fttyt umm vol xlvh no 20 stouffville ontario thursday october 3 1935 a v nolan jp publisher coughs that persist indicate weakened recuperative powers disorganized condition of the system and that nature needs assistance for such conditions we recommend nyal creophos this wonderful remedy rebuilds waste tissues imparts strength re lieves chronic coughs bronchitis and drives out disease germs you can depend upon creophos to make and keep you well new chambers officially opened j m storey the home of quality drugs druggist ccf in fight ontario- muskoka riding arthur shipman of barlochan will be the ccf standardbearer in the ontariomuskoka riding in the forthcoming federal eleotion the entrance of mr shipman in to the field assures this riding of a fourcornered contest as liberals conservatives and the reconstruc tion party had previously selected candidates destroy 4000 ix season one extermination of 4000 ground hogs in king east gwillimbury and whitchurch townships this summer is the accomplishment ofl the sun never shone on a fairer day than wednesday of last week the ocasion of vandorf school fair and the official opening of the new whitchurch township council chambers recently erected on the community hall grounds at van dorf the reeve mr newton rae intro duced the warden of the county mr george kellam who declared the building officially open mr kellam was followed by county commissioner a a johnson of lea- side capt alackenzie of wood- bridge llr morgan raker mla mr j m walton and rev g w lynd of aurora deputy reeve earl toole coun cillor lome p evans councillor g leary and councillor jesse cook supported ireeve rae and appeared well satisfied with the neat and necessary chambers they have pro vided it wao a great day for electioneer ing for we noticed aspiring and per spiring politicians from every group which hopes to go to ottawa or to stay there doing the old line of hand shake and shoulder slap and now and again mentally strugglin dalton family one of oldest in oxbridg oshawa members recall many events in growth of town one of the oldest families of uxbridge members of which re call many friends and interesting events of the old town as uxbridge celebrated its golden jubilee as a town is the dalton family of which mr and mrs d w dalton ot oshawa and formally stoultville are local representatives this fam ily has seen many changes from the days of the oxcart to those of the automobile and mr dalton has watched uxbridge grow from a small village to a progressive town he has seen most of its develop ment including the establishment ot the organ and piano factory the gold imedal factory tannery two foundaries planing mill and sash factory saw mill two flour mills three banks seven churches the high school the skating rink the electric light plant and water works fire protection and tele phone service the public library and the town clock also manv of marriages carroll pugh a happy autumn wedding was solemnized at faith baptist church parsonage toronto on saturday evening september 27th at 730 when laliss olive pugh third daughter of mr and mrs alfred pugh stonffville was united in wedlock with mr jus j carroll of toronto by the rev j f halliday the bride was attended by her sister edna mrs j w dixon and the best man was mr percy white hamilton a reception was held at the future home of the young couple attended by relatives and friends of the contracting parties later mr and imrs carroll left on a visit to friends at grand valley among the guests from stouffville who attended the wedding were mr and mrs alt pugh and sons price and morley and mr and mrs 11 j malloy and lambert samue r sto on wednesday sept 11th sam r stouffer husband of mrs s r stouffer passed away at his home in markham village in his s2nd year mr stouffer is survived by his widow one brother john r stouff er of kitchener two sons by his first wife wilmot of peace river isert of stoultville one daughter mrs sisson of stouffville three grand children one great grand child one step son norman l heisey of north lmarkham mr stouffer was a faithful member of the mennonite church north york likes bill mulock warm praise from the pen of an admirer to know whether it was rill jones i the modern stores and iplaces of or tom smith to whom they were passing out sweet platitudes which please the ear and hurt no one professor mitchell anniversary preacher at st james next sunday will inaugurate the fall program of st james presby terian church stouffville with farmers of these townships atimu- p services in the sunday county of ten cenlsl and the church worship at by the toronto and 200 pmthe rally day exercise of and lated by the each offered north york hunt presentation of the prizes and bounties will be made at eaton hall farm king on oct 12 the groundhog is regarded as a menace to crops as well as danger to riders it is suggested that the provincial government should offer a bounty for the extermination of this familiar held animal new market era with the entry last week of rev george dix presbyterian minister at aurora in the federal election no fewer than 1g clergymen are candi dates for parliamentary honors on october 14 if successful there will be a good number of pulpits vacant for the newlyordained theological students and if the pastors are unsuccessful there may be a few vacant pulpits just the same the sunday school will he held at 300 pm the anniversary service the guest preacher for the day is to be utev professor thomas mitchell dd lately of edmonton alta dr mitchell is one of the sons of st james church to enter the christian ministry having been born and reared in ringwood after his theological training in knox college toronto dr mitchell lias had a distinguished career in the pulpits of the presbyterian and united churches of western canada the past few years he has en gaged in teaching as professor in st stephens theological college of the united church edmonton his many friends in the community will he pleased to welcome him again to the pulpit of st james church mansion house stouffville ontario now open redecorated 21 meals 500 sundays special chicken dinner room and board 500 per week ladies and gents rest rooms live stock prices vealed high re- tgtabel tiding ftigfttnap stouffville to toronto standard timo the public auction sale of live stock belonging to donald storry bloomington attracted a large crowd and brisk buying saturday afternoon at the storry farm auctioneer a s farmer was in good form and kept the sale at a lively pitch cows considered not above the average in condition sold up to 50 and calves at 5 hogs were in good demand realizing up to 557 for a sow and seven pigs bert yake gormley paying the top chunks were sold around g and young pigs 4 and 450 the sale totalled about 2300 cigarettes circle the earth eight times last year nearly four and one- half billion cigarettes were smoked in canada this works out to an averago of 1250 cigarettes for every man and woman of smoking age the old adage where there is smoke thero is fire is aptly illu business all of which have brought success to the town of uxbridge mr and mrs benjamin dalton forerunners of the present dalton family were born in yorkshire england and came to this country and settled in the vicinity of ux bridge about so years ago they spent about 40 years on a farm near the town and the remaining years in the town the members of the familj still living in that district are john and herbert dalton both on gopd farms in scott township herbert biking an active part in the scott township council and also in school board work mrs picket and mrs benjamin ball two daughters are living at quaker hill west of uxbridge frank dalton a mechanic is living retired in peterboro and mrs sollitt a daughter also lives in that city mrs benjamin dalton as a good mother kept up a home for her family for 75 years and died at the age of 93 three years ago the late ijir and mrs benjamin dalton were devoted members of the methodist church mr dalton being a class leader for many years the family was well trained music ally airs sollitt being choir leader and organist for thirteen years in the methodist church without salary and never missed a sunday d w dalton of oshawa while in uxbridge was a member of the methodist choir for 13 years and also librarian in the sunday school of the metho dist church uxbridge the other members of the family were also active church workers the late ir and mrs benjamin dalton celebrated their golden wedding and diamond wedding at their golden wedding the members of the family gave a twohour con cert in their honor and presented their father and mother with a par lor suite showing their appreciation iof their parents there are many grandchildren and greatgrand children since the death of the late mrs benjamin dalton the family has each year held a dalton and robson reunion picnic d w dalton of oshawa being president ireson turner a pretty wedding took place at markham united church sept 17 when vera almeda turner daught er of mr and mrs w j turner and niece of mr john turner stouff ville became the bride of charles ward iresou son of air alfred ire- son and the late mrs ireson of whitevale utev g c lamont con ducted the ceremony autumn flowers decorted the church the wedding music was played by mrs a j woods of markham mrs c h dudley sang the bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of bridal satin made on prin cess lines and falling in a slight train lined with pale pink georgette her veil was of embroidered silk net she carried a shower bouquet of premier roses and lily-of-the- valley miss audrey kent of toron to attended the bride wearing blue chiffon velvet with matching acces sories and carried sweetheart ros es the flower girl was laliss norma dixon she carried a nosegay of roses mr fred ireson was gooms- man and mr william dixon and mr hugh mitchell ushers after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the brides parents north imarkham later the couple left by motor for ottawa they will live in toronto visiting home district mr and mrs h j carter of fort william are visiting in town at the home of her sister mrs alexander grubin they made the 1200 mile trip by motor passing over excel lent paved roads almost the entire journey mrs carter was formerly myrtle heise while air carter too is a resident of this section his mother being a sister to william leathers and the leathers home stead is well known in whitchurch air carter speaking of the political situation at fort william predicts that hon ir alanion minister of canals will be lucky if he retains his seat so entrenched has the section become in favor of some form of social credit a sad death at goodwood bill mulock the liberal candidate n north york in visiting all parts of the riding this week has received an enthusiastic reception from the electors and the swing to mulock is more noticeable every day it was just a year ago on imonday last that air mulock was elected in the by- election with a majority of nearly four thousand votes and with the largest vote ever accorded a candi date of any party in this constituen cy present indications are his vote on alonday oct 14th will be larger than a year ago and his majority much increased the wonderful reception and as surance of support which bill alulock is receiving is due not only to the demand of the people for a change from the ruinous bennett policies but is also due ito his own personal popularity bill mulock8 popularity is not confined to the limits of any party and hundreds and hundreds of electors who formerly were associated with other parties this time are solidly support ing his candidature the liberal candidate possesses to a marked de gree those qualities of heart and mind which are so necessary for real accomplishment in public life above all else he is honest and sincere he has proven himself an able representative of the people and already has commanded the at tention and respect of the nation and proven a worthy representative with the churches stouffvimjb presbxthkian rot w h fullerbjl sunday october 6th 1935 200 pm ss rally day 300 pm anniversary service rev thos mitchell dd will preach special music all are cordially invited t t t t 8toufpvillk baptist ohukoh clias s mcgrath pastor sunday october 6th 1936 1000 am bible school clases for all li00 am worship 700 pm service wednesday night 8 pm prayer meeting bible study friday night 8 pm bible class we invite you to our services t t t t stouffvuile mennonitb ohuboh friday october 4th 8 pm prayer service sunday october 6th 1935 1000 am sunday school 1100 am mr i pike will preach 700 pm mr e harvey will preach t t t t iiemonvclle bloomington batitiamtrab bev o b jjeffery minister sunday october 6th 1935 1045 ballantrae cliicken pio supper oct 10 heading for kingston again oao stoultville airs h anderson a 715 am b 925 am c 345 pni b s40 pm leave toronto bay at dundas b 1100 am c 130 pm e 530 pm c 545 pm- b 1015 pm daily except sunday holidays holidays day only saturday days copies tables all b sunday only c satur- e daily except sunday holl- or mo new time arc available at ollices and agencies gray coach lines airs ii anderson stouffville phone 1s8 istrated by the cigarette for in 1931 nearly 13000 fires were definitely traced to the careless handling of cigarettes these fires involving a property loss ot over 2 000 000 smokers carelessness was respon sible for more fires than any other single classification three out of every ten fires having attributed to this cause canadians in common with peoples of other countries are de voted to the little white rolls the above statistics show his to he the case whether the cigarette is good for us or bad for us is not the point we cannot blame the fires on sir walter iraleigh the smoke is not at fault but the smoker not the cigarette but the habits of the man behind it every time a cigarette is carelessly tossed aside there is a danger of fire a mathematician will tell you that it all the cigarettes smoked in canada last year were placed ightly end to end they would encircle the earth at the equator nearly eight times this is a purely academic increst but the fire hazard of 197000 miles of cigarettes is of very real interest to air and airs canadian citizen because it hits whero it hurts right in the pocket fjro prevention week serves to call attention to the fire hazard or the carelessly thrown cigarette alorley alorris farm hand en gaged on ono of our farms on the 5th of laiarkham was remanded to this week for sentence charged with improper conduct alorris who is 52 attempted to enter the bedroom of the children in the home at 4 oclock in the morning when the girls gave the alarm constable walker and constable quibell made the arrest alorris was found to have record serving a four year term in kingston for a similar offence he has been out of jail ono year and was employed with the alark ham farmer but one week be a re ax ford the home of air and airs wm alilne at green river was the scene of a pretty wedding when their niece miss lolene axford daughter of the late air and airs clayton axford of toronto was united in marriage to air stewart a beare radio technician and son of air and airs w a beore of alarkham rev air glover of claremout officiated at the ceremony which took place in the drawing room effectively decorated with asters and snapdragon aliss eileen harp er of manchester played the wedding music and imrs glover sang until the bride was given in marriage by her grandfather air e holthy she wore a becoming gown of white imported silk lace made on princess lines with short matching jacket and wore the gift of the groom a sapphire pendant her net veil was in cap effect witli orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and lilyofthevalley aliss christina alilne attended as bridesmaid air sidney beare was best man after the ceremony the guests were wel comed by the brides aunt mrs alilne who was gowned in black crepe and chiffon velvet imrs bearo the grooms mother was in black crepe after a trip to georgian bay and other northern points the bride and groom will make their home in newmarket a deep gloom was cast over this district when the news spread that little sam todd 4yearold son of air and mrs john todd died of a dread disease after only a few day illness the little fellow was laid away on sunday morning with sympathetic friends gathering out side the home and pastor burry preaching the service from the ver anda due to the contageous trouble which took the late child the family have the sympathy of everybody air and airs stormont and family also air and airs s robins all of winnett ave toronto visited with imr and mrs earl tate on sunday the goodwood united choir are going to have charge of the evening service of song at the fifth line united church next sunday under the leadership of wm henderson aliss kathleene and alargaret alcconnell have gone to caudo sask to visit their brother and re- ue old acquaintances after spending a year in ontario when they came here with their aunt and uncle air and airs chas forsyth air and airs john todd wish to express their deep appreciation and thanks for the kindness and sym pathy extended to them in the real bereavement in the loss of their son on sept 2sth and take this opportunity of doing so the goodwood united church held there rally sunday last sun day morning with about one hun dred in attendance when mr pennaman spoke on how to im prove the sunday school he gave several illustrations taking for his text working together with god for this historic riding if again tfioommgu elected on oct 14th as he will be lemonville harvest home service he will add further honor to a name already reverted in the hearts of the people of canada and reflect credit on the people of this riding who sent him to ottawa mulock committee rooms have been opened in north york town ship in aurora and newmarket and the candidate assisted by willing workers is conducting an aggressive and energetic campaign a number of public meetings have been held in the riding since the great nomination meeting held in rich mond hill a few weeks ago and be fore voting the candidate will have visited every community peachs anniversary chicken pie study fractures last week the department of surgery at the university of toron to conducted a post graduate course on fractures which was attended by dr herbert preel from stouffville tho class which consisted of 2s young surgeons gathered from all parts of ontario into toronto gener al hospital st michaels and hospital for sick children and the banting institute occupying a whole week during the period all the new methods of dealing with fractures were demonstrated and the surgeons given an- opportunity to become familiar with every new development set aside next monday even ing for the popular chicken pie supper and concert at lemonville united church supper from 0 to s high class concert follows ad mission 25 and 35c sunday october g is anni versary day in the church see church column an old markham resident buried last sunday melville mrs edgar pugh spent the week end in toronto air and ails p e steckley spent sunday in stayner eric and iven lofkrontz spent sunday with airs n cayman and family air george nesbitt of gilford spent sunday with air and airs bateman melville choir will assist in the evening services at peachs next sun day evening aliss jean aicewen is teaching near aurora during the absence of tho regular teacher aliss alildred foote owing to anniversary services at our sister church peachs there will be no sunday school or church services held at melville next sabbath the anniversary at peachs church will be held next sunday october 6 with services at 11 in the morning and 7 in the evening rev a iai partridge of maple an earnest and able preacher has been secured for the day the iratcliff quartette will render special numbers in the morning and the melville choir will be present at the evening ser vice old friends and former mem bers of the peachs district will be looked for and welcomed by the church officials at 7 pm wesley united church choir will assist us monday oct 7 harvest home chicken pie supper concert the public are invited t t t t bixxmiington and ringwood christian churches rev b morton preacher sunday october 6th 1935 god commands all men to love one another if all men obeyed this one command the noise of war equipment would be hushed forever services next lords day 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona the young people will have charge of the harvest home service at altona you are invited local briefs air and mrs fred fisher alalvern visited here wlth mrs tarr last week a meeting of the executive of the business and young mens bible class will be hold on thursday evening this week laiiss jean pipher was home from ladies college whitby over the weekend visiting with her parents mr and mrs cliff pipher church street councillor ae weldon councillor walter brillinger lud lowns- borough collector of taxes and a v nolan attended the funeral of the late john ii gowland aged g5 at markham on sunday afternoon interment was at peachs cemetery in tho district where the deceased farmed for most ot his life or prior to retiring in alarkham he was a prominent memher of the alasonlc order tho alarkham fair board and other organizations one daughter vlda gowlind is very well known in stouffville and district the wais of stouffville united clnirch will celebrate their 10th anniversary on thursday after noon at 245 in the church base ment special programme has been arranged for the occasion all mem bers and friends are invited on sunday morning the regular church service will be conducted by the wais and airs longly of toron to will be the guest speaker births furrier to mr and mrs h e farrier friday september 27 1935 a son herbert grant permanent waving john warren reeve of east york township and stevens rcconstructlonlst candidate for east york riding special oil croqiiljrnoie 250 with curley ringlet ends ncstlo eugene frederics sano sroo 750 1000 zntos aincliincless 1000 and 1200 finger waving by appointment only iv keeping 4 doors east presbyterian church phone 8114 stouffville t t t t stoitfpvujlb united ohukoh bev thos laldlaw minister sunday october 6th 1935 1000 am s s bible classes 1100 am morning worship special wjafs service mrs ev longley will speak 700 pm evening service rev herbert lee subject peters testimony to christ 800 pm monday young peoples society good program followed by games let us have a big attendance 800 pm wednesday prayer and bible study you are cordially welcome the regular monthly meeting ot the garret evening auxiliary will meet at the home of miss gertrude todd on wednesday oct 9 buffet bupper served at 530 and miss shepherd of toronto will give an address t t t t stouffvujiie congregational chbistian church harry worling pastor stouffville sunday october 6th 1935 1000 am bible school clases for all 1100 morning worship 700 pm evening sorvice the pastor will be in charge of both services wednesday 800 pm prayer meeting friday 730 pm childrens meeting church hill 200 pm bible school classes for all 300 pm church service thursday 8 pm the christian endeavour will meet at tho home of air and vmrs vaughan a hearty welcome awaits all who attend these services altona the altona institute will meet at the home of mrs c badgoro on wednesday oct 9 at 230 tho pro gram includes roll call by your maiden name paper on historical research exhibit and demonstra tion program in charge of group 4 under leadership of mrs w parkor this is grandmothers meeting and they aro all welcome old and young the exhibit is to be of grand mothers work of today and of tho past