Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 14, 1935, p. 8

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stouffville ontario march 14 1935 toronto a goodwood mrs burry is in this city for a week or so j e wagg was in couple of days last week a large crowd attended the dance at k taylors on tuesday night mrs dr darling is spending a couple of weeks with friends in tor onto mrs chas harper was in orillia last week attending the funeral of her nephew sorry to know mrs russel storry has been sick in bed for a week or more hope to see her out soon the wedding bells are ringing and ringing and the next thing well hear will be cow bells quite a number of our loyal liber als attended a meeting in beaver- ton one day last week even if the roads were icy sales sales and then some all cash what a pity for the province at large such terms had not started ten years sooner word was received from toronto on saturday last that jean rodanz aged 3 years grandaughter of mr and mrs wm todd had received a double fracture of one arm while at play eli stony is in very delicate health hope he will soon be better also thos dowswell is not in the best of trim following a very bad attack of grippe trust he may soon be better too glad to report mrs j f reid is feeling some better also mrs len tait who is spending a few weeks with her parents until she gains strength enough to return to her home in sunderland the w a held their regular monthly meeting at mrs c e feasbys home with about thirty present the annual report shows that our w a raised 5227 a very iiico figure for a small village quite a number of ladies were in attendance at the day of prayer meeting held at miss legates home on friday we are told whatsoever we ask in prayer believing we shall receive a very pleasant evening was spent in the basement of the goodwood united church in honor of the president of the w i on the occasion of her 55th birthday where she was the recipient of useful pre sents and showers of congratulation the fee was your age up to 25 after 25 you were not compelled to tell your age one of our residents overheard a conversation the other day carried on by three of our oldest citizens whose ages total 244 these men are all enjoying real good health we feel sure they wont mind having their names and ages revealed un like the ladies they were george brown 84 years who carries the mall a lot of the time calvin staf ford 81 years who is really just a boy yet as most of you know and george morgason lives in toronto but is spending a few weeks with his sister mary who is also in the sos and his two brothers william who is also exceedingly smart at the age of 85 then theres andy well he might not like to have his age publised so we stop here after say ing best wishes to all our older citizens another group whose ages reach an amazing figures compose wm morgason thos baston w t robinson geo morgason georgo brown and calvin stafford between them they shoulder 494 years or an average over 82 years mrs ray fleury arrived on wednesday morning from welwyn sask to visit her mother mrs s m warriner local happening farmers information early sowing of tomatoes the dominion horticulturist recommends early sowing of toma- jtoes and the use of early mauturiug full court scene judge jury and good varieties sowing should be prisoner at the town march 21 claremont minstrel show in don in time to have stocky well j grown plants in bloom ad ready for j planting out at the sign of setled j weather soils with low nitrogen and high phosphoric acid content and a medium amount of potash are his of essential ballantrae thos condy was confined to home last week with an attack flu the importance of aualfn lome wilson of albert is visit- 1 for a lmmber ul years lne for- ing her mother mrs b w jones crop specialists at tne central and other relatives here i experimental farm have been tom and mrs scott of weston were weekend visitors with the formers parents w g and mrs scott james farm studying the species and mixtures best suited for pasture in this dis trict among other things it has evans is confined to bed alfalfa whereever possible on land with a severe cold and high blood t0 wnich u is adaiteu increases the it surely must pay to advertise in the tribune as mr r price of ballantrae had no less than 15 per sons answer a threeline notice in this paper offering a horse and other articles for sale the auction sale of thirty acres of land offered at lot no 6 in the 7th concession just south of ballantrae tailed to attract a buyer the pro perty was offered at stouffville un der tho auction hammer of a s farmer there were bids made but they failed to reach the reserve but a deal may be consumated later this property was offered mortgage sale by solicitor f l button and at one time formed part of the jacob farm pressure mr evans celebrated his s9th birthday in february the community euchre club met at the home of mr and mrs w g j yield of good quality hay and pro- i duces an early second growth which jmay be cut for hay or grazed at a ai me nome oi air anu urs w tiim whcu the older pastures are at scott on friday evening last when minimum ievel of production the importance of this fact cannot be overemphasized because good hay seventeen tables were played tho fred pugh family will re turn to their farm on the 8th of pickering the end of this month mr i for the mail of high pugh has leased his village resl- 1 roduction uerds deuce to magnus e morgan the use of some au nas a the world day of prayer was beeu tound to pro the life of observed by several tf the women otj flew as pastui tor au addiu the community on friday afternoon last in the school room of the united church andrew miller has leased his farm to earl degeer who will lake under possession on april 1st mr and imiss miller will then move to the village where they have purchased a residence owing to illness miss e send the tribune to absent friends graham has resigned her position in i the office of the h g mclntyre co groceries and saturday 10c thursday friday muffets 2 pkgs falcon cocoa 2 lb tin minute tapico pkg palmolive soap 5 bars blend tea hayhoes arrow 1 pound pkg 20c 12c 23c 41c hodgins grocery west end donald hodgins stouffvillo prop cream separator owners can save money by calling on frank baker for second hand parts for their separators second hand peter hamilton cutting box and top buggy agent for international harvester implements and peter hamilton and melotte cream separators j fleury sons machinery beaty washers universal lightning rods franklin baker stouffville real estate agent phone 15204 miss glover niece of rev mr glov er has been engaged to fill the vacancy imiss graham is still con fined to bed and under the doctors care glasgow boys beware of your stove pipe dampers on sunday mornings mr and mrs joseph cooper had tea with irwin pearsons on sunday walter pearson who is engaged at work near uxbridge was home sunday mr pearson and his soninlaw thos ogden are busy trimming their orchard these days miss velma farrow has got her valuable cat back again after taking a stroll to goodwood to see the sights surely miss puss will stay home now ts7hkn a hen minis to lay she doesnt want to stand around and wait she wants immediate possession of a nice vacant nest in which to lay her egg for you keep iter supplied with a feed that will help iicr produce more hi bound shelled murkelalle eggs for you a feed that will keep iier up in rood body weight and health while providing an ample supply of the nutritious elements required to maintain high egg production feed her fulopep egg mash she needs it fulopep i a uniform complete clean feed it is this ega mash that the successful 1 oiillryman uses becaiixc he has found unit it not only produces eggs but maintains his hens in best laying condition send for the new fulopep book it tells how to handle laying hens profitably sent free if you will fill out and mail the coupon quaker public auction sale of farm stock imple ments hay grain furniture etc at lot 33 con 5 markham half mile south of whitchurch townline on tuesday march 19th 1935 the following property be longing to mrs n crossley horses and cattle percheron horse rising 5 years mare aged cow black white full flow cow ayrshire full flow cow jersey due june 15th cow brindle due june 10 2 heifers jersey due in august heifer black jersey full flow heifer black white full flow cow black white full flow pigs about 120 lbs quantity of mixed grain and hay 50 bags potatoes irish cobblers furnituro organ glass cupboard sideboard and- chairs round table solid walnut range pandora bed iroom suite cherry bed room suite oak iron bed washing machine coal oil stove 2 flower stands 2inl stove washstand hall rack irons lawn mower many other articles al year or two for being a per ennial plant alfalfa persists after red clover has disappeared poultry breeding too often in selecting the stock for breeding high egg records or some outstanding feature of the sire or dam are allowed to influ ence the judgment without due regard to vitality or good breed ing qualities that may or may not be present tho selection for vigour and for those desirable qualifications that conform to the breeding is com paratively simple because these are mostly visible characters and can be chosen by comparison vigour is evident by the carriage desirable body weight for age and breed health and bloom of feath er and good bone formation a cleaucut head with clear bright and prominent eye in the male and female is a certain indication of braiu power and nervous energy and the hallmark of high vitality and reproductive strength cod liver oil for hens when chickens are kept indoors where they do not get as much direct sunshine as when they are running outside their mash should contain about 2 per cent of a good quality of codliver oil this oil is fed because of its vitamin d con tent which is needed to help tera matter in the absence of a suffi cient quantity of this vitamin a chick may be undernourished on minerals even if it is given enough for its body needs in the mash cattle sales to u s increase large shipments of canadas best cattle have been going to the unit ed states since early in february offsetting decreased exports to britain drought conditions with conse quent lack of feed across the border necessitated slaughter of 8000000 head of cattle a scarcity developed chicago prices rose to just under s14 a hundredweight at which level canadian producers could pay the 2 cents per pound duty and still make a profit in the week ending february 14 canada shipped 13g7 head of cattle the movement increasing to 4157 head in the week ending feb 21 about 3500 going from the prairie provinces a few weeks ago the rul ing price on top cattle in winni peg was about 475 per hundred weight now 650 is being paid only 4781 head of cattle have been shipped to the united king dom so far this year compared to 7411 in the same period last year quality price the trend in chick starter is toward higher percentage of corn- meal a lower percentage of oat meal skimmed milk powder instead of buttermilk powder freshly milled starters dixie chick starter contains the above base ingredients as well as the other many ingredients used in the latest approved percentages start now to feed scientifically and successfully with dixie the uptotheminute starter dixie is always freshly and correctly milled from quality ingredients and priced right fertilizer prices slaughtered monarch and shurgain spring pricelists just to hand show reductions of from two to eleven dollars per ton depending on the analysis this is as it should be and these prices coupled with our service represents real fertilizer values all orders deliver- ed to your farm before needed a special in cod liver oil 200 gallons fasterfat cod liver oil at soc gallon dicksons hill mills bethesoa ontario phona stouffville 7207 plus established 1842 markham ontario phono stouffville 5505 service war declared on warblefly bloomington the ladies aid meeting at mrs b mortons was quite a success miss hanna fairies resident of bloomington for many years is quite ill mr and mrs j kendall of glas gow were guests with her daughter- mrs lou tindall here mrs leask been visiting fockler of greenbank has her father w a lmr and mrs ernest morgason of goodwood wore visiting her mother mrs jos lemon the other day fulopep egg mash the mash t mak the eggs the quaker 0t co dtpt 000 peterborough ont dtaurt jvame- 24- page fulopep book for laying hens implements jlilking machine mccormack tractor fordson tractor plow massey harris tractor plow oliver tractor cultivator 17 tooth walking plow mower 5ft hay rake jmh 10 ft binder mh 6ft wagon set scales 2000 lbs renfrew new wagon box gravel box hay rack scuff ler drill mh 13 disc stonoboat fanningmill chatham separator ihc no 2 600 lbs new set harows 4 sec cutting box sot bench sleighs set team harness number collars positively xo reserve as mrs crossley ha3 rented her 100 acre farm terms cash geo storey clerk salo at 1 oclock anthony a s farmer auctioneer 8 botsford st melville mr and mrs harold mckay were home again over the weekend we extend our sincerest sympathy to mr noah wideman and family in their recent sad bereavement one of the largest crowds ever experienced at melville was on hand sunday evening to hear the uaymer eventide hour groupe the gener ous program of sacred old time songs was appreciated wholeheart edly the sound equipment install ed both in the auditorium and in the basement worked to perfection that the public generally are con- sious of the splendid work being carried on from week to week by this versatile group of radio artists goes without saying we are in debted to mrs e nigh and mrs e bateman of the wa who were in charge for all arrangements they wish to convey their thanks to all those who in any way contributed to the success of the evening last wednesday evenings guild meeting will go down in tho records as a most profitable and enjoyable occasion the topic entitled the characteristics of a real ho man was ably taken by lome wideman packed a real whollop setting up high standards of citizenship which coming from the lips of a young man speaking to lifelong friends of his own generation was all the more impressive miss maxine simpson and mr floyd bunt of toronto were with us again mr bunt rendered several selections of his own arrangements of popular music on the piano a ladies trio consisting of miss luella gayman of stouffville and misses gladys and dornene lehman favored us with several numbers especially arranged by miss gayman a social half hour was spent at the close of the meeting after which a delightful lunch was served public auction sale of farm stock implements grain household furniture etc to bo sold at north half lot 33 rear con 7 pickering twp one mile west of atha station on wednesday march 20 1335 the following property belonging to thos madill horses and cntlc horse gp aged mare gp about 11 years chestnut driver 7 years brown imare hd 11 years b w cow milking roan cow due in april red steer fat r w steer fat red steer fat steer make good ringer fat heifer holstein heifer holstein fat baby beef 2 geese implements binder 6 foot deering good m h binder no 4 old deering mower land roller horse rake gravel box emery stone 3 logging chains potato banker gander the second week or the big 1935 county offensive on the heel flies will take place in whitchurch and east gwillimbury townships york farmers are determined to fight to a finish to prevent this gad fly from stampeding the cattle while on pasture this summer the flies which lay the eggs are hard to swat but it is easy to sneak up on them when they are in the grub stage so we attack them in their dugouts in j the backs of the cattle and make no apology for so doing barn and hall meetings at which plans of attack will he drawn up are being held as follows monday march 18th 2 pm barn meeting at w f ratcliffs lot s con s whitchurch 1 miles north of ringwood wednesday march 20th 8 pm hall meeting in township hall at vandorf at each of these meetings agricultural irepresentative r e white will outline the life history and control measures for the warble fly as well as discuss parasite con trol in horses sheep swine and poultry brooks repair shop for carpenter work and painting you will find my prices exceed ingly low why not have that repair job done a g brooks stouffer street sloultvillo wood buzzing custom work solicited k betz phone 5303 for sale feed turnips apply stouffer bros ringwood cabbage wanted by james barry phone 261 for sale pure bred jersey bull calf 6 months old thomas farrow lincolnville phone s60s for sale or rent eightroom brick bouse main street west fine corner lot apply ratcliff co engine for sale model t ford 1925 also quantity of ueets apply to b burnell 9th picker ing r r 3 claremont 9lh line markham disc harrow scuffler mh speight wagon buggy fanning mill iron kettles harness sale blk price reduction our own made harness cannot he beaten for quality low price mid strength buy now and save money master harness and shoemaker wolfe newmarket pig gallows oat bin neck yokes doubletrees crow bar seed drill cultivator mh 2 sets harrows plow wilkinson 7 potato plow with digger scuffler planet jr turnip drill set heavy sleighs set market sleights flat rack gasoline engine 3 hp national cutting box belt separator m h binder tongue massey good binder tongue wheel light wagon tongue shafts for cutter and buggy turnip pulper 2 bundles cable wire cider and vinegar barrels tool chest potato forks 3- horso eveners harness and grain sot heavy harness with breeching set long tug harness show bridle set single harness 5 horso collars set of lines collar tops about 400 bushel oats about 4 00 bus turnips 2 bus early peas grain bags potatoes furniture range 2lnl heater cupboard 16 kitchen chairs kitchen table centre oak table lounge clock wash stand s gal milk cans lamp and lanterns crocks dishes forks hoes many other articles positively xo reserve as tho owner is retiring terms of sale cash sale at 1 oclock oharp fred postlll auctioneer mrs arthur hoover visited mrs o peacock one day last week mr rolph boyd had a pleasant trip to toronto the other evening mr and mrs bert silverthorn motored to little britain on sunday mr and mrs p connon enter tained toronto visitors on saturday mrs o peacock has returned from an enjoyable visit with her sister in toronto the ringwood christian church held a party at mr albert reesors wednesday evening miss lena reeve of toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs jas mccreight mr v lewis and miss mary pea cock spent a day with mr and mrs b fry of markham mr r mcelwain is steadily im proving from his recent misfortune in breaking his collar bone mr frank burkholder has pur chased a hardydavis motorcycle lets see the worlds record speed frank one of our ninth line boys is he coming musically inclined we hear have you taken your first lesson yet red mr and mrs john lewis have become nicely settled in their now homo which they recently purchas ed from mr clarence barkey mr and mrs edwin hoover miss reta hoover miss a housser and miss alta jones attended tho oyster supper at mr harvey burkholderte on wednesday night mr v lewis messrs r and carl boyd spent saturday afternoon in tho city taikng in the toronto all stars hamilton tigers hockey match for sale 2 heavy draught colts 2 and 3 years old would exchange for cattle cecil storey phone 3617 claremont for sale barred rock white leghorn pullets 4 and 6 weeks old from blood tested govern ment inspected stock ross chapman phone 704 eggs for hatching from a well matured flock of singlecomb white leghorns at 3c per egg the males in this pen are pure hollywood and fisher blood and weigli from five to seven lbs eacii fred m pugh mongolia ontario house for sale s roomed solid brick stone foundation all conveniences large veranda electric wired throughout largo garage hen house best location in the village l e todd poultry wanted keep in mind that we want your poultry and will pay highest market prices sam golden at pennocks livery e a grubin registered optometrist will be at his oliice in stouffville on february istli and 19th march istli and 19th phone stouffvillo 2405 card op thanks we wisli to thank the neighbors and stouffville fire brigade for their willing and valuable assistance during tho fire at our home on marcli 4 mr and mrs w jacobs card op thanks we take this opportunity to ex press c u- heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the kind friends and to the senior womens institute for their sympathy assistance and floral tributes expressed in both word and deed during tho illness and subsequent passing of our be loved mother and grandmother mary e mcgrogan and dorothy barley wanted top prices paid for good malting barley dry hardwood wood at 1000 per cord and othor grains body cordwood measure wo deliver free to and cut it to any length without stouftvllle and district extra charge blue coal you have read about the famous blue coal for hose the best hard coal you can buy we deliver your coal also frank harvey ofllco phone 7303 gorjiiiey residence phono 7807

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