Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 12, 1935, p. 2

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peel county farmer wm first award eightyone entries in barley competition at royal win ter fair this year duchess of gloucester wears gray frequently details of tho trousseau of the duchess of gloucester the most re cent royal bride gradually come to light the duchess started on her honeymoon in a slato grey cuscmbie consisting of a dress and coat tho dress of satinblack crepe had wide collars and cuffs of stitched grey satin and a stitched belt to match tle belt buckle and a brooch were of coral compositon carved with a dragon a kneelength coat of the samo slate grey velvet was trimmed with ermine which has been dyed to range in tone with light to dark grey a soft moulded little hat of grcy velvet was worn off the race with an upturned brim with a stitched grey velvet purse was mounted with steel marcasitcs grey being one of her favorite colors the duchess of gloucester choso several costumes in the same shade she included a woollen day time dress in gumuetal satin with a cascado of flowers the some material as tho dress running down the front to tho hem and trimming the cuffs she wears this with a grey wool coat trimmed in grey astrakan hitler hears opera a feature of the royal winter fair held in toronto was the malt ing barley competition sponsored by the brewing industry of ontario and quebec this is the fourth consecu tive year this competition has been held the competition is open to any farmer in the provinces of ontario or quebec the competitors sub mit a sample of 100 pounds of six row malting barley which is judged for soundness size and uniformity of kernel freedom from other grains and freedom from weed seed and in ert matter 81 entries were made this year when the adverse growing condi tions of the past year are considered tlie entries were extremely credit able the gold medal and first prize went to j b bobinsbn of kk no 1 iolton ontario mr bobineon finished fourth last year the throb previous competitions and the gold medal emblematic another wedding looming by a marrying mdivani ncsw york helen woiden socitey columnist said recently in tho worldtelegram that it will be only a matter of a few weeks until louise van alen mdivani first wife of the lato prince alexis mdivani marries her exbrotherinlaw princo serge mdivani princess mdivani daughter of mrs james laurens van alen divorced alexis in holland in 1032 shortly be fore he married barbara hutton tho present countess haugwitz-revent- low she is closely related to both the astor and vanderbllt families serge mdivani has been previously married to polo negri the movie actress and mary jlccormic the opera singer hydros deficit over 2 million and quebec will absorb about g 000000 bushels of barley of the present crop which will net the farm ers growing it something over 3- 250000 the complete list of prize win ners is as follows 1 j b robinson rr no 1 bolton gold jlcdal and 500 cash 2 j b brigden rr no 2 georgetown 200 cash 3 john neubauer hespeler 100 cash 4 j ii frisby rr no 2 gorm- ley 50 cash 5 d l scott city view 25 cash 6 will leask taunton 25 cash 7 alex m stewart ailsa craig 25 cash 5 morris darby waverley 25 cash 0 ii k hodgins carp 25 cash 3 0 j m fleming kinburn 25 cash 11 harry haines rr no 3 king 10 cash 12 james e ruthven alliston 10 cash 13 john jlcgill packenham 10 cash 14 wilfred l charv rr 1 lisle 10 cash 15 geo neubauer morristown 10 cash 16 j j g hodgins rr no 2 carp i0 cash 17 w 15 gohn gormlev 10 cash 1s fran e marritt keswick 10 cash 19 ross fiuglit rr no 3 cob- den 10 cash 20 wm iroudfoot rueville 10 cash bureihjx save 48 millions the 1931 deficit despite the fact that the cost of purchased power increas ed by 1144000 rabbits selling at 2y apiece rocky mountain house alta its tough on the bunnies but hunters here arc making a good tiling out of rabbit hunting more than 75000 have been killed this sea son and dealers are snapping them up at 2 12 cents apiece plowing match isome quaint tricks plans studied faenglishlanguage truck i wuos the st thomas tirac3- i journal licenses ijdtainaoit tilc ujetropoiiiaii presj reports tha up to feb 29 mcqliestioil return of sir william craigic from announces cooperation jsasb to uu coair of kngish at j the university of cnicago which ho asrccu j has occupied for eight years sir j william was knighted for his 30 cornwall although cflicial an- m toe moaumc 0x ctionary and is now engaged in another great work to b iicunecment will not be made until insng match and farm machinery de- jsu m ycars this os morstratiou will be held at cornwall celont is saw fol i diversion to opening of the berlin opera season was attended by adolf hitler and other high nazi officials rudolph hes ar ueichsnnistel goebbeils frau hess hitler frau coebbels and home and school work conspiracy winnipeg winnipegs school children may think their homework is too heavy but their parents do not dr j c pincock school super intendent said last week parents by a 20tol majority favor increasing the childrens nightly studies incomes fewer 513 in us in 1929 but only 36 reported last year jackie coogan to wed betty grable hollywood calif jackie co ogan twentyone who is seeking a screen comeback after amassing 1000000 as a child star and betty grable nineteen a budding actress disclosed their engagement last week miss grable daughter of conn grable st louis stock broker wore an emeraldcut diamond which she said jackie gave her coogan previously reported en gaged to patricia ellis and toby wing film actresses confirmed the engagement the two said they intended to be married within a year possibly in june toronto the elimination of fraudulent businesses and the uphold ing of better business methods in tho city are the aims of the newly- organized toronto better business bureau said arthur r haskell gen eral manager who was connected with tho montreal better business bureau for the past 11 years in the united states and canada there are 19 1 etter business bureaus of which number 46 are in the united slates lie explained in camda the toronto bureau is tho third the oth ers being in montreal and winnipeg the montreal bureau last vcar re books suppose there were no books no books to read in cosy nooks no books to fill the hungry mind and teach the art of being kind no books to while an hour away to link today with yesterday no books to charm us for a while to bring a tear or lure a smile but there are books praise god above if ve nave boos and we have love 3s books not crowns that makes men kings i b roberts million on relief says welfare council washington milliondollar in comes in the united states were re duced by 30 per cent in 1934 or from 46 to 32 this was reported in preliminary statistics of individual income tax returns for that year made public recently by the treasury the figur es showed the millionaire peak was reached during the year 1929 when 513 returns indicating incomes of 1000000 or more were filed the returns filed through august 31 showed however different ten dencies in other categories the number of returns increased by nine per cent over the previous year the net income reported was 149 per cent greater and the tax collected 358 per cent more the total net income shown was 12456262491 an increase of 1- 610008959 over 1933 grain quotations following are saturdays closing quotations on toronto grain trans actions for carlots prices on basis cif bay ports manitoba wheat no 1 nor 90 s no 2 northern 85 no 3 northern 83vs no 4 northern 78 no 5 northern 71 manitoba oats no 2 cw 35u no 3 cw 31 ii extra no 1 feed oats 32 manitoba barley no 3 cw 37 no 1 feed screenings 13 per ton south african corn 05 ontario grain approximate prices track shipping point wheat 65 to 08c oats 23 to 25c barley 30 to 35c corn 48 to 50c rye 32 to 34c malting barley 38 to 40c the markets produce prices united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs with cases returned a large 30c a medium 29c a pullets 25c b 22c c 20c butter ontario no 1 solids 25 c no 2 25c poultry quotations in cents most of boys in band went to play cornet petrolia the popularity of the cornet was shown here last weak when the majority of the boys at- i tending a meeting to organize a junior band wanted to play that in strument about 25 boys ranging from 11 to 17 years old attended the meeting which was called by william taylor bandmaster cf the citizens band there will be a gettogether at which the bandmaster will further discuss the matter with the lads sales of grocery and combination stores totalled 38299000 a gain of 31 per cent while value of sales for country general stores was up 97 per cent chain stores had sales valued at 56400100 cr 156 per cent of the total business of all stores last year manitoba retail trade amounted to 129968000 an increase of 72 per cent over the sales value of 121- in october 1936 the fourday event is expected to attract from 75000 to 100000 people to this city and the board gave its unanimous endorse ment to the scheme 1 w mcrae lochicl and j j tieraey brockvillo vicepresident and director cf the ontario plow mens association lold the board that a survey had been made and suitable lands found in the im mediate vicinity of cornwall they had also received assurance that 135 to 150 teams of horses could be ob tained for the match with these factors settled they were in a posi tion to state the match would be held here providing they could be assured of the support of civic and counties councils and the citizens they stated that the match was held this year at caledonia attract i ing 540 entries and an attendance of 105000 an entire tented city would be set up for display of farm equipment and plowing competi tions would be held in view of the convenience of the international bridge at cornwall it was expected that many entries would be re ceived from new york state 224000 sales in in 1933 19 1933 the index of s4 was 6s7 against 641 value cf sales for motor vehicle dealers showed an increase of 508 per cent ever 1933 hardware stores 168 per cent and lumber and build ing material dealers 10 per cent retail trade in saskatchewan in 1931 was worth 111569000 an in- defer to jan 15 car license date bo engaged also upon a dictionary of scottish words which after 15 years has got as far as the ds ho evidently anticipates that providenco will bless oiim with long life sir wlliam s said to bo tolerant of american slang provided it fcas run the gauntlet long enough he keeps his countenance at ok though he may retch at the banal okay which is popular with very crude americans ok ho say3 originated in boston but ho avers that whoopee sprang straight from the isth and 19th century exclama tory english so tat our british for bears were not so slow another pro fessor ernest weekley has lately published a book about words in which he states that bosh is ot turkish origin from pretty muoa the same source as sheikh which has so far conquered in england that a london tailor has advertised white waistcoats for chic sheikhs cornwall assured of inter national event next year toronto announcement was made last friday by hon t b mcquesten minister of highways us increase british tra ottawa employment in can ada has reached the highest level since december 1930 but relief costs have not m o v e d correspondingly downward and there are still more than 1000000 canadians in receipt i of direct unemployment relief ac- cording to an estimate of current ccived 16137 requests for information trends released last week by the can on various subjects and answered 90 adian welfare council per cent said mr haskell some 890 in a comparison of urban and rural cases of unfair advertising infringe- relief costs throughout canada the ncnt of trado marks nnd short statement said 12 of the larger weights were investigated and 156g cities embracing approximately 25 inquires about ticket selling organ- per cent cf the population arc carry- izitions answered the sale of doubt- ing 38 per cent of the total numbers ful securities with a par valuo of or relief and spending in their sup- s 18000000 was blocked and in dif- j port practically 60 per cent ot the ferent ways the public was prevent j total monthly cost o relief for the cj from wasting oney i nation live a hens over 5 lbs 12 4 to 5 lbs 11 3 to 4 lbs 10 old roosters 7 spring chickens over g lbs 16 5 to 6 lbs 15 5 to 5i lbs 14 414 to 5 lbs 13 under 4j lbs 12 spring broilers 1 to 2v- lbs 12 young ducks over 5 lbs 12 4 to 5 lbs 10 young geese young turkeys hay and straw no 2 timothy hay baled ton 10 to 11 no 3 timothy hay ton s to 9 straw wheat baled ton 7 oat straw 6 wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to the toronto retail trade pork ham 19c shoulders lie butts 16c pork loins loic pic nics 13c lard pure tierces 15c tubs 1514c pails 16c prints 1514c shortening tierces 10lc tubs 11ic pails llic prints llc dressed a 14 13 12 9 20 19 18 17 16 16 18 16 12 22 dressed mllkffil a canada r a n k s second in purchases says washington washington increased trade with great britain in october is re ported by the commerce department the united states exported goods valued at 5909s283 to the united kingdom in october this vear com pared with 40829598 in october 1934 imports this year were valued at 16580013 compared with 8- 231250 last great britain still was this coun trys best customer canada ranked second with purchases of 30349- 148 in october this year compared with 2691338s against 26994- 307 in october last year total exports for the month were 221237929 against 206413068 last year and imports were 1s9- 239865 compared with 129634- 816 crease of s3 per cent the index that the period for obtaining pas- was 59 against 545 for 1933 senger car permits and drivers value of sale by automobile deal- j licenses had been extended to jan- ers showed an increase of 304 per uary 15 and the time for purchas- ccnt over the 1933 sales country ing commercial motor vehicle and cneral stores increased 102 pci trailer permits had been extended to cent and grocery and combination february 29 stores i per cent while lumber and i these are absolutely final dafr building material dealers and meat mr mcquesten stressed not a single markets business each increased s7 days grace beyond them will be al per cent retail trade in alberta in 1934 amounted to 120423000 a gain of 111 per cent ovc 1933 and he lowed and prosecutions will be or dered against all offending motorists afterwards the extensions mr mcquesten stated follow lengthy consideration index was 6s2 compared with 614 of the various representations made in 1933 him recently an extra long cxten- values of sales for automobile si w b s com dealers increased bv 387 countrv veh ope ause m the v i i i majority of cases he said their general store sales values were un v- i it i v o fi f i i i j- vehicles are their sole means ot live- io per cent hardware stores 142 per cent and lumber and building material dealers 162 per cent the index in 1934 was 682 against 614 n 1933 by ken howards retail trade gains in west prairie provinces greatest increase show in automobiles ottawa dominion bureau of statistics report retail trade in the three prairie provinces during 1931 amounted to 361900000 an in crease of s8 per cent ovcr the pre ceding year the increase in value of sales in 1934 over 1933 in mani toba was 72 per cent saskatche wan 83 per cent and 111 per cent in alberta on the base 1930 equals 100 the index value of sales in the prairie provinces in 1931 was g52 and co in 1933 while increases were recorded in practically all lines of business the greatest gain was shown in motor vehicles totalling 33241000 an increase of 395 per cent lihood hope was expressed by the minister that the motoring public as a re sult of the generosity of tho depart ment would see that they got their permits in plenty of time in right accessories one phase is in knowing- just how to assemble colors our language assuredly is versa tile of which a few examples may be given a frenchman went to london lo study english and got into early difficulties with the comprising through plough and rough but persevered for a few months whoa he becamo distraught upon reading in a newspaper a review ot a film headed cavalcade pronounced suc cess and fled back to his beloved paris unfortunately ho had not como across horace manns couplet warning of the difllerent ougli end ings thus though the tough cough and hic cough plough me through oer lifes dark lough i still my way pursue it is related that another french man besought his english tutor to ex plain kio nuisances of the following bonlenco should mr noble who sits for the constituency consent to stand again and run lio will in all probability have a walkover this illustration is produced with not par- tizan intent wo hasten to declare in view of the public mind here being under the effects ot our general elec tion could be cited as having stood and run but who failed of a walkover must go to press new york bored with fash ions how can one be even when one jias finished with buying new clothes there are always tho acces sories thoso baubles that brighten one up at all times of the day to bo thought about theres an art in buying these lit tle objects that mean much to onos general appearance it is an art for which some women lavo a natural aptitude they can tako a scarf and give it just tho right twist or tuck a flower into the front of a dress in tiat indescribable manner that makes peoplo say how stunning she looks without really analyzing what she has on ono phase ot this art lies in know ing how lo assemble colors what shade ot gloves will go wliji a given tweed suit what bag will harnionue with cocktail or evening gown what scarf should bo lucked into hie open ing of a cloth coat tinio was when even if ono had excellent taste a great deal ot ingenuity was required to find tho right thing that day is no longer hero is an abundance of ac cessories scarfs are lo bo found in every color of tho rainbow in wool and in silk in heavy weights and in gossanierlght ones gloves come in wonderful shades shoes rango from the gayly trimmed tyrolean peasant points typ to the most coquettish affiairs of off season shore lives the life of a lcalller pipc1 in coors canadian rancher around edmonton there lie keeps in condition for the the casting of metal statues by following hockey season thi3 west- tho once popuinr cirepcrduo or lost jrner purchased ly boston bruins wax process is being revived with from edmonton eskimos in 1926 ujo of modern techniques westward ho three times in tho last four years eddie shore has been chosen on tho nhl allstar team in 1933 this bulky battering ram smashed his way through very strong opposing forces to become the leading goalgetter among the defense men getting 35 cornwall standardfreeholder we extend to the publihcrs and staff of the stratford beaconher ald our sincercst sympathy in tho great loss suffered when their news paper home was swept by a d trous fire at the same time we congratulate them upon the cour age and enterprise which they dis played in the emergency resulting in publication as usual the fire broke out during early friday evening within an hour it was apparent that such damage had been done and would be done to the building and equipment that it would be a physical impossibility to publish saturdays issue in the bea conherald plant even while fire men wore still battling the flames publishers and staff were busily en gaged in setting up temporary fac ilities for getting out the next days issue an office was opened in a building across the street from the beaconherald lant arrangements were made with the publishers of the st thomas timesjournal 70 mile distant to set the typo and print the paper several members of the boaconkcrald staff wore dispatched to st thomas before midnight and ethers set lo woi in stratford to feed the st thomas crew with news and advertising copy the bcaconilcrald came out on saturday and not a single subscrib er missed his paper considering the severe handicaps undo- which they were working the stratford newspapermen tyncd out a very creditable newspaper featuring of course a complete ftory cf the fire and a number cf interesting pictur es of the gulled plant in the theatrical profession they have a tradition the show must go on in the rcvspapcr business the slogan is the paper must go ta press the members of the strat ford beaconherald lived up to tile highest traditions of their craft for the man who knows lis profit by the lesson to hvc vanquished is efttimes a scire strength wagner lo of weighs 188 pounds height 5 feet 11 nches and is thirty years ox age our choice often lies net between right and wrong but bctwcai the good and the better or the better and the best sel wuss

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