stouffville ontaitio may 9 1935 town topics next sunday is mothers day dr i c smith and family motored to oinemee on monday muston sons greenhouses are operating on daylight saving time in order to coincide with tlieir tor onto trade the new town cop has made his appearance in his new uniform of blue with brass buttons and cap to match well constable quibel congratulations and may we never run across you at 40 miles per a fairly substantial reduction in i digging the garden can be made a pleasant task provided it is com- 1 bined with obtaining fish bait foster wagg has come along with the first big egg of the spring sea son with one measuring svixtti layed by a plymouth rock thats a pretty big egg when the other old- they will do e a grubiu ho optometrist and optician will be at his ohlee in biddies hear of this stoufrville on monday may 13th their best to beat it and hth i i rev fred smith pastor or both our public utilities failed markhani united church an- iast thursday for a time when thojeouaced his resignation on sunday water and light were shut down for evening to become effective on a limited period while repairs were june 1 rev mr smith who is a going on interruptous like thatjstrong mission preacher and work- cause us to appreciate these great icr will assume a cnarge m the privileges all the more silverthoru to district at west toron- the price of anthracite came in to j south of the school property before erfect in stouffville on may 1 the l they moved in while additional established dealers offer nut coal at alterations are still going on 105 and stove at 11 a del mr and mrs albert booth have now located in their former home at a certain town up the hue the here moving back from toronto superintendent of the cemetery extensive improvements were bears the name of i dye while the made to their farm home just 1 undertaker in the same place as named e m balmer those are crease in freight rates is responsible for part of the drop tlios barnes a tormer stouff ville school boy now in the employ of the daily star toronto under went an operation for appendicitis at the private patients pavilion general hospital last week and is reported as progressing favorably murray rowbotham has secured a contract for interior decorating of the ringwood church where the annual conference will be held this summer for the christian churches in ontario it is just thirteen years since the same decorator held a similar contract for this edifice stouffville was well represented at the jubilee celebration held aurora on monday under auspices of york county coucnil reevo sanders and several of the council lors took over car loads of veterans and other friends to view the demonstration a sangster motored our to the general hospital last week where the road sweeper underwent dr w ai pry he one day optimistic an operation for the removal of a sore on his cheek bone which failed to heal over some months a local anaesthetic was applied and the sore cleaned so that the patient re turned home the same day bo sure to get to the ringwood church early on friday night the kinsmen quartette with their assistants miss jeffery violinist miss setford soprano soloist and miss ileise pianist will be on hand to render a good program a big crowd is expected imr limp had calluses so bad he used a cane cress corn salve banished them forever at j m storeys drug store stouffville stanley theatre stouffville monday celebration day was not without its repercussions for mr isaac pike he was honored and overjoyed in the morning when pre sented with a medal on behalf of the king later in the day at aurora his joy was turned to sorrow when started his career the coveted medal was found miss ing from his breast where the medal was lost or stolen was not known most appropriate names for the line of business of course we wouldnt advise the local funeral director to change his name at this stage of life the betty beauty salon stouffville permanent waving xestle xostoil wave in spiral croquiguole or combina tion 500 s750 1000 xestlo suikroil wave in spiral or croquiguole 350 frfgidine wave in spiral croquiguole or combina tion 500 750 1000 frijridine special in spiral or croquiguole 350 all waves include shampoo and finger wave only genuine supplies are used in this salon mnroelinj hair cutting oh shampoo scalp treatment for appointment phone 320g stouffville mrs j s dougherty is spending this week with her daughter miss gladys school teacher near minden license plate fz993 is found and can be had at wilsons store bethesda for sale gray wicker baby carriage good condition mrs frank timbers phone 4704 quality sbbvic- merchants or business men you can order letter heads printed envelopes and bill heads in small quantities how unbusinesslike it looks for a merchant to use common paper when for a small outlay more dignified stationery can be yours then too how crude an account looks on an imprinted statement consult the tribune and have your stationery printed copious rains the past few days have completely dispelled the fear of a spring drought which was leav ing some wells very shallow in the vicinity of stouffville well folks the east york liberal convention is over and now its fleming and macgregor for it grit and toryuuless of course the ccf step in which is said to be unlikely the annual business meeting of the stouffville womens liberal club will be held on tuesday even ing may 14 at the home oi miss e lvt byam blue bird inu election ot officers and other important busi ness members and others interested pleaso attend the annual business meeting of the senior womens institute will be held at the home ot mrs w paisley main street wednesday afternoon may 15 yearly reports and election of officers all mem bers please attend an avalanche of coal orders the result of our circular on coal brought in a flood of orders these will be filled according to the order they are received nut 1075 per ton stove 1100 per ton ooko 040 per ton fulopep cmck starter fciopep growing jiash fixe chick feed coarse chick feed cracked corx wheat etc gaitdex seeds garden fektiijzer field fertilizer seed corx turx1p mangel seed stiver bros phone stouffville 4501 seed store and elevator open 3 nights a week friday and saturday- may 10 and 11 here is my heart bing crosby kitty carlisle short subjects tuesday and wednesday may 11 and 15 wings in the dark cary grant myrna loy chap o law or the wild short subjects friday and saturday 17 richest girl ix the wori meriam hopkins is we would ask those subscribers who have received notice from the collecting agency of their indebted ness for subscription to this paper to settle the account witli them any person who has not been thus noti fied may settle direct before such notice is sent them when they have the opportunity of settling on more advantageous terms dont neglect this matter date to which your sub scription is paid is shown on the label of your paper walter e mertens visited his brother jos h mertens at maple leaf farm on sunday may 5th to commemorate his fiftyeighth birth day at his birthplace we are sorry to learn of the death of mr mertens daughter irene reported elsewhere in this issue mr mertens imself conducts a printing estab lishment on chester avenue having in the print shop under malloy keefer in stouft- ville come and meet your friends at the annual spring fair of melville united church on wednesday even ing may loth you will find home made candy fancy work flower and vegetable plants in boxes pro visions baking and refreshments all reasonably priced horseshoe pitching fish pond etc fun for all no admission mr w burnett distributor for the imperial oil co at stouffville lias been advised that he will be transferred to new territory on june 1st and may be moved to oshawa mr burnett has been with the company at stouffville for thirteen years and the removal of mr and mrs burnett will be re gretted for they are valuable citi zens it is reported that the stouff ville territory will be operated by the representative at warkham but tiie oil tanks at the local depot will be used as heretofore winter holiday seekers are re turning from the southern states where they have been able to escape the arctic blastsmr and imrs fw silvester will return this week to keswick motoring back from st petersburg florida miss elizabeth percy of westerly ri a former stouffville girl has also returned to rhode island after a delightful sojourn at southern pines north carolina dr and mrs ira freel with nurse trumane and chauffeur ross lewis returned to stouffville saturday following a successful holiday at st petersburg the young peoples society ot the united church are looking for ward to an exceptional treat on monday evening next when j f holloway a prominent layman of the church ot the ascension toron to and one of the most earnest and eloquent speakers of that city will give an address on the problem of youth in the modern world it is hoped that there will be a large attendance of both old and young we doubt if there will be more than a handful of men in t british empire presented with the kinis decoration on monday last who will have taught school longer than our isaac pike who was one of those honored by the king as a stripling of a boy this 83-year- old son of whitchurch tackled his first school dowji at locust hill but the next year 1s74 he came to bethesda and pursued his pro fession until 1910 an unbroken service in that section of 45 years when mr pike took command of the school the number of scholars on the roll was 110 over so in attendance and 25 of them older than the teacher mr pike and his faithful wife raised seven sons and three daughters thus isaac pike is an example of an educational and social glory that must never allowed to die a funeral that was more than average in size was conducted for the late mrs george bowswell from her late home on main street east wednesday afernoon of last week interment being in goodwood cemetery rev thos laidlawma the family pastor spoke from the text blessed are the dead that die in the lord leaving a comforting message to the mourners he was assisted in the service by rev her bert lee and rev w e smalley baptist pastor and neighbor of the uowswell family be startling redactions nibbui ladies coats we are determined to clear out 10 new spring models in ladies coats cut to the various new styles made by expert tailors and in english and canadian cloths so much desired by people who are most particular all wool tree hark crepe plain crepes and all wool tweeds let us call at your home and show you these lines or call at our store the prices to clear these coats will be the surprise of your life ceme- before friday it has been said that the starling is a very sociable bird that may be true when dealing with its own kind but when it comes to dealing with the human family it is much different that bold creature has been found guilty in this part of the world of stealing letters from rural mail boxes and tearing up news papers for nests letters have not been reaching their proper destina tion but have been picked up by the farmer out in the field its time for a change- contributed the tribune greets dr ira freel and party after their ten weeks holiday in the semitropics mrs freel is much improved in health miss tremain the nurse enjoyed the sights and climate of a new country while ross lewis solemnly declares the widows on the green benches as charming as ever the editor refrained from inquiry as to the crumpled bumper which of course was the other fellows fault it always is however we have obtained some high lights on the doctors trip coupled with interest ing data on usa affairs which we intend to present to our readers at some length in our next issue western canada excursions ssff special bargain wrw r going daily may 15 to 28 inclusive return limit 30 days cent a mile each way good in coaches only sleeping car accommodation whera sleeping car ipaca is requited the following slightly higher fares apply a tourist steeping cars at approximately 1 kc per mile plus regular berth rate b standard sleeping andparlor cars at approximately he per raiie plus regular berth or chair rate standard class tickets good via great lakes route meals and berth extra baggage checked stopovers at port arthur armstrong and west ta tickets sleeping cor reservations and all information from any agent ask for handb1h a successful cantata on friday evening may 3rd a musical event took place in the united church that will long be remembered by the music lovers of stouffville and surrounding country the occasion was the rendering of vincents beautiful cantata the prodigal sou mr robert leslie and a choir of about forty voices gave a wonder- c anadian national h b preston ixkjair agent stouffvuiie phone 188 ful presentation of this wellknown parable the accompanist was miss anne lehman who played some of the solo parts and choruses on the piano and the rest on the pipe organ the soloists were miss luella gayman soprano mrs c e dilli- stone contralto mr carl boadway tenor mr ward hallman baritone these rendered the parts they represented with true feeling and together with the choir gave many present a truer grasp of that matchless story with all its sin repentance confession and restora tion than ever before mr lesiie is to be congratulated on the success scored by himself and his helpers deaths fretz at the residence of his daughter mrs cyril lampman 832 windermere avenue west toronto tuesday april 30th 1935 john reesor fretz beloved husband ot laura fretz aged g8 years the funeral was held from william speers chapel 2926 dundas street near keele thursday 2 pm service in widemans mennonite church markham 3 pm inter ment at widemans cemetery when the members or llw tery commission appeared the municipal council last night with tlieir trouble of njiance everyone was scratching his head j thinking for a plan that would force those plot owners who refuse to pay for tlieir upkeep to render unto caesar yet the whole thing was so simple ye editor marvelled that no one suggested it simply publish in the local press the names of all plot holders who have forced the upkeep of their plot upon the general tax payer this would assure settlement promptly and at the same time assist the commission to locate the addresses of such owners who have moved from these parts to places unknown now how about it harry golden one door east of the library phone 263 stouffville a good many of ourcltlens were forced to forgo their noon day cup of tea last thursday when the town water supply failed at the lap a few of course who live close enough to the town bell to hear the alarm which sounded before the water is shut off were all right but j the great majority of the ratepay- er were just out of luck workmen ivere engaged in changing or re pairing a hydrant in the centre of the town which necessitated the water being cut off while tno main was open as so orten happens tho job could not be done in anything like the time estimated because of unforseen difficulty and thus there was tio wator between eleven oclock and around two the worst part of the day to he without the necessary fluid considering the manner in which the local system is managed without a directing head or engineer the patrons of the system aro certainly fortunate the service has been as regular and con stant as it has in the past leaving little room to complain as tho system grows older however there aro bound to bo more repairs to the pipes and without better super vision wo may expect more interrup tions councillor watts in making enquiry about tho long shutdown last thursday said that it might be necessary sometime to engage a compctitont engineer to look into a system with a view to bringing it uptodate ll ovek omk a who owns an oldsmobile ai3hlfioh ii a general motors value with so many cars making so many olaims to miperiority you may be find ing it difficult to decide on your next automobile if you have reached this point why not fall back on tho judgment of one you can trust a friend among those you know are men and women who have bought 1935 oldsmo- biles talk to them of course first thing theyll call your attention to the solid steel turret top body by fisher they will point out the convenience of the concealed tire and luggage compartment they will explain the advantages of kneeaction allsilent syncromesh transmission centre control steering hydraulic brakes and fisher nodraft ventila tion in otherwords they will unconsci ously prove before your eyes every claim wo make for oldsmoblle why not come in and let us explain how easily you can own an oldsmobllo through liberal allowance on your present car plus the convenient terms of gmac priced from lor tho 6 oyl 2- pa ooupj dolvood at factory oshawa ont fully oqulppad froight and govorn- mnt kogtatratlon fa only axtra prion for 8 cyl modola at factory bin at 1378 w s widdififld dealer stouffville associate dealer e a stoxeiiouse makkham