more interest in farms urged decrease foreseen in living costs sarnia speaker praises governorgenerals attitude sarnia if all urbanites would evince the same interest in agricul ture as does their new governor- general lord tweedsmuir it would make for better conditions for the farming industry as well as for them selves j a carroll superintendent of agricultural societies for ontario declared here recently already said mr carroll our new governorgeneral has been out to the experimental farm at ottawa and he spent an hour viewing the ayrcshire cattle the balance of the time he spent in the cereal division after his visit he said it was the most interesting place he had attend ed since his arrival in canada lord tweedsmuir had no intention of farming when he visited the feder al experimental station the superin tendent remarked he went there because of an in tellectual interest in everything think what it would mean to agri culture in canada if all of us took that much interest clubs formed in recent years in ontario have a total membership at the present time of g000 mr car roll stated the following are funct ioning successfully at the present time he said 170 girls garment clubs 54 calf clubs five swine clubs 42 grain clubs 32 potato clubs 10 home garden clubs for boys and 5g for girls 30 photograph clubs three sheep clubs and four eolt clubs al of these have been sponsored by agricultural societies and service clubs raise standards although some officers of agricul tural societies believe their work is only to run the annual fall fair these organizations should function all year to improve the standard of agricul ture the superintendent said mr carroll believed it is essential fcr ontario farm folk to win prizes at international competitions if were going to be the seccl bed for good stock and so on as we should be in one of the southern states a farmer suggested to him that all canada produced was wheat and whisky mr carroll related thats what advertising does he remarked auto mishaps fatal to 1108 ontario with 527 leads canada in fatalities during 1934 ottawa a total of 1108 per sons in canada were killed in auto mobile accidents last year and 17998 were injured according to a revised report issued by the dominion bureau of statistics property damage in these crashes amounted to 1266413 ontario had the largest number of fatal accidents in which 527 peisons were killed in quebec the total was 274 british columbias list was 81 albertas gl new brunswicks 52 manitobas 41 nova scotias 37 saskatchewans 30 and prince edward lsands five of the killed 437 were pedestrians and 470 occupants of motor cars motor cyclists bicycle riders and others made up the total among those injured were 9793 occupants of motor cars g81g pedes trians 1059 bicycle riders with the remainder made up of motor cyclists and others wider marts for canadian producers at same time foreseen through pact key industries aided ottawa wider markets for can adian producers lowered living costs and an increase in purchasing power leading to the renewal of the i new canadaunited states trade agreement on a broader basis were 1 some of the hopes of the govern ment expressed in an official press summary the statement reads in part the agreement is the culmina tion of many years of effort to place the trade relations between canada and the united states on a neigh borly and mutually profitable basis kven under restricting tariffs the factors of geographical neighbor hood trade convenience similarity of living standards and industrial structure resulted in making the trade between canada and the unit ed states larger than the trade be tween any other two countries and in giving each country first or scc- aml rank as a market for the pro ducts of the other while this relative position has been maintained during recent years tremendous fall in the absolute n- mount of trade as the result of busi ness depression and increased tariff restrictions has been disastrous in its effect on the industrial and social structure of both countries the broad lowering of tariffs and other barriers to trade now achieved will undoubtedly quicken the return of profitable production and endur- ing prosperity on this continent and not on this continent alone wider markets for canadian pro ducers and lowered living costs for canadian consumers will combine to give a marked increase in the pur chasing power of the people of can ada the effect will speedily be shown in increased demands in home markets for the products of other canadian industries and con sequent increased employment the improvement in the position of the primary industries will be feltj throughout the whole economic structure and particularly in the field of transportation j not least important of the re sults of the agreement are the rej vernal of the trend of economic na- tionalism which threatened further iv 0 rtm um s 10 is 10 15 jo 35 ionthly index of gnadian business conotlor adjusted foa loniwe irno amd seasonal variations coptghimonnitl baxter 1 eastman limited research department 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 ctni 5 k 15 jo 15 30 35 ourv no olhal i j fmamjjasond 95 j fmamjjasond 95 business in canada during the month of october showed a fractional gain over the month previous according to the mcconnell baxter eastman monthly index the preliminary figure was 185 per cent below normal revised index for the previous month show ed conditions at 1ss per cent below normal a year ago condi tions were 211 per cent under par gains were recorded by two factors revenue freight loadings up onetenth point and construction contract awards up 11 points bank debits receded onetenth point and electric energy output was down a similar amount the combined index shows a gain of nearly ten points or 134 per cent over october 1933 the following table shows the four component factors and the combined weighted index after the usual statistical refinements carloadings of revenue freight construction contract awards bank debits electric power production 1007 combined weighted index 815 oct 1935 769 g53 9g3 sept 1934 7g8 g42 964 1008 812 oct 1934 774 g23 945 805 789 coffee on house at mine auction 566764 gain for october halifax with coffee and sand wiches on the house a gold mine and all the fittings will be auctioned off shortly miles deep in the wood at mineville ns over timid prospective bidders are ad- hon ottawa customs and excise revenues for october totalled 21- 42s779 a net increase of 5cg764 the same month a year ago j u usley minister of nation- vised by the sheriff that those under- al revenue announced here for too taking tho long trek through the first seven months of the- current woods will be regaled with hot col- fiscal year customs and excise revon fee and good sandwiches wftlle the bidding goes on in the chill fan air the workngs are going under the hammer as the result of a suit brought by joseph e murphy against the associated gold mines of nova scotia limited crime in canada down to minimum new york sir james- mac- brien commissioner of the royal canadian mounted police says his 2750 men have reduced crime to a minimum because of a unified system not possible in the united states first we have a single criminal code instead of as many different codes as there are states he said also we are not bothered with the state extradition problem our men can follow a wrongdoer any where in canada sir james 57 years old steelblue eyed officer who started as a mount ed constable judged events at the national horse show here toronto because of mig pres sure exerted by the trade one of tho most drastic changes in the history of the canadian tobacco industry is i now pending and will be in effect tile with the first of the new year on the best of authority it is stat ed that effective january 1st 1930 only standardsized packings of cig- i nretts will be offered to the consum ing public by all manufacturing com panies standard packings eliminate all specials or oddsized cigarette packages irrespective of size competition among various cigar ette brands on the basis of the pre miums offered through the insert cards will practically disappear with the new year also various types of export trade rises sharply canadas sales in october to empire are best since 1928 ottawa the dominion bureau of statistics reports canadas dom estic exports to the british empire in october reached the highest value of any month since december 1928 while the united kingdom took more than half the nations total exports of total exports worth 81952580 british commonwealth countries took 50238624 worth while 34713956 worth went to foreign countries re ports to the united kingdom worth 42s97617 were the largest total to any single country valne of goods sent to foreign countries was a gain of 4542054 over the october 1934 figure of 29171902 the united kingdom figure represented a gain of 10- 322657 over october a year ago an increase of 31 per cent exports to the united states were valued at 26039463 compared with 19169006 an increase of 7470457 sr 38 per cent exclusion of the products ot each insert cans wnlj jt is um de country from the markets of the issucd aftel that date but the redemp- continuance of existing markets and uon o then wiu be con to play the opening of new markets for the ing car oniy th0 number of inserts three years of the agreement there required to secure these playing cards is moreover every reason to believe flx tne different companies will that the experience of the mutual i ijkely be j benefits of neighborhood trade fhus introduction of the macdonalds attained will lead to the renewal of 04 for 20c in toronto precipi- the present agrement on an even fated what could almost be termed a broader basis trade war when the wholesalers very largely refused to handle this particular offering the manufactur ers publicly announced that the same margin of profit was being given on the package to both wholesaler and retailer as on other brands but the jobbers declined to handle the 24c package no other lines of the mac- donald companys tobacco offerings were affected representations of possible devel opments however were heard on all sides in the trade and the entire jobbing trade of the errantry was drawn into the controversy meetings of the wholesale trade 1 from coast to coasl were hold in policemen will still use horse equine to be retained alona with new subjects regina one of the first require ments of the early mounted police man that he he a skilled rider and able to spend 18 to 20 hours in the saddle is daily becoming of less im portance royal canadian mounted police headquarters recognizing the mod ern trend in skilled police organiza tion may soon remove equitation from the syllabus of recruits and substitute a special mounted section in which certain selected men will be trained in mounted drill and stable management the move is proposed because of the large amount of time at present allotted to riding in the recruits six- month course time which officials feel could be better employed on more necessary subjects montreal last week these sessions were attended by several surprises not the least or which was the an nouncement of the withdrawal of walter m stewart as president of the macdouald tobacco co w c mac- donahl incorporated since early in july when changes in the insert card schemes were in troduced by other companies cutting down the requirements of inserts re quired to secure a deck the mac douald company has publicly stated that this firm was one which did not want to discontinue the use of card pictures the increased number of cigarettes per package at the sapie price was the answer to the reduced number of cards required no prem ium offers were attached to the mac donalds blends package which start ed the toronto war nor to the bri tish consols 12 for 10 cents offered in tho east while the card pictures will be continued the scheme will be greatly curtailed and the various premiums now offered for various numbers of decks of the insert cards will no longer be part of tho scheme wedding at guslph ties up traffic guelph ont a 40piece band re cently headed one ot the most unique wedding processions ever held here downtown streets were crowded with thousands of spectators and traffic was tied up as fred christiansen guelph barber and his pretty bride margaret slotting rede in state be hind the band christiansens bride arrived recent ly from denmark and the barber set about making elaborate preparations for the wedding he hired the city band to play him to the church to render music during the service and to lead the wedding party to the christiansen heme afterwards hundreds who wished to witness the ceremony in st pauls lutheran church were turned away the church was filled long before the bridal party arrived the ceremony was performed by rev e w hein- rich the brilliant procession from the chmch was halted a moment while the christiansense placed wreaths at the base of the city cenotaph in honor of the war dead the gallant barber didnt forget it was remem brance day ues amounted to 13312s502 a net decrease of 2s42s21 from the cor responding period ot last year customs duties in october were 7109703 an increase of 792713 over october 1934 excise taxes totalled 10403sgc an increase of s3522s2 while exclso duties at 3792171 represented a drop of 575043 sundry collection amounted to 502- 2s0 a decrease of 3190 the collection of customs duties for the sevenmonth period amounted to 43715559 a decrease of 1400- 537 from the same period of 193 1 j excise taxes were 01944293 a drop of 1190s4 and excise dutie3 27004040 a decrease of 4902ss sundry collections at 404009 dropped 1342 youthful beauty scrupulous cleanliness basic rule girl in teens must observe honey advertising urged in ontario corn syrup serious com petitor because of cam paigns beekeepers told toronto if the beekeepers of ontario would only advertise frequently there would he a larger sale of honey in this province j water c b ciooderham told the beekeepers association her ly the corn syrup industry was rap idly becoming a serious market com petitor he warned you can see a corn syrup adver tisement anywhere he declared but how often do you read an ad vertisement about honey which is a much superior product there is a large demand in eng land today for canadian honey ho continued and ontario is second only to new zealand in topgrade honey at seventeen beautys needs are few the half dozen or so toilet aids enumerated below are sufficient to keep the skin cleansed and the cir culation so importaut in the pre vention of blackheads and other blemishes in good working order scrupulous cleanliness and atten tion to detail as regards hair hands lasiies and brows are the only rules that youthful beauty need bother her head about one thing however she should re member beauty is not only skin deep witti this axiom in mind 1 have worked out a few simple rules for living and suggestions for complex ion care that i hope may help the girl who has just left school writes joan berenger in the london daily mail toilet accessories cleansing cream skin tonic foundation lotion or cream mild soap skin friction brush hand lotion petroleum jelly skin care night soak a thick pad of cotton wool in cold water or tonic dip in the cleansing cream start at the base of the throat and work up wards paying special attention to the corners of the nose and t10 roots of the hair wipe off surplus cream more j with a fresh pad of cotton wool or much cleansing tissue wash in tepid making a good lather wiwi the skipping coo miles in twentyeight days tom morris journeyed from melbourne to sydney he wore out five skipping ropes but used only one pair of shoes three cyclists carried his food wedded by order bella ahmed claimed as turkeys loveliest girl ar ranged to attend the brussels beauty contest furious her peasant fiance selim wrote to kemal ataturk the dictator who had the girl arrested and ordered her to marry selim the following day as they went away he slipped 700 in rellas hand as a wedding present i 1108 killed in auto crashes 18988 hurt in canada dur ing- 1934 revised report shows western butter wins at toronto ottawa a total of 1108 persons under the in canada were killed in nut nobile proposed arrangement some recruits j accidents last year and 17998 were only will take mounted duties while j injured according to a revised re- others will be trained in the newest port issued recently by the dominion methods of travel bureau of statistics property dam age in these crashes amounted to 1206413 ontario bad the largest number of fatal accidents in which 527 persons were killed in quebec the total was 274 british columbias list was 81 albertas 61 now brunswicks 52 manitobas 41 nova scotias 37 saskatchewans 30 and prince ed ward islands five of the dead 437 were pedestrians and 470 occupants of motor cars motorcyclists bicycle riders and however there is no intention of dispensing with the horse as an aid to police work major general sir j h macbricn commissioner stat ed in his report that there is abso lutely no intention whatever of dis pensing altogether with the mounted man a well trained mounted unit is invaluable to any force which may have to deal with unruly crowds the report shows that at present the rcmp carry 25s saddle horses on the strength 19 teani horses 411 passenger cars 34 others made up the total motorcycles 19 motor trucks 3 rail- among those injured were 9793 way gas cars and 413 sleigh dogs occupants of motor cars 6066 ped- the force also operates 11 cruisers estrians 1059 bicycle riders with and s patrol boats in preventive ser- j tho remainder made up of motor- vices on the eastern and western coasts toronto western canada scor ed heavily in all butter awards an- j nounced at the royal winter pair the manitoba cooperative dairies ltd of winnipeg won the special j award to the exhibitor of creamery butter with the highest aggregate score in three sections and the glad stone creamery of gladstone man won the champion ribbon for the highest score in any section glad stone scored a total of 982 in the first prize group of creamery salted 14pound box made during june cancer one of seven major death causes a famous man always feels as if he were living under false pretences that sooner or later he will be found out babe ruth it is as much the duty of any member of the international com munity to prevent international crime as it is the duly of any citi zen to prevent the breach of his countrys criminal law vinscount cecil radio is not a medium for a busy person one can listen to music ard work or think at the same time but voices distract teslie howard cyclists and others toronto to deter reckless driv ing by shaming the chronically reckless roy h faulkner president of a wellknown motor company suggests that reckless or inebriated motorists should have their machines emblazoned with a visible stigma comparable to the red letter of puritan days mr faulkner thought the posting of an r on cars owned by convict ed reckless drivers would he a big step in reducing our terrible traf fic toll calgary much can be done to prevent cancer and in many instances it can be cured dr malcolm t mac- eachern chicago director of hospital activities for the american college of surgeons said here recently at an open meeting of the annual con vention of the alberta hospitals as sociation one of the seven greatest causes of death cancer is responsible for 1063 deaths in every 100000 dr maceachern stated prolongation of life from 40 to 59 years in the last half century had resulted in more cancer cases because more people live in the cancer age after 40 the only known methods of treat ment he asserted were early recog nition competent surgery and judi cious use of xrays and radium de finite or specific causes of cancer arc j l sc not known but a contributing or jewelry exciting factor recognized partic- 1 ularly is irritation 1 he sirangicr its been a long lime since our friend lewis has been here the lewis who has entered over 5000 bouts emerging the victor in most of them ed stranglcr lewis a native of kentucky was christened robert frederick held the wrestling champ- continued decline in immigration only 6579 arrivals during fiscal year 12 pc less than last year ottawa the low level to which canadian immigration has de scended is illustrated in the figures just available for the six months of the fiscal year recently ended in that period the arrivals num bered only 0579 twelve per cent less than in the corresponding period last year of the small total 137s were british 3049 came from the united states 342 from northern europe and 1s10 from other countries in recent years largely on account of unemployment immigration from all parts of the world was discourag ed even that which was designed for the agricultural areas was not promoted because of representations that the farm problem in many places was serious and that it would bo ag gravated by any influx of immigrants associations which were formed to stimulate british migration while not impeded got little assistance organized labor insisted upon the ban being pretty strictly applied there is a certain significance in the fact that arrivals here from the unit ed states iii the last six months were double those from empire countries the general question of immigra tion policy will be one which in time will have to be developed by the new- government had the former one been returned it would have grappled with it many influential interests have long been representing that mie problems of canada especially those of taxation are too heavy bo be borne by ten million ppeople and that the way to lighten the burden is to j open the doors 10 more producers and consumers the question is likely to be intro duced at the forthcoming conference with tho provinces because in the event of any large movement their cooperation would be necessary canadian fire losses shown at high point halifax canadas lire losses ontario j compexon brush and mild soap recent- 1 brush upwards from base of throat with small rotary movements rinse in tepid then in cold water dry very thoroughly on a soft towel pat in a soothing cream bnuii the lashes and brows with petroleum jelly and apply a little jelly round the nail cuticles with an orange stick rub liand lotion into the skin of the hands not forgetting knuckles and palms bush hair up and outwards from the roots while counting sixty comb back from the face and push and pinch the waves back into position with the fingers morning splash throat and neck in cold water and can de cologne or toilet water dry very thoroughly pat on tonic makeup rouge is not the last word in so phistication the girl of seventeen is cleverer tjian are her sisters if instead of hiding the luminous quality of her youthful complexion behind a film of rouge she uses only lipstick in one of the light or coral shades and keeps i powder for her nose alone wiien powder is used over the whole face the neck must come into i the picture too surplus powder be- j ing carefully brushed off with a i babys toilet brush i diet and exercise i check up weight every week by all means but put more faith in your tape measure than in tcie scales j avoid stunt dieting if the scales i go up t down starchy foods sugar f cocktails cocktails are not the last word in sophistication i either never drink with meals or i cat snacks between them choose for exercise games and athletics toat make for grace rather than muscle dance as much as you can but not at the expense of sleep perfume dont choose a perfume just be cause you think it is devastatingly exotic or because that chic young married woman you met at dinner the nicit before told you it was tho latest rave in paris perfume should express your own individuality but should not be obtrusive to buy all your toilet accessories in one scent even if it costs you a little more is not an extravagance but an economy it is a system that helps out a costly perfume and which marks you as a fastidious woman personality be yourself dont waste your tin a envying others study and exploit your own assets if your face has not the features that will launch one ship let alone a thousand your voice may be capable of moving a million hearts hands can be more eloquent than eyes and a well groomed shining head ot ordinary brown hair creates more admiration than ten tousled blondes ionship of the world for nine years i for the last 15 years have cost one he changed his name because his human life and uw0pp dav ac mother was opposed to wrestling co wrath asked why he likes wrestling ed f explains that it is the oldest of all athletics thousands of years in havimr the highest fire loss per cnpia fact and only two men have been l s b i iiii 11 nl 1 fbminndaof any civilized country in the world insurance man this country he said is reput ed to have the unenviable record of killed in all that time hut thousands have been killed boxing lewis says he has beaten jim says londos fourteen times jim says in i no polite words that the strang lcr is mistaken on march 1934 ed locked his ducks have become educated edmonton taught by tons of buck shot alberta ducks have become educated according to professor manager in his room to whom he was j william rowan of the university under contract and married bessie 0 alberta zoological department mcncar of kansas city giving hcrj addressing the university of al- the worlds championship belt set bcrta philosophical society last week with 39 diamonds dr rowan renowned for his zoo- ed has been married three times logical research declared that ducks lets see 3 times 39 thats a lot have found grain fields better feeding since 1925 i grounds than swamps and sloughs land have learned to estimate occur- j former edmonton writer marries lord paget noted as a designer and writer mrs mavis dawson formerly ot ed monton became lady paget wife of lord victor paget at newport isle of wight recently immediately alter a reception following the ceremony lord and lady paget left for london lord paget 4c served during tho war in salonika egypt and france the marriage was lady pagets third her first husband commander fee- tor robinson rn died during the war her second husband h mac- millan dawson now resides in se attle lady paget has been living abroad 32 ately the range of fire arms one touch of illnature makes tho whole world kin dean inge