grandchild paul wellman the funeral on thursday after noon last took place from r g clendenings parlors in markham for interment at stouffville cemetery rev e morton who was a frel the new township council in whitchurch swung into action on monday when clerk john crawford duly offered the declaration of office to each member as follows reeve c earl toole deputy reeve jess cook councillors george leary herman kidd and herbert wells declaring that the upkeep of the lake wilcox road to yonge street had become well nigh impossible and that money spent on gravel was simply wasted former councillor lorno p evans headed a deputa tion of lake ratepayers asking the council to endeavour to have the road taken over as part of the county system which would lead to a hard top being built that would stand the heavy traffic upwards of 3000 cars passed over it on a summer sunday said mr evans who offered to circulate a petition if the council thought it would help impress the county authorities the proposal as outlined by the com mittee was to have the road desig- nated a countv highway from yonge quent visitor to mr wellman and gtreet to the lake then east pastor at glasgow conducted the t0 tne touru concession of whit- service he paid a fitting tribute to cn thus there would be a con- hut it had bejen spent under general cussiou of the matter and it was dropped gambles dog killed plaxtons goose said a ratepayer and compensation was sought council could find no authority in the statutes where they were liable for dogs with a special fancy for fowl and advised the owner to take civil action if he was bent on compensa tion questions merit of bylaw in considering the estimates or budget for 1937 councillor kidd took exception to the bylaw passed in 193g providing for replacement to the school accounts of the 40 per cent levy held over the end of each year in order to dress up the general account mr kidd held that the 40 per cent levy due the schools should be paid from out standing back taxes as the full levy had been collected each year and council should not collect the 40 per cent a second time i am strongly of the opinion that the 505 you levied for this december and will continue to levy far under the bylaw is inadvisable it is only cutting up the account said mr kidd after members had argued the matter pro and con mr toole said the money may have been levied for the schools extra relief demands rejected in markham tp township council estimates road costs in 19s7 to ho 35320 the sturdy pioneer character and industrious life of the deceased approved spending 250 on wig- wag markham school teacher celebrates with birthday mansion house stouftville ontario full course meals 35c room nnd board by the week 9000 tobaccoes chocolates soft drinks sandwiches our specialty ladies and gents rest rooms briarbush hospital main street stouftville license so 203 graduatod nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards ambulance service phone 191 mrs e r good superintendent unionville jan 11- recipient of many forms of congratulations the little old school maam miss arabella louise hemingway cele brated yesterday her 86th birthday amid happy surroundings at the home of her sister mrs alfretta galloway many years ago miss hemingway taught school at number two mark ham then known as german mills she tutored there for a period of more than 10 years although now she is not favored with the best of health she still enjoys the society of many friends when she was teaching miss hem ingway lived 3 v miles from the school house and twice daily she traversed the distance on foot in those days she recounts with pleasure as many other tales of days gone by the roads were little travel led in summer and badly broken up in the winter months with pride she tells of how her father moses hemingway would on extremely stormy days meet her with a horse allowing her to ride the animals hack while he walked alongside markham has been her home all her life and though she is unmarried she cared for her brother orsons children after their mother died according to miss hemingway in the old days of spelling bees she was unbeatable this is attributed in no small way to her tales of the education veterans she humbled in the little red school house john hemingway of toronto is a nephew and mrs fjelos harring ton of unionville is a niece for sale pure bred tb tested ayrshire bull two years old malcolm ramer phone 9213 she kings uigluoog safe direct economical leave stouffviiilik a 715 am b 925 am c 345 pm b 840 pm eastern standard time leave toronto b 1100 am c 130 pm e 530 pm c 545 pm b 1015 pm a dally oxeep sun hoi b sun hoi oniy c sat only e daily except sat sun hoi attkactive round trip fares toronto 155 buffalo 680 new york 1735 tickets and information at mansion house stouffville phone 161 the new civic council of stouff ville took the oath of office on mon day morning and met in the evening for general business reeve arthur weldon presided the standing committees for the year were decid ed on and will be roads and walks r e brown arthur swift light and water works walter brillinger ira rusnell finance reeve weldon and w brillinger the first one named on each committee will be the chairman and under appointments councillors swift and rusnell were put on the parks committee other appoint ments made by bylaw were auditor t b rae pound keeper sandy jones member library board jfred marshall member of the board of health a v nolan sanitary inspector j gower councillor rusnell moved a reso lution placing the council on record as willing to pay 250 toward the cost of a wigwag at the cnr crossing total cost would he in the neighborhood of 1800 borne by the government county com mission and the village the com mission wanted to know if the vill age would agree to the proportion mentioned of 250 when reeve weldon said that he would like definite office hours set for the treasurer to be available to receive moneys councillor rusnell asked what pay the clerk and treasurer was getting mr dougher ty explained that his salary was made up thus from tho general account of the town 400 from the hydro system of the town 300 water department 100 and 50 allowance for relief other receipts were small but the sum total was under 900 for this he handles over 1800 every two months the treasurer pointed out the hours were decided and will be posted on the office door for the convenience of customers of the hydro and water departments they will bo daily from 9 to 12 and from 130 to 330 during february april june august october and decem ber tho office will be closed all holidays and on saturday afternoons oxcopting when a saturday falls on the 20th of the month in which electric light accounts are payable then it will remain open to receive payments complaints were received about ashes dumped on tho roods and in tho ditches council said no one had a right to dump ashes anywhere but on their own property and they forbid dumping on the road and into ditches to clog them up the relief situation was revived and showed 7 or 8 families receiving partial teucf clounclllor rusnell advocated the purchase of a wood pilo to bo cut by relief labor ho thought this would be cheaper than furnishing coal to those able to cut their own wood whilo the matter was favorably received no action was taken at this time the reeve had invited the clergy to bo present hence rev l e atkinson rev c s mcgrath and mr arthur greer addressed the members and got them away to a good start tinning link percy ash edw leary george anthony mr collard mr langley and mr smith road foreman all appeared and backed up what mr evans had stated reeve toole told the deputation he was ready to admit the bad situ ation despite that around 900 had been spent there last year the solution he agreed was to have the county take over the burden the traffic being chiefly from outside the township i am ready to do all i can to help you said mr toole councillor leary approved the idea but was opposed to the high way crossiug from the third direct to the fourth he wanted the pro- to the fourth any road between tho third and fourth must be built on the townline where the traffic very heavy ho said councillor kidd stated that when he was reeve he intended to pre sent the case to the county but just then a ruling was made that no more township roads were to be taken over councillors wells was agreeable to doing anything he could to im prove the situation and deputy reeve cook was noncommittal i recognize whitchurch is one of the few municipalities lacking a cross country hghway and i am going to consider the matter he said wire fence bonus peter ferguson tried to stir up the members on the matter of wire fence ibonus tho reeve said that at the moment he was not in favor of giving wire fence bonus and de putyreeve cook claimed one was paid years ago but had been discard ed as unsatisfactory pressure of business prevented a serious dis- account and council last year de- although there were a goodly number of relief recipients at the opening meeting of markham town ship council held at unionville on monday their demands for greater relief were rejected the speakers received a good hearing but council was adamant in their stand reeve rennie handled the busiuess of the day in splendid manner and was congratulated for the way in which he directed the business estimates for road expenditure in 1937 was decided on to be 35320 this will be divided con struction ls000 bridges 4000 machinery 2000 maintenance 20000 and superintendence 1320 walter craig was appointed assessor for the west side and will be paid 250 while r h forester will assess the east side and be paid 200 w h warriner and robt stiver were appointed weed in spectors other appointments sanitary insector james walker truant officer james gibson moh dr mckay members of board rennie hoover w f kin- caid general road accounts for the month were only 177 and the road junior hockey 0ea schedule dec 2s 29- jan jan cided it should be replaced owing eoreman acc totalled but 80 to insufficient time further consider ation of the budget was left until the february meeting appointments applications for position of audit or were received from r patterson and r w andrew both ballantrae men mr andrew was reappointed at a salary of 125 the same old assessors were re appointed l j harper for the west at 140 and l c cummings for the east side at 125 plus post age 10 each dr g w williams was re appointed as moh with a drop of 10 in pay to 50 sanitary in spectors aro elmer starr and ralph baker and member of the board of health w d richardson weed inspector is h sproxton at 50c per hour to include mileage the usual bylaw to borrow funds from the canadian bank of com merce was passed but members protested a rate of 5 per cent on loans they pointed out that the banks had cut interest on deposits drastically but failed to pass on the benefits to even a substantial customer like whitchurch township beginning in february all regu lar council meetings will be held on the second saturday of the month throughtout the year relief accounts for january were reduced more than 50 per cent from a year ago when 966 was paid out while times are improving the work of the relief officer is chiefly re sponsible for the sharp reduction road accounts were very light and totalled only 12061 which includ ed 23 salary to tho road superin tendent for december work the teams in group 4 junior b series are aurora east york scar boro stouffville and beaverton which receives a bye east york will play home games at richmond hill while scarboro will play agincourt the schedule follows first half aurora vs east york stouffville vs scarboro 4 aurora vs stouffville scarboro vs east york s east york vs scarboro stouffville vs aurora 11 stouffville vs east york 12 aurora vs scarboro 15 east york vs aurora scarboro vs stouffville is scarboro vs aurora east york vs stouffville second half jan 22 stouffville vs aurora east york vs scarboro 25 aurora vs east york scarboro vs stouffville 28 stouffville vs east york 29 scarboro vs aurora feb 1 scarboro vs east york 2 aurora vs stouffville 5 stouffville vs scarboro east york vs aurora 8 east york vs stouffville 9 aurora vs scarboro the playoffs will be held on feb 12 and loth winner of the first half will meet winner of second half if no winner declared toy point system in first half group championship is other accounts included 90 to av orr for dispensing relief and 92 to j walker constable services andl to be decided by teams finishing first mileage hospitalizations costs were i and second in total points of the 131 i first and second halves among the churches bid cowsto 110 at harper sale charlie harper has a great eye for choicdjbfilking cows a fact borne out by the splendid herd he offered for sale by public auction last thursday afternoon at his farm just south of stouffville mr harper bought the animals from the best milk farms in perth county where the best in ontario is located in the milk producing line the highest animals went at 110 the fancy cows going to ross nichols and her man mortson of victoria square the ento herd of 30 head averag ed 75 and the price didnt seem a high average for the fine big speci men of milk producers which mr harper offered thirteen were just freshened and others coming in al mostat once i never sold a herd of milk cows with greater ease and with more pleasure said auctioneer a s farmer the animals he said were beauties and he knew every farmer would be dolighted with his pur chase a particularly nice pair of heifers were picked up by garfield kellington paying 88 and 90 each while tho hulk of the herd were holsteins thero were a few dur- bams and theso ran around ss and 90 mr harper loft early this week to bring back a few more cows for prlvato sale but ho does not antici pate holding another auction milk shippers now threaten united action births lemon at the brierbush hospital stouffville on january 6th 1937 to mr and mrs clifford lemon nee lena tarr a daughter helen maureen a general meeting of the toron to milk producers was held at unionville on january 7 by the executive of division no 6 for the purpose of straightening up tho milk situation approximately 200 shippers were present from district of weston downsview woodbridge scarboro east etobicoko north etobicoke pickering whitchurch peel and markham there was also a representation from tho toronto executive includ ing dr j r reynolds w h wilmot and erie kitchen various discussions arose in re gards to raising tho price of milk our toronto exocutive explained tho problems they were confronted with in this matter despite the dis posal of so many cattlo the dairies report they are at present actually flooded with milk more so than over before considerable adverse criticism was voiced in respect to some of the dairies not holding to their agree ments in regards to setting of quotas and milk agreements which will ho looked into by the toronto executive a resolution was adopted which said that if tho toronto executive can not reach a satisfactory agree ment within two weeks an immedi ate protest meeting will bo called for all ontario shippers when a higher price will bo demanded christ chdrch anglican rev f herman rector sunday january 17th 1937 300 pm- evening prayer v stouffville presbyterian rev w h fullerba sunday january 17th 1937 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship everybody cordially invited lemonville bloomington ballantr united churches rev c b jeffery pastor sunday january 17th 1937 1045 am ballantrae 300 pm lemonville 700 pm bloomington stouffville congregational christian church arthur greer pastor sunday january 17th 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship speaker mr iner farmery 700 pm gospel service speaker mr iner farmery at both services mr farmery of toronto will play his violin as well as speak in addition the pastor will sing with mr farmery accompanying on the violin this may be our last opportunity to hear mr farmery since he hopes to join mr tyler in china this com ing summer tho public will find a hearty wel come at our services stouffville mennonite church rev i brubacker pastor sunday january 17tn 1937 sunday school at 1000 oclock dr mitchell will address the service in the mennonlte church at 11 oclock the doctor will also speak to the sunday school group at 1030 cecil brown will take the evening servico at 7 oclock mrs brubacher will preach at altoua at 730 tho pastor will be absent on evangelistic work stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday january 17th 1937 1100 am morning worship subj forgiveness of sin 230 pm sunday school and bible class 700 pm evening worship subj in and out monday 8 pm weekly yps wednesday 8 pm weekly prayer and fellowship service enter into his gates with thanks giving and into his courts with praise sixth line baptist church rev w e smalley pastor telephone 1903 wed s pm prayer meeting sunday january 17th 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am church service subject good or bad fruit which bible thought for this week john 151 2 i am ffie true vine and my father is the husbandman every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purg- eth it that it may bring forth more fruit bloojhngton and ringwood christjan church rov e morton preacher if our chief aim in lite is not to glorify god our life will end in real failure believe it or not that is true sunday january 17th 1937 sjcrvlees next lords day 1100 am bloomington 700 pm iringwood when wo stay away from gods hcuse our neighbours and those who attend wonder if we aro back- send the tribune to absent friends sliding what does he think stouffvillb baptist church c s mcgrath pastor wed 8 pm prayer meeting in the basement of the church friday 8 pm bible study meeting at the home of mr james slack sunday january 17th 1937 1000 am bible school class es for all ages 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service preced ed by short song service for the lord will not cast off for ever lament 331 he chose us from eternity and he will love us throughout eternity ho loved us so as to die for us and we may therefore be sure that his love will never die his honour is so wrapt up in the salvation of the be liever that he can no more cast him off than he can- cast off his own robes of office as king of glory no no the lord jesus as a head never casts off his members as a husband he never casts off his bride did you think you were cast off why did you think so evil of the lord who has betrothed you to himself cast off such thoughts and never let them lodge in your soul again the lord hath not cast away his people which ho foreknew rom 112 everybody cordially invited to all our services when a man gives his wlfo money for christmas and tells her to buy something for herself she usually winds up by giving it to tho grocer i or the coalman