Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 17, 1935, p. 6

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national cheese week oct 28 nov 2 although canadian cheddar cheese is equalled by few and surpassed by chronology shows growth of italoethiopian row the following events trace the bona of the 250 different kinds of growth of tho italokthlopian dispute cheese manufactured throughout tbej 1931 world the canadian people eat less sept 29 italian government issues cheese than most of the other great dual statements pledging both italy rations for ills reason the canad- and ethiopia to refrain from any acts ins chee e industry in 1931 promotjof aggression and abide by 192s el national cheese week in an at- j friendship treaty tmpt to call attention to the advan- nov 17 italy protests attack by a tac3 of cheese as a food product mob on italian consulate at uondar sntl canadian at that worthy of more in which one italian was killed and general use as a result of these efi three wounded ftris the consumption of canadian nov 28 ethiopia pays idemnity of cheese in canada increase by almost 1450 lire about 12354 after apolo half a pound per head of population gy during the year and heartened by tls advance the canadian cheese indr try has called the 1925 national i chocs week for october 2sth to no- j vcinbor 2nd north america is not famous for for in ervention is chcesecaiag propensity until j 23 italy blames ethiopia for dec 5 italian and ethiopian troops cash near wahval i 1935 jan 11 ethiopia appeals to league propensity tho halfpound advance last year ca nadas per capita consumption of cheese was less than four pounds a year the united states was slightly better with four and a half pound today canada and the united states are about equal in cheese consump tion which looks small in comparison with ig pounds per capi a in switz erland ten pounds in france and for the small quantity of cheese eat en in the dominion is that it is gen erally served as plain cheese at the end of a substantial meal and not as tho principal ingredient of an entic ing main dish followed by a light des sert cheese is a food in itself and it can be used in cooking in many dif ferent ways it is one of tho best muscle builders for older boys and girls as well as for adults but when served in crudo bulk it cannot be said to bo universally appetizing cheeso does not lose its flavour or nutritive value in cooking but it should be re membered that when cheese is sub jected to high temperatures it is har der to digest eaten according to mo hern recipes there can be no cause under ordinary circumstances for any digestive disturbances missionaries stick to ethiopian posts toronto although they are in the danger zone a number of canad ians are sticking to their posts as missionaries dr e italph hooper with mrs hooper and their daughter helen are still within five miles of addis ababa and are sticking to their posts john trewin and dr and mrs per cy roberts are stationed at soddu an hour and a half by plane and two weeks by foot from addis ababa mr3 annie forbes of toronto said today sho had heard from mr trewin re cently be was happy and content to stay where he was she said thomas devon and his fiancee miss g pogue are stationed near addis abaha dr and mrs t a lam- bie and dr c p roll- who went in to the interior recently are now back at addis ababa lottie blair of guelph is the only missionary who has had to return be cause of her health authorities ol the sudan interior mission said that none has thought of leaving on ac count of tiie impending war london three missionaries of tho sudan mission left london for ethiopia in answer to an appeal from dr t a lambie formerly of toronto a naturalized ethiopian and director of two hotpitals there the mission aries are john starling alan webb and harry clover they possess suf ficient experience in medicine to help dr lambie in his hospital work 1 massacro of 97 in french somali- land feb 1 italy urges ethiopias sta tus be changed from that of full mem ber of league to that of a league mandate feb 11 mussolini mobilizes 250- 000 soldiers and orders 50 airplanes to eritrean border feb 12 ethiopia charges italian machine gunners attacked ethiopian parol january 2d near gerlogubi feb 13 italy and ethiopia agree to establish neutral zono and appoint a boundary commission feb is two thousand italian sol diers board ship starting months long file of troops to eritrea march 19 league urges both na tions to refrain from war march 25 italians announco one ethiopian killed in new border ciash march 30 ethiopia breaks off dir ect negotiations with italy april 3 ethiopia starts troops for italian border may c italy charges murder of italian soldier at gogula shows em peror halle selassie unable or un willing to maintain order may 21 league council adopts re solutions accepted by mussolini ar ranging arbitration june 3 italy charges ethiopians killed a number of italian soldiers on may 31 july 1 anthony eden reveals he lias offered strip of british territory as peace gesture july b state department advises 125 americans to get out of ehiopla july 9 italoethiopian conciliation commission adjourns indefinitely july 12 secretary hull urges ob servance of kellogbriand peace pact vows july 2g president roosevelt indi cates avoidance of issues like italo- ethiopian dispute his present policy july 31 eden laval and litvinolt fail to agree on league formula as council meets in exraordinary ses sion aug 3 ethiopia but not italy ac cepts league peace plan aug 9 great britain warns britons to leave ethiopia aug 15 italy tells great britain military occupation of ethiopia is italys minimum demand aug 23 selassie offers italy prov ince of aussa aug 2g mussolini warns sanctions mean war threatening to withdraw from leaguo of nations aug 29 briti li mediterranean fleet leaves malta for stragctic posi tions around suez canal aug 30 francis m hickett bri tish promoter reveals ethiopian ex ploitation concessions covering halt the country to interests which include standard vacuum oil company aug 31 great britain asks con cession bo withdrawn president rootevelt signs neutrality resolution to embargo arms of war breaks out sept 3 secreary hull announces oil company has withdrawn conces sion sept 4 italian delegates leave league council session refusing to discuss dispute on equal terms with ethiopia j sept 9 cordial welcome of new italian ambassador to berlin awakens francobritish fears of italogerman understanding sept 11 sir samuel hoare pledges british support of league covenant in its entirety sept 12 hull appeals to kellog pact signatories to observe their obli gations small nations bloc promises to back leagues covenant sept 13 laval tells league assem bly france will defend covenant obli gations south african delegate warns black africa may be aroused by il legal african partition sept 17 great britain dropping pretenses as home fleet reaches gib raltar and mediterranean points ad mits worlds third largest fleet con centrating in danger zone as a pre- polish tribute tax collections minister of national revenues reports large increases general gustav orliczdreszer inspector of tho polish army places wreath on tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington ceme tery in washington dc he led official delegation speed blamed for death toll the national safety council of the united states has recently had some thing to say about the death tolls on american highways that is of defin ite interest to us in canada since si milar conditions largely apply here writes the montreal star the coun cil finds that the most disheartening factor of the present situation is that while all other types of accidental deaths have decreased those caused by motor vehicles have steadily in creased year after year in 1913 the rate was 44 per 100000 population in 1923 it had increased to 1716 per cent and last year it mounted to the teaching pupils to avoid slang ottawa income tax collections daring tho six months of the fiscal year ended september 30 showed increases over the corresponding period last year according to a statement issued recently oy hon j earl lawson minister of national revenue net receipts in the six month per iod totalled g37g743g a net in- cease of 10105078 in comparison with last year toronto and montreal districts again registered the largest gains the former with a total income tax revenue of 203394s1 showed an increase of 5881387 and the lat ter with a revenue of 19170707 an increase of 1073852 other districts showing gains were london 0175801 increase 2110420 hamilton 4503051 increase 1529503 vancouver 3- 900483 increase 803042 ottawa 3522509 increase 404044 win nipeg 1593023 increase 359 215 calgary 883210 increase 230389 income tax revenue received in september amounted to 2479024 an increase of 381111 compared with september 1934 in the 19 collection districts two quebec and regina showed declines quebec collections were off 124 election costs public treasury to be drained of four millions for voting ottawa this general election cost the public treasury of can ada four million dollars at least which is about double the expendi ture of 1930 the outlay of tho political parties cannot he estimat ed completely but it was stated that five years ago it cost the ma jor ones four millions it is likely increased in view of the fact that a new party sought a place in the sun the main contribution to the in creased cost to the public arises frcm the new method of preparing lists the revision was in progress from last october till june all are print ed where previously typewriting sufficed the idea was to have closed lists making possible an election with four weeks notice but this year for various reasons the election period in place of being abbreviated has actually been lengthened the long er it iasts the greater the outlay the cost of preparing and printing the lists and tiie supervisory service by the franchise commissioner was two million dollars another two million at least was required for the election itself the pay of 243 returning officers poll clerks rent of polling places and other costs- because there was in the news putting an idea into action letter in toronto star t the editor of the star sir briefly tho rcnip started in a city office where the six male members were in heated discussion over the actions of i alv three favored brit ains attitude in supporting the lea- j gee two were on the fence while one decidedly favored italy let them take land if they want it sal 1 num ber six theyve got to expand and there is lots of room in africa after uie discussion hnd ceased tho first three got together with tie result that they arranged for two husky friends to call on italys sup- porter while tho two office men re- 1 malned outside in case of trouble the two huskier called on mr i they j gained admittance to his home and i straightway stated that as he had no family and had a large house they required it for themselves their fa milies were large very large so they needed a larger house he could re main in it it ho wanted but they would movo in at tho end ot the month thero was a lively word scene in- fldo with threats on both sides and when tho pollco were going to be cal led lio twomen made an exit as tho front door was opened there were the two office men nnd the joke ni scon out number six hnd been put iti 1e position o ethiopia nnd had np pealed for hep against the aggressor i he i ad changed his mind and he was sport enough to ndmit it jc mrs joseph gadowski of ed monton last week contributed something new in obstetrics when it was revealed in supreme court that she had given birth to 11 children without once calling in a physician mrs gadowski was charged with concealment of birth from hollywood the latest news of dan cupids activities reveal sally blane and norman foster plan to trip to the altar next month fosters former wife claudette colbert divorced him in juarez mexico recently patricia maguire of chicago the modern sleeping beauty is still sleeping a helpless victim of lethargic encephalitis as in the fairy tale the passing years have failed to leave their mark on the physical loveliness of patricia who has suffered from this baflling ill ness for nearly four years it was back in 1932 when pat a pretty vivacious girl aged 27 fell a victim on february 15 of this strange malady she is now 31 pat has gained weight nnd that might peeve her if she real ized it observes mas peter miley her mother george vanderbilt became 21 years old recently and also be came a millionaire 20 times over at 35 hell inherit the other half of his share of the millions left by his father alfred gwynne van derbilt who perished on the lusi- tania judge dodson in an old bailey court trial found lord edward montagu second son of the duke of manchester guilty on six counts charging theft and forgery of a cheque lie was sentenced to nine months imprisonment mon tagu reieived the sentence without emotion after the verdict the complain ant mrs vanderlst a wealthy widow to whom lord montague had been secretary jumped up anl shouted may i beg for leni ency she was asked to resume her settt and she did o saying i must insist on ienclcncy cautionary measure only japan and alarming figure of 285 there are al- united sates have larger fleets than m one hundred deaths every day those in mediterranean are haile throughout the united states on the sola sie refuses to accept any trip- highways alone due to automobile ac- partite protectorate j cidents in ss2000 motor accidents sept is league proposes la year 35000 peopte were killed peace pian declined by italy in ad- 954000 injured and 105000 disabled vance sept 25 italy and british exchange goodwill assurances sept 26 league council acting without italy unanimously votes to take action under article xv of the covenant warning italy and ethiopia any hostilities before december 4 automatically will put aggressor in status of committing act ot war against all league members ct 1 italian ministers to addis ababa orders consulates evacuated oct 2 mussolini mobilizes italian nation to declare we will answer war with war ethiopia tells league italians have crossed border roose velt says the people of america intend to remain at peace with the world oct 3 emperor haile selassie or- j ders general mobilization reports of aduwa bombed and battle in agame province the produce prices united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs with cases returned a large 31c a medium 30c- a pullets 23c b 21c c 18c butter ontario no solids 23ic no 2 23 he wi h an economic loss including pro perty damage of 1500000000 the national council answering the question what are the underlying causes of the deaths declares that the blame in the great majority of cases rests with the driver whose worst ally is speed in nine out of ten mishaps chargeable to drivers the cause was too great speed and driv ing too fast was the dominating fac tor in tho greater seriousness of ac cidents recorded in 1934 the greater speed and horsepower of modern cars has contributed materially to the pre ponderance of serious smashups the council recognizes that the problem has become too big and too serious to be handled with any hope of success in a haphazard manner or parochially but that the only way to bring down the deathtoll is by the united efforts and the cooperation of all parties concerned legislators automobile manufacturers motor ve- hiclo administrators highway engin eers traffic police safety and school authorities and the general public the situation in this dominion is similar there is so far lacking any approach to unity of action or a uni versal code yet that could easily bo brought about through an interprov inclal conference and agreements and it is becoming a vital necesity here as in the slates to curb the steadily mounting percentage of fatalities through motor vehicle accidents teachers in london ontario schools are undertaking the task of educating the pupils to improve their voices and avoid the use of slang observes tho sarniacanadian observer it 13 an excellent mission that ought to repay in cultural achievement the time and energy spent on it canadians as a class are backward in voice training as a general thing voices in this country are highpitch ed and harsh we have the nasal twang to qute a degree and away from home as in europe we aro classed as yankee a large percentage of the popula tion will be surprised and offended at such accusations they have never thought of taking stock of their own voices if they will do that they will find that there is much room for im provement as for the children at school most teachers in the primary grades con sider that they have enough to look after when they conform to the offic ial curriculum however they have the bett opportunity to influence their pupils to cultivate softer voices and to avoid the use of slang the admon itions of the teacher usually make a permanent impression it ought to be checked up on the use of slang yet who can blame the youngsters when so many aduts arc addicted to that practice it would be splendid if all teachers appointed themselves censors of the voices and languages of their pupils it is a fine asset for a boy or girl go ing out into the world to have corn- over 800000 new voters the number 490 at 572881 and reginas down i of polls were increased from 28- 3787 at 151040 i 000 to 33350 each poll cost about other increases were charlotte- town 49551 halifax 172470 saint john 120550 kingston one 31110 belleville ont 33 553 fort william ont 30404 saskatoon 13034 edmonton 18 503 yukon 023 elmiras name how did elmira come to be nam ed elmira asks the elmira signet the origin of the name elmira is somewhat legendery in a book of the waterloo histortal society it is told surprising as it might seem now the people were mcjty eng lish in the early days about elmira a certain type of english people are prone to drop the pronunciation of the letter h in words for example they would say eel for heel and ome for home in these early days an englishman and his wife mira were driving along with an oxteam on a heavy road where elmira now stands when his oxen and carl mired in the mud hopelessly stuck he called to his wife ell mira lets go ome by dropping an i and writing a small m we have the name elmira 40 returning officers received a mini mum of 500 and from this the scales ran up to about 1200 de pending on the size of the consti tuency and the number of polls tho largest voting strength was ottawa west with 55727 voters it has been figured out that tho cost of each vote polled this year including the public expense and that of the parties averaged 100 business trend reports from many sources reveal upward movement hay and straw no 2 timothy hay baled ton 10 to u no 3 timothy hay ton 8 to 9 straw wheat baled ton 7 oat straw 6 aro the wholesale provisions wholesale prlvision dealer quoting tho fillowing prices to toronto retail trade pork ham 21e shoulders icc butts 19c pork loins 22c picnics 15c lard pure tierces 15c tubs icc palls 1614c prints 16c shortening tierces 10ic tubs llic pails llc prints 11c mr neville barraclough of tallan j tiro hall cumberland protested at tho cockermouth rural council today against regulations concerning tho colors of chimneys ho was prepared ho said t put red whito and blue chimney pots on his house in order to mako a teat case against tho author june holds its place when a young canadian couple de cides to set up houtekeeping and test anew the celebrated theory that two can live as cheaply as one the chance aro considerably better than one in twelve that they will select a date in june for their marriage in all canada last year 73074 mar riages were reported and june with 9277 of them led all the rest by a handsome margin october rather surprisingly was in second place with 8082 september third with 7358 and november fourth with 7020 august was fifth and july no better than tslx- tll march was tho month least favored with only 3311 marriages little more than a third of september total but january and february were not much better weddings were more numer ous in december than in april and may but june whether by tradition or through some more profound fact or is so oustnndlng a favorite that itts supremacy is not likely to bo threatened ottawa journal mand of a nicely modulated voice and to be careful to use correct english on all occasions how many young people are taking pains to assure themselves of such education the school boards ought to take steps to make instruction in these matters a regular part ot the scholastic pro gram hit with a poker four great condenser towers at lis ter drive power station liverpool wcro destroyed last night by a spec ify of tho town and country plann- acuiar flrc the ori of whch ia ing order not vc known tho towers had been out of use for a year tho lord may- tho declarations was made after or attended tho fire in evening dress the council town planning commit- liverpool post too recommended permission for ccrl tain building on condition that tho churches dont give half enough chimney pots harmonized with tho time to youth they arc run for the roo ng material and rd tllesrc middleaged and the old burris port in morning post j walter harris 51 a bailiffs officer in toronto went to a house to seize a washing machine on which pay ments had not been kept up the man of the house resented the visit from the officer and alo resented the pur pose of he visit lie gave vent to his resentment by hitting him on the head with a poker and now faces a charge in court it is not likely hat the bailiffs of ficer or tho bailiff himself in similar circumstances would receive mooi sympathy it would cause no surprise to find that a number of people thought the man in the house did ab out the right thing that feeling has shown itself a number of times not only in cities but in bailiffs sales on farms in this country and across tho line plain fact is that the bailiff or any man he sends is merely doing what tho duties and functions of his offico call for he is merely tho visible part of the proces ot law and for that reason he is the one target which presents itself when some individual wants to register protest in the case of the washing machine tho person who took action in tho first pace would bo tho man who sold the mach- ino and was not getting his payments or it might nave been yjjpe creditor wiio had seized the machine for non payment of other debts but nono of i the englishman is profoundly ev en subconsciously patriotic ho is su perficially rather superficial g k chesterton through all the changing ages known to history and science the es sential elements of life have not changed harold bell wright v simmjf v mm by ken edwards toronto customs and excise col lections in september heaviest for that month since 1929 and 12 per cent above september 1934 total kitchener ont building permits in kitchener for first nine months of this year greater hy 80 percent than total for like period of 1934 sydney ns dominion steel and coal corporations steel plant has present working force of 3100 men largest since 1929 v st thomas ont hundred shop men in employ of pere marquette railway here returned to work this week for an indefinite period victoria british columbias in dustrial production this year will ex ceed that of 1934 by eight to 10 percent- trade indices currently in dicate halifax apple shipments through port of halifax in september 139- 491 barrels compared with 90355 in same month last year bulk of the shipments going to england st catharines ont customs re turns at this port for september 00950 greater than for the samo month of last year increase of 78 percent north sydney ns construction of 50000 cold storage plant for fish and other commodities to be started here next week- montreal production of news print in canada in august greatest on record for that month with ship ments reaching new high for any corresponding month did you know that andy blair of the toronto maple leafs is tho only player in the national hockey league who sports a moustache andy has a very strong crowd ap peal this is readily realised when thoso people get hit on the head with i 0 sees ins whirling rushes and in- a poker such treatment is reserved imitable stick handling blair was born in winnipeg in 1908 and tips tho scales at 185 pounds ho is a graduate of the university of manitoba where he was a topnotchcr in many sports sport seems to be this great cen tre mans hobby at one time andy for tho bailiff or his agent for beaconherald strat- ti10 opera needs to be humaniz ed nnd popularized and hollywood is the medium to accomplish this lawrence tibbett most people who drive about tho was a star baseball pitcher rugby 31 chance of war according to lloyds london the chances ore three to one that there will be war in europe before the end of tiie year according to the men who figure risks for lloyds war risk insurance on the basis of any two european nations becom ing involved in conflict is being of fered on the basis of a 75 per cent premium in other words the man who wants to protect himself against war must pay a premium three- quarters of the full amount he would receive if war came lloyds also is insuring the in comes of businessmen who arc re servists against the pos ibilitics that they will be called to tiie col ors the premiums on such insur ance range from five per cent to 10 per cent- of the face value of tiie policies according to the age and nationality of these seeking insur ance in other words tho chances against businessmen in europe be ing drafted range from 5 to 1 to 20 to 1 marino insurance underwriters re port that premiums for vessels pars ing though the mediterranean in country do not realize that their i halfback sprinter and golfer he november is 10 per cent for do case and comfort a3 well as safety jia3 been with toronto for some aro the result of experiments made timo now however there was talk on racing cars sir malcolm c-mp- j of a trade to the rangers but lets bell j 7c not ccmbcr passage through the waters over which war clouds arc hoveling the premium is 15 per cent half as high again

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