stouffville ontario february 6 1936 a v hornes five minute tapioca 15c get 1 glass tumbler or sherbert with each pkg mincemeat per pound 10c rowntrees elect cocoa per tin 15c special in canned goods tip top choice quality peas no2 tins 10c claremont cut beets 3 tins tip top golden bantam corn 2 tins clarks pork beans jumbo tins each to 25c 23c 10c choice quality tomatoes 3 tins 25c claremont choice pumpkin 3 tins 25c lombard plums choice quality per tin 10c golden wax beans per tin partial payment on bond interest 12c fresh vegetables palestine grape fruit smoked fillets froze n salmon oysters- dried herrings ratcliff co stouffville ontario every one of ontarios 34 de faulting municipalities will make some interest payment on their de bentures during this year hon david croll minister of municipal affairs announced at queens park although in many cases only par tial interest may be paid some pro vision for payment is being made in the budget of each of the munici palities it will go far toward re storing the confidence of the invest ing public in these municipalities mr croll said last year 1t municipalities re sumed interest pa ments full or partial they were blind river east york etoblcoke leamington leaside long branch niagara falls north bay stamford sud bury weston windsor and york township twenty additional mu nicipalities will follow suit this year they are calvert township dysart township eastview essex fort erie hawkesbury kingsville lasalle midland mimico new tor onto pembroke penetanguishene riverside rockland sandwich east scarboro tecumseh and thorold oil imported during year would create large lake select deputyreeve first ix fifty y hails john o little elected warden defeating reeve r j wallace by 2 to 1 breaking a precedent of more than 50 years york county council at its s6tu inaugural session opened last week in toronto chose a de putyreeve as warden john o little of newmarket defeated reeve ir j wallace or swansea by a 2 to 1 vote supporting reeve wallace reeve w a edwards of mimico charged that the contest for the wardenship had become a lobbying racket reeve w a macdouald of new toronto who was nominated but withdrew referred to the election as a horse race dr l w dales reeve of new market declared reeve edwards is merely putting up a weak defence for a good cause the late hon clark wallace of vaughan township elected warden more than half a century ago was previously the only deputyreeve to hold the seat mr little is the sixth representative of newmarket to occupy the wardens chair blast from county a york pen winter dairying pays you best prices are usually higher throughout the winter period and farmers have more time to attend their dairy herd to get the best results you should ship your cream stouffville creamery co closed every evening excepting saturday phone 18601 few people realize the magnitude of the petroleum industry in can ada but the following comparison jased on quantities readily visualis ed gives a conception of the size of the business which supplies the canadian demand for petroleum products water flows over niagara falls at the rate of approximately 100000 cubic feet per second if it were- possible to divert the crude oil brought into canada in 1934 for the manufacture of gasoline and allied products down the niagara river it would take nearly eighteen minutes to flow over the falls and the lake of crude oil formed at the bottom would cover an area of one square mile to a depth of six and onehalf feet crude oil is brought into canada principally by pipeline and during the open season of navigation by ocean tankers with an average capacity of 12000 tons approxi mately onethird of the crude must be stored to cover requirements during the winter months february whitewear sale great whitewear sale this is an oppodtune time to supply your present and future requirements in sheet ing pillow cotton towelling flannelette factory cotton and shirting this sale is for two weeks only shop early where the selection is complete bleached sheeting 64 wide regular 60c sale 49c bleached heavy hospital sheeting 81 wide reg 75c sale 59c bleached twilled sheeting 72 wide reg 85c sale 69c factory sheeting 84 wide reg 45c sale 35c circular pillow cotton 42 wide reg 40c sale 35c circular pillow cotton 40 wide reg 38c sale 32c white and coloured broadcloth 36 per yard 17c 20c 25c 29c ibex flannelette blankets size 70x84 with blue or pink border regular 235 per pair sale price 219 white and colored flannelette in white stripes and plain colored all good quality flannelette regular 15c sale price 12 l2c regular 19c sale price 16c regular 25c sale price 20c regular 35c sale price 29c unbleached factory cotton good quality 36 and 40 wide regular 35c sale price 27c regular 25c sale price 20c regular 20c sale price 16c regular 18c sale price 15c regular 15c sale price 12 l2c a special in shirting a very fine quality shirting which we were able to purchase at a specially low price all 36 wide and all gcod patterns extraordinary value at the regular price 25c sale price 21c linen towelling in check stripe and plain white patterns regular 25c sale price 19c striped borders reg 35c and 29s sale 25c regular 27c sale 22c wall paper clearing sale all lines of our 1935 stock of sun- worthy wallpapers to be cleared out at prices that will astonish you for your living room dining room hall or bedrooms plain and embossed wall paper and all are sunworthy which must be cleared out to make room for our new stock this is an un usual opportunity to secure high quality wall paper at an exceedingly low price here are a few of the new prices reg per single roll 15c special 10c reg per single roll 18c special lie reg per single roll 20c special 12 l2c reg per single roll 25c special 16c reg per single roll 35c special 22c reg per single roll 40c special 26c cellophane wrapped towelling a small lot of special cellophane wrapped linen towelling left over from our christ mas sale splendid quality and attractive patterns in 5 yard lengths to be cleared out at very attractive prices 23 wide regular 165 sale price 139 17 wide regular 150 sale price 129 16 wide regular 135 sale price 119 all wool white blankets pure all wool blankets lovely soft quality and full size 64x84 pink borders regular per pair 750 sale 600 all wool blankets in check pattern of green rose and white regular per pair 795 sale price 636 fancy all wool blankets rose and gold and mauve and gold satin bound regular each 695 sale price 556 boys heavy hose heavy black ribbed hose built for hard wear and cold weather in black only regular to 100 sale price 59c we want to rush into print with a blast of the pen to call on every scarboro civic body p u commission and council especially to pass strong resolutions support ing premier hepburns cancellation of power contracts says the york county post this is in view of the fact that mr kings crowd at ottawa has been invited to disallow that act of decent justice by mr hepburn no ontario premier has ever shown the wise and patient atti tude towards the interests of the province that mr hepburn showed in waiting on these power pirates they were given every chance to produce fair new contracts and even then the government erred on the aide of kindness to them before pro claiming the cancellation just why ontario hydro users should pay seven millions of dol lars into the coffers of the power gang for power the power com panies could not possibly deliver because they had not the equip ment for its production is beyond our limited sense of honesty frankly the power deal was a racket in which mr kings bigwigs had their greedy paws as well as mr fergusons underlings in that nasty gralb mr hepburn had no part and his repudiation of the whole thing was timely and right it may seem impertinent for the scarboro post to stand against journalistic giants but apart from the physical attributes of the post we yield second place to none in mental honesty or moral justice let all scarboro public bodies leap into the breach to defend our right to attend our own business no provincial legislation has ever been disallowed before only when the power of big money is threatened do the battalions move charles dunning and mr la pointe are dangerous men dun ning especally is the big interest guardian at ottawa let scarboro be among those to whom liberty and freedom from money power is dear it is more than a power con tract fight it is the beginning of a fight to live our own lives freely and honorably tory reaction and whig greediness of money are foes before us from tribune files january 1923 13 years ago tbis month dr smith and mr a d bruce attended a banquet on tuesday evening at the king edward hotel toronto tendered by sir james woods to the lay representatives of the toronto presbytery about 500 guests were present big crowd at carnival the first carnival of the season in the maple leaf irink was held on tuesday night the attendance was large and stouffville band rendered good music the prize winners are best fancy dress lady miss monk- house altona in a calendar suit representing 1923 second miss russel consolation prizes miss ivy saunders in highland costume the best gents costume was won by miss hanua stiver representing geo washington c shackel in the costume of a demon won second butcher steckley won the speed nice f c hessel and geo collard were judges last week mr george watson of this town was called to st louis illinois owing to the death of his cousin joseph nugent a prominent citizen of that city he has been a a horse trader all his life and dur ing his 01 years has accumulated a great deal of this worlds goods he is estimated to be worth five million dollars a party was in town last week negotiating for the auditorium building with a view to commencing a new industry in town newmarkets bread war is over and the loaf is back to 18c again after being cut to lie eighteen cents is the ruling price through out ontario miss m edwards has been confin ed to her home in claremont with a bad cold since christmas holidays we hope for her a speedy recovery the price of coal is advertised in markham at 20 per ton off the car as mild weather prevails coal prices soar to help out the coal baron the new curling rink was opened for business last week in earnest the local club expect a membeiomp of 40 and all who enjoy this clean winter sport are requested to be come members stouffville market butter 33 to 34c eggs dozen 55 to 00c ducks lb 25 to 27c geese lb 20 to 23c chicken lb 20 to 2gc turkeys lb 34 to 35c grain market red winter wheat 100 to 110 kings death revives supreme experience for local news man be kind to horses white wheat 100 spring wheat 90c to 110 to 5105 would abandon county ownership of roads reme mber this sale is for two weeks only january 27th to february 8th the w h shaw store phone 961j momfftllu ontario 5i22ivsi33i at the annual nomination meet ing of the electors of the municip ality of the township of pickering held at the township hall of the said municipality in the village of brougham it was moved by mr g m for syth seconded by dr n e mcewen and carried by a unanimous vote that whereas the bonded indebtedness of the county of ontario has reach ed the enormous sum of soo00000 or thereabouts and the annual levy upon this township for county pur poses constitutes practically 45 per cent of all the taxes entered on the tax roll of this municipality for year 1935 and whereas the county notwith standing the continuing annual in crease of the county debt continues to build expensive roads costing 4000 and more per mile and whereas in the opinion of this representative gathering of the ratepayers of the township of pickering all county roads should be allowed to revert to the local municipalities and that such roads could be quite as well maintained as now by the local municipalities and at much less expense than un der county control be it therefore resolved that we respectfully request the government and legislature of the province of ontario to so amend the municipal and highways acts as to abolish all county roads and allow the same to revert to the jurisdiction and con trol of the local municipalities in which they are now located re spectively goose wheat 70 to 78c barley 50 to 60c buckwheat 70 to 78c oats 40 to 42c rye 74 to soc ten years have passed since the editor or the tribune accompanied a canadian press party on a tour of the british isles and the conti nent but the holiday is still rich in memories nothing however im pressed us quite so much as our visit to buckingham palace where we were so graciously received by our now lamented and beloved king george the v at this time of mourning for the dead monarch reference to the event may bear re peating visitors to the palace are not invited to the big garden parties held there during the summer season but rather the invitation comes as a command issued in the customary engraved card form by the lord chamberlain on behalf of their majesties our command was delivered directly to our room at the russel hotel several days be fore the event and we still prize that piece of cardboard formal dress is expected and everybody conforms to it in company with a companion or two on the eventful afternoon wo made our way to the palace in a horse drawn carriago and found no difficulty in passing through the crowds of people outside the palace gates to the large entrance where light top coats are checked and the freedom of the place granted after entering the grand entrance and passing through the ground floor of the palace out into the spacious grounds the editors under the guidance of col crichton the assistant lord chamberlain were assembled on the royal lawn which is usually reserved for the royal family until after their majesties have greeted them the royal family appeared by a special entrance and assembled under a tree on the lawn opposite the entrance by which the king and queen leave the palace as soon as their majesties appeared a signal was given and the large military band which was present played the national anthem the king came forward accompanied by the lord chamberlain who is known as lord cromer and a fine gentlemen the queen separated from king george and mingled with a company of ladies king george was particularly interested in the soldier members of our party enquiring in detail about their battalions and the battles they engaged in when our turn came he inquired as to what part of out irio we resided in and when we staled that we lived near tor into he said i shall never forget the great loyalty of that city with its fine re cord for service we had met the king of belgium and the president of france but the reception by our own king and queen was a long looked for event that shall never be effaced from our memory the grounds at buckingham palace are beautiful the lawns are like velvet and the flower beds and shrubbery all wonderful the grand old palace which since 1s37 has been the london residence of the sovereign derives its name from john sheffield duke of buckingham be kind to your horse give htm little help this cold weather urges a wellknown local humani- i tariau the fashion seems to be of late years to forget all about the old fashioned horse blanket and leave the team or horse standing out in fhis zero weather shivering at the curb and often bathed n perspira tion after a hard pull one other humane act would be the warming up of the frosty steel bit before putting it in the horses mouth in the morning points out the local man the tribune published every thursaay at stoufftllln ontario yearly subscription rate canada united kingdom 200 united states points it bo a v nolan mansion house stouffville ontario home cooking bread cakes pies 21 meals soo room and board 500 per week ladies and gents rest rooms e a grubin registered optomerist will be at his office in stouffville every other moday and tuesday april dates 14th 27th anil 28th eyes examined glasses fitted and repaired phone stouffville 2405 briarbush hospital main street stouffvillo ijcense no 28 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards phone 191 airs e r good superintendent a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am harold mortson of victoria square who took a sleigh load to a debate on monday evening at rich mond hill found one of his horses dead in the shed of irichmond hill methodist church only one of the horses was tied the other drew back and choked its mate mr martin tate is nursing an injured right arm and leg as the re sult of a fall on the icy ground mr and mrs clarence bolender of bethesda wore made happy on tuesday last by the arrival of a little miss to their home miss nita taun of toronto normal school was home with her parents at bothesda over the week end allan meyer of altona is at brampton taking a business course lemonville our popular deputy- reeve morgan baker is attending county council in toronto this week north york temperance federation annual convention stewart beare phone markham 2003 or to brathwaites hardware 9 601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere address gormley post oliice medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york count if the annual convention of the north york temperance federation will bo held in the sunday school rooms of the newmarket united church friday february l4th at 200 p m short addresses dis cussion of the present temperance situation and a temperance ora tion contest will fbe features of the convention election of officers the public are cordially invited to attend and all interested organiza tions and churches are asked to send delegates j r walton j a mcallister president secretary dental only 20c a week the young people of the christian church enjoyed a happy evening on friday last when they had a five mile sleighrlde behind the splendid steeds of messrs vincent and leo wagg following the outing was an oyster supper at the homo of miss nora stapleton which made a splen did climax to a longtobe re membered evening will take rheumatism you lasting care op and will relief your give send the tribune to absent friends rheumata the new remedy against rheumatism neuralgia neuritis also used effectively for arthritis and all other rheumatic pains mr thornton one or so many writes aurora june 1 1935 after suffering from rheumatism and neuritis for 30 years i was ad vised to try rheiimata last fall after first week using my pains and swollen joints left me and i have had no pains since and am able to carry on my work as i have not been bio to do for years i b thornton fr zimmerman mftr oak ridges po d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 2 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubius block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 1800 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan l e oneill stouffville funeral director embalmer and continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone