the papers jjditorial comment lkoil heke there and everywhere canada sleeping drivers it may be accepted as a fact that many accidents have been caused be cause the driver dozed at the wheel transport drivers exhausted by long hour3 of work have been known to fall asleep on duty quite a number of people admit they have difficulty keeping awako when driving a motor car fresh air the drone of the en gine and the sensation of motion are agents of producing that kind of opiate those who are so affected however should realize the risk of drowsiness on the highway immedi ately park the vehicle and treat them selves to a few minutes sleep at the most a marter of an nours relaxa tion of that kind is sufficient to re store normality it is a practice that ought to be resorted to by all who find themselves subject to drowsiness oc casioned by motoring it is a device that is particularly applicable to the case of truck drivers who must make long trips at night weiland tribune another record hurrah for ontario we burn up more barns and threshing machines during the harvest season than any other province in canada or state in the union this grand old banner province always heads the list farm ers advocate news comment russia has been using 1200 men in a parachute jump attack if p t bar- num were alive hed probably be on his way today to moscow to book the outfit as a circus feature australia is to spend 544000000 for defence purposes during the coming year which is fairly conclusive evi dence that the government of the commonwealth has no agnes mac- phall complex what do they mean about the good old days well the answer may bo i an item in the 35yearago column or the brentford expositor the relief population increases the problems which they had sought to cvado re appear the township begins to as sume the characteristics of the city there aro more children to be edu cated which means overcrowding in the schools and the demand for larg er schools the question of sanitation is intruded and there is demand for modern water and sewage services installation of these embodies higher taxes and soon such costs begin to ap proximate those of the city it is the inevitable process that converts coun try areas into densely populated cities and there tho cost of living rises so that it becomes burdensome evid ently only the farmer is at all im mune to the facto- of steadilyincreas ing living costs woodstock sentinel- review benefactors because two harvard scientists have devoted the last five years to patient unremitting research the world now iinds itself a step nearer escape from the scourge of influenza the scien tists w f wells and ii w brown have discovered that influenza virus transmitted by the air we breathe can be killed by contact with ultraviolet rays their achievement opens a vast new field in preventive medicine whereby the air in hospitals theatres schools and auditoriums may be freed from dangerous germs here is defi nitely one more contribution to tho welfare of civilization but while it represents much in itseir it is only one of the many ways by which sci ence is making this a better world in which to live prince albert herald films for children offhand it seems surprising that producers do not market a greater percentage of films really suitable for children ami young people who con stitute so largo a proportion of picture theatro patrons but as very little discrimination is exercised apparent ly and children are allowed to attend virtually anything that comes along it is not o surprising after all a united states to buy more wheat claimed imports in 1936 will be largest in countrys history i o mrry or not to piairy at left sarah churchill dancing daughter of british slates man reported on way to us to marry orchestra leader vic oliver against parents wishes at right vic olivet viennese american stage figure who de nies any intention of marrying sarah churchill whom he met during a london engagement providing under the ottawa agree- j tj incut a greatly expanded market lor australian primary products has been a tremendous stimulus but when all j these nonpolitical factors in recovery have been taken into account it re mains to be said that mr lyons tale of prosperity could never have ueen told today if there had not been good government in the commonwealth that there has been such government is attributable in no small measure to the steadfastness of mr lyons him self melbourne argus officer reported an outlay of szltti fronl toronto states that during august peterborough exam iner reform experiment an interesting penal reform experi ment is being carried out at wakefield eng an institution to which no hard ened criminals aro sent for some time tho authorities have been trying out schemes as to how best men may be restored to a way of decent living after having been in criminal difficul ties the two borstal institutions have already established the fact that the right sort of understanding and comradeship will set a boy or a man on his feet when all else fails under tho n v sehemo forty men drive to the woods monday morning work in the open air sleep in huts returning only for the weekends they are accom panied by an unarmed guard of two men russia and switzerland have led the way in this type of experi ment now outlook toronto cities spread out tho rural districts adjacent to cities are confronted with the problem of rapid increase in population which manifests itself particularly in a de mand for more school accommodation several townships so situated are finding the financing of necessary schools somewhat embarrassing but hero is not an easy way out of such a dilemma apparently many residents of cities ro moving out to rural districts they find that taxes aro lower that land is cheaper and that generally living is less expensive they can grow vege table crops either for their own use or for market and the reinforcement of their earnings in this way is worth considering of course the pioneers in such a tnovement aro the principal benefact ors the first to make tho move enjoy ho advantages of tho low taxes as b 4 the censor board may require tho use of the universal distinction in theatre advertising if it is not doing so now it is ignoring a regulation which has been in existence for a num ber of years woodstock sentinel- review identify the pines the leaves or needles of all pine trees grow in clusters and may do readily identified by their length and number the lack pine has two leaves to a cluster occasionally three about one a quarter inches long tho white pine five leaves about tour inches long he red pine two leaves five or six inches long lie pitch pine three leaves about three and a halt inches long and the scotch pine two to a cluster about two inches long the cones take two years to mature canadian forest and outdoors to arms to arms we entered the race for security tardily we aie running itlike a na tion of laggards and this despite tlie patent and too obvious fact that we are more vulnerable to attack than our neighbours and have more to lose if british civilization is not to perish as the civilizations of older empires perished it must be protected na tions envious of our achievement and possessions nations upholding contest- in gsystems of life cannot arm heav ily without menace to us though no immediate quarrel may bo in sight so arm we must and that without stint and without delay london sunday dispatch beats brought e y vegetables irrigation plan fanner in saskatchewan surprises neighbors the empire the why of better times in any analysis of the brigheter con ditions with which australia finds he- self blessed it is only fair to give to every relevant circumstance and in fluence its duo weight the natural buoyancy of the people has played no small part in recovery the dogged courage of primary producers who held on in face of discouraging odds is worthy of tho best traditions of tho pioneer settlers the acceptance by workers of a lower standard of wages in spite of the illadvised and illtimed efforts of ignorant loaders has helped materially tho sympatheti good will with which tho more fortunate mem bers of the community have shoulder ed unprecedented burdens of taxation to keep many thousands of unemploy ed from destitution has been a fine ex pression of tho australian spirit of comradeship and charity the inval uable help given by great britain in eouiid in rhymes rhymesters prove them selves to be witty people winnipeg not a lady but is the line the free press gave out in a contest for original endings these are specimens of what winni peg can do when it its thinking cap on the first letter opened got the prize that was no lady that was a butchers daughter so i got the cold shoulder other specimens were a fisherwoman and she has me hooked a nudist but the police couldnt pin anything on her a weaver and she tried to pull tho wool over my eyes an artist but she drew my atten tion a manicurist and oh how she trimmed me a laundress and she got me into hot water a doctor and show she used to cut up a mathematician and she sure had me figured out a contortionist and she had me tied in knots a dentist and did she get on my nerves a poullrywoman and she kept egging me on an electrician but she made light of things a salesgirl and she gave me the slip a coed and i was one of her poor subjects a nurse and she sure rubs things in a newspaperwoman but she says im not her typo outlook sask john ordway is a good farmer because he is a vegetar ian he has converted a driedout farm in the heart of southern saskat chewans drought area into a profit able market garden yielding vegetables that compare with any of the import ed variety perseverance has produced new- wealth on land seven miles west of here that turned in nothing but crop failure for six successive years while neighborfarmers this season watched their grain wither in the hot sun ord way has reaped a rich profit and filled local requirements with homegrown products already the energetic farmer has sold tons of cucumbers loads of ripe watermelon muskmelon and numer ous other vegetables throughout the district hundreds of customers have worn a driveway to his farmstead past which traffic was a minus quan tity until this year shelter belts and a simple self- propelled irrigation system arc the secrets of this scientific farmers suc cess trees were planted in rows and the drought problem solved by means of a barrel mounted on wheels with this improvised equipment the gar den is watered each day soil in the outlook district is sandy mr ordway believes it will grow any thing provided there is sufficient mois ture as proof he pointed to water melons that weighed 17 pounds and measured 20 inches in length and 10 inches through the centre in width he has developed a new typo of muskmelon which he will call the ordway melon new york a washington cor respondent of the new york herald tribune reports that department of commerce and ijureau of agricul ture estimates indicate that united states will import more wheat in i 193g than in any previous year in the countrys history and four times as much as was ever imported in a single year before 1931 the correspondent says that while the nation will consume about 42500000 bushels of foreign wheat it will export only about 000000 bushels he adds this year will therefore bring to a sharp climax the united states movement from a wheat export to a wheat import basis accomplished in the last three years simultan eously an unpublished estimate by one group of department of agri culture experts showed pretty clear ly that without the aaas irop reduction policy the movement mirhl never have occurred there is available an estimate from within the agriculture depart ment itself of the number of bushels of wheat which would have been produced in 1934 in spite of the drought of that year if it had not been for the aaa crop reduction policy i department of commerce figures are said to show wheat imports from canada alone totalled 11130- 000 bushels from july 1 to sept 12 reindeer herd bring nev life fn north lands promise meat and clothing for humans in great barrens what flights prove silver also is found at arden mining fever intensified by discovery in new gold region frontenac news of silver was added recently to the lure oi the country round about arden in frontenac county where a gold strike by morvin arney and fred loyst is turning farmers loggers and storekeepers into prospectors and mining magnates in toronto with arey and loyst was t j alexander arden auto mobile dealer who said he had ob tained good assays from silver hold ings the claims are about ii miles from the arney and loyst gold claims ho said none of the three had any money in cash that doesnt seem to worry them arney and loyst al ready are in possession of certfiied cheques representing deals which climaxed many months of rock sampling in arden county about ten days ago mrs beryl markham attempted a flight to new york in order to prove that the route was commercially possible both for passengers and freight she had a favorable weather report but in spite of that she had to buck head winds and on being fortunate enough to reach lad she came down safely in nova scotia her gasoline being exhausted a fortnight ago and dick merrill set off to fly to london take a short rest and fiy straight back again their object was they said to prove that trans- atlantic flights are commercially feasible going over they had to come down in wales and coming back they descended in newfound land although there is doubt ac cording to latest dispatches as to whether shortage of fuel was the cause of their landing many miles short of their goal it will be remembered that mr and mrs mollison also tried to fiy from england to new york but succeeded in getting only as far as connecticut these flights were all begun un der favorable auspices the rigrc kind of weather being waited for and not the take-it-as-it- comes variety each of them failed so that what they prove is that com mercial flying of the atlantic is not feasible with present equips ment observes the stratford bea conherald still it is worth while to know that an era of faster and more powerful planes is necessary for success dionnes parents receive praise northl bay out from the party of louisiana acadians who visited here a few weeks ago came a grateful letter of appreciation to mr and mrs oliva dionnc parents of the quintuplets the message was sent in appreciation for the wonderful reception which you and your friends in canada gave us with it came a group photograph of the party taken in front of the white house dudley j leblanc president of the acadian organiza tion ocferod the dionnes as inviln- lion to visit in the south ottawa the economic security of canadas eskimo population may rest in a herd of 3800 reindeer quietly brousing on the barren lands of the mackenzie river district un der the watchful eyes of government herdsmen harvey w ncsbitt for the past two years superintendent of the gov ernment reindeer station near akla- vik is in ottawa on furlough urii in the conviction the big herd will revolutionize living conditions in the arctic within a year or two the herd will be big enough to split into sec tions and ncsbitt believes the time will come when reindeer will be scattered throughout the barren lands a new reservoir of food and clothing for eskimo trader trapper and missionary in the spring of 1935 the federal government assumed control of a herd of 3370 reindeer which had been marched overland from alaska today there are 3800 deer with 1100 fawns born this year within two or three years there will be some 500 steers available for meat purpose every yea- in addition to stock for building up new herds the herd is guarded by a staff of 10 men sx being herders three or the herders are lapps experienced reindeer men who drove the deer from alaska the other three nre eskimoshuskies they arc called in the north who are being trained for tho time when the deer are dis tributed throughout the north and placed more in the charge of the eskimo the reindeer are herded ii much tho same manner as range cattle there is a general roundup in the month of august as soon as possible after the fly season each deer being earmarked with tho year of its birth they are fairly tame although not domesticated to the same extent as in lapland whore they are milked harry richman i an1 usej in harness in the arctic a reindeer is a sort of walking clothing store and butcher shop for tho natives each carcass dresses about 10 pounds and the skin makes the finest clothing ncs bitt even after two years of it claims the meat is tastier than beef lamb or pork and he says he never tires of it the herd has almost unlimited range in the mackenzie river dis trict the summer months are spent on richards island in the arctic ocean the creasing being made on the ice here the fawns are born in april right out on the bald tun dra in 10 and 15 below zero weather within two hours the young deer are on their feet trotting after their mothers the summer trip to the ocean is made to get away from flies and mosquitoes that plague the deer the winter months are spent inland where the snow is softer enabling the deer to paw down to the moss on which they feed there are two herders one lap and an eskimo on constant watch they walk around the herd rounding up stragglers and guarding them against wolves each man lias a dog a sort of sheep dog bred in lapland for use with deer to assist him english is the common language of the reindeer station lapps and eskimo picking it up and oven the dogs are learning to obey commands in it when nesbilt took over the herd for the department of the interior he had no practical experience with reindeer born in winchester ont he was graduated from mcgill uni versity with special training in live stock and was considered an export of the lapp herdsmen and the en thusiasm of the eskimo to help him out and today considers most of the early difficulties surmounted says religion main cr isne deterrent oaplaiu at prison says con victs learn skill chicago- prison chaplains do not claim that crime ever can be stamped out but they concur in tho belief that it can be greatly dimin ished if more stress is laid on edu cation of youth and reeducation of criminals father eligius weir chaplain of the illinois state peni tentiary declared i am of the opinion that the enormous number of crimes that have never been solved could be traced to criminal skill learned in prison he told the congress of the american prison association father weir said he did not ad vocate abolishing present pjison methods but urged that they be supplemented with a true education which is belter called a moral train ing he was reciting to the congress a study of criminological facts and observations by prison chaplains stresses religion he urged the assembly to promote religion at all times and in all place until this is done he said ail our arrests court procedures im prisonments execution probations and paroles are only scratching the surface as far as the solution of the crime problem is concerned by religion we strike at the very root of the evil namely the per verse will of men and by religion that will is directed and gradually trained in good habits that make for good moral character religion alone can really reform the malefactor and make good people better organization inadequate he said that organizations such as the ymca the cyo the boy scouts girl guides and ccc camps aro founded in vain that larger and better prisons are built and police and detective systems are reinforced to no avail unless we instill respect for law and authority and for social justice which religion alone can do oiimes 36 years of city history torontos biggest clock has seen many changes in city sales tax leceipls in new zea land are much larger than last year fu manchu by sax rohmer sir lionel lias signedhis own dotih warrant pofrlo by renewing his lttoresth tibet eonlfraicd nayland smith that ho has reached england cr3 i a hopeful sign i suggested smith shoot his head england et present is tho wsb kj ond you may be suro iso spider fu manchy will bo walling smith stated pehio i sometimes despair why is retribution against this yco raenster delayed and sir lionel is a porfectly impossible man fo protect you ought lo seo his hococ a low squat place com- plotoly hommed in by tecs it smolls lilo a svamp everything is topsyturvy ho seems lo bo sokdcd by all saris of strings poop ho has an arab grcom a chine so toronto big ben has looked down upon 36 years of ontario capitals history and shows no slgrs of slowing up that may be because a little piece of steel as thin as paper and four inches long has never cracked it swings back and forth holding the 400pound pendulum and is one of the central pieces of the largest winding clock on the con tinent prom its position 320 feet up oi the city hall tower the four- dialed clock tolled the hours while thousands of canadian soldiers stood below it and heard tommy church then torontos perennial mayor cheer them on their way lo overseas it was still there when the vimy pilgrims recently left for france its hells were drowned out by cheering for the late king george wl i n he visited toronto as duke of york in 1901 and again when the present king as prince of valcs was received under its shadow t8 years later with their backs to the clock five out of six toronlonians vil say the hours are marlsed with roman numerals they are wrong each hour is marked by a line two feet nine inches long and a foot wide the clocks chimes work every quarter- hour the four faces arc each 20 fart in diameter the minute hand h nine feet long and tho hour hand five and a half feet youre interested in geometry the tip of the minute lid travels 100 miles in a year the clock is wound by a mtor which hauls the weights up a 320- foot shaft just below the faces is the bell chamber where the eight- ton hour bl is struck with a 300 pound hammer iianred lv e j icnno- iiriliiteh of the building the clock was install ed in 1900 eleven yeas n lv for many years the cjly iici city hall was completed tower war the vantage pair from whch visitor were taken to view the city but it has long si fcrrt dwarfed by skyscrapers in the business district every day a snta each of the seven days ct the is designated as the sitblai it arious nationalities and rr monday is the greek sahhatli tuesday is the persian s wednesday is the assv bath thursday is the egypti vl friday is the turkish sabbath saturday is the jewish sabbath i siwnv i tlin rhrlotio sijii week by sab-