brighter prospects storage grants for farmers condition continue gradually to improve for the farmers and there appears to be little doubt that the present year will be the best at least since 1931 wuile prices fluct uate to some extent the price of hogs continues above nine cents per pound live weight which is in mark- ed contrast to 3vi cent paid in 1932 the prce of beer cattle calves iambs etc are about double what they were two or three years ago that a great deal more money is coining into the district may be judg ed by tie fact that mr f s johnston has paid out an average of about 1000 for stock every second tues day for some weeks dr it b bums den is also buying and shipping tteck and w s davidson and son of haveluck and mr mel fitzgerald of snrlngurook are also buying stock ill this district and the combined am ounts must mean a good deal to far mers eggs arc also nearly double in price what they were a few years ago and there has been a gratifying increase in the price of cheese last week the price was 11 cents and a further increase i expected this week it is hoped the higher price will benefit cheese factory patrons in two ways in the first place every cent extra for cheese means about 10 cents net per 100 for milk and if a larger number are induced to send milk to the factory the average cost per 100 lbs for overhead will also be reduced it will take farmeis some time to regain what they have lost but it is encouraging that condition are stead ily improving marmora herald urged for farms music lovers at cne us may fortify isles in pacific wheat pools seek to place grower elevator on par ity predict legislation saskatoon special legislation whereby farmers would receive regular grain storage charges of one cent per bushel per month for wheat held in their farm granaries will be sought from the saskatchewan gov ernment by the wheat pools it was forecast here a 1 sproule director of the saskatchewan pool from lafleche speaking before the provincial con ference of cooperative trading as sociation outlined the legislation the pools proposed to request farmers lie said should be placed on the same basis as elevators in re gard to grain storage mr sproule intimate 1 also that legislation would be sought to allow the farmer to hold for his own us2 enough grain to cover necessary living ami operating expenses and give him an opportunity to build up livestock herds mk sproule declared if the farm er had not been compelled to sacri fice his hogs and all his cattle ex cept the few required for home use 70000 lo 80000 bushels of the present wheat surplus would have been consumed on the farms a resolution calling for a mini mum wheat price of si ofi a bushel fob fort william for the present crop was introduced by george pickerton president of the united farmers of canada saskatchewan section a similar resolution had been adopted by his organization che cooperrttves favored the reso lution by a small majority wmtsmaw the main grandstand at the canadian national exhibition is and every year worldfamous bands regale the listeners this year featured always a papular meeting place the famous irish guards band is washington feels hands free now that treaty is inef- fective rivalry is re- i vived- a ho eat thousands rush to harvest crops when governor is sues fdict pierre sd twentyfive thous and men who for months have re ceived their bread and butter from the state relief rolls were forced re cently to go to work in the harvest fields or starve with every relief office in south dakota closed under an ultimatum issued by gov tom berry there was a rush for the wheat field the no w0 no eat edict had a trcmen- al strength laid down in the treaty dous effect upon men who have liv for the united states britain and washington the united states is studying a proposal that it forti fy the aluentian islands guam yap and possibly other possessions in the pacific when the washington naval limitation treaty expires dec 31 193g it was reported unofficially last week the proposal follows informal de nunciation of the 553 ratio of nav the united states britain japan by both tokio and london an official indication of the unit ed states decision to obtain naval mastery of the pacific may be ex pected shortly it was understood although the slate and navy depart ments refused to comment london cables said reports were circulated there that following bri tains denunciation of the naval ra tios washington was expected to declare the nonfortification clause must be abandoned britain probably will not object to the move japan while she might object unofficially hardly could make formal protest because of her action in being first to scut tle the washington arrangement the whole trend of pacific affairs was viewed as drifting toward dan gerous naval rivalry between united states and japan with british policy designed for the present to enforce the american position if tho tendency for angloamerican naval cooperatin continues it was hoped japan might he forced to re consider her position and enter new arrangements before the end of next year ed upon the states relief agencies for as long as two years jarred in to realization that free food and money no longer were forthcoming they sprang into activity looking for work governor berry issued his ultima tum after being informed that farm ers were unable to muster sufficient hands to harvest one of the most bountiful grain crops in years with 25000 men on relief there still was an acute shortage of help berry said he received 57 calls from farmers who complained they couldnt find harvest hands halfcent pieces currency suggested by states employing sales tax ottawa the government last week took a stop calculated to stop the swing from oiieese production to butter production among the dairy farmers the plan is to bonus tann ers sending their milk to cheese fact ories the first payments to be made the first week in august covering ho july production in making the announcement hon kobert weir minister of agriculture said pay ments would he based on one and one half cents per pound for the cheese produced they will increase the tar mcrs returns from the cheee tact ories between iu and 5 per cent checks will be made out by the sec retaries of the actorios drawn on money advanced by the government as long as canadian butter produe hon does not exceed the domestic de mand canadian prices are somewhat above world prices cheese however is always sold on a world price bads this situation tended to encourage farmers to shift from cheese produc tion to butter making the end would havo been that butter production would exceed domestic demand and it would drop to world prices it is regarded as preferable to export milk in the form of cheese than but ter for several reasons one is can adian cheese ranks higher in the united kingdom market than does butter from this country announcement of the resumption of statutory increases brought a noto of good cheer to civil servants eligible for these increases which will amount to from c0 to 5210 per annum those affected will get a nice little sum in the first pay including tho boost because the increase is being made retroactive to april 1 members of the service openly voic ed their satisfaction at the move c the government statutory increases were cancelled in 1932 but since that year conditions have been showing a general betterment and the govern ment has been able to see its way clear to resume the increases the prime minister was expected to get away last weekend tor a much needed rest by the seaside work of the cabinet especially the dick- erings with japan for a trade treaty has delayed the departure or the prime minister it is anticipated however that a satisfactory arrange ment will be arrived at between can ada and the japanese government so much of mr dennetts time has neon taken up with cabinet meetings that the expected cabinet re organ ization announcement aong with appointment to the senate also were delayed mr denton massey ontario pro vincial campaigu d rector gave in spiration to the youth of the province last week in two speeches made in toronto and broadcast over a radio hookup lie pointed out particularly the great leadership mr bennett has given this country in her lean years and the stubborn fight he has made to get canada hack on her feet the government has had little or no trouble with the unemployed trek- kers hundreds of whom have estab lished themselves in the capital mr dennett although baited by premier hepburn of ontario is saying noth ing while on the other hand mr hep burn had a change of heart or mind after announcing he would not inter fere with the marchers he stopped them at kenora farm flash the latest reports indicate that there will be a fairly active move ment of eggs from canada lo the united kingdom this year pleasant surprise peace river farmer 1700 loan in cash ays peace river a farmer with 1- 700 cash in his pockets and a stack of receipts whose name was not disclosed caused a mild sensation when he appeared before the fann ers creditors arrangment act board here in contrast to others who came before the board with empty pockets and stories of exorbitant land prices and interest rates this farmer said he was satisfied with the high price he agreed to pay when he bought and what he would pay honestly for his shortsightedness he did not want the interest rate cut or reduc tion of the purchase price he produced receipts for doctor bills axes store account gas and oil bills they arc all paid he de clared producing 1700 currency i want you to make a distribution of this money to my land creditors i will look after my bank loan the fall washington price lags thousands of items in every day use may soon be in fractions of a cent i canada supplie 00 per cent of under a proposal bearing approval the seed potato market in cuba of the treasury i cuban potatoes replanted in cuban issuance of new onehalf cent soil will not reproduce a saleable pieces for the first lime in the product hence all seeil is imported united states since 1857 when 35- two crops of potatoes are harvest- iso were minted is proposed in aod in that country every year plan which secretary of the treas- iirv henry morgenthau jr will of- canada exports fr i canada exports fresh beef bacon fer congress i am hams and pickled pork to prac- the new coins if approved by tically all parts of the world dur- congress might also bring a new ing the month of may 1035 the metal into circulation as legal ten- following countries imported one or der it was indicated they may be other of these canadian products made of bronze or an aluminum al- united kingdom united states of loy they may be in circulation america bermuda british guiana within a few weeks approval of the new coins was given in response to appeals from states having sales taxes at least 10 states have straight percentage sales taxes aver aging about two per rent on all pur chases thus a 25 cent purchase would call for an additional vi cent sales tax payment since the coins would be issued by the federal government and british honduras barbadoes ja maica trinidad and tobago and other british west indies new foundland alaska french west in dies hawaii japan and st pierre et miquolon during the past thirty years the united states each year has sold more merchandise to canada than she bought from the dominion would be legal tender in all states over that long period canada has when 18 countries wore represent ed the second at barcelona spain in 1021 28 countries taking part the third congress was held at ot tawa canada in 1027 delegates from 43 countries being present in 1030 the fourth congress was held at london england with 00 coun tries in attendance at the fifth congress al rome in 1033 delegates came from 11 countries and with regard to the coming sixth confer ence to he held in 1930 in berlin germany it is expected that the big gest attendance yet of delegates will assemble purchased from the united states passed let the do glvi of her total imports and has cents to fractions sold 37 per cent of her exports to the board members complimented tq e usc the man for his integrity it was believed many merchants would extend the practice of mark ing goods in odd of a cent the half cent pieces the united states would add also to the amount of lose change which folks would have to carry in their pockets although the treasury has not decided upon the size it is believed the new coins would be somewhat smaller than onecent pieces likewise undeter mined was the type of die or face there were ten plant of the lin seed and soybean industry in opera tion in canada during 131 three plants being in quebec four in on tario two in manitoba and one in alberta linseed oilo is the prin cipal item of production the manu facture of oilcake meal being next in importance t i the sciences are the windows political democracy is little hetter thr0iu wn philosophy sees the than a sham unless it is accompanied worlli tlu are t scllses 0 v by economic democracy and democ- j t so will durant racy in education bertrand bus- sell j 0 sixth worlds country congress the first congress of tie worlds poultry science association was held at the hague holland in 1021 dogs and motors the s p c offers the following suggestion for teaching dogs to avoid tje peril of the automobile it is e sential to train dogs to be ware of motors and to understand that they must go to the side of the road on the approach of a car some dogs keep to heel naturally others need teachiing the simplest way or which we have knowledge is lo fasten a strong whipcord eight or ten feet long to his cotlar let him wander till a car approaches then pull the cord quickly and call him to heel if he refuses lo come im must be gently drawn in when the car has go out again and keep on repeating the lessons al most every dog will soon understand that the noise of a ear means danger and seek safety at the side or the road when approaching a crossing call the dog to heel and make him wait until the road is clear then wave the hand and say right he should go forward quickly and cross in safely soon loams where to wait the great need today is for hardi ness independence and courage roger w babson if you are a friend of nature you ape a rich man even in old age adidf ioracz the markets produce prices united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs with cases returned a large 21c a milium 20c b lgc c 15c butter ontario no 1 solids 19vc no 2 lovic poultry qojtations in cents dressed i i ve 11 lsscll ullkfctl a a a over 5 lbs 12i 4 to 5 lbs 11 3 or 4 lbs 10 old roosters 7 9 spring broilers over 4 lbs 1g 3 to 4 lbs 11 2i to 3m lbs 13 1 to 2v- lbs 12 hay and straw no 2 timothy hay baled ton 1250 to 1350 no 3 timothy hay ton 11 to 12 straw wheat bal ed ton 9 oat straw 7 to 8 wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to to ronto retail trade pork ham 23c shoulders isac butts 20c pork loins 22ic picnics 18c lard pure tierces 14c tubs 14c pails 14 ic prints 14c shortening tierces 10 vic tubs 1034c pails llic prints ll toronto grain quotations following are saturdays closing quotations on toronto grain trans actions by car lots prices on basis cif bay ports manitoba wheat no 1 northern 89c no 2 northern 8gc no 3 northern 81c no 4 northern 76c no 5 northern g9 manitoba oats no 2 cw 48c no 3 cw 45c extra no 1 feed oats 45e no 1 feed 43c mixed feed oats 32c voice of the press the amazing lindbergh chicago daily news co charles a linjergh is an amazing young man now he is credited with having bridged the greater gap between the dead and sonal iiberu ther the living according to report liis canada tired drivers sometimes there is too much per- some means of e should be preventing tired mechanical genius in alliance with nlotorists drivi into th the biological knowledge of the great mcailtim tlle sensible dri 8 scientist dr alexis carre has con- avoid sudi trived to reproduce by artificial de- him to grind out hundreds of niles vice the effective operation of the heart and lungs he has made pos sible the observance of human organs functioning as in life after their detachment from the natural sources a day and night hamilton herald too much waiting about students of canadian history have i i- i been impressed of late bv the of breath and blood and apparent- thaupht that j ly for perious that may be proong- cuuk di if ed indelin tely it is reasonable lo wcre d to hope for developments of immense conuuons l a w3y fol ot immense vaue in medical science i i themselves as earlier generations if the promise of the lindcrbergn d t mechanism is sustained triumph and tragedy have shaped in lindbergh a character that both inspires and serves the venture some spirit and technically adept mind of this 33yearold american turning now from the secrets of the sky to the mysteries of the bio chemical laboratory may accomp lish much for humanity in the length of life that normally remains for their mature exercise some confusion atchison glebe two ladies were sitting at an open window j one was listening to a churoti choir practicing across the way the other was listening to the noise of the crickets tho first one said how loudly they sing tonight and the okier one said yes and they tell mo they do it with their hind legs the cat came back annapolis royal spectator an interesting story of a good old cat who had a long walk home de veloped the other day when the faith ful fepno of the household of a lo cal gentleman came along his veran dah roof to his bathroom window in the dark hours of the early morning and plaintivey meowed to be let in the cat had been missing lor more than a week and it was all because of liis penchant for taking joy rides in tho family motor car in which he also had luxurious sleeps when the opportunity offered and he car wa- idle at home one evening the occupants not knowing that tom was also a passenger took a run up hue j valley and the cat probably did not awaken until a stop was made at bridgetown either there or at mill- dleton he apparently got out and it took him many days to find his way home again on foot but he arrived safe and sound as ever country there is loo great a tendency to wait for gov ernments or organizations to create favorable opportunities and loo much dependence upon services and conveniences and environment which exist only because of the tail which others performed tniliy years ago woodstock sentinelreview calgary looking up reports from calgarys city tax collector as to payments made on 1935 taxes are particularly gratify ing they indicate a distinct change in the atmosphere of business as well as a change in the attitude ot the taxpayers from the collections made already this year by the tax collector it is evident the business outlook has improved and that calgary business men arc facing the future with greater assurance and certainty than was possible a year ago it is also noteworthy that we are not now- hearing threats of taxpayers strik es calgary herald sights of st thomas girls would be arrested in port stanley if they walked about up town in bathing suits only judg ing by what we see on talbot street some girls would be wearing a lot more if they wore bathing suits st thomas timesjournal an old german and his wile were given to quarrelling one day after a particularly unpleasant scene the old woman remarked with a sigh veil i vhvi i vas in heaven i vish i vas in a beer ganien groaned her husband ach ja cried the old wire always you pick out the best tor yourself light in the north the sarnia observer says srve day there will be a government in canada which will adopt daylight saving for the whole nation north ern alberta certainly will not be in- lerestcil ten oclock in the evening is still almost daylight at this time i of year on friday night last robins i were heard singing just aftsr mid night for clouds had cleared and the sky in the north was aglow with the light from the sun which was only just below the horizon its hard enough to get the youngsters to bed now the mere thought of daylight saving is enough to make edmonton mothers turn grey ed monton journal manitoba barley no 3 cw 4214 c no 1 feed screenings 15 per ton south african corn 65c ontario grain apprtximatc prices track shinning point wheat 55c to 58c oats 29c to 30c barley 30c to 35c corn 54c to 5gc rye 30c to 35c malting barley 35c to 40c ips true i frank sliietos by wiley padan its true that jean parker has learned and practices daily the entire setting up exercises of the marine corps says artist wiley padan also its true i that arthur byron learned a speech of two hundred and fifty words at a single rcadingl miiirhrr in the fleet will soon be at locwa manitobas surplus a surplus of 159435 for the fiscal year ending april 3 1935 has been announced by hon e a mcpher- son kc provincial treasurer tlio province of manitoba has for some time been operating on a cash basis and this means that actual cash re ceipts of the treasury for the year were 14383802 as against expendi tures of 14224427 this computation takes no account of the two and onehalf million spent on relief during the year al though it does include carrying charges on all relief borrowings as well as 39000 sinking fund on a debenture issue made for relief pur poses these results arc not spectacular but they do represent a real turn ingpoint in the fiscal affairs of the province winnipeg tribune t- picnickers favorite picnickingspots all over- the country are already de faced by a mass of foul litter old dirty paper empty tin cans broken bottles banana and orange peelings tribute to the filthy habits of peo ple who have made use of these otherwise pleasant and agreeable picnicking sites before the season closes the situation surrounding some of these places will be simply indescribable not one of these careless picnick ers would dream of conducting him self in a similar manner on his own property he would be indeed ashamed to have any litter seen about his demises which he is in the habit of keeping as peat as pos sible yet the moment he goes picnick ing he abandons all sense of de cency and strews the grounds with filthy materials often when the means of disposing of them aro readily at hand brockvdle re corder had the right idea george russell the irish poet who has just died was a man after our own heart for days like these ho believed that man ihould te lazy and do nothing hamilton herald economy is going without smic thing you want in case you should some day want something which you probably wont want anthony hope