nazi ideas on race superiority while there is considerable goose- stepping in obedience to nazi music by german anthropologists ethnolo gists and sociologists who ought to know better there is also some mild disagreement with the doctrine ot the nordic superiority one of the founda tion stones of the hltler-uoebbels- rosenberg ideology the result is a great deal of floundering andrew ba ker performs the useful task in the journal of psychology ot showing how foggy is recent german thinking on the subject of race superiority a german follower of hitler always asserts that vhatever anthropologists may say a race can be defined in the terms of psychics and physics the minds and bodies modes of thinking and outward look the dilettantish hans v k guenther is followed his rassenkunde des deutschen volkes having become the anthropological gospel of germany ho becomes rhap sodical tho soul of the nordic is as fair as his body when the blueeyed blonds began to preen themselves on their nordic soul3 simply because of their fair skin and to set up within the chosen but mixed aryans a still more cho- ben casto the government thought it tlmo to step in the department ot popular political enlightenment and race consclouness decried the craze for blondness and warned against racial vanity and family conceit more stress began to be laid on the mythical nordic soul and the sup posed ability denied to other strains to think coolly logically and thorough ly to dominate to invent and to or ganize but points out sir baker these qualities are precisely the ones assigned by so good a geneticist as lenz to the jews tho second commandment of the nazi gospel is a belief in the immu tability of race no matter what the nnthropologists may have proved ab out racial impurity and the instability of man as a biological species here dity is everything environment no thing according to this conception anthropologists on the other hand make it plain that while a mongol cannot change his slant eyes and his yellow skin he can nevertheless be come socially a european merely by living with europeans and learning their ways if western negroes were deported to the african jungles whence they came they would be as socially miserable as white men yet holler thinks that he reduces the be lief of environmental influence to absurdity when he says that ameri cans ought to bo american indians if there is any truth to this view but others realizing the hollowness of hollers method of reasoning fly to lamarck in whose doctrines very few biologists believe baker points out the dilemma two compromises are being offered a differentiation between race and ipecies an artificial differentiation b assumption of the heredity of ac quired characteristics an unproven concept a third nazi tenet is that the ar yan branch of the white race is sup erior to all others in its capacity for civilization conquest being one of the evidences of superior endowment the best minds in germany swallow hitlers dictum mein kampf that human culture on the european con tinent is inseparable from the exist ence ot the aryan notwithstanding the cultural dominance of the moors in europe at a time when the nordics were unwashed ignorant barbarians who were regarded as an inferior stock by the mediterranean peoples the hitler gospel has had reper cussions abroad notably in japan with which germany wolud like to remain on the friendliest terms be cause of the supposed llussian men ace with the result that frlck the minister of the interior had to issue this ukase hateful derogation of foreign races must be avoided in principle the only demand to be stressed is that increasing influence 01 foreign blood ovpr german be prohibited by all means baker summarizes while it has been officially declar ed that derogation ot other races must he avoided tho opposite view is maintained with equal strength open contradiction is the present status lastly wo have the doctrine that culture and race are synonymous and that a culture declines when tho races mix this despite the immense am ount of historical and anthropological evidence 10 the effect that cultures flourish lst when the races inter mix baker makes tho point that ger mans deliberately misinterpret eugen ics to make it synonymous with the racial purity karl pearson leader ot tho eugenic movement after gallon was not concerned with races or mix tures of races but solely with social fitness but in germany it is assumed that racial mixtures are had despite the fact that there is not a pure hu man race in existence anywhere and that the germans themselves are mon grels how to make iced tea into six heaping tcaspooni of suda black tea in a pint of fresh boilinj water after six minutes strain liquid into twoquart container while hot add vt cups of granulated sugar and the juice of 2 lemons stir well until sugar it dissolved fill container with cold water do not allow tea to cool before adding the cold wafer otherwise liquid will become cloudy serve with chipped ice a sundown party is fun writer in glasgow herald describes the most popular method of entertaining a large number of people in northern rhodesia in northern rhodesia the most popular method of entertaining a large number of people is to give an outdoor sundown party in small rather isolated communities where we have to rely onthe same people every day for our physical and mental re laxations a visit from a high official from an interesting visitor from an other colony or from overseas or from the royal air force on their yearly cruise is enthusiastically wel comed then a hostess will seize the opportunity to despatch by a boy on a bicycle invitations to her neighbors and will think contentedly how a fresh face a different point of view and new ideas will bring a sparkle to her party and stimulate her friends for days to come moreover it is a coun try where darkness falls quickly and early and six oclock finds us pleas antly relaxed after a game of tennis or golf and ready to occupy the time between sundown and dinner by being comfortably amusing and amused glowing scene grouped in a broken circle around an enormous wood fire forty or fifty people sit idly talking in the shelter of a sweeping clump of bamboos stands a table lighted by a shaded oil lamp and spread with decanters of the various drinks and aperitifs large jugs of fresh lemon and orange juice are there too and the light glows softly on rows of glasses and the chromium tops of soda syphons the headboy in white tunic and red fez stands with folded arms beside the table seeing that every one who comes has the drink he prefers two or three boys move silently among the guests offering small savories creamed corn on toast sprinkled with grated cheese coiled brown and silver anchovies minute sausago rolls cheese straws pink prawns garnished with capers and mayonnaise sauce tiny hot sausages and miniature angels on horseback spiked with wooden sticks stuffed eggs olives sardines on toast wafer thin potatoes and salted almonds above the starbrightened sky is deep dark blue tall trees move a little in the warm scented breeze at the foot of a thinly wooded slope are the moonlit waters of the lake now and again two shadowy figures bear ing a great log break through the circle creating a million sparks as they throw their burden into the blaz ing depths of the fire the murmur of voices is broken by gusts of laughter there is a pleasing air of informality no standard of dress it set some have come in flan nels or washing frocks from tennis or golf later arrivals who are dining out afterwards have changed into con ventional evening clothes several wo men wear trousers and gay shirts but the majority have on their smartest frocks pleasant intercourse the guest of the evening is much feted a government official makes encouraging suggestions to a labor- worried farmer who in turn offers a scoichcart to temporarily replace a damaged government one a group of members of the fishing club argue amicably over last seasons sport an experienced coffee planter is in deep discussion with the agricultural offi cer and the postmaster is arranging to dine with a settler to diagnose vie ailments of a new wireless and the women talk as women will a feeling of good fellowship pervades the party and one realizes how far these social occasions go to promote friendliness in a community so small that personalities are apt to become overemphasized so we sit happily until one ore two people rise reluctantly to take their leave we say goodbye and the cars with their contented owners dis appear down tho firlined drive into the starry night magnolia blossoms add beauty to laura wheeler appliqued quilt magnolia applique pattern 1232 fullblown magnolia blooms make this applique cfuilt charming to behold in pink set off by green leaves the simple patches are easy to cut outline them in dark floss scraps may be used making each block different pattern 1232 comes to you with complete simple instructions for cutting sewing and fi ashing together with yardage chart diagram of quilt to help arrange the blocks tor single and double bed size and a diagram of block which serves as a guide for placing the patches and suggests contrasting materials sends 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred for this pattern to needlecraft dept wilson publishing co 73 west adelaide st toronto write plainly pattern number vour name and ad dress study business courses at home and save lining expenses all business and secretarial coursea studied successfully through our home study department huudreds of successful graduate- during past thirtyone years reduced fees ho ztsa chaecfe 11 yon eater college to finish la day or zflgat school write for free particular canada business college imperial bank building- bloor and bathuiet toronto streamlined bathtub arrives to fit into the modern scheme ease the shock of death awareness for your children hon tu 1 with f c sajw if a composer dlacuses his work before it is completed he has a feel ing that the public is looking over his shoulder walter damrosch team priced as low as 5951 now too can iron in col comfort id enj pirtof the houw ven outdoor beneath a shftdo trc the colo- man iron ts ahmieat- inn no eor not connections carry use it anvwhers sev eral mouela arallabl at nw low price art your dealer ot write a for fr irat- u f j fiuii an j details tha colimin lamp toronto ortt pep vl 317 you ave it i cost onw k d hour to uts z llghti nitantw j helta in a few tecondt 4 qulckl radv ot uk 5 malntalnseveoheat 6 hottest ot thepolnt irons with leueffotr fl saves h ironlni time 9 no firci to build 10 no ailie to ctrrr oysters change sex from year to year ottawa in the oyster world along the atlantic coast of north america the males and females in terchange as between the sexes from year to year in any one year a male may be a female and the next year the female may become a male this change in sex has been under obser vation by the biological board or canada for the past six years in con nection with one of the oyster beds along the prince edward island coast and it has been found that the oysters can and do chy their sex from year to year it is the opinion that the oysters tend first to mature as males and later change to females and that probably each year a few female oysters change to males during the period the females increased in greater proportion than the males in 1931 g2 per cent were males and 25 per cent females but by 1031 7g per cent were females and only 22 per cent males the re mainder were doubtful as to sex silenced have you an aim in life the race may not bo he swift nor the baltlo to the stronc but the prizes in life do go to the mentally alert anil efficient vou can brlnp direction to bear on your life anil learn selfmastery mental efficiency la a matter of training wrlto for particulars of our courses the institute of practical and applied psychology 910 confederation building- uonibeal fq the graphochart shows how to read character from handwriting at a glance 10e prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto for nearly an hour the talkative iran had bored his fellowpassengers in the railway carriage with accounts of his dog caesar sir said an old man who had been vainly trying to snatcli forty winks suppose you took caesar into a shop and bought him a muzzle and then asked the assistant to put it on for you and he refused what would you do why said t lie talkative one put it on myself quite so was tho reply and 1 think all here will agree with me that you would look jolly well with it on journalism newspaper work like acting and singing is perishable that is the con ventional thing to say about it it is high time someone said that like act ing and singing it is therefore pro foundly modest i count it a high ho nor to belong to a trade in which good men write each piece each paragraph and each sentence as painstakingly and as lovingly as any addison alexander woollcott the wellbeing of a nation depends upon the wellbeing of its neighbor nations and fair and friendly trade re lations with those nations rich ard e byrd send them to sunday school for religious instruction and dont avoid their questions what is the angel doing mother he had picked up an old magazine with a picture of dan cupid on the cover a very beautiful cherub who may have been ten or twelve years old but witli beatific wisdom in his yes he isnt an angel dear he is a little fairy those are arrows he has afte the meaning of arrows was explained the next question was a poser small sam went back to the angel idea why doesnt he have clothes on angels wear dresses they wear dresses and go to see jesus mother said yes that was right but she added i guess some angels would rather go without clothes boy angels maybe they live in heaven yes dear why dont they like it here they do only they like heaven better heavens up in the sky can we go there do airplanes see heaven no it is too far away just a word to children harrys an angel now mary said so but richard said harry was dead what does dead mean mother said you go to sleep for a long time and when you wake up you are in heaven if the boy had been older she would have tried to be more definite but he is such a little fellow will i be dead sometime i want to see heaven oh sometime but grandpas never been dead or seen heaven people stay here a long time usu ally before they go away harry went where do wings grow mother i think you had better get your sled now dear you need some sun shine before lunch oh wings grow- on shoulders she asked me what to do the boy so often brings up the subject of angels and death she said possibly because he lost a little friend he isnt old enough to reason it out so i never know what to saj about death i mean answer his questions who does know i reminded her you and i were told it as you have told your son today wo riay have altered the conception of what form the spirit takes after winging away according to our faith and reason but even the greatest skeptics can not deny the beauty of the idea of whitewinged angels anyway i think it better for you to answer the childs questions so many mothers avoid it altogether why dont you start samuel to sdnday school religious instruc tion is a part of my creed about child rearing whatever the religion of his parents and grandparents be fore him it is best for the child to liavo instruction in that i think he learns at least to revere the things he should as for death i would not go too deeply into explanations now issue no 28 36 28 like the world area in wheat and barley the world acreage under oats has steadily declined since 1929 in the british empire however the trend has been in the opposite direc tion the area under oats now stand ing higher than at any time during the period 192835 this is chiefly due states the imperial economic com mittees report on grain crops to the continuous increase in canada since 1931 of the 18890000 acres sown to ats in tho british empire in 1934 canada had i3730000 acres the area sown in foreign countries was 117270000 acres making a world total of 136- 160000 acres and showing a decline in the world area sown to oats of 10060000 acres compared with 1928 the progressive acreage in canada is shown by the following figures 12810000 acres in 1931 13150000 acres in 1932 13530000 acres in 1933 13730000 acres in 1934 14- 096200 acres in 1935 and 14150000 provisional estimate in 193g world production in oats has fallen below the level of 192830 the unit ed states as first among the world producers of oats has been replaced by russia in empire trade canada retains her place as principal produc er and exporter of oats indeed in empire trade the canadian exports of oats and the united kingdom im ports are the principal features of that trade normally the united kingdom is the largest world import er of oats but she lost that place in 1934 to switzerland and italy for tho time being as already stated can ada continues to be the chief empire supply of oats almost the only sup ply it might be said because the irish free state once an important factor now sends only very small quantities do you walk right to walk well there is only one rule walk on one line and not on two all this talk about the ball of the foot and shoulder carriage is unneces sary for you could not possibly walk on two lines and this causes them to wabble from side to side by walking on one line a woman will appear more graceful and if there is any soft drapery about her costume she will seem almost to float into a room i know a woman qut short and heavy who by walking on one line gives such an impression of per fect control of hei body that she looks pounds lighter while walking than at any other time this techni que gives to a man dignity and dir ectness of movement margery wil son charm ms there is doubt that they lived 300 years in frozen siberia one thing spared us observes the calgary herald an ontario contemporary voice a strong complaint against what is calls the plagues of june it enumerates among others the caterpillar the shad fly the mosquito and the black fly all of which have made life in the banner province miserable of late fortunately onario seems to have escaped that annual calgary discom fort the down and seed pods from cottonwood trees early in the year news came from russia that professor p ii kara- petov of the skovorodina research institute for the study of perpetu ally frozen regions had discovered in the permanently frozen soil of northern siberia insects which though inanimate for 1000 to 3000 years came to life when thawed oft biologists were skeptical and justly so information which has been re ceived from russia by dr d n borodin of new york and which he passes on to this comentator makes it plain that there is still room for doubt it turns out that the correspon dents were misled by the term water fleas actuary profesor kar- apetov unearthed spores of fungi mos algae and egs of the daphnia species which last are minute crus taceans like crabs and are not in sects at all the professor dug down about 13 feet and chopped out lumps of frozen earth which lie put into sterilized jars with sterilized water after nature had taken her course at normal temperatures the algae started to grow other plants follow ed finally the egs of daphnia hatch ed out several hundred infinitesmal crustaceans these reproduced fin ally ten generations were flourishing for the benefit of the biologists three thousand years old it is too much to believe who can be sure that in all those centuries the soil was like a rock frozen so solid that noth ing could seep in from above and what about deposits and cracks the believers point to the mam moth discovered years ago in nor thern siberia it too was frozen solid in its stomach were still the leaves and grass that constituted its last meal all so well preserved that they could be botanically identified it is said that even the meat could be eaten but the doubters still shake heads frozen mammoths are not live daphnia the streamlined bathtub has ar rived it is announced that will b exhibited for the first time at the na tional plumbing convention in buffalo next week the makers explain that the new style in bathtubs is designed to harmonize with modern typc3 ot construction and architecture we take it that the reference i to new styles in building and not to any revolutionary changes in tha construction and architecturt of tha human chassis which must fit into the new tubs it is a comparatively simple task to alter the general shapa ami design of bathtubs but quite an other matter to mold the anatomy of some of us to proportions which fit neatly into a streamlined tub pos sibly the manufacturers should adopt as an advertising slogan shapely tubs for shapely people thereby avoiding any complaints from pur chasers about misfits incidentally the makers should bu complimented on their commercial candor in announcing this latest con tribution to the refinements of civil ization which is proclaimed as a stimulus to the bathtub business that is delightfully frank as every thing connected with bathtubs usually is but it is just a little disappoint ing we had hoped that the real pur pose behind the streamlining of bath tubs was to promote greater speed in bathing thus helping to relieva traffic jams in front of bathroom doors both in homes and boarding houses however highspeed bathing baa its dangers unless the new tubs are equipped with efficient nonskid de vices and hydraulic brakes it is ob vious that tho combination of a piece of soap and a streamline bathtub is likely to produce a degree of accelera tion hazardous in the extreme to bathers who are in tho habit of step ping on it apart from such risks the new tubs have much to commend them and regular users doubtless will be kept in such good shape that they will step out of the tub each morning ready to meet allcomers old orchard myla jo closser in the new york times why does the frame that youth has kissed farewell and left to memory and tranquil task see budding treetops tossed in a spring gale with such a stir of foolish hope you ask how can the sap that rises in tha wood disturb a being blasted and encum bered by half a hundred years of drought and flood hailstorm and thunderbolt but half- remembered in an old orchard many a knotted tree long past its bearing when the har vests come still flowers with a blithe futility when april tilts at winter in tha sun so i to age and impotence con signed put forth my verses restless as the wind m t siiv a- i ciii r v rr u m i 0pmm designed sales books for cash and charge sales the new burt sales book improved nonsmudge carbon improved paper improved quality throughout manufactured by the originators of sales books for pricei and completo particular phone the office of this newspaper or write the wilson publishing co limited 73 adelaide st w toronto