feminine tars it isnt unusual for russian women to go to sea for a livelihood here are three members of russian frieghter kalinin left to right anna tymanina third officer tamara chterichteno motor ist and jlrie iemenad stewardess riding applesauce fashion fads notes from a paris corres pondent on the newest fancies thcro was no limit to the novel ideas to be gleaned at the paris fashion shows here for instance arc some by schiaparelli yellow paisley handkerchief knot ted round the neck of a vhte hnen blouse terra cotta canvas dress with short sleeves and a kangaroo pocket in the centre front navy blue linen coat cut on swag ger lines and closed by means of three leather clips in front navy costume jacket closed from hip to throat by means of scarlet buttons and alternate red and green buttonholes in the front of a white linen sports blouse the initials and the year 1935 embroidered in red and surmounted by a little pierced heart in the same fine red embroidery and here are some of patous ideas tha use of bugle trimmed net for evening gowns glazed brown holland used 13 rev- ers on a navy blue suit sailor hat in transparent spun glass trimmed with black ribbed rib boil a mustard woollen sports coat cut on swagger lines and with full three- quarter sleeves brought in tight be low the elbow worn over a plain white crepe sports drds raglan sleeves shirred from neck lo elbow as the chief point of inter est in a plain restaurant dress in black marocaine the skirt is long and the bodice cut in a low v in the back with this dress is worn 1 little toque made entirely of flame colored ostrich feathers buttons on to the dress illustrated dressmaking lesson furnished with every pattern this terrier is fun to do says laura wheeler i ancedotes la the days long before the world war john bucnan next governor- general of canada was one of the editors of the spectator and chuckles a st john adcock la gods ot jtodern grub street it you will look up the brain of the nation by charles l- graves who was then assistant editor of that famous weekly you will find amoug the witty an1 humorous poems la that volume a complete biography of buchan in neat and lively veite telling how he came up to london from oxford went to south africa as lord milners private secretary returned to england and became a familiar fisuro in the spectators old offices in wellington street london just off the strand you know dog pattern 795 this wirehaired pup will be a popular toy or mascot he has u the vim and pertnessof the veal one and you can make hta ray as you choose according to the material you select mpfe animal to make and will afford the needlewoman pleasure kl th 795 comes to you with a pattern for making the dog letailed directions and material requirement send 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred for this pattern o neediecraft dept wilson publishing co 73 adelaide west toronto here i jehu buchan at the spec tator offices- v pictured by chas h graves kvry tuesday morn careering up the stairs with flying feet youd burst in upon us cheering wellingtons funereal street pundit publicist and jurist statistician and divine mystic mountaineer and purist in the high financial line prince of journalistic sprinlei swiftest that i ever knew never did you keep the printers longer than an hour or two then too when the final stages of our weekly task drew nigh you would come ami pass the pases with a magisterial eye seldom pausing save to smoke a cigarette at half past one when you quaffed a cup of mocha and devoured a penny bun mrs roosevelt entertains children theodore thomas first conductor of the chicago symphony orchestra at the age of 00 discovered he was becoming bald the drafts encount ered on the great stage of the chi cago auditorium helped him to that discovery which most men make sooner or later so he got himself a toupee after trying out a jockey cap which wai all right for rehear sals but a little disorderly for pub lic appearances while their mothers were attending scsson of the d a p mi roosevelt entertained the children of the american revolution at the white house they are pictured having a joyous lime the first time thomas was to ap pear at a rehearsal wearing hij tou pee says charles edward russell in the american orchestra and theodore thomas he waited in his room until the players were in thclr places then he marched out before their astonished gaze and turned his back now laugh he said and added with peculiar emphasfe once the most famous heard in the world was blue in color monsieur charles perrault author of that nervous delight of the nursery bluebeard wan superintendent of public buildings in paris under col bert ho retired in early middle ago to devote himself to literature and the education of his children and wrote for their amusement a hook of iirtnortal fairy legends it contained in addition to bluebeard tales of equal fame in little red hiding hood sleeping beauty cinder ella and pus 3 in boots the cruel husband with the azuro beard whose disobedient wife found the corpses of her proiccessonj ia the room she was forbidden to look into was actually taken from lifo sayfs edwin valentine mitchell in concerning beards the robins song in early- spring lord badenpowell chief scout and lady badenpowell chief of the girl guide are shown here with their two daughters hon betty left and hon heather badenpowell as they reached ictoria from seattle starting their tour of canada suntanned ami looking extremely fit the chief scout presented a vigorous alert appearance when he stepped on british soil again at victoria to re ceive a rousing welcome from vancouver islands scouts guides and leaders of the movement ronto scientists find one secret of irth change in hormone in blood brings on labor detroit parley is told detroit hie mechanism which ausos labor in childbirth has been llscovered by three scientists at the university of toronto it was dis closed recently at the meeting ot the federation of american societies for experimental biology dr g f marrian dr s l cohen ind dr m watson have found that labor results from changes in the chemical condition of a horomc in the blood of tho pregnant woman this hormone known as cstrim is man ufactured by the ovaries estrin freed by compound during pregnancy this hormone is present in tha form of a complic ated chemical compound dr mar rian said estrln is freed from tho chemical compound dr marrian concluded that labor h caused by freeing of the kstrln and its utilization by the body of the mother dr i c need dr m l ratha- way and dr il c struck of the university of illinois college of medicine reported successful treat ment of seven cases of arthritis with vitamin d in arthritis there is frequently a falling off in the calcium and phos phorus content of the blood they found that dally treatment with vl- ostorol whioh contains vitamin d remedied thl- with considerable im provement in the general conditions of the patients dr d roy mccollagh and dr ben jamin p stimniel of the cleveland clinic described tho development of a method for determining the am ount of thyrotropic hormono present in tho blood stream this hormono is secreted by tho pituitary gland and controls the activity of tho thy roid gland it is believed that its overabundance or deficiency has luch to do wild tho exception of goiter and other diseases of the thyroid method developed the two cleveland experimenters have developed a method by which the sample to be tested is injected into the thyroid of a guinea pig measurements are then made of the decrease of this iodine content of the guinea pigs thyroid gland dr v c hess of georgetown university reported changes in tho chemical nature of the fingernails of persons suffering from arthritis normal fingernails contain certain amounts of arginine hlstidlno and lysine tho percentage ot those substances present undergoes a de finite alteration in arthritis ho found indicating that this may prove a clue in the investigation of the primary causes of arthritis i in this gay little home or porch i frock one could easily go to market 1 or even wear it to the beach next i summer j youll feel so comfortable too 1 rvafefesss og but your fianeos salary is to small how aro you going to live oh were going to economize were going to do without a lot of thiriji that tom wants with the assurance that you are wearing a smart dress to answer a ring of the door bell the apron is easily removed for it buttons on to the dress its a dress that youll find very simple to wash and iron nautical bluo pique dotted in white with i plain white carried out the original 1 ensemble j plaided seersucker with crisp white organdie makes a very effective scheme for this simple to sew en semble style no 2877 is designed for sizes 14 16 18 years 3g 38 40 and 42inches bust size 3g requires 3 yards of 35inch material with 2 18 yards of 35inch contrasting and ivs yards of binding how to order patterns write your name and address plainly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin prcfer- ret wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 71 west adelaide st toronto when all the unstable tides of hidden thought beneath the eager consciousness of mind rush into sudden flood unrest lias sought a word serene that calm and peace may find it comes at eve when deepening shadows brood belllike as from some hollow- glass where falls distilled pure loveliness and soli tude a note of mystery new life that calls the calm of love is in it and con tent with vision of sure gladness beauty known to countless generations fulness spent before fulfilment perfectly its own this is the robins song when lag gard snow still holds the prisoned blossom in the sod rich beauty which a bird can keep and know a vocal certainty ot trust in god minnie ilallowell bowen sherbrooke he have yon got a penknife asked sharply the hoy delved into his trousers pocket and produced the necessary article the busini s man gladly accepted it how is it thomas he said that youre the only member of the stall who carries a knife with him i suppose replied the boy with a frank mile it is because 1 cant afford more than one pair of trous- err calgary herald russian balm the boy and his knife the big business man had forgot ten mi penknife and apparently the members of his staff had done likewise everyone he asked shook their heads finally he sent for tlioma3 his diminutive office boy 20 during a visit king george and queen mary made to the ideal home exhibition the queens chief joy was reserved for the gardens she called her husband to look at a group of starryeyed gentians which had been coaxed into grow ing at the side of a little pool dont you think we might try some of these in the rockgarden george she said thinking of san- drlngham the king thought they were charming but told his wife laughing ly not to have them planted in th part of the grounds where happy his dog ww3 allowed to wander happy likes eating small flow ers said th king he thinks they wont he noticed 150000 worth is sought by cera irene sund from captain michael paul former russian army officer miss sund claims that the dashing officer of the czar won her heart and then broke it by jilting her soup spoon need not imitate saxophone xcv york college youth had something new to worry about last week counsel that thoy learn to darn rocks and sip soup silently both can bo done too according to mary perin barker wife of a col umbia dean pointing out among other thing that a soup spoon need not bo play ed like a saxophone mrs barker ha written a handbook for college mea on the technique of good manners she wanls a sewing kit in every rah- rah boys dufflo bag eo he can koe his buttons on and his socks whole the idea that these things are womens jobs 13 worn out mrs barker makes one concession to the campus dinerout the knife she proclaims despite utatemenu to the contrary may properly be us ed to cut the salad other barker bits in matrimony aim high you a college men aro the potential leader of the next generation