ftcibtrae vol xlvii no 16 stouffville ontario thursday august 15th 1935 a v nolan jp publisher creophos strengthening tonic builder and tissue general debility nervous weakness summer colds bronchitis asthmatic conditions local club make presentation to earl cook whitchurch tax rate struck on saturday j m storey the home of quality drugs druggist field day results at the lake last night wednesday was karl cook steamer lueas night at the gleet street stadium the home of the toronto maple loafs our own stonltville baseball club being the starting point for karls base ball career found it only titting to make some recognition of the heights to which our local son has risen in the baseball world he was presented last evening with a hand some wall pen and pencil set a number 61 the players still with the local club held down positions on the team when karl did the twirling in the local park last week cook chalked up his tenth win of the season and has proved that he is in the big league to stay he did the hurling against the newark bears in the twilight and floodlight game on wednesday orval martin won the boat prize at the musselman lake held day competition the boat being donated by the schell lumber co of stouff- ville and liss alma baker soprano won second prize in the open amateur contest held in the evening doris ciledhard daughter of one of the cottagers won first in the evening contest with her novelty and acrobatic stunts the field day was held on appletons grounds on the south side for which ideal weather pre vailed foot races softball and horse shoe tournaments childrens games tugofwar and water games were the highlights ot the program swimming and canoe races for the younger boys provided keen compe tition one of the most amusing events was the duck race in which live ducks were let loose in the water some distance from shore and the competitors had to swim out and catch them the dog derby attracted canine entrants of all species from every section of the summer resort avon tely trophy north side defeated south side 17 to 7 in the ladies softball tournament to capture the toron- onto evening telegram trophy in the mens battle north was also the winner under walter daniels the horseshoe pitching tournament was won by tom porter and ernio tun- stead racing and other events were un der the direction of e s smith and bob draper the water sports were supervised by bert lloyd and harold bevons as a recognition of their splendid eervices the ratepayers association presented w j evans with a pen and pencil set initialed secretary bevens with a lamp and treasurer draper with a pen set during tlto afternoon no less than ten gross of allday suckers were distributed free to the kiddies mitchell hepburn who will address the liberal con vention for north york at richmond hill next monday premier hepburn will speak in the arena there in tiie evening widemancarter upper school results stouflvillo continuation school evelyn r baker alg c trigl physics c fr auth 3 fr comp 3 kathleen p conner physics c fr comp c irene l crosier eng comp c mnble i morton eng comp 2 trig i physics c anne v paisley eng comp 2 jack m pennoek eng comp c lillian o phillips eng comp 3 eng lit c myrtle e rose eng comp c ei ireesor sleckley frcompc m ross widetnan eng gompo mansion house stouffville ontario now open redecorated single iroom and meals per week 000 two in rem and meals per week 300 ladies and gents rest rooms e a grubin registered optometrist will be at his office in stouffvllle every other moday and tuosday august dates 6th and 6th 19th and 20th september dates 3rd lgth 17 30th eyos examined glasses fitted and repaired phono stouffvilla 2406 the marriage took place in altona union church on august 10th 1915 at 230 pm of beatrice florence carter only daughter of mr george h and the late mrs carter altona to arthur christian wideman son of mr and mrs henry wideman stouffvillo the rev arthur d lehman cousin of the bride olliciated tito church was decorated with various summer blooms the wedding music was played by imiss eva hoover cousin of the bride during the signing of the register the brides sunday school class sang the voice that breath ed oer eden the bride was given in marriago by her father she wore a gown of white crepo with white accessories and carried a bouquet of sweet heart roses lilyofthevalley and maiden hair fern the bridesmaid miss kate iteesor wore a gown of pink silk organdy and white hat she carried a bouquet of sweet peas the flower girl little dorothy meyer cousin of the bride was dressed in mauve organdy carried a basket of daisies the groom was attended by walter carter brother of the bride ushers were george oyer cousin of the bride and edward wideman brother of the groom tloy were presented with a bibie from tho altoaa union church later the bride and groom left tor a trip to a summer resort on the georgian bay for travelling the bride wore a grey tweed suit with black acces sories on their return they will reside near stouffville engagements mr and mrs r f klinck announce the engagement of their daughter aura marguerite to harold murray son of mr and mrs george baker of gormley the marrlag to take placo august 31st whitchurch township tax payers will face a slight increase in taxa tion this year ol threequarters o a null the general tax rate was set on saturday at six mills an in crease of ong mill over 1931 while the county rate struck at 9 1 mills a drop of a quarter mill secondary education remains stationary and general school levies are he same reeve newton rae and members of council gave the bylaw long consideration from every angle and expressei the desire to levy for just what they could get by on and not leave a bank overdraft interest charges have been running around itioo per year and council said they wished to keep borrowings at tho lowest level possible which they contend is in the best interests ol the tax payers the relief situation is a problem and the demands arg growing at a time when there seems to be so much work to be done councillors expressed the view that every case would bo carefully scrutinized this fall and work found for every able bodied man if at all possible the relief hills for july totalled 93 especially will it be hard to obtain relief if the government subsidy is cut off as it seems certain to le next month school issue sold deputy reeve toole moved and councillor cook seconded a resolu tion to authorize the sale of ballantrae school debentures to thomas williamson of stouffville at 1100 solicitor harry naughton being present advised the sale which was regarded as a good one the necessary bylaw was also pass ed covering the same the issue it for st 200 at 1 v- per cent which sold at a premium of 200 pleased with wegd inspector report s p foote weed inspector pre sented his report and councillors said it was the most complete one they had presented to them air foote reported the meeting of in spectors hold at richmond hill also his duty respecting threshing machines which must be inspected and licensed before going from farm to farm he found the road forman ready to cooperate when he called on them and some dozen farms wore ordered to have weeds cut on private property in each case the owners acceeded to his request without opposition other resolutions evans cook that clerk be instructed to issue a clear receipt for taxes to dec 1934 to mrs minnie parsons for lots at wilcox lake she having paid same another resolution authorized the payment of 24 to j a clarke for four sheep killed and one injured by dogs councillor leary and deputy reeve toole moved the payment or the relief account of 59332 accounts passed h a smith for div 1 1510 townline south 2110 p cober weeds 100 d baker trucking 9685 garnet evans gravel 29 h dewsbiny for div 13 705 milt davis for div 30 1775 j h widdifield salary 100 jos winterstein weeds sc7 l j harper drag j truck 1400 chas pycock weeds 3140 frank williams for div 10 720 w ii sproxton for div 15 1175 jno petch div 9 9 w f bell gravel sproxton div 21 hopkins 933 yards l j fa rr crushed i erb trucking it weller trucking harper trucking p a hutchinson 11100 frank thousands heard oldtime gospel mrs j h ratcliff of announce the engage mr and slouffville ment of her daughter eva w lynburner to mr harold nichol son of imr and mrs william nichol of hagersvllle tho marriage to take place the latter part of august mr and mrs david m galloway formerly or stouffville announce tho engagement of their daughter marion gertrude to 7 howard gallagher son ot mr and mrs ernest gallagher the marriage will take place on september 7 400 g ii 1010 allan grave 13995 gravel 30 150 gravel 3795 1120 l j gravel 8130 trucking gravel wesley account 0505 stewart watt drawing gravel 7375 less rose drawing gravel 8505 harry fisher drawing gravel 11305 a penrose for div 5 1400 noah badjor weeds 470 alex wails div 33 2050 frank widdifield div 40 1220 e bolender for div is 9 a mcneill weeds 525 h imcclure for div 2s 1025 town line east 1250 w paisley for div 23 11342 geo hoover gravel 3600 e lemon for div 39 2375 g smalley for div 43 9373 austin vako weeds 170 g evans gravel 7320 les pres ton weeds etc 1658 ir j carr for div 14 2736 ii smith div 1 s60 c ii- rose posts 730 town line east 2245 w beach div 41 1690 harry hill weeds 760 w simpson for div 37 675 geo mccormick div 3s 1625 general accounts dr boulillng mcdatt 1250 j williamson constable 11750 it windsor constable 7100 hydro light hall 306 olllco supplies if there was ever any great doubt in the minds of the mennouite church ollicials as to the advisabil ity and desirability of holding a religious camp in stouffville it must now all be dispelled at least 2000 people gathered in the big arena on sunday evening at memorial park for the farewell service of the ten- day series conducted in addition over 1000 attended the afternoon meeting following a tremendous morning congregation climaxing his addresses or the series with his life story or testimony rev frank e arthur evangelist and pastor from buffalo held his real audience for nearly one hour s he unfolded his career and his spiritual convictions to them dur ing the series of meetings rev mr arthur proved himself to be a real orator a good story teller and a man with unusual insight in to the bible which ho so ably expounds as a result of his expositions many converts were brought to the penitent form and hundreds more must wave left the meetings de termined to renew their faith in god and henceforth be better men and women the great congrega tion on sunday evening was a tri bute to the evangelist for 2000 souls are not easily assembled with out some added attraction the evangelist in this case was the one real magnet presiding elder m bricker on sunday evening expressed tho sincere thanks of the church ollicials to the parks commission town council proprietor of the arena and any others who in any way contributed to the comfort of the camp all of which he said made the undertaking the success it prov ed to be mr bricker even appreciated the colored light up on main street which are used for only special occasions and by their use lie knew the community realized the camp was an important and a worth while happening in the community ideal weather also contributed to the success of the camp there being only a couple of showers and but one service interrupted when an unusually heavy storm passed over this locality on sunday afternoon those who came from distant points for the camp expressed their satis faction with the locality for a camp and the conditions under which one can be held in stouffville the big arena eliminates the large tent be ing put up water is handy and electric lights were available in the tents brought by the campers the influence of a great religious camp of this nature is hard to estimate but the spiritual effect must not be underrated tho strings were ample to pay all expenses incurred and leave a small ajuount balance while the dining tent under direction of noah baker and his first aide rev shantz of gormley turned out a small surplus despite the fact that meals were estimated to be served at cost of six tickets for 1 over 400 had dinner or tea in the tent campers with families mostly took their meals in their own tents groceries for the meal tent were all procured from the local stores the business being divided between them early election bylaw held up after deadlock uxbridge township council votes 3 to 2 to hold up the matter relief only 1350 dean of the business men uxbridge township council fail ed to pass a bylaw to hold their municipal election on the first monday in december and nomia- tion the last monday in november when the matter came up at the august meeting of council in session at goodwood on saturday councillor owen davies who intro duced the bylaw was supported by councillor hockley with councillors ashenhurst and james in opposi tion the deadlock was broken by reeve pickard voting with the opposition to lay the matter over for further consideration thoso opposed to the earlier election date did so on the ground that financial statement would be incomplete at that time of year salaries school payments county rates etc they held would show as liabilities and very few taxes would be paid they felt the ratepayers would like a more complete state ment such as is possible to present with the statement coming out after december 15 in support of the bylaw it is possible to evade the usual election turmoil coming at the christmas and new year season with voters having to contend with snow roads in these days of motor travel d b harkuess of the unemploy ment irelief dept of the ontario government notified council that after august 1st the twothirds re bate on relief would be cancelled by tiie government and the municipal ity would handle its own relief problem this applies to all men between the ages of is and 60 a bylaw was given its several readings striking the various rates of the township for the year as follows for county purposes a rate o 5 51100 mills which is 62100 mills less than last year for town ship purposes a rate of 6 mills be ing one half mill lower than last year for general school purposes a rate of 474 or about the same as last year trustees rates were struck to suit the needs of the different school bards a bylaw was also passed repeal ing the poll tax bylaw in the township the following road accounts were passed for payment cecil wallace graveling 4s5 0 harvey carroll 27 yards gravel 405 roy ellis 75 yards gravel 1125 william smith cut weeds 640 george wilson cut 1020 archie storry cut 660 w j hakney cut 2s0 harold dickinson cut goldie fleming this is probably the first time scores of tribune readers will have laid their eyes on the likeness of the liberal candidate for east york rid ing but he is making headway in getting over the riding and in to tho homes of the electorate this cut is from a recent photograph and is a good likeness of the candidate with the churches stouffville mj3nnonith church kev 8 crcssman pastor sunday august is 1935 friday 8 pm prayer service 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm preaching service altona 7 pm preaching t t t t lemonvillb bloomington ballantrae kov o b ijeffery minister sunday august 18 1935 1045 am dst mussalmans lake ballantrae 11 am st lemonville 3 pm st bloomington 7 pm st the public are invited t t stouffville kov w h t t presbyterian fulierba carpenter expires while at work ralph raes lifeless body was discovered on top of park grand stand weeds weeds weeds weeds weeds mr john i tat el iff who will reach his 77th birthday on sunday next august the isth the eldest active business man on main street he is regarded as the dean of the business men of slouff ville the tribune joins with tiie citizens in general in congratulating him on this the eve of another year in his aclve life 1300 ira redshaw cut fill washout 2160 wm jones cut weeds 2 w p carmody cut weeds 14 alonzo allin cut weeds 1240 a g clark cut weeds iillwash 33 so bristol mcguckin cut weeds a fill wash 1430 avalter beach cut weeds fill wash 10 arthur peddie cut weeds fill wash 480 w smally to pay for cutting weeds 420 jos cooper cut weeds 360 fred prentice cut weeds 200 cecil latcham fill wash 200 fred jackson cut weeds 4 harvey swain cut weeds 500 russel spencely cut weeds and drag 9 so clifford lee cut weeds 16 so w e lock haul gravel 9000 town of uxbridge ino yards gravel 2250 arthur blown cut weeds 2 melvin aisop haul gravel cut weeds 8920 john kydd 132 yds gravel 19 so jack ward s yards gravel 120 wilfred simpson 212 yards gravel 31 so charles clark 43 yards gravel 645 joseph nokes 40 rod wire fence 1200 mrs wm johnston 4 0 rods wire fence 1200 fred wilkinson repairing grader wheel 125 samuel redman cut weeds 2 joseph ferricr cut weeds 100 c j manley cut weeds 360 orville flewell cut weeds 400 ira stiner cut weeds fill wash 760 gordon hockley cut weeds fill wash 6 norman hogg tractor on grader 900 john iredshaw tract or on grader 2970 ross middle- ton gas for tractor 10 os im e rodman 50 spikes for bridge 250 other accounts passed hydro hall service chargo 6ss relief accounts 1350 hospital accounts being ono half of full accounts 11357 on motion of messrs davies james council adjourned to meet on saturday sept 14th at 1 pm the community was shocked on monday afternoon to learn that ralph irae a familiar figure on main street had been found with life extinct lying on the flat roof of tho grand stand at memorial park where ho had been engaged in mak ing repairs and was at the time of his demise placing a new roof on the stand the shocking discovery was made by norman m maclean at about a quarter to five in the afternoon death was due to a stroke mr maclean was working down on the grounds below and not hear ing his companions hammer for some time he went up to see mr rae when he was horrifiel on being confronted with his lifeless form lying flat on its back and his car penter tool in his hand the un fortunate man had evidently taken a weak spell as he was on his knees engaged on the roof job dr sangster was summoned pro nounced lite extinct and assisted l e oneill undertaker to re move the 185 pound body down from the building mr rae had intimated a few hours before his death that he was not feeling very well ho was advised to take the afternoon off but declined saying that he would no doubt feel better as the day progressed less than an hour before his body was found herb porter passed the stand and hailed him with a few words about the weather ralph replied that there was a good breeze up on the roof born on the rae homestead on the 10th concession of whitchurch just above stouffville iralph rae was the third child ot the late mr and mrs matthew rae he was a ibnchelor and spent all his 61 years in and about stouffville he was a carpenter by trade and only a few years ago built himself a com fortable home on north mill street deceased was a man or strict integrity quiet disposition and of a very retiring nature mr rao is sur vived by two brothers and two sisters the brothers are newton rae reeve of whitchurch twp and richard rao of goodwood and the sisters mrs nelson burkholder stouffville and the former mrs peters of church street now living in california the funeral on wednesday after noon took placo from tho home of his sister mrs burkholder to stouffville cemetery by request flowers were omitted tho service was taken by rev herbert leo and pall bearers were six nephews sunday august is 1935 300 pm church service sunday school withdrawn we cordially invite the public to worship with us t t t t bloomington and ringwood christian churches kev e morton preacher sunday august 18 1935 it is only in fellowship with christ that wo can receive those influences and impulses which still enable us to bring forth much fruit and thus show that we are disciples indeed selected bloomington 1100 am ringwood 700 pm mr bert serrick in charge t t t t stouffville united ohukoh kov thos loidbiw minister sunday august is 1935 1000 am ss bible classes 1100 am morning worship irev robert young will preach evening service withdrawn during the month ot august we heartily invite tho public to our morning sessions evening auxiliary picnic will be held on wednesday aug 21 in memorial park stouffville t t t t stouffville baptist ohukoh o s mcgrath pastor sunday august 18 1935 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 morning worship 700 evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer and bible study we extend a hearty invitation to all to attend all our services t t t t stouffville congregational christian ohukoh harry worling pastor sunday august 18 1935 stouffvule 1000 am bible school classes for ah 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service wednesday 800 pm prayer meeting in the church friday 730 pm childrens meeting church 3ui1 sunday august 18 1935 200 pm bible school classes for all 300 pm church servlco thursday 800 pm christian endeavour a hearty welcome awaits all wha attend these services 4 141 registry office 120 allan theaker ambulance 3120 york- county hospital 7937 s p foot weed inspector 33 j a clark trucking 200 j a clark sheep inspection 450 mr and mrs albert lehman mr and mrs j r barkey and gordon enjoyed a trip on monday jo niagara falls and buffalo ny the two new bridges to beaver and grand islands were among the interesting scenes of the day rev and imrs e e honsberger of gownnstown ontario are visiting with tho latters parents mr and mrs j r barkey west end stouff- vllle other visitors at spruce villa were mrs dohner of richmond hill mr and mrs fred stark and howard stark mr and mrs wm scott miss k hiltz and mr turney from the queen city obtained normal entrance local school births gomlic in stouffville on august 3 1935 to mr and mrs fletcher goudlo a son in obtaining a pass or better in all five papers on which sho wroto on the upper school examinations as announced in this issue evelyn baker daughter of mr and mrs edw baker now has her normal school entrance complete evelyn is the first student of stouffville school to complete this standing since the new regulations camo into eltoct getting her subjects wholly through tho local school elaborate decorations aro being made under the direction of mr geo saunders down at tho arena for the flower show opening this thursday afternoon i soiii it ir