mmmmmmmmiim m i womans by maif m morgan haspbeumes aim in giving the family the raspberry is something every hcsnemaker should indulge in at least once a year but it takes on its original meaning these days when the rosy- toned berries have como on the mar ket they are fine berries tliis year too having had good rains in june to make them luscious raspberries make delicious des serts and variations from tho riesaudcreaiii theme give the cook a ohance to serve more of the fresh fiuit raspberry fluff is nutritious and a perfect finish for a light lunch or cold plate summer dinner haspbekuy fluff 1 3 cup riuickcooking tapioca i cup sugar i teaspoon salt 1 or 2 egg yolks 4 cups milk 1 or two egg whites stiflly beaten 1 teaspoon flavouring 1 cup fresh raspberries cup whipped cream combine quickcooking tapioca sugar salt egg yolk and milk on top of double boiler and stir enough to break egg yolk place over rapidly boiling water bring to scalding point allow 5 to 7 minutes and cook 5 minutes stirring frequently remove from boiling water fold a small amount into egg white add to re maining tapioca mixture and blend cool mixture thickens as it cools add flavouring and chill then fold in whipped cream and slightly crush ed barrios rile in sherbet glasses garnish with a few whole or crushed berries and additional whipped cream raspberry flavour can easily pre served for winter now long ago it was impossible to make raspberry jelly because the fruit is deficient in that jellymaking substance called pectin but the new short boil recipes give a perfect raspberry jelly with all the colour and flavour of he fresh ripe fruit it is made in a lew minutes at low cost from this test ed recipe to the sauce when ready to nild the meat almost any kind uf leftover meat may be reheated in tfiis sauce and served in a border of well cooked rice or cheap cuts of meat may be cut in dice and browned quickly in hot fat then simmer them in the sauce on top of the stove or in the oven casserole fashion until tender a cheap cut of lamb is delicious cooked this way fbi and eggs are also good curried hard boil eggs and reheat in sauce if you are entirely unfamiliar with the taste of curry it may help you in judging the amount to use if you know that curry powder is a combin ation of several condiments including coriander seeds tumeric and fenu greek seeds as well as other spices it naturally varies in strength flavor and bite according to its composi tion so its a good idea to use it sparingly at first omelettes off for crimes talks curries take care leftovers home of the housewives like curried dishes in restaurants but evidently suppose thorn to be too complicated for home manufacture really curry is easy to use anil a fine change onco in awhile for the family a good way to use up leftovers too and make them look partifiod at the same time curry sauce was designed original ly to make the east indalns inevit able bowl of rice more palatable and to stimulate lagging appetites during hot weather paradoxical as it may sound tihe highly seasoned sauce does tempt the appetite and is a good addition t summer menus curries look nice because you put the rice on a hot serving dish to form a border and the vegetables meat or whatever the foundation may he in the centre heres you basic curry rule modi- fled to please western palates curry sauce one scant tablespoon curry pow der 1 able spoon flour 2 tablespoons butler cups tomato juice or meat broth 1 onion 1 tablespoon chutney sauce 1 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon sugar v- teaspoon sail 1s teaspoon pepper melt butter and stir in curry pow der and hour cook and stir until frqeiy slowly add tomato juice or meat broth stirring constantly when mitooth add minced onion chutney lemon juice sugar salt and pepper simmer for thirty minutes ii chut ney sauce is not available chopped cucumber rings or minced sweet pickle may be used if you like you there are many who say and try to prove that omelettes are diuicult to make we do not want to minimize the talent of our fellowcooks hut we should like to see those talents wid er spread and particularly in the matter ot omelettes they are easy try and see but there is one essential to a good ome lette absolute puncualuy of those intending to eat it keep them wait ing rather than the omelette 1 put a very strong shallow try ing pan to get hot 2 break your eggs and lightly beat the yolks and whites together do not whi k z season well if you want chop ped ham herbs or mushrooms etc put them in now add no ocicr mois ture whatever t put a piece of bvtterthe size of a walnut in the pan it will sizzle and spit 11 it browns pour it away and put in another bit 5 pour in the eggs as the sides begin to set slip a turner trieath them to allow the more liquid part to run beneath do not stir but put turner under the centre to prevent it sticking ij while ihete is still a lot ot yel low runny mixture take the pan from the fire and slip the turner under the mixture on the handle side of the pan there is no denying that this needs practice a spanish omelette is served hat and contains small pieces of potato pimento tomato and onion a bacon omelette is also flatwell seasoned and with a rasher of bacon whole upon it or pieces of cooked bacon may he added to egg mixture unday choo esson lesson vi august 11 daniel temperance and health daniel 1 820 golden text know ye not that your body is a temple of the holy spirit which is in you which ye hsve from gad i corinthians g 14 the lesson in its setting time daniel was taken to jeru salem in ssi bc while no doubt a young man about sixteen years ot age the date of his death is not recorded in the scriptures though we know he lived at least into the third year of he reign of cyrus fi bc place the land of shinar is the early name lor the laud of babylonia lewis e laws noted warden of sing sing prison pictured with mrs lawes and their daughter cherie as thev sailed lor km ope from new york aboard the french liner normandie he will attend conference on crnie and prisons when the children have outgrown their cot it may be made into an ideal garden seat for them remove ono side shorten the legs and if shabby giv a coat of bright paint cover the mattre s with cretonne and make cushions to match when making sandwiches grate the cucumber instead of slicng it and it will not slip out irish potato soup two large onions three large pota toes and about two ounces of bacon slice all ingredients very thin add salt and popper and boil in 2 quarts of water for 2 hours potato meat pie place alternate layers of raw or uncooked meat of any kind and of uncooked onions and potatoes in a deep bowl season plentifully with salt and pepper and other seasoning that may he desired cover over with a short crust and bake in a slow oven treacle george bean salad 1 head lettuce shredded few stalks celery cut fine 1 can pork and beans place thin slice of raw onion in bottom ot bowl add 2 table spoons french dressing pepper and salt to taste remove onion before serving good for meatless meal household hints when binding with uhin material fold the bias strip down the centre and sew the two raw edges to the edge of garment thus leaving the folded edge for sewing on the inside if you have not a fish kettle wihh drainer tie the fish in muslin so that it may be removed without breaking described by its inventor as eco nomical wholesome and attractive in the bottom of a fourinch cake tin place a quarter inch layer of fairly short pi crust over this a thin lay er of molasses or syrup then a lay er of bread crumbs thick enough to hide tho syrup layer continue al ternate layers of syrup and crumbs until the tin is full a little not too much lemon juice on each bake in a fairly quick oven and serve either hot or cold through a pastry bag and tube around edge return to oven and bake until eggs are set arrange on serving duh and garnish with wa tercress deerfoot potatoes wash and pare potatoes of uniform size re move from each two portions us ing an apple corer fill cavities thus made with sausages and insert rounds of potatoes to conceal sau sages put in a pain and bake in a hot oven until potatoes are sort saratoga chips wash and pare potatoes slice thinly using vege table slicer into a bowl of cold wa ter let stand two hours changing water twice drain plunge in a kettle of boiling water and boil one minute drain againi and cover witli cold water take from water and dry between towejs fry in deep fat until light brown keeping in motion with a skimmer drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt potato fritters 2 cups hot riced potatoes i tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons wine 1 teaspoon salt few grating nutmeg few grains cayenne eggs yolks 2 eggs yd cup hour add cream wine and seasonings to potatoes then add eggs well beaten having bowl con taining mixture in pan of icewater and beat until cold add hour and when well mixed drop by spoon fuls in deep fat fry until delicately browned and drain on brown paper keeping bananas white a folding clothesprop will keep clean indoors just cut hie prop in two on one side put a small hinge and on the opposite side a bolt you to keep sliced bananas from turn ing black pour over them a little orange lemon or grapefruit juice this same treaatment wiil koep peel ed apples from discoloring the world will never starve for want of wonders but only for want of wonder 1 k chesterton make old potatoes more popular may add 1 tablespoon claret or port can then fold it up polatoes a la suisse bate live po tatoes and cut a slice lengthwise rrom each scoop out most of the inside and force through a potato riccr season with butter salt and pepper and add a small quantity ot milk slip an egg into e potalo ease and force potato mixture but his hand was forced for tunately you will agree by the appearance in england of copies of the american edition from which he received not a penny of the pro fits nor had he the least say in its publication the question was now merely whether macaulay and longmans his english publishers or carey and hart of philadelphia the american publishers should supply the english market witli them adds mr bryant so the esays were published in england and won an instantane ous success but daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the kings dainties nor with the wine which he drank therefore he re quested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himseir the meat might bei that of animals not slaughtered in the proper manner dent 12 2i 21 or of animals pro hibited for jews as food lev 11 4- 20 while both the meat and the wiue might have been consecrated to the babylonian gods by portions hav ing been offered to them in sacrifice so that to partake of either would be tantamount to the recognition of a heathen deity now god made daniel to find kindness and compassion in the sight of the prince of the eunochs the meaning here appears to be that this kindness was extended to daniel at the very time his request was made and the prince of eunochs said unto daniel i fear my lord the king who hath appointed your food and your drink for why should he see your faces worse looking than the youths that are of your own age so would y endanger my head with the king the hebrew original of the phrase worse looking means mo rose disagreeable looking sad and here a pitiful look in consequence ot inferior food corresponding to the sad countenance of matt c 1g then said daniel to the steward whom the prince of the eunochs had appointed over daniel ilananiah mishael and azariah daniel is not content to abide by the adverse ver dict of the prince of the eunochs its conviction is so deep that he is going to do his utmost to obtain per mission to live as he thinks god would have him live in this verse lie addresses another request to a subordinate official prove thy servants 1 boesech thee ten days and let them give us pulse to eat and water to drink pulse in the original hebrew word refers to those things which are sown the greeks translating he word as sper- mato literally seeds of course we do not know what particular plants were included in this particular diet hut certainly it was strictly limited to vegetables then let our countenances be looked upon before thee and the countenance of the youths that eat of hie kings dainties god has cre ated and formed the human body so that the face that part of the body seen byevery one we meet becomes an open book wherein are written all our deeds and thoughts which to gether make up our character and as thou seest deal with thy serv ants it was not in offensive self assertipn that these youths declined the kings viands an obstrusive pi ety is never of god true religion is always courteous modest and anxious to avoid unnecessary collisions so he hearkened unto them in litis matter and proved them ton days no doubt he watched tho experim ent with greatest interest it surely was something he liad not had the opportunity of previously observing and at the end of- ten days their countenance appeared fairer and they were falter in flesh than all the youths that did eat o tlie kings dainties men and women who live simply whose fare is wholesome who do not allow themselves to overin dulge their appetites almost always have a healthier appearance than i those who eat rich food in large ab undance so the steward took away iiietr dainties aarnl the wiue thai they should drink and gave them pulse it would not be hard to keep to the simple diet the first ten days it was after it had become the daily routine ot these youths that they would of ten be tempted to secretly enjoy some of the richer food and drink they had voluntarily declined now as for these four youths god gave them knowledge and skill in ail learning and wisdom that it is from god we ultimately havo all true wisdom see eg ex ill 2 isa 2s 2g joh a2 s jas 1 5 17 and daniel had understanding in all visions ami dreams on later vision see 1317 20 0 2121 for his later in terpretation of dreams see chapters 2 and 1 and 5 12 and at the end of the days which the king had appointed for bringing them in the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before nebuchad nezzar nebuchadnezzar unconsci ously and doubtless undesignedly did a great service to mankind by his purpose to seek out the talent ot the hebrew captives and giving it an opportunity to expand and to ripen into usefulness and the king communed with them literally talked with them it was an oral examination and am ong them all was found none like daniel hananlaii mishael and aza riah therefore stood they before the king that is they were ollicially appointed to royal favor to carry out the wishes of the king in more im portant matters of state because of their unquestioned superiority physi cally and intellectually and in every matter ot wisdom and understanding concerning which tiie king inquired of them he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his realm the magicians were those skilled in he learning of their age especially in tlte interpre tation of literature of the sciences ot that day y problems of 1 motherhood parents ought to settle re sponsibility for child where he goes and what he does between them it shouldnt be left en tirely to one swimming r mother may 1 everybodys going i dont know just what to say charles i have read so much abaut the danger of pools and children get- ting germs from the water i am afraid well whatve they got pools for if theyre not safe for people theyve filled that big one in the park and there are lifeguards there and policemen and everything it looks as clean as the water right in our own bathtub yes it dees seem all right the city wouldnt take any chances on health i guess they eitheir chlori- 1 i 1 nate or keep changing the water then i can go well yes i guess so but be very careful and try not to get wa ter in your nose and mouth i wouldnt dive next day it was something else mother can i go on a hike with the fellows well take our bikes and some lunch i dont like little boys going oft by themselves on long trips where were you thinking of going over to millers mills its just a little piece a successful plea 1 think it is too hot and sunny you have a big hill to go over and there isnt a bit of shade there youll have to push your wheel al most a mile shucks that isnt anything were strong and its shady when you get there oh come on mom let me go 1 only need some sand wiches and can i have a dime for a bottle of pop oh goody i knew you would let me youre the nicest mother ever dont worry ill be all right and that was all right too he- cause charles came home tired as a dog and a bit upset amidships but otherwise sound he also returned little the worse for wear next day after a ride on a truck out to bil lings corners and back with jeb shane who was delivering ice no ice fell on charles toes he didnt get into poison ivy the truck didnt turn over at the bad bend and charles came in safe at live oclock each day it appeared charles was after permission to do things just over the line of absolute safety and except for a cut toes and some blist ers on his arms he escaped any serious results then one day right in front of his own house he was hit by a car he was up and about in a week but in that week his father hat plenty of time to blame the boys mother for not loeping here eve on him a constant problem this is one of the greatest prob lems of all motherhood during tho day naturally venturesome children have no one to ask but their mo thers the mother has to use her best judgment she reasons that you cant deprive a growing boy or girl either of all experience in thin un- more the fame of lord badenpowell as a military scout is worldwide but there was one occasion when as ic confesses i was taken down a peg in my boasted tracking by a young lady she was tho daughter of the late lord meath here is lie story told by the founder of the boy scout movement in lessons of a lifetime as we were walking in the gar den she suddenly pointed to foot prints on the path and asked what they meant i said indulgently a common or garden cat has recently passed this way yes even i could tell that she replied but i can further tell what was the color of the rat can you tins put me on my mettle and i set to work to examine any twig or spray that might have caught a hair from the animal but search as i would i could find no clue that would indicate the color of that certain world and that the cat my companion looked at the track again closely and said yes i am not mistaken it was a light tortoiseshell cat i also looked more searchingly on the ground but it gave back no helpful sign at long last i confes sed myself beaten how did you arrive at the col- or i asked i saw the cat site replied professor and whatever on earth made you write a paragraph like that sloudenti quoted ii sir from dickens professor beautiful lines arent they 39 fu manchu by sax rohmer the zyat kissarnith sees a light nayland smith dropped limply into a chair at i turned on the light evon hii grim courage had boen sorely tried in thwarting fu man- enut hideout plot c againtt our cvet ll ny si ggise ii tig rta gq4wrg i fl had gono bad to the window and wat gazing out again hoping for a glimpio of our lato vititor smith joined me thore ncvor mind the daeoit fcnomam will know whero to find him they arc protected the less they will know of avoiding danger and man aging their bodies if she consents it is not because she is unaware of danger but be cause she senses the driving need of some adventure as a rule fathers are anxious for their sons to he able to take care of themselves in truth they will take the apprehensive child in hand from sheer exasper ation and try to force him to show courage better by far for parents to have an understanding in the matter and draw mutual lines and agree to ccr- lain privilege as far as it is possible to do so it would he a relief to mothers otherwise when they do the best they can it is hardly fair to put all the blame on them and another mytfery it solrod peine smith j j added oagcrfy now i undorsfand tomothing that hat puzzled me ever tince tho night sir cichton davoy wat murdered at ho ttaggered dying from hit ttvdy you rnn bar ho uttered a tided cry light and health an invcsigaliou has just been commenced into the amount of light needed in diffcamt occupations to get them done properly and to pro tect health sometimes we like to amuse ourselves over the immense- work put into an inquiry of tiiis kind and to be smlirt about the technical terms in which its resoll is expressed but no one now would question an inquiry into whether a factory gets enough fresh air in vestigations of this kind are good for health and wealth london daily herald we are all dramatis pcrnonae in a vast doep tragical play of which we know neither the beginning nor the end john covper ioivys if tho world were stable knj everyones economic position vcra sccuro t do not believe that the dif ferent races of the world would bate each other uertrard russell