stouffville ontario march 21 1935 wants to debate a challenge to w p mulockkc liberal member for north york federal riding to debate the war veterans pension question with him early next month has been issued by harold breuls defeated con servative candidate col mulock has been investigating pensions at ottawa since he took his seat in the house a m fmm aa association with east york as a il upcil jrfchcr taxpayer and also in active com munity work goes back now for twenty years particularly my ser- jvice on soldier reestablishment land as president of the amalgamat ed ratepayers association of the to the electors of the federal hiding of east york dear electors just a little explanation in offer ing myself as a candidate for the liberal xomination for the federal riding of east york that my combination offers offer no 1 nothing so delicious at this season of the year as old- fashioned pancakes and maple syrup 1 bottle maple syrup 1 pkg aunt jemimah pancake flour both for 40c offer no 2 crackers and cheese a tasty snack for light lunches 1 pkg irigersoll malted cheese 1 pkg christies soda wafers only 25c tea cup tea with every pound of tea cup tea orange pekoe you get a unit of the handsome english chinaware in freda pattern see these premiums at our store dustbane 5 lb can 25c the new db cleaning paste per tin 15c pure singapore black pepper per lb 40c glace maraschino cherries per lb 40c high grade bulk cocoa 2 pounds 25c cracked wheat stone ground 8 lbs 25c fillet of haddie frozen salmon dried herring fresh vegetables ratcliffco town delivery phone 7112 coal winter fuel all kinds and sizes coke dairy teed its cheaper to buy cattle feed from us than it is to feed your barley s w hastings phone 169 stouffville bid township of york twenty- fivo associations i will not detain you with fur ther details of my long and varied community service for east york my professional association for east york has been both intimate and rather extensive including amongst other solicitorships my work as solicitor for the central counciv of ratepayers township of east york on whose behalf 1 made two triplications to the legis lature which resulted in an ultim atum from the legislature against payment of further hydro deficits from east york as evidence of my fitness and qualifications as a liberal and a public man and of my standing in the party it seems proper to add that i was appointed without even applying for the office to succeed tho eminent leader of the liberal party in ontario the late hartley dewart kc as a member of the dominion statute revision com mission under sir charles fitz- patrick formerly a member of the laurier cabinet i was also without applying for the office appointed government counsel on the royal commission which inquired into certain phases of the administration of the de partment of soldier reestablish ment of toronto ottawa and london the action of that com mission met with the approval of parliament as well as the approval of the veterans i have been three times unani mously nominated as a stated liber al candidate namely in south york in 1917 and 1921 and in west york against sir henry drayton then acting prime minister in 1925 my services on the platform for the liberal party started twenty- seven years ago i have borne practically all my campaign expenses in said three federal campaigns i trust you will give this letter your favourable consideration and assure you that if i am favored with your support i will ever do my utmost to be worthy of your valued support yours faithfully alex mcgregor the tribune published every thursday at stouffville ontario yearly subscription rate canada united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan queens park arena notes comments the citizens of the village of coldwater in slmcoe county ban- quettetj members of the council and school board that is news because unique these officials are more accustomed to cold water being thrown on their best efforts for the public all the year round send the tribune to absent friends new merchandise and exceptional values the pick of the seasons most popular styles the newest in everyday wash dresses tub fast prints in newest attractive patterns and dainty colourings the new seasons patterns with crisp organdie and pique a very large and complete assort ment to choose from at 79c to 295 new spring chamo suede gloves pull on style good quality fabrics fancy cuffs and in the popular shades 29c to 79c new imported kid gloves finest quality french kid gloves in all the newest styles plain and fancy cuff pull- onstyle in all the popular spring shades make your selection early pair 159295 crepe hose have you tried these fine crepe hose you will find them entirely satisfactory we have them in all the new spring shades and in all sizes and the price is only pair 100 cotton flannel a desirable and attractive material very suitable for school frocks that will prove a very economical buy for the mother who 35c makes her childrens dresses yard all wool and silk and wool hose all lines of these fine hose are now re duced and it will pay you to stock up for future requirements silk and wool hose reg 95c and 1 for 79c silk and wool hose regular 75c for 59c all wool hose regular 110 for 89c silk hose a special lot of silk hose in a fine even weave in all the popular shades these hose are worth 100 and the special price is only per pair 69c st patricks day paper napkins put up in attractive packages of ten at per package 7c 4 packages for 25c sunworthy wallpapers with a few exceptions all our wallpapers are sunworthy and you can be assured that your wallpaper will retain its original freshness and beauty if you are planning to redecorate your walls we suggest that you come in at your earliest convenience and make your selection while our stock is complete per single roll 10c to 50c floor oilcloth and feltol new and attractive patterns in floor oilcloth and feltol these serviceable and artistic floor coverings will give good service and add brightness and cheerful ness to your rooms at a moderate cost floor oilcloth per square yard 50c feltol per square yard 43c white flannelette blankets large size 70x90 fine soft nap a good quality serviceable blanket per pair 259 curtain materials many new lines just brought into stock new patterns and attractive designs that will prove most charming to those women who like dainty things marquisette at per yard 25c to 75c net at per yard 15c to 45c scrim at per pard 15c to 29c cottage curtain sets dainty side curtains with sash curtain white with green blue or gold trim just what you need for your kitchen and bath room windows per pair 119 frilled scrim curtains for bedroom or kitchen these are es pecially attractive in cream or white edged with contrasting colours of green gold or blue and the prices are so very low per pair 49c 79c 100 by the watchman promier hepburn and his nev government are fighting a battle to save ontario power users literally hundreds of millions of dollars on their electricity bills during the next several decades in assailing the validity of the conservative administratons power tieups with quebec private corpora tions the liberal prime minister of ontario is raising an issue which means dollars and cents yes and even jobs to every ontario citizen of the present and the future rural ontario cannot afford to uuderestimate the importance to agricultural of the battle now being waged at queens park it means in many thousands of rural homes the difference between the available and economic unavailability of hydro for farmers in essence as the facts become apparent in the legislature and in queens park corridors the pro vince is obligated to pay sla per horse power for unwanted elec tricity which premier hepburn attorney general roebuck and their colleagues of the cabinet say should have been purchased if purchase were inevitable at a much lower figure the capitalization and financial setups given by government spokesmen to the legislature have revealed according to statements series of powerpurchase deals im mensely profitable to quebec prl- expenditure vate power corporations but jlnrpugii apparently disastrous to the peoples hydro venture unless the premier wins his battle against the quebec power barons the ontario user of electric ity is doomed to pay higher and higher prices for power with the hydro commission newly striving for increased distribution of electricity in rural ontario hopes of electrification in many farm homes are to be blasted unless premier hepburn wins the present pght at queens park economically the issue as drawn is one of the most important thte province has faced for many a year increased power costs would mean increased production costs in in dustry this would mean less busi ness in competition with world in dustry in turn this would mean fewer jobs for urban workingmen and in its turn would mean less urban buying power with which to make rural ontario prosperous to an observer in queens park during the past few weeks of legis lature sittings it would seem that the people of ontario may fail to grasp the importance of premier hepburns present efforts they are so vital to ontarios welfare that it is difficult to understand tho atti tude of hilarity encountered upon conservative benches tne ontario hydro commission paid 400 for a portrait of alt mcguire commissioner what a rotten waste of public funds which must be paid for through the cost of electric current burned in our homes what interest have tho owners of hydro the consumers in alt mcguire that 400 of our funds be expended on his portrait china a new line of decorated in unusual size each department english teapots colourings nicely 8 cup 75c the w h shaw store phone 9512 stouffville ontario mongolia elwood elson purchased a new horse at ed bakers sale we heartily congratulate mr and mrs fred nighswander on their recent marriage maggie is spending her vacation on tho tenth we wonder if jlggs is having a feed of corn beef and cabbage should the ontario government decide to assume the whole cost of the kings highways throughout the province the direct saving to york county council according to the treasurers estimate would be be tween 90 and 100 thousand dollars it would be well for the treasurers of each municipality to figure the saving if any to their respective municipalities after the subsidies now received on township road is cancelled the hydro electric power com mission of ontario by reduction in managerial and administrative costs during the past six months has effected a yearly saving of more than 000000 in addition a reduction of more than 450000 in annual interest payments will be apparent this year and a decline i will continue until the money ad- jvanced by the province for capital has been returned sinking funds the one big alarm or black cloud for hydro is the enormous contracts entered into for power which is not been used and which was bought at shamfully high rates if the ontario government succeeds in getting the cost of this power lower ed they will earn the unending thanks of all the people of this pro vince the agricultural committee of york county council passed a re commendation that eggs be sold by weight after being candled instead of by the dozen as at present it is contended by the committee that the present various grades under which eggs are sold are confusing and conflicting to the public an other recommendation sent forward to the legislature by this committee is that the service charge on rural hydro be reduced such reduction as the ontario hydro commission might make would certainly be wel come by the farmers but after all its hydro at cost if hydro rates now coupled with the service charge pays the cost of current and line investment only then any reduction in service charge would have to be countered by increased rates so what have we rest your nerves by motor coach reldxforget jyour- driving tickets time tables and all coach travel informa tion at anderson phono iti cent a mile round trip bargains abolition of government house a few newspapers and politicians are trying to arouse public senti ment in ontario against the de cision of the legislature to refuse to vote funds for tho maintenance of government house or chorley park as it has been called in recent years but little headway will be made in these days witli one in every nine persons in canada on relief the cost of building this castle of indolence was nearly a million dollars made up as follows site and legal expenses 147054 laying out of grounds 116132 buildings ezra and joe brownsberger have 5459902 laying out of grounds and engaged albert boako for the sum- f 35000 additional build- mer months and he intends moving lng ic2364 furnishings electric very soon fixtures and decorations 55000 ii hia the ballroom of this palace is the stork while making his bed rounds v l wirtoth7ak i tor the t1e ca3tle leaving a baby boy uh be th jack barkoy and bob hook who w cost upkcep abqut 9q 000 a year for the benefit of toron tos society set and the social set of other urban centres it is too big a price to pay for special balls of the elite of society and for the ten- courso dinners of those who are fortunate enough to got an invita tion there has been an agitation to stop voting funds for this castle of follys upkeep over since it was built and the ontario government should bo congratulated for carry ing out its promises during the election campaign to rotuse to vote bunds for tho maintenance of an official residence for a lieutenant governor the refusal to support a luxury homo is timely when unem ployment is rife and relief charges are high is not a prosperous com- 1 whitchurch tory officer rwart o pinder 9lh line markham wedding bells are beginning to tingle on the lino mr and mrs h thomas were in toronto on saturday miss anna housscr spent the weokend at her homo at lincoln- of whitchurch elected second vice- vllle president of the federation of our ninth line fishermen are get- yonng canada conservative clubs ng their nets in shape for sucker of ontario mr pinder was a dls- fishing trict representative last year mr and mrs b widdowson called minimum fares adults 75o child 10c friday march 29 from stouffville to guelph kitchener stratford goderich kincardine southampton owen sound and all intermediate points beyond g st catharines niagara falls buffalo brantford woodstock london sarnia chatham windsor detroit and all intermediate points beyond hamilton barrie orillia gravenhurst bracebridge huntsville north bay meaford collingwood penetang midland all towns on lines of temiskaming northern ontario rly n central rly cochrane kapuska parry sound sudbury flonglac tgeraldton fhardrock jellicoo isturgeon lliuer gold fields s mar 30 to lindsay peterboro toron and hamilton tickets return limits and train information from agents ask for handbill ta canadian national o 0 h ij preston local agent stouffville ilione 188 on mr and mrs d boyd thursday afternoon quite a number in our neighbour hood are ill with the flu we are sorry to report mrs james mccreight and baby isabel spent tuesday afternoon with mrs john lewis why doesnt some one open up a gas station on the ninth to supply those who run out misses annie and mae barkey of cherrywood visited wednesday afternoon at burkholders come to our young peoples meet ing held every monday evening at mr r r johnsons home mr and mrs a batt and mr hector batt visited with mr and mrs h boyd and family tuesday evening v lewis and miss m peacock motored to toronto sunday evening miss peacock remained to visit with her sister mrs ken graham and joe came home alone it3smcess markham hardware store clippes fiates all work guaranteed all sizes of fanning mill screen kept in stock charles sargent markham phone 900 in most homes the old guesswork baking days have gone never to re turn then it was a matter of anxious conjecture as to whether or not that batch of bread would rise properly all of our baking is a scientific success our broad should be one of your standard family foods stouffville bakery bakers of stoulfvilles popular bread blaise pascal noble heeds are most estimable when hidden there is much of nobility in the life about us in the business upon our streets and pro fessions and this helps to make life worth while rg clendening funeral director markham ontario another ford free will be given to someone who ford sales and service stou prices the car which is a model standard tudor will be drawn for at a public dem onstration in stouffville on july 1st 1936 note winner may apply value of this car on any 800 value of this car on any model new ford car purchases goods at holdens ffville and markhamat regular terms and conditions one free ticket will be given for every 5 gallons of gas or distillate oil purchased 1 gallon of cylinder oil 1000 paid on new or used cars trucks 100 paid on ford parts accessories 100 paid on labor on cars or tractors all purchases must be settled for at time of purchase either in cash or by note to obtain tickets contest opened january 2 1935 closes july 1 1936 the proprietor his employees and family are barred from this contest d f holden ford sales service stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120