stouffvdlle ontario january 30th 1936 soda biscuit special westons royal creams 2 lbs for 25c combination offer no 1 1 pkg rennies bird seed 1 pkg bird gravel 1 cuttlebone tonic seed mixture combination offer no 2 1 large pkg lux with 1 regular size pkg free all for 0c only 25c heinz or crosse blackwells soups 3 tins 25c broken japan rice 7 lbs 25c alphabet macaroni 4 lbs 25c homes sundryd coffee per lb 35c claremont tomatoes 3 tins 25c soap flakes 2 pkgs 15c rowntrees elect cocoa reg 19c 15c choice pumpkin 3 tins 25c sliced beets 3 tins 25c dried green peas 4 lbs 25c fresh vegetables smoked fillets frozen salmon oysters dried herrings ratgliff co stouffville ontario hepburn will open legislature in person winter dairying pays you best prices are usually higher throughout the winter period and fanners have more time to attend their dairy herd to get the best results you should ship your cream stouffville creamery co closed every evening excepting saturday phone 18601 by the watchman toronto january 29th for the first time in the history of ontario a session of the provincial legisla ture was postponed on the eve oi opening because of the death of the ruler of the british empire as token of their sorrow and in accord ance with the period of mourning the ontario cabinet postponed the special session of the house called to deal with the provincial inconu- tax the death of the kindly monarch lias changed the plans of the government in several respects there will be no special session as planned and the opening of the legislature on tuesday february 11th will be stripped of its social aspects the legislators will plunge immediately into their work after the reading of the speech from the throne and the voicing of sorrow at the passing of the late king acting premier h c nixon was to have led the government in the special session in the absence of premier hepburn but with the change in plans premier hepburn himself will be present when the house opens this intimation was conveyed to his colleagues the other day the premier is suffering from a heavy cold but he is understood to have told mr nixon that not withstanding his iilhealth he would be in his seat when the second session of the 19th legislature gets under way this news was received with enthusiasm by the rank and file of the liberal membership as well as by the cabinet ministers themselves just how long the premier will remain at the helm is most uncer tain in view of his state of health and his declaraton some months ago that this session would be his last health permitting he will stay on but it would seem as though this very question of his wellbeing will not be settled satisfactorily until he relinquishes the responsibilities of office we are hoping for the best one member of the cabinet said we need him at queens park and 1 think the province needs him even more allegiance to the new king was sworn by the cabinet and the mem hers of the legislature will take new oaths when the house con venes legal documents have been changed to bear the name of king edward the eighth and over the speakers chair in the chamber the familiar gr has been removed and ejr put in its place govern ment stationery will be black- bordered for some mouths to come the king is dead and his royal sou rules and the legislature of the province of ontario together with houses of parliament and legisla tures throughout the vast empire swear allegiance to the new occupant of the mighty throne the jarvis case again lapointe decides to let ontario jurists sift conflicting views ix fairness to all pickering council dam- w h w j thorn thos pilkey f a f s january whitewear sale great whitewear sale this is an oppodtune time to supply your present and future requirements in sheet ing pillow cotton towelling flannelette factory cotton and shirting this sale is for two weeks only shop early where the selection is complete bleached sheeting 64 wide regular 60c sale 49c bleached heavy hospital sheeting 81 wide reg 75c sale 59c bleached twilled sheeting 72 wide reg 85c sale 69c factory sheeting 84 wide reg 45c sale 35c circular pillow cotton 42 wide reg 40c sale 35c circular pillow cotton 40 wide reg 38c sale 32c white and coloured broadcloth 36 per yard 17c 20c 25c 29c ibex flannelette blankets size 70x84 with blue or pink border regular 235 per pair sale price 219 white and colored flannelette in white stripes and plain colored all good quality flannelette regular 15c sale price 12 l2c regular 19c sale price 16c regular 25c sale price 20c regular 35c sale price 29c unbleached factory cotton good quality 36 and 40 wide regular 35c sale price 27c regular 25c sale price 20c regular 20c sale price 16c regular 18c sale price 15c regular 15c sale price 12 l2c a special in shirting a very fine quality shirting which we were able to purchase at a specially low price all 36 wide and all good patterns extraordinary value at the regular price 25c sale price 21c linen towelling in check stripe and plain white patterns regular 25c sale price 19c striped borders reg 35c and 29s sale 25c regular 27c sale 22c wall paper clearing sale all lines of our 1935 stock of sun- worthy wallpapers to be cleared out at prices that will astonish you for your living room dining room hall or bedrooms plain and embossed wall paper and all are sunworthy which must be cleared out to make room for our new stock this is an un usual opportunity to secure high quality wall paper at an exceedingly low price here are a few of the new prices reg per single roll 15c special 10c reg per single roll 18c special lie reg per single roll 20c special 12 l2c reg per single roll 25c special 16c reg per single roll 35c special 22c reg per single roll 40c special 26c j cellophane wrapped towelling i a small lot of special cellophane wrapped linen towelling left over from our christ- mas sale splendid quality and attractive patterns in 5 yard lengths to be cleared out at very attractive prices 23 wide regular 165 sale price 139 17 wide regular 150 sale price 129 16 wide regular 135 sale price 119 all wool white blankets pure all wool blankets lovely soft quality and full size 64x84 pink borders regular per pair 750 sale 600 all wool blankets in check pattern of green rose and white regular per pair 795 sale price 636 fancy all wool blankets rose and gold and mauve and gold satin bound regular each 695 sale price 556 boys heavy hose heavy black ribbed hose built for hard wear and cold weather in black only regular to 100 sale price 59c reme mber this sale is for two weeks only january 27th to february 8th the w h shaw store the first meeting of the year of the township council was held on monday january 3th clerk donald r beaton took the declaration of office from reeve robert c reesor deputyreeve ralph e mowbray councillors wm reesor g l middleton and w h down the chairman of the committees in council are as follows roads and bridges depreeve r e mow bray contingencies councillor wni reesor power and light councillor w h down relief councillor g l middleton ages to sheep councillor down pound keepers w shea m e bryant clark r w balsdon alex a chester jos pearce puckrin p j rowe e r chas hood w b burk major l hagerman victor parkin m middleton e e annis thos ortou albert heisey john a jones victor jamish 2150 roy morrish 6357 w d morrish 51900 w sadler 773 e jameson morg evans amos brignall john pallis- ter allan meyers andc gostick fence- v towers chas mccausland d carruthers claude field wm gormley jas andrew jno cowan e w sleep thos annan reg j dixon irving white wm chester wm p petty george todd urban blake w h ellicott wm peebles w w gee wm carson how malcolm fred byer w b milne j s wilson w p jones w h pugh dav gregg w mcnair frank turner george middleton board of health reeve r c reesor moh dr n f tomlinson and robt e for syth sanitary inspectors t c brown geo elliott and c h found weed inspector jos cowan at 400 per day auditors r j how and wm gormley school attendance officer john phillips at 50 per annum sheep valuators w c willson and g m forsyth 10 cents per mile and inspection fees the road and bridge committee paid the following h allen tract or plow at bay bridge 1950 frank carter haul at bay bridge 50 a w mitchell ditto 47 a annan ditto 040 a lee fill at bay bridge and brushing at con 9 5825 chas hood drag and ditching con 4 1350 george todd drag s t line and altona rd 7 l jones drag on con 8 and 7 825 r ward salary and truck license 7700 j d ad ams extension for grader blade 2150 j s balsdon axes 340 chas cooper gas oil etc 7902 f s conley haul snow fence 308 a connor drag audley road 320 jas ravie fill at bay bridge 525 the committee on damages to sheep paid the following geo tay lor 1 grade shropshire injured 3 warren willson inspecting same 2 the committee on contingencies paid the following county regis trar 3 go kilpatrick b f refund of pedlars license 10 pickering news assessors forms envelopes and advertising 3925 toronto stamp and stencil 3525 printers guild 6487 adam spears post age 3500 d r beaton salary 12500 w chester salary 2500 t gregg court fees 400 d morgan ditto 400 municipal world 9 subscriptions 900 g l middleton relief expenses 20 ottawa jan 24 faced with the conflicting recommendations of the former attorneygeneral of ontario and the present attorneygeueral for the province hon ernest la- pointe federal minister of justice has brought the aemiluls jarvis case to a head by referring it to the appeal court of ontario for judical determination the following statement was is sued from the office of the minis ter of justice dealing with the case the minister of justice has com pleted the review of the case of aemilius jarvis which has been the subject of widespread discus sion more particularly in the press ot ontario the minister took into account the many representations made to him and in particular the recent recommendation of the at torneygeneral of ontario hon arthur roebuck who after pro longed investigation advised the granting of a new trial the minis ter has equally considered the fact that the former attorneygeneral hon w h price opposed the granting of a new trial or any other remedial action in the presence of these cou- flictingviews held by the respective prosecuting authorities of the pro vince the minister of justice- has come to the conclusion that the ends of justice would be well served by referring the whole matter to the appeal court of ontario for judicial determination he has under his discretionary power issued an order accordingly hearing next month salter hayden kc counsel aemilius jarvis sr expects the hearing will take place ibetore the end of february in an ordinary appeal the ma terial would have to be completed and filed before the end of janu ary to have the argument heard during february he explained but where there is a direct refer ence by the minister of justice 1 believe the court of appeal will fix a date as soon as the reference has been transmitted from ottawa i am certainly pleased that action has been taken by the min ister of justice was mr jarvis observation this marks another stage in my effort to clear my name but now that the matter is definite ly before the courts again i do not believe i am at liberty to discuss it other than to express my gratitude at the opportunity to have the case reviewed in the light of the new circumstances which have been re vealed by the further investiga tions mr hayden is of the opinion that the appeal court will have before it at the hearing all the material available to the minister of justice and upon which the latter decided to refer the case to the court this will probably include all the additional matter which was placed before the minister and which was not available when the case was tried originally mr hay den stated i should think the court will have before it the re port made by the hon arthur roe buck attorneygeneral of ontario to the hon ernest lapointe while this may not include all the evi dence taken before the attorney- general in the inquiry he held much of the evidence pertinent to the issue was incorporated in mr roebucks report and will i ex pect be before the court when the case is argued the evidence in the peuall trial as well as all tho various memoranda and affidavits presented to the minister of justico in the interval sines the first trial should also be available for use at the hearing jarvis along with the late peter smith former ontario provincial treasurer was convicted in october 1924 of conspiracy to defraud tho province in bond transactions jar vis was sentenced to six months in vork county jail and smith to three years in penitentiary they were also ordered to pay jointly a fine of 600000 on appeal jarvis fine was re duced to 60000 but he had to make restitution of 140000 profit on the bond deal with the ontario government out of which the charges arose the fine against smith was revised to 100000 the other side o low taxes at nomination meetings held a few weeks ago reports of rural municipalities brought out the finan cial standing of many townships in favorable contrast with those of towns and cities we have noted a number of townships that show sur pluses of 10000 to 12000 at the end of 1935 wise economy is creditable at all times and particularly in these days when economy is needed but hu man nature is a peculiar thing in all human conduct we are apt to swing from one extreme to the other extreme township councils hot on the scent of economy some times lose sight of important con siderations the meagre salaries of competent township officials are cut to the marrow it is also easy to show a light expenditure for township roads and repairs when those important items are not kept up such a course is really extravagant in the end future years will have to pay up for it you cant get something for nothing in this world the ancient saying penny wise poud foolish still applies licenses for motor mechanics ontario bids fair to lead the rest of the dominion in the matter of examining and licensing motor mechanics the garage operators association has interested the pro vincial government in the idea of bringing the repair trade under the apprenticeship act whereby a man would become a fullfledged journeyman in seven years men of five years experience or more would be given tickets to start opinion of ontario garagemen on the plan is now being obtained the tribune published every thureqay at stoufftllle ontario yearly subscription rate canada united kingdom 200 united states points 150 a v nolan a lending library 44 45 46 the following list of books are available to anyone who cares to borrow for limited periods for read ing they will be obtainable free of charge at the office of f h sang- ster 37 the outline of history h g wells 38 the science of political econo my henry george 39 social environment and moral progress a r wallace 40 toleration and other essays voltaire 41 the greatest trust on earth charles edward russell 42 three essays on religion john stuart mill 43 the rise and influence of rationalism wmeh leeky rationalism wmeh leeky the birthright a hawkes the fabian essays bernard shaw the wealth of nations adam smith 47 the case for socialism i fred henderson 48 new russias primer the story of the five year plan m ilin 49 the new schools of new russia lucy l w wilson the communist manifesto britain for the british robert blatchford a short course of economic science a bogdanoff dictatorship or democracy is democracy doomed w c good sixty years of protection in canada edward ferritt canadas protective tariff edward perritt edward perritt what it is how it is worked and who gets the benefit i write as i please walter duranty i change worlds anna louise strong freedom of the press breakdown robt briftault it cant happen here sinclair lewis the stars look down a j cronin value price and profit karl marx social planning for canada league for social reconstruction 66 the uprising of tho many c e russell mansion house stouftvtllo ontario home cooking bread cakes pies 21 meals 9s00 room and board 500 per week ladies and gents rest rooms e a grubin registered optomorist will be at his office in siouffville every other moday and tuesday february dates 3rd and 4th 7th and 18th january 6th and 7th 20th and 21st eyes examined glasses fitted and repaired phone stouffville 2406 briarbush hospital mniu street stouffville license no 203 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards phone 191 mrs e r good superintendent a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5s 60 61 62 63 stewart beare phone markham 2603 or to brathwaites hardware 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere address gormley post office medical 64 65 dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york count dental d c smith ldsjqds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 2 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 send the tribune to nbsent friends e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university ot toronto olllco in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block phone 9611 stoufftllle ontario srt3is22ss5jsts43 sympathy cards and memorial thank you cards handsomely engraved in black or gray with match obtainable in any quantity the tribune office envelopes al to harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 1800 mccullough button barristers solicitor convey ance etc buttons block stouffville money to loan l e oneill stouffville funeral director embalmer and continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone