Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 4, 1935, p. 2

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tllti remarkable romance of an industrial dictator and by pearl bellairs i i joan dvnby or humble origin is introduced a a social cguul of ml golliia la tvtitalltti rallier than a her salaried secrctarycoinpanloii cc rginu la anxious tor uvr 10 marry wel ami intends to litroduce hr lo piera llaiinen head of the llannen steel and lion works lord 15award pr0ioses to joan and in a minute liers anil joan were tearing on again through the night the road hegaii to climb gently at lirst then steeply until they were swinging to and fro on the long hairpins of a mountain as cent joan had tlmo to accept the situation calmly it made her furi ous lo think that he could inflict so much discomfort on everybody by his highhanded ways she thought she would try to enter into the spir it of the thing tomorrow would do for letting him know what she real ly thougit tonight there was a fear she detached the little sprig o pink flowered laurel herself and gave it to him he took it and put it to his nos trils looking at her her hands quiv ered a little s she drew the coat more closely about herself she was ashamed of her moment of terror and more exasperated than ever by bin do you want it he asked quizzi cally for answer she turned her face slightly away will yen thank me nicely for it tie asked and when she still said nothing he added than me nice ly for it or 111 throw it out of the car to be continued some howlers you can count on yeast cakes for these light tasty breads bans and coffee cakes thl9 crusty white loar tastes as good as it looks see page sot the koyal yeast bake book for di rections bg a luscious pecan roll is new and different cuioyed at every meal recipe in royal yeast bake book page 15 try streuscl coffee cake for break fast or lunch its delicious with coffee or milk sec recipe in royal yeast bake book pafie 12 theres never any ques tion about perfectly leav ened bread when you bake with royal yeast cakes you can be sure of full leavening power no matter how long they have been on your pan- jry shelf individually wrap ped in airtight waxed paper they reach you in perfect con dition and keep fresh for months royal yeast cakes have been the standard of quality for over 50 years two helpful booklets iree the royal yeost bake n tells all abont the art of brcadmaklnft and itlvcs tettetl recipes the royal road to better health explains how the regular use of royal yeast cakes as a food will lm- j proveyourhealth ntrv madf-in- cvnada goods standard brands limited ffcraeonjlibcrtysctofontooor fltaie scotl me free the royal yestc haw book and too royal road to better health long drop over the side of the road there was not another soul for miles presumably and she was de cidedly nervous she laughed and he glanced at er so this is to show mo what an inconsiderate man is really like so its to give you a chance of keats is an insect powder explaining why you look at me as waterloo was won on the playir though i were a cold bad egg lields of wellington they were hurtling along the pre- socrates was poisoned by an over cipltous road and he pulled up sud- cose dt wedlock denly saying i tne mint is what the king p- n his now potatoes here will do as well as any- acrimony which is called holy is v lcrc another name for marriage he drew- the car up at the side jj0t wlfo i bac and turned of the road switched off the head- a somersault lamps and turned on the light on the j shakespeare lived at windsor dashboard then settling himself with j merry w back in his seat he turned to look i famolis scott patriots are at her with mocking eyes she tried nobett llnlcc am kgai wallace i sir walter scott was called the little even though she the matter with trembling was amused weil what me explain waiting he lighted a cigarette and when under his amused eyes she still hesitated he said perhaps you would find it easier to explain to me in hie dark he switched out the light on the dashboard it might not be dislike for you which makes me as you assert look rather doubtful abditt you said joan painfully at last she was de termined not to say that she liked him at the same time she knew it would only amuse him now if she told him how ill she thought of him but some other time later such a revelation might teach him a les son the thing to do was to evade the question if she could i might be uncertain about you it might be that i never know quite how to take you never know when youre joking or when you are in earnest she explained it in as reasonable a tone as possible and site little knew how disarming her quiet voice was do i believe that he asked mu singly he was silent and joan fancy ing that he was a little disappoint ed by her compromise had time to look about her they were very- high up and the mountain tops were outlined faintly against the stars there was a deep valley below filled with dark and the sound of trick ling water ft was very quiet and i j warm so warm that joan threw open j the great leather cont she was wear- ing poor lord edward she was thinking what would he think of her believing that she had gone off willingly in uho middle of his propos- j al oh but she would be even with this captor of hers as soon as she was safely out of his hands she ieard piers ilanncn laugh sud denly in the dark he stopped and said i can smell daphne she was surprised at a man of his blizzard of the north the knight fell down an abbess that yawned in front of him a gasometer is where you put in your pennies when elijah went up to heaven his inantlepiece fell on elisha a grass widow is the wife of a vegetarian what we eat when times are bad and purses are light canadians turn to pork for their meat diet but when times are belter they return to beef ac cording to the dominion bureau of statistics during the worst of the depression years the per capita consumption of pork ran from 83 pounds in 1931 lo 71 in 1933 and beef from 57 to 56 but in 1931 when things were better the con sumption of pork fell to co pounds and beef rose to cs it was the first year since tile depression set in that the canadian people ate more beef than pork it was evident that while pork might have been dearer in the worst years they could make it go farther canadians eat com paratively little mutton ami lamb the per capita consumption is only six or seven lbs and yet lamb and mutton next to fowl is the best meat to eat an orderly dog edmonton journal occasionally observes the edmonton journal there come from our courts pro nouncements that are out of the or dinary but that immediately com mend thoaiselvej to the good sense of the community such a one- emanated from the calgary police court the other day and reveals magistrate h c scott in a solomonic light he ruled that a dog going in orderly fashion to tiie butcher shop to get his dally ra tions according to his regular cus tom cannot be declared to be wan dering at large under this ruling a charge against one john riddock of violating a city bylaw was dismiss ed kiddock admitted his dog was ab out a block from his house without being under immediate restraint he explained however that tho 12-year- old airedale was in the habit of go ing daily to a nearby butcher shop for a bone and on the occasion cited a wednesday afternoon the dog for got about the butcher shop being closed for the half holiday and was standing barking at the door when observed by the police constable such a dog could not be described as wandering at large the court held ho was in lawful pursuit of his bus iness and might be described as a purposeful dog j you might warn him about the early closing bylaw the magistrate advised itiddock a remark which j says the report was greeted witfi laughter but why j an intelligent dog would soon re- aiize that his butcher shop had two sundays a week and being a pur poseful and orderly dog ivould act accordingly undoubtedly on this occasion he was not inciting his butcher to a breach of the wednes day closing bylaw he as his mas ter explained just forgot even hu mans do that as witness the ap pearance of a tin of pork and beans for wednesday evening dinners 4 v -l- mm girl guides australian writer asks more sympathy for movement suggests change in uniforms ltoaeiamm friends of the crow denounce efforts for his extermination women should be drafted for war cleveland amelia ecrhnrt noted aviatrix believes women should be drafted for war just the same as men women should be used behind the lines doing anything that able- bodied women can do miss earhart said the aviatrix emphasized she did not wish to convey the idea that she believes in war but that in her own case she would want to fly a fight ing plane attacked from the chicago daily news the illinois department of con servation is making war on crows its bombers boast of slaughtering 150000 since the first of the year and hope to kill 200000 more by- spring when mother nature balanc es her accounts with these violent conservationists they may not be so proud she has a way ov demon strating- the wisdom of iier own order that frequently has made her human revisionists appear very foolish there are two major counts in the indictment of the crow he helps himself to the farmers grain with an almost insulting bravado and ho kills tiie young of our lovely song birds we fear that a verdict of guilty must be rendered on both i those counts but there is something to be said in mitigation of his of- to recognize that she type being able sweet scent i have a piece on my frock said i like it ill have it ill have it she mimicked iously why should you for answer he switched on light on the dashboard his fao poseful his eyes attempting to as grim as the rest of him he leaned over and would have taken then da phne from its place where it was pinned on her shoulder had she not forestalled him with a certain breathlessness a twinge of very real what does your handwriting reveal if the united states were fenses 1 against his thefts of grain should be set his insatiable appetite for field mice and other small mammals j j injects and cutworms one authority declares that he amply repays the farmer for what he tak- ai1 rights reserved geoffrey st clair graphologist ser- the pur- look to always get fast pain relief get tin o 12 tablets or economical bottle of 24 or 100 at any druggists does not harm the heart an aspirin tablet starts disinte grating as soon as it touches moisture that means that aspirin starts taking hold eases even a bad headache neuritis or rheumatic pain almost instantly and aspirin is safe doctors prescribe it for aspirin docs nol harm the heart be sure to look for the name bayer in the form of a cross on every aspirin tablet aspirin is made in canada and all druggists have it demand and get aspirin tftaokmark rkoistcrio in canada editors note hundreds of those to whom mr st clair has sent a character analysis have written in to express their pleasure at his accuracy and he has helped many in solving their personal problems see his invitation to you following this weeks article 0 mrs l r writes as follows i am a widow with two children and have been corresponding with a man from the west he wishes to marry me and although i have never seen him his letters are so pleasant that i find myself drawn to him he is married but has not lived with his wife for some years and offers to get a divorce if i accept his offer of marriage i feel that i should rc- niarry because i am still young but i naturally dont want to make a mistake my first marriage was very- happy and my husband left me a substantial sum of money any help you care to give me in showing what you think my correspondent is real ly like will be welcome i am sorry that i cannot be overly optimistic about your chances of making a really favourable marriage with the man who is writing to you he is not generous he is as a matter of fact of rather a narrow viewpoint not really broadmimlcd he is likely to get very irritable if not bad tempered and whilst a lot of us have that little trait allied as it is in this case with narrowness of mind it shows that this man is not easy to live with he is rather changeable too he will be inconsistent not at all stable temperamentally but fickle in his moods it would be difficult to understand him at times another characteristic that stands out is thi3 mans vanity he ex presses this in his letter to you when he remarks on the number of lady- friends that ho has had and whilst he is endeavouring to convey a sub tle compliment to you in that he prefers you to all the others this also shows conceit and his hand writing bears this out very clearly i mentioned that ho is not very- generous i would go further and lay that ho is economical arid cautious to the point of parsimony shows that you have a rather emot ional nature you are quick to feel joys and sorrows and possess a marked capacity for affection yours is essentially a nature that needs company there is nothing of the cold or aloof type about you you are ardent lovable spontaneous like lots of fun and have a liking for being on the go you arc still young and i certain ly agree with you that marriage would be an excellent thing for you provided that you get the right sort of partner your prevbus hap py choice has- given you a standard that it may not be easy to parallel but i have no doubt that the op portunity will again arise in the meantime i am sorry that i cannot advise you to accept the man whose writing you sent to me without at- least taking an opportunity of checking up my summing up of his character o would you like to have your handwriting analysed and perhaps you would like to know the truth j about your friends mr st clair can help you as he has helped so many others in order to get your personal character analysis you must sond for a copy of mr st clairs new chart the graphoehart which contains over 100 illustrations and shows you how to read charac ter from writing it is fascinating and very interesting send 12 cents for your copy of the graphoehart and an additional 10c coin for each specimen you want analysed state birthdate in each case and send 3c stamped addressed cnveldpe to geoffrey st clair room 421 73 ad- 1 elalde st west toronto ont all letters are confidential and will be answered as quickly as possible with the mystery of the lengthen ing shadows some of us would spare them for the sake of that thrill but a more practical defense rests on the part they play in the economy of nature with which man meddles at his peril es by destroying the vermin in the fields fewer crows more mice and cutworms so nature may take toll for mans interference it is less easy to palliate the crows criminal assaults on the nests of other birds but many ornithologists hold that murderous offense is rare much rarer prob ably than mans violence to mem bers of his own species possibly the human race should be exter minated some pessimistic phil osophers have suggested as much but the majority is still opposed to a remedy so drastic generally the crov is conceded to be the n03t intelligent of birds captured when young he soon be comes fearlessly familiar with hu man folk he is discriminating picking whom he will for company and raucously scolding those he dis likes always he remains a rascal a lovable rascal cockily independent and impudently predatory only a mind insensitive to na tures moods could look unmoved upon the etched beauty of the scene when as the setting sun hangs on the dark edge of the distant woods the crows come cawing from the fields in flock formation to merge enjoy a really fine handmade cigarette by rollinq your oun uitf golden virginia iswqambsfunsje rough hands from soap and hot water apply hinds velsttn a boon to all who use yeast merhdpsihehabitof cleanteeth sweetbreai salinsfemi hoirheakh dentifrice lotion cream f sick skin soap- poo i drwernets powder no slipping or slid ing no clicking when you use this grand powder that most dentists pre scribe its n joy to all users and is tho largest seller in tho world leaves no colored gummy taato all drug stores rufc0knuwi gj i find phillips pure live yeast helps my digestion more than anything else it creates an appetite and aids digestion afterwards ijondon kugland uxiract from original letter in phillips pure live yeast a way has been found to preserve in the high est state of activity the live elements which make yeast such a splendid cor rective of the ills arising from iroublca in the digestive tract no need now lo bother about new supplies each day phillips yeast stays active you can buy a months supply and more ahead and save money by doing it phillips pure live yeast is an eng lish discovery one that has helped many thousands in england to new health it corrects digestive troubles makes your food do jou good and builds up your blood if you have found yeast good for you jou will find phillips pure live yeast both beneficial and economical and youll like it 15 days supply in granules of pleasing taste for goe 45 days supply 100 at your druggists an appeal for more public ap preciation of the girl guide move ment and suggestions for changes in the uniform to make it more at tractive and comfortable to various climates are made by vesta womens editor of the melbourne argus following the recent visit of the chief scout and chief gude lord and lady badenpowell and the various celebrations in australia the article says why is it the girl guides have failed to envoke the sympathy and enthusiasm that lias been poured out unsparing ly on the scouts why is it they find it difficult to obtain an ade quate number of suitable guidcrs it is not enough to say that tho guide movement is younger than the scouts it has to be admitted that the movement in australia has not even begun to rouse any fervid sentiment in the public at large and that women generally have still to be convinced of its value to the individuals composing it and to the community outside the australian writer declares those who have been responsible for the building up of the guide organ ization have had to meet a strong though silent opposition duo to the persistence of the idea that girls should spend as much of their time as possible in their own homes and that anything except school that takes them out of their homes is likely to have a bad influence on them notwithstanding the fact that many forms of recreation and plea sure do in any case take girls fre quently out of their homes and not withstanding the fine moral in fluence that the guide precepts and laws should exercise this objection is stll frequently met with and per sisted in however reasonably and logically it may be answered the artcile says personally i was much disap pointed that with so many guides gathered together here there wai no occasion on which the public could see them in their strength independently of the boys jly own impression was that tiie various companies of guides are kept too busy sightseeing in addition to their camp activities the argus womens editor de clares the present uniform is in many cases neither becoming nor neat so that it is impossible to re gard it with much pride it is most unsuitable too in our hot weather which calls for something light in color as well as light in weight i understand that it is permissable to use lightweight materials in sum mer but navy blue is a color which docs not look well in thin cheap materials and a guide uniform must be inexpensive the writer observed that some of the australian women cubmasters looked very well in their pleated khaki skirls nad blouses and some shade of dark fawn might be found practical for guides not all countries have adopted the navy blue uniform so that there is no reason why we should adhere to it the editor says the black stockings worn with it too are hoth hot and ugly and i am sure that the movement would benefit if some uniform more becoming and more adapted to our climate could be de vised a normal girl likes to look her best and it would probably be found easier to obtain guidcrs also if they were not asked to assume a uniform which few of them really like duchess of kent sweetest girl one could wish to know a regards yourf your writing m issue no 14 35 28 grow soya beans a new deal we guarantee that your bean crop will bring you at least the equi valent of the standard price for wheat next fall and will contract for your crop acreage for particulars write soya milk limited 45 richmond w room 306 toronto miss florence forrest of port hope ontario who has been in ja maica all winter tho guest of her aunt mrs lewis emery jr had the honor of being invited by the duke and duchess of kent for luncheon at sunser lodge where they have been spending their honey moon sunset lodge is the attrac tive bungalow which is chatelaine mrs emery put with its staff of servants at the command of the lioyal couple writing to her mother in port hope miss forrest describes the duchess of kent as extremely beautiful and wonderfully charming just the sweetest girl one could wish to know of tho duke of kent she said he is tall and fair has curly hair and blue eyes and not stilted as his pictures seem lo make him they made her very much at home said this young woman who was called to the bar in september last and will upon her return take up the practice of law politeness in tibet requires you when greeting a stranger to grasp your right ear with your right hand and then tick out your tongue af far as it will convonicntly stretch

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