newspaper mm while many granbit wcril pictures of king georges funeral were writ teu the photographer rose to the oc casion nobly hv finer piipim nt ami new technique and enterprise gave to the public by far the best pic tures of a national s of any kind ever published for the tirst time fc history a picture was taken inside st georges chapel the royal church in sde lliddeor castle grounds and showed the coffin being lowered into he crypt with the widowed queen the ne king and all the members of the royal family looking down all the loudon and provincial pre carried pages of pictures doubling and in some cases trebling their cir culations even some of the country papers having pages oftelephoto pic tares in the evening editions the popular picture paper the daily mirror sold s247g95 copies on the following day a worlds record for any daily publication the issue used 620 reels of paper measuring 2g23 miles 131 cwts of ink and 3000 ster eo plates so splendid was the organization that the star a london evening pap er er had a page of procession pic tures in an edition which went to press at 1115 threequarters of an hour after the cavalcade left west minster hall and more than hall an hour before the body was placed on the train at paddington station for windsor prom first lo inst the rritish press did a great job and it is no secret that the writers and photographers were given unprecedented facilities by order of king edward who realized fhat the people wanted full reports and pictures stratford beacon herald r s f me lu a recent issue the ottawa journal mentions a letter it had re ceived which would provide the basis for at least a dozen libel ac tions everyone of which would be successful remarks the owen sound suntimes it quotes part of the let ter in which the writer says you appear to have men who know the elements of stories and know how- to write them but they appear to never go very deep ino the facts or else they just dont et the tacts but skim over the surface of things just a few days ago some mem bers of the suntimes editorial staff were discussing what would happen if we published all the news all agreed that the issue would make a sensation but all agreed that the aftermath would be too terrible to contemplate the journal is the only one that has the same complaints from cor respondents indeed there is prob ably not one that is immune s01113 people seem to consider that a news papers business is to publish every thing to support their private grudges t print sensational stuff based often on mere hearsay in short to he a sort of dumping pile for everything they are afraid to say over their own signatures and they kick most vigorously when it refuses to be made the goat a newspapers business is to pub lish all the news that is worth pub lishing but it has to do a lot of weeding first it has to consider is the story true next is it inter esting third is it in the public interest and when those three questions are answered in the af firmative the stock of news copy is much smaller that at the start even with letters jhich the writers ar willing to sign it has to exercise some censorship there are still sucii things as libel suits and no publisher want any on his hands though the paper if it has used due care and judgment usially wins so if anyone thinks the news papers are not publishing all the news let him consider just what would happen if he did us nursing service modelled after that of scotch highlands one doctor and 30 midwives cover huge mountainous area no maternal deaths in 10 years foi a new delight in tea try salada orange pekoe blend save game birds piovince distributes corn and other grain to tide them over winter every day living a weekly tonic by dr m m ldppin the remarkable roaunce of an industrial dictator by pearl bellairs tti toronto in the hope of rtduc ing as far as possible the loss of i pheasants quail and other game- birds under the prolonged and severe cold spell the department of game am fisheries under hon harry j nixon s now authorizing expendi- v tares for the purchase of corn and other grain for general distribution previously corresponded throughout the province wjul y sh wr vour a vice has bcn most helpful each time 1 hesitate o trouble you again but f feci 1 must tell my secret to someone or 1 will explode ami go crazy my husband has been d inking in secret an inherited tendency among my mail 1 have recently re ceived a letter from a woman whom 1 have leasou to believe is both a de voted wife and mother sho is up ag ainst a real problem and one which perhaps take a lot of time and patience to solve wardens and overseers and num bers of various sportsmens associa tions are ccoperating with the de partment in the distribution of this food supply mr nimon had no idea what the cost of the preservation program wardens their dis and in distributing the same synopsis joan ixnby of bumble origin is in troduced as a social equal of miss oeorgina ta fontaine rather than as bar secretary sin meets liers flannen millionaire who forces his uuemiuns on her lord edwards proposes to joan royal yeast cakes are always full strength graham bread how one doctor and 30 trained nurscmidwives cover a mountainous area 700 miles square and care for its 10000 inhabitants was explained by mrs mary breckinridge nation ally known public health worker in an illustrated lecture given in bos ton on the frontier nursing service in the kentucky mountains it was easy to imagine this dyna mic person against the background invitation as did premier mackenzie king and now she is going to wash ington to call at the white house and invite president uoosevelt the london post office handles 7000000000 letters a year it is the largest employer of labor in the country with 250000 men and wo men on its payroll use dependable royal yeast cakes and royal sponge recipes you can keep royal yeast cakes for weeks even months and count on the same fine results whenever you use them this is because fieri cake is airtight separately wrapped they stay fresh full strength no other dry yeast has this special protection itoyal yeast cakes are used by 7 out of every 8 canadian women who pre fer dry yeast try them free booklet tlie royal yomt bake book filves tested royal sponge recipes for the breads pictured abotc and many others mall coupon boy maf1n canada goods standard nrands limited fraacr at and mncrty st toronto oat pleaie send mo the tree koral yeait dale uovk nams stresc town it is understood oc- ments policy has joan leaves miss ia fontaine to ome a roaimequln at the salon celeste j beneficial effect particularly in south ally tler hamuli takes joan and her fa for a cruise aboard his yacht joan is horrified when confronted by ilannit with a blackmail letter from her fattier lie proposes that shu marry him i long lime it is now beginning to might be overseers andjahect his business and he has lately have been advised to use made some bad blunders which have retion in making purchases j proved very costly i have no doubt that he inherited the drinking habit lor his lather and grandfather were belli addicted lo it what worries me is not only that our business which we both worked hard to build up may only iiail come crash through it but the possi bility of my sons inheriting the same tendency it would just kill me to see my boys taking to drink the toast of a nation from halifax to vancouver crisbrown the new toasted soda wafers by christies have won universal approval every day in the home at dinners lunches suppers bridge parties whenever you want every thing to be just right serve christies crisbrown soda wafers and you cant go wrong jjieres a christie biscuit for every taste that o far the depart- had a very west ontario where the are found at the present time she would not say exactly what pressure it was that llannen was bringing to hear upon her to marry him but she explained enough to make lydia say but my dear he wouldnt force you into this if he didnt love you really at the bottom of his heart but i refused his love i jeered at it and scorned it and now he hates me for it but if he loved you once it will come hack hell lov you again i i dont believe he will because of the sort of love it was he didnt love me as dr harvey loves you beautifully and tenderly i was al ways so sure that he just wanted me because i didnt want him and that as soon as 1 gave way hed grow tired of me that was why i would- nt have anything to do with him from the beginning and because 1 was afraid of him she held lydias hand tightly and clung to her in dread oh im so afraid of him in that way when he touches me oh i dont know that 1 can bear it i lydia astonished and hardly knowing whether to laugh or not at this mode of announcing a happy event took her hand and gently pulled the hat oil joans head of soft golden curls im going to marry a man i hate and who i honestly believe hates me joan told her in despair but i must many him i have to marry him hes forcing me into it lydia could do nothing to comfort her but she soon pulled herself to gether and tried to be cheerful as they had supper together she stay ed the night at the flat in lydias spare room but she did not sleep until it grew light she was so tired when she got up in the morning that sho had no energy left for wor ry she went to work at the salon celeste as usual there was a vague j with regard lo the husband it is j not toolate yet to wean him from ins drinking habit history is full of in stances of men and women whose i characters have been changed anil wo have been enabled to break with wrong habits in the story of thesal- ration army is a wonderful record or changed lives in that book of harold liegbies broken earthenware which was so popular a few years ago there are many illustrations of the truth that human nature can be changed soin more recent books like those of hugh redwood and the others bear witness to this same old truth i think my correspondent should be encouraged by these rec ords and persevere in her efforts to win her husband from the wrong ha bits lo which he has become addict ed the book shelf by ma1h m moituan chapter xv11i the reluctant bride when she finished that afternoon at the salon celeste she felt that she could not face her family and her father in particular that night nor did she feel equal to going- to georginas and so sh went instead to lydia vaughans hat she found her friend in sewing busily at a lovely garment for her trousseau what on earth is the matter hope in her mind that something 1 t j might happen to put things right iut f w ff l would anv man she thought go to with her husband such an extreme and piers could as p w be- be very kind if he wanted ostentatious show a lev- thought of times aboard fotightfulness and regard for him when he had been so everything 1 think she will win in kind to the boys but he did not j uie culi a plam heajtplieart talk- feel kindly towards herself not extreme after al to she the corsair regency by d l murray mussons toronto came to my desk at the psychological moment if you want a good fat volume of reading that will hold your atten tion this is the book starting in itsl we are introduced to lady regency davenport when she first entered the world of that time you are immediately by the excellent prose carried back into the period for instance odd rot his vitals s death my lady sinks fast whats that am 1 crazed gives one the expressions of the time and our heroine and a heroine she is witness this if you behave like a child you shall he chastised like one if you would escape relent and quickly regency will you submit he roar ed lay it across her then jeimyn d m her she brought it on her self ill not be defied by my own llesh and blood one blow on regencys fair shoulders is enough to convince her father that her spirit is unconquer able the scene arose between these two through the desire of sir wil- braham to take a second wife an actress regency wins ascendancy however and becomes mistress of her fathers household we travel through four periods of time and the lovely flame of re gency davenport is present in each the chapter headings caught my fancy from the start who can re sist a mulberrymottled shawl small talk in lady re gencys room on white hawk down spring song now she turned pale and trembled i as she stood before the mirror while the comtesse loti modelled a lovely pyjama suit of soft white satin on her at lunch hour a note from llannen came for her but it offered no res- pite l arrangements have been made for the ceremony to be performed st stephens hanover square at j twelvethirty tomorrow thursd occasionally might help but she must be careful to avoid any faultfinding criticising or nagging attitude that would be fatal cried lydia at the sight of joans morning hannen drawn face what has happened i that was all she read and re- joan sank into a chair j read it it was final if she tried to k0in to be married on escape from him would he really ihursday she said and she burst i have the heart to send her father now abort the boys i dont think this woman should worry herself un duly about them becoming addicted to the same habit if she will seek to create the proper kind of home en vironment that will o far to counter act any inherited tendency that may be in them 1 believe that mothers can influence their children a great i deal more than fathers can and given the right kind of home influence the zero bathing sarnia canadian observer the courage and determination of kirkor hekimian an unemployed armenian youth is such as to merit a better reward than that which he reaps by going about the country plunging into icebound lakes in this belowzero weather to demonstrate to doubters that it is possible for a human being to swim in icecold water in the open and survive residents of stratford ontario apartment piano 8900 used mason inil itlsili i tecoihlit limed this ms if iisiitu other well known makes at low- price- write lor new- list imason and risch limited 612 king- st w toronto oat into tears whether the pain remecfy you use is safe dont entrust your own or your familys well being to unknown preparations tl ie person to ask whether the preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches is safe lo use regularly is your family doclor ask him particularly about aspirin he will tell you that before the discovery of aspirin most pain remedies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and often for the heart which is food for thought if you seek quick safe relief scientists rale aspirin among llic fastest methods net discovered for the relief of headaches and i he pains of rheumatism neuritis and neural gia and the experience of millions of users has proved it safe for the average person lo use regularly in your own interest remember this aspirin tablets arc made in canada aspirin is the registered trademark of the bayer company limited look for the name bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet demand and get aspirin to prison she believed that he would and goodness knows her father deserved it and yet would he could any man carry such a thing as this marriage through to its end but she knew the power of disappointed hope what would drive lydia vaughn to the point of drinking from a bottle of searing burning acid would certainly drive piers llannen to this she told madame celie that she would be leaving them and that that aml father lo cercise h children cannot help but develop into were- surprised recently to the right kind ot adults day would bo her last there im going to he married tomor row o madame celie could not look ut terly displeased but she could not j forbear to mention the inconvenience of joans leaving at such short no tice but when the name of hannen was elicited by polite questioning her manner changed entirely she was obviously deeply impressed at the fact that joan was to marry piers hannen the hannen to whom the wealthiest and most exclusive of her customers would gladly have given their daughters in marriage so you are leaving us said the comtesse loti equally impressed as she put the finishing touch to the white satin pyjamas well i am sorry i am sorry indeed to hear it you would have gone far i think in a little while i was going to ask celestes to give you to me as as sistant in my work to be continued of course it is always better if the parents can cooperate in the training of the children and here is strong ground ot appeal to the husband and father lu making the appeal it is well to remember that very little can be done without some definite effort of will on tbe pat of the person ad dicted to the habjt one is seeking to have- broken so some attempt should ne made lo persuade this husband s will power and reiufiii be overcome and patience the sake of his boys her every tendency can if wo have the courage to persevere behind all our perseverance iiow- jeer there must be faith in the ulti- i mate success of our efforts such a i faith needs to he based on sympathy i hope and love get rid of your own i fears in the matter make up your i mind resolutely that you are going to i succeed to be sure on that point jfrom the very start is half the buttle try it out show your husband that i jon believe in the better man within him and help also to believe in that better man that he is and dont give up hope if you are seeking mental improve ment and efficiency you should writo for particulars of tlie courses offered nt moderate fees by the in stitute of practical and applied paychojogry rtcad tub helper a new montbly magazine of help for ev erybody published by the institute of practical and applied psychology ono dollar a year sample copy ten cents wrlto for your copy todayi 910 confederation building montreal quebec note the writer ol 1115 cojumn is a trained psychologist and an au thor of several works he is willing to deal with your problem and give you the benefit of his wide experi ence questions regarding problems of everyday living should be addressed to dr m al lappin room -121- 73 adelaide street west toronto ontario enclose a 3 cent stamped addressed envelope for re ply see a young man clad in swimming trunk cutting a big hole in the river ice and eventually plunging into the frigid water that is this youtns desperate method of making rt living when there are no other jobs to be had the spectators are willing to pay lo see such an exhibition it seem almost inhuman but lliero are in dividuals who can perform this feat and even appear to enjoy it julius caesar saw a whole pop nation ad dicted c the habit of bathing in ice- filled ricers when he cam on con fined bent to ancient gaul now france perhaps luxury has rendered the rank and file soft otherwise we could all lake a winter hath in the open and like it as it is the popu lace today can only endure such an ordeal as a spectacle for which they pay an admission fee to witness the feat by one who is driven lo it to gain a meal ticket an artesian well nearly two miles deep is to be sunk near paris in th2 hope of finding a new water upply for the city boifs send forms hockey book and autographed pictures ol your favorite players every boy will want tins book how to becomoa hockey star by t p tommy gorman conch ami manager of tlto world champion montreal maroonj simply tako a labol from a tin of cltown bhan or lily white corn syituiwriteoa the back your name and address plainly ami the words hockey book mail tho label to the canada starch co limited toronto and your book will bo ecnt you immediately also send in a label or tho front of a carton from any product of the canada starch co limited marked with your namo and ad dress ami the picture you want ono pjctur for each label and your choice of the follow inp pictures mounted ready fomframins will be sent to you group montreal maroons group icj cana- diens group canadian olympic lloctcy team individual pictures of mamy northcott george mantli russ ttiinco art lcsiciir dave trotiicr armani mondou earlrohhnon frank boudir ace bailey igroivardsnvns the famous energy food lily white corn syrup eensons corn starch canada corn starch challenge corn starch silver gloss laundry starch products of the canada starch company limited toronto o a hint to young hostesses issue no 11 36 23 leaky malaetic circular upon request wavcrley 3461 bridgefu l hevenor hie toronto stock exchange 33 te1iperanck st toronto y5l lovctobvke- voo see mother b3ou0htme dp to use magic baking powder ut i m is mitmmimi dont risk failures yon cant depend on mak ing rood cake unless you use good baking powder can adas leading cookery experts use and recommend magic perieftce it is absolutely ri- ahlc- gives the sarce 1 ervti leavening every time and magic is so imxpersivc to use actually lem then c vftrttt makes a big cake made la canada because they know from ex your grocer for a tin- tcdayf