Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1935, p. 3

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lest we forget- canadaatwar written for the journal by it f s armistice day november 11 1913 the end of th world war brought to th- government of can ada many major problems de mobilization reestablishment ami reemployment pension adjust ments the financing of the national deb in general the responsibility of repairing liu havoc hunat and iratcriai resulting from devastati jcars of conflict i it is not surprising therefore- ihat matiers of a memorial educj- j tional or sentimental type were re garded wit- sonic indifference i official circles something to be fded or stored away for future reference- among these latter enterprises were the outstanding achievements of the overseas office of the canadian war records war narratives official pho tographs oil paintings and motion picture films a project inaugurated by the late sir sam hughes who with sound judgment and tine in itiative placed in charge of this work sir max aiken later lord heaver- brook during the war much 0 this ma terial was used for propaganda pur poses recruiting and war loans in great britain canada and the united states shipped to ottawa following the armistice it was a problem to obtain even storage ac commodation for the bulk of these priceless irreplaceable records after nine years in oblivion the insistent demands of the canadian legion and exservice organizations were rewarded by the government accumulating the many thousands of feet of cinematograph records trans ferring the collection to the notion picture bureau of the department of trade and commerce with the authorization of necessary funds administered by an interdepart mental committee to provide for the making of a composite full- length picture portraying canadas contribution to the war after months of preparation the production lest we forget is now- completed the story will prove es sentially fascinating the scenes actually shot in th various train ing and battle areas by official phiographers of the canadian war k cords will be familiar to thou sands id former nnmbers of the canadian expeditionary fte for at ome stage of his career nearly every canadian soldier broke into the movies- lest we forget is more than a war story it is history canadian history the conflict pictured here is not a hollywoodmade war it is real war in all its- rutrlcssness its grim tragedy and its futility without any deliberate design to emphasize a peace message no in dividual can view the presentation without the feeling that war is a stupid tragic and worthless busi ness courage and selfsacrifice endurance comradeship and suf fering run constantly amid the en vironment of death and hand in hand with death as a writer who observed the preview presentation remarked one leaves the picture with the feeling that the men who endured the horrors flickered across the screen were brave selfish men but a great questionmark hovers over it all the war called forth every element of high morale in those who participated in it but these men will be looking at them selves in retrospect they see themselves not as they are now but as they were and how they lived 20 years ago lest we forget furnishes food for great and pro found thought lest we forget in the opening scenes visualizes the feverish month before the declaration of war the parades of great masses of troops the kaiser and his prussian bat talions marching through the streets of berlin the kings of the other enemy nations the french poilus marching with gay abandon to meet their traditional enemy canadas first contingent britains old con- tcmptibles the kitchener army and proceeds to take the on looker in picture and in spirit to what someone has termed canadas garden of memories in france and flanders in reverent mood we move down winding paths pausing here and there at places the names of which are carved deep on the mlmts of three generations of canadians the first of these are st julien langemark and yprcs continu ing wo come to st eloi sanctuary wood the somme and vimy kidgc each place the tomb for heroes such examples of sacri fice death where is thy stiny grave thy victory rundown i take wincarnis if work and worry have got the better tit you and you are feeling eal and ilstfeas follow the recommendation of more than 20000 medical men taie wincaxnii three times daily to thouviudi who once felt as you feel now this advice has proed invaluahle wmcarnls brings to ouaii the valuable elements of grapes 2 ihs in each bottle and the strength building content of beef and malt extract it is not a drug hut a delicious blood and tissue building wine which quickly soothes tired nerves and builds new wells of energy from the time vou start taking win- carmt you will weep better wake more cheerfully and feel more nearly as you should vou will know then how wonderful it is to bo on the road to sustained igorous health for those who are rundown or who buffer from ragged nerves insomnia anaemia or debility incur jus is a marvelous tonic get incarnis from our druggist today sales agents larold f hitchie co ltd toronto 20 its a settee classified advertising patents an okfkk to bveuy txvxtok rt 11st of wanted inventions and full information sent cree the baunay company wurkl patent attorneys i liank street ottawa canada chicks misuhautflsk chicks chatham in ontario ti1m uest known known as tiik hkst seiul tor catalogue una price list aaa chicks essex bred famous uukfuxs ten viis selective breeding one of canadas oldest and largest free catalogue ksex hatchery breeding farms box vp kiisex nit m m h ening ordon m itfi article no 4 criminal detection is taught to class of 85 delaware county la- patrolmen at swarthmore college officers c a liroomall left and 1 j monaghan take notes at leetuie msmmi ringworm infection skin troubles yield quickly to dr d d dennis uquid pre- r made and guaranteed by the makers of oampanas italian tbalm trial bottle 35c t your r druggist j tobacco outlook reported bright increasing demand on home market improved mar keting conditions quivering nerves when you are just on edge 5 when you cant stand the childrens noise x 1 when everything you do is a burden 7 when you are irri table and blue try lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound 98 out of 100 women report benefit it will give you just the extra en ergy you need life will seem worth living again dont endure another day without the help this medicine can give get a bottle from your druggist today vegetable compound the general outlook for canadian tobacco in 1935 is brighter than has been the case for the past two or three years in view of the greatly reduced production during 1934 the increasing demand on the home mar ket and a moderate stimulation of overseas interest according to the tobacco division dominion experi mental farms- the 1934 fluecured crop has been disposed of rapidly at increased priced as a result of im proved marketing conditions and competition between domestic and export purchasers in canada there are five general types of tobacco grown namely fluecured hurley dark quebec leaves are thin and of fine texture three extensively grown varieties are comstock spanish resistant havana and connecticut havane colds hcd cold heal minsrds and inhsle it chest cold and sore throat heot then tub veil into affected porta real relief quickly p guard against rickets with cod liver oil plus added digestibility the cigar and pipe varieties refer red to are grown only in the pro vince of quebec within the fluecured typa are many varieties and strains as this tobacco is used for cigarette pur poses a finegrained thintextured leaf is required popular varieties are yellow mammoth itonanza white stem willow leaf and gold tip the burley varieties are used for pipe mixtures smoking plugs and cigarette blends- they possess very large broad leaves of medium fineness anil texture a few years ago the market demanded thick tough coarsely textured leaf but these requirements have changed to that of fineness and thinness the outstanding feaure of the pipe and cigar for each of these types there are grown ten to fifty varieties and strains the pipe varieties have fewer leaves and the leaves themselves are short thick heavybodied and early maturing the varieties most commonly grown arc canelle petit havane beige little dutch parfum dltalie and oburg vincent in the cigar type the past year has been the organization of the fluecured industry under the natural products marketing act growers associations continue to play an important part in the de velopment of the industry in the past such organizations have been primarily concerned with coopera tive marketing under a pooling con tract in the more recently formed associations however general ser vice to the members has been the chief motivating force while such marketing activities as have been undertaken have been on a volun tary basis and mainly concerned with the packing and disposal of un sold surpluses remaining in the hands of growers in addition to the organizations in operation in 1934 two new ones were formed one in the fluecured area in on tario and the other in the cigar leaf district in quebec digdigdig cultivation is even more import ant than good soil or fertilizer a constantly cultivated garden will withstand much drought for the simple reason that this stirring of the top soil prevents evaporation of moisture and it also keeps down those robbers of plant food and water weeds the mechanical tex ture of heavy clay can be remedied by good cultivation cultivation is necessary especially during the early part of the season and more particularly after each shower with some of the many hand horse or tractor drawn garden cultivators on the market this task is done quick ly and without the oldtime back ache killing out most damage to shrubbery peren nial flowers roses strawberry pat ches fall wheat and other plants oc curs during march or april it is not the extreme cold of january and february that causes the trouble but the alternate freezing and thawing and the drying winds of early spring on line days things start to grow and the sap comes up from the roots but at night frost returns and injury results crowns and stems are burst fruit buds frozen and grass and other peren nial plants heaved out of the soil their tiny roots broken and exposed to the high drying winds protect ion ia the form of snow straw leaves or old vegetable refuse is advisable at this time and is especi ally necessary in southern exposur es where the difference between midnight and noon temperatures is much more extreme than elsewhere this protection must stay on until the dangerous period is passed and then removed gradually if left on too long however growth is spind ly and backward a short cut good sized potatoes by early july can be produced in most parts of canada and this is the time the crop is really appreciated and worth some money as soon as the ground works up nicely a small planting may be risked to further hurry things along for two or three weeks before planting it is advisable to spread the seed potatoes out in some frost proof place where they will get as much sun as possible through the window soon healthy stout sprouts will appear and if planted carefully so as to avoid breaking off the crop will be through the the ground in a day or two he felt miserable after meals acute indigestion relieved by kruschen the treatment which put this man right must surely be worth trying in every case of indigestion liead what he says two years ago i suffered very much from indigestion loss of appe tite and a most severe pain in ray back- food soured in my stomach i fell most miserable after meals and hail no desire or appetite lor them a friend advised me to try kruschen salts i did so and 1 alii most happy to testify that after a short time i felt the greatest relief i continued taking krusclien till i felt myself quite better and a new- man 1 feel as lighthearted as 1 did twenty years ago w b what kruschen did for him it will do for everybody else who suffers from indigestion as he did the fact is that the little daily dose of krusclien first stimulates the flow of gastric juices to aid indigestion and then ensures a complete regu lar and unfailing elimination of all waste matter every day termining the health the efficiency and the personality of future citi zens s in his endeavour to benefit the child he must not overlook five es sentially vital points which more than anything else contribute to their goal the welfare of the child 1 the first and foremost the child is a spiritual being and that this side of his nature must be giv en opportunity to flower and de velop 2 that he has a mind in the making which when properly train ed can be guided and directed to wards the accomplishment of much good in the world 3 that as the childs environ ment affects the child from birth to old age and from hour to hour and very largely determines what he will become it must be taken into consideration mainly the home influence and the influence of the parents and the school enjoy a really fine handmade cigarette by rolling your oum toith golden virginia alsofmade up in pipeifobacco canada relaxes her customs regulations affecting tourists ah babies need the antirachitic value of vita mins a and d found in pure cod liver oil scotts emulsion is rich in these vitamins plus the easy digestibility thatresults from emulsified tlon plus the bodybuildlngaldof hypophos- phi tea of lime and soda pleasant to take scotts emulsion is tremendously more effective build bones imvitamin o heauhtstrenoth depend scotts childs physician reginald h md cm wiggins lmcc to prevent is to forstall the neces sity of a cure reginald h wiggins where the future and welfare of the race is concerned the childs physician the podiatrist steps forefront of the men of medicine as he advises on the care and train ing of future citizens and conse quently plays next to the parents and teachers the biggest role in de- the cod liver oil with the plus value for snle by your druggist ia conscious of the courage of those comrades who rest in this sacred soil of france we pass on to high school boards boards of education arc authorized by law to establish industrial technical and art schools with the approval of the minister of education day and evening classes may be conducted in accord ance with the regulations is sued by the department of education theoretical and practical instruction is given in various trades the schools and classes arc under the direction of an advisory committee- from girl to woman mrs n vsrey of 47 iturtch st woodstock out said when i was growing into womanhood x suffered terrible pain periodically i would have to stay in bed for sev eral days all this misery was soon corrected after taking dr pierces fa vorite prescription xew size tablets 50 cts large size 115 iicrccs clinic iluffalo n y ivicc ottawa customs restrictions af fecting tourists will he somewhat re laxed a statement issued by hon it c matthews minister of national revenue indicated a change ot particular interest to canadian motorists who travel abroad has been made in the regula tions pertaining to tourists automo biles there have been instances of collection of duty and taxes from canadians on their return after tour ing abroad on compulsory repairs effected to their motor vehicles out side of canada either as the result of an accident or of unforeseen mu chanical defects which developed durjng the tour hereafter the re turning tourist will be required to satisfy the collector as to the bona fides of his case and will be called upon to pay duty only on those re pairs effected abroad which can not be regarded as compulsory included in other changes in the revised regulations are two which affect the nonresident temporary visitor in canada in the past the tourist who arrived by automobile with a considerable quantity of tour ists outfit such as guns fishing tackle golf clubs tennis racquets cameras and other sporting and pleasure paraphernalia required to complete two forms one for the automobile and another for the out fit while these forms are being re tained as separate units to be used as occasion demands the automobile permit will now take tho form of a combination of the two so that only one document will be required to be prepared and completed at the fron tier the ouier important revision af fected the temporary admission at frontier ports of tourists from ab road whoio visit is confined to points within the jursidiction of the fron tier port of arrival hitherto they have been allowed a 24hour stay without the issuance of a permit this period has now been changed to 48 hours to cover weekends and holidays the final warning the handwriting 01 the wall kead and in terpreted announcin tho doom ot the oentll nations which god haa numbered 2520 year ueing their lease of life and has already delivered over to judg- ment beginning in 1914 their complete destruction to tuk place not later that 194243 send card for free copy of this address to wilbur glenn vollva zlon illinois if your ears ring with head noises if you have catarrhal deafness or ncad noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz of parmint double trength and add to it 4 pint of not water and a little sugar take i tablespoonful four times a day this will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises clogged nostrils should open breath ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat it is easy to prepare costs little and is pleasant to take anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial rmmmsm of lt foloa s in ta s u 31 s inoaitb j si talcdajk so v s h la 4 vmu u lai ifoasplunmi ho dross dmttoc ffiw tthlmtmuu frm ob tru4 imrii fee 1000 complete o details free write now 4 malcolm ross height spoclallat scarborough bag violent methods of sup pression of the printed or spoken word have never yet done the slightest good llentliick win van loon dictatorship is always merely an aria never an opera emil ludwlg all druggists liquid 100 write dr for free medical ended commercial subjects manual training household science and agriculture and horticulture arc provided for in the courses of study in iublie separate continuation and high schools collegiate institutes vocational schools and departments copies of the regulations issued by the minister of education may be obtained from the deputy minister parliament buildings toronto application for attendance should be made to the principal of school mrs h t rowsomo athena ont write my baby boy waa troubled with constipation i gave him babys own tablets as dire ct- ed before i had given half he box tho constipation was rightcdi by relieving constipation babj own tablets prevent moro serious ailments developing much easier to take than nauseating laxatives and perfectly tafe for alllittlo folic from tho wco babo to children of school ago 25o package drw g mm it cuts right through all clogging matter theres nothing like gilletf s pure flake lyo to clear drains in a jiffy use it regu larly and youll keep sinks tubs and toilets running free ly pour it down full strength it will not harm enamel or plumbing kills germs and destroys odors as it cleans keep a tin on hand never dissolve lye in hot water the action of the lye itself heats the water issue no 12 35 free booklet tho gluetfs ijo booklet gives down of practical hints for using this powerful cleanser anil duiurtint also given full ilir-c- tlons for soapmakiok thorough cleansing anil otlirr uses on tho farm write for free copy to standard brands limited frascr ave and liberty st toronto ontario gilletts lye ssf

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