for fast relief from pair all druggists have it get tin of 12 tablets or economical bottle of 24 or 100 at any druggists does not harm the heart an aspirin tablet starts disinte grating as soon as it touches moisture that means that aspirin starts taking hold cases even a bad headache neuritis or rheumatic pain almost instantly and aspirin is safe doctors prescribe it for aspirin docs not norm the heart be sure to look for the name bayer in the form of a cross on every aspirin tablet aspirin is made in canada and all druggists have it demand and get aspirin trademark registered in canada artists and authors service send n three cent stamped en velope for information on our monthly bulletin slu- vice to artists and authors listing uptodate information on where and what to sell canadian and international art and literary contests yearly subscription one uollai sample sheet ten cents giff baker 39 lee avenue toronto ont a chuckle mistress mary i hope you have taken good care of my pets while i have been away mary indeed i have maam only once did i forget to feed the cat mistress i hope she didnt suffer mary oh no maam she ate the canary and the parrot the remarkable romance of an industrial dictator velvet and steel my pearl bellairs synopsis joan pendy oi liumole orleln is introduced ts a social coual of miss ueorslna la fontaine rather than as her salaried secretarycompanion tu rclna is anxious fur her to marry welt am intends to introduce her to pier hannen head of the hannen steel and iron uorks- lord kdwartl proposes lu joan she turned towards him willi a gentle smile what she was going to say in widen way she was about to answer he could not have guess my dear she began and stopped abruptly as a voice hailed them piers llaunen came to them out of the kooui under the trees brushing aside he fronds of the palms at first joan did not recognize him ex cept as someone who looked extra ordinarily big lu the dim light hut she knew him as soon as he spoke in his quick imperative voice here you are he said found at last youd belter go hack and ilnd ceorgina edward shes ilooking for you they were both rather at a loss and lord edward inwardly cursing him echoed find ceorgina yes go hack and tell her ive found yon well get into the car piers hanneu added to joan which car asked lord edward uncertainly my car there it is piers hanneu waved his hand to wards the road where bis car the long crimson roadster was drawn up at the kerb he put his hand under joans elbow and propelled her ac ross the lawn towards the car he was so much master of the situation that he made the other two feel stu pid in their slowness at grasping it are we going in your car quer ied lord edward im going in my car you can do as you like better go and and ceorgina will you up jump piers hannen added as he brought joan to the kerb between the road and the garden and swung her over it as though she were a child this unceremonious way of inter rupting a conversationand sweeping one into a car by sheer pyhslcal co ercion without even enquiring if one wished to go was tremendously an noying to joan she could not have said whether she accidentally or de liberately tripped as she jumped over the kerb hut the event did ex press jier unwillingness to be hus tled away by him ouch cried joan and so fell on one knee on the grass on the other side im sorry are you hurt he raised her though she wished hear tily that he would not touch her and she sat back on the top of the kerb i think its my ankle said joan with a glance behind to see if lord edward was there but he hail gone oft to do as he was told and find ceorgina she rubbed hoi an kle really it was quite good en ough to walk on but she wanted to gain time she did not want to get into the car until the others came for she assumed that they were all going to nice does it hurt a little joan admitted truih fully lie massaged the slender silk cov ered ankle with strong lingers and joan as soon as ahe could hastily put her foot down on the grass try ing its strength better not walk on it he re marked and before she knew what was going to happen he had picked her up in his arms mr hannen please but he walked the two or three paces to the car with her carrying her without a trace of effort it was all done in a brusque matter of fact fashion as though it were the most natural tjihg in the world with anyone else joan would not have minded but from him it offended her she was thankful when he de posited her in te seat beside the wheel glancing up at him as she smoothed her skirts over her knees she again met that bard mocking gaze which seemed to understand and defy her resentment he slammed the door of the car on her and she protested someone will have to fetch my wrap oh theres a coat of mine in the back he replied going round to bis seat on the other side did he really think tjiat she was going without her wrap and was go ing to wear his coat instead what a man nothing one said apparent ly mattered m the least she would send lord edward back for the wrap when he and the dales and ceorgina arrived a little upset she stared into the place where lord edward had gone into the trees she was startled as her attention was called to the test that her com panion had switched on the ignition and was pressing the self starter tio bo continued fur farms rapidly increasing in alberta with the number of fur farmers in alberta more than doubled in the past two years and with quality of pelts greatly improved from ad herence to established scientific methods of raising fur bearing ani mals this type of farming in the province has been raised to the status of a 1000000 industry ac cording to stanley ii clark provin cial game commissioner there are now 500 licensed fur farmers in alberta others are turn ing to this profitable activity in ever increasing numbers either as a de partment of ordinary farm opera tions or as an exclusive enterprise mink fitch fisher marten muskrat racoon and badger are all bred in captivity for commercial purposes well as the fox what does your handwriting reveal geoffrey st clair graphologist all kights reserved editors note letters come in do not go just light or as he ex- efwfbb c5e eacun i the famous energy food a product of the canada starch co limited i m as fflftfa every day testifying to the help that this wellknown handwriting expert has been able to extjnd to readers perhaps he can help you too he invites you to write to him see the following article for details here are some more replies to correspondents headers may find some of their own difficulties and problems dealt with here miss d c your writing re veals you are somewhat disposed to enlarge apparent slights and re sent them yours is not a nature that easily forgives and this is where you might start to develop a broader point of view do not be in too much of a hurry to impute bas er motives to others- do not be quarrelsome nor allow yourself to get too easily irritated and above all dont carry a chip on your shoul ders there is no surer way to lose your popularity and your friends you are perhaps inclined to be a trifle fussy it is all very well to be methodical and to deal carefully with things that come up from day to day but dont overdo it it ceas es to be a virtue and becomes a nuisance not only to yourself but to others mrs m g a in regard to your singing keep at it it is no use getting downhearted and spas modic about it there is only one way in which yon can expect to get anywhere in this and it is by keep ing at it you have a gift for this and it would be a pity to ignore it or not to try earnestly to get the best from it merely because of a few passing disappointments ke- member kobert bruce and the spiders miss s writes as follows i am 17 years of age and in love with a man of 39 my parents do not ap pects he is not particularly gener ous and as a matter of fact is rather the reverse he is capable of a great deal of feeling and is jealous this is an unfortunate trait tnd might cause a lot of trouble if it is allowed to grow mr h b s your writing shows you are very emotional mr s you do feel things very much there is however a tendency for you to be changeable and inconsis tent you often vary in your moods and the result is that you often jump from one tiling to another without giving the proper attention to one thing in particular your enthusiasm grows hot and cold you easily get interested in anything but too soon grow tried of it and turn your at tention in another direction this results in lack of concentration and prevents consistent effort and if you continue to go along in this way you will get nowhere this trait is the cause of your love affairs and the troubles you have had arising from them the same thing occurs with your friends people find you difficult to under stand and because most people dont like to go to the trouble of solving human puzzles they lose interest in you would you like to have your handwriting analysed and perhaps you would like to know the truth about your friends mr st clair can help you as he has helped so many others in order to get your personal character analysis you must send for a copy of mr st clairs new chart the grapho- chart which contains over 100 illustrations and shows how to read your own character and that of your friends from handwriting prove of my having anything to do i fascinating and very intereit- x- mmmm 48 vtaova re tft tt bov mount royal hotel j alderic raymond rnuioent vernon g cardv managing director with him and yet he wants to marry me i think the world of him and do not know what i should do if i had to give him up what jo you advise i believe that you would be doing a very unwise thing to marry him his writing tells that he is of a domineering nature is selfish and undoubtedly is very set in his ways he is not at all of the generous or sympathetic type your own writing on the other hand shows you arc inclined to be variable and change able you are i think more in loyo with love than with your friend in any case you arc too young to do anything serious in this matter at the present and it will do you no harm to wait a while mrs h i the writing of your husband knows that he has a facile mind and finds it easy to express himself he is never at a loss for words he shows his feelings very read ily and is of a highstrung nature apt to get easily excited when things ing send 12 cents for your copy of the graphochart and an additional 10c for each specimen you want analysed send with a 3c stamped addressed envelope to geoffrey st clair room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto ont letters will be treated confidentially and replies are mailed as quickly as is possible toefeeth drwerwetsi powder i drwfernets powder bl salada nd will orange pekoe prove a sheer delight to lovers of fine tea salada marked increase tourist traffic maudpsthehabftof geanteeth dentifrice lotion cream f sa ipdo fast when this den tists grand prc- ecriptlon for hold ing plates firmly snugly and com fortably in place has the largest file in the world theres a reason ask your den tist he prescribe it never causes oronesi inex pensive om h0l0ih6 0ntat platis riftkivtspiacl issue no 12 35 u 43 ottawa foreign automobile tourist traffic entering canada dur ing the past calendar year increased at most points totalling 32g1848 automobiles as against 3090887 automobiles entered in 1933 a gain of 164961 according to a statement issued recently by hon it o mat thews minister of national revenue of the total number of cars en tered 8s7871 were brought in for periods not exceeding 60 days 2- 373648 for periods of 24 hours or less 329 for pcrods of over 60 days and not exceeding six months com pared with 1933 this shows an in crease in the first group of 24 735 in the second group of 140230 and in the third group a decrease of four entries by provinces showing 1933 totals in brackets were xova scotia 1503 1271 prince edward island nil 1 new- brunswick 178s93 152503 que bec 425g34 463385 ontario 2472500 2339097 manitoba 34815 31700 saskatchewan 20- 027 17701 alberta 18135 15- 366 british columbia 110041 102863 a goldmounted harness never yet transformed an illbred scrub in to a thoroughbred harold bell wright curious world my world has sprung from spirit in everlasting day whereof ive more to glory wherefor have much to pay mary baker eddv rough hands no hinds restores smoothness which soap and water tasks steal away from your hands hinds cream dont risk baking failures i js fxi i cant afford to risk failures due to inferior baking powder thats why i insist on magic its economical less than if worth makes a big cake sayt miss marcaret mcfar- iane dietitian o t michaels hospital toronto wesammam leading canadian cookery experts warn against trusting fine materials to doubtful baking powder they use and recommend maic baking powder for perfect cakes contains no alum this statement on ercry tin is your ftuaruntee that magic baklnft lowder is free from ulum or any harmful ingredient made in canada o6 dry shampoo try ut a windsor salt weekly shampoo stimulates circula tion cleanses and gives natural lustre to the hair when wishing happiness to the bride many russians still present bread and salt like this are told in picture and story in our new booklet for children saall over the world a gripping story of many lands you would like to read it of course so just send the coupon now the book is free protect your children goitre is widely prevalent i uso windsor iodized salt daily for cooking and table prevents goitre approved y boards health 1 1 ii wggsdsufi sut tear off and mail today canadian industries umited salt division windsor ont without obligation please sond special child rens booklet salt ttllovor tho world name address handwriting reveals character this fascinating new chart shows how everyono should have a copy of the graphochart 100 illustrations simple accurate infallible by geoffrey st clair wellknown graphologist it shows you how to analyse your own character and that of your friends from handwriting it is not only a vory fascinating game but it is extremely practical copies tent post free for 12c each the graphochart room 42173 adelaide w toronto ont a typewriter which cn be car ried in a waistcoat pocket has bten patented by a tyrolese business man between 1927 and 1933 224 whales were washed ashore on var ious parts of the british coast adults who have had measles ave in their blood a substance pro tective against the disease that substance may b used as an inocu lation against measles the origin of the teapot can be seen in the late neolithic and eary uronz age pottery of macedonia fragments of vases have been dis- covered near salonika with 3 in spouts halfway down the sides set at an angle of 45 degrees thousands of bits of wood card board stones sponge paper and wire were used by mr w e rose a plymouth business man in con structing a lilliput an city his model is 4 ft 0 in long and 18 in wide claimed to be the smallest in the world a crystal set made by mr alfred davis of wolverhampton is built on a piece oi ebonite smaller than a threepenny piece its size is a quarter of an inch by three- eighths of an inch wide mr davis made the set after reading that a london man had made a set half an inch square during a roundup of game av babolnapuszta hungary a hare bearing a brass ticket on its ear was shot according to the ticket the hare was set free near berlin in 1931 the hare is believed to have crossed the danube last winter when the river was frozen and in less than four years to have traversed three countries and crossed a range of mountains two hindu worshippers of the goddess badrinath have set out from new delhi to crawl on their hands and knees to the shrine of the god dess at badrinath in the himalayas a distance of about 500 miles they hope to reach badrinath in eight months frogs were unknown in ireland until the year 1616 at that period frog spawn was taken from england by one of the fellows of trinity college dublin and distributed in the ditches of the university pleas ure grounds from which time these jumpers spread themselves from field to field throughout the whole island mujo suljkanovitch of zvornika near belgrade has celebrated his hundredth birthday by getting mar ried for the fourth time his bride is a sixtyyearold widow as a boy he went to school with her mother a fully equipped billiardroom has been discovered underneath his garden by a brighton man it had been scaled up for eighteen years the oak panelling billiard table furniture and fittings are as good as new repairs were being carried out in the back room of a flat at acton when a part of the cehing gave way and about a hundredweight of honeycomb filled with honey was found wedged behind a joist the occupants of the flat had seen bees flying in and out of the flat during the summer hard on nerves faulty use of language causes unhappiness de- dares scientist ellensburg wash reople can bi immunized against vicious propa ganda just as children are vaccinat ed against smallpox and other dis eases says count alfred korzybaski polish scientist reduce their worries fears and prejudices which cause their lives to be less happy than otherwise they might be the count said at the re cent session of the first american congress of general semantics al ready experimental evidence has shown that mentality may be im proved by relatively short periods of special training semantics a new science admit tedly still in experimental stages treats ot language evolution em bracing the study of word meanings as they vary in individual and col lective minds the average person can be train ed in efficient methods of thinking so that maladjustments can be mini mized he declared the human nervous system is built to function in certain definite ways and is pre vented from functioning normally in most persons by faulty uso of lan guage for example he raid a man who happens to have a rotter father is likely to apply his attitude toward his father to all othr men by identi fying them with the term father however by cxtensionalizing tho term as taught by general sem antics he confines its uso to his parent alone and frees himself from the worries and maladjust ments which follow the wider use count korzbyski said it took him 80 pages to explain the subject fully