Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 21, 1935, p. 4

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stouffville ontario february 21 1935 notes and comments toronto school teachers will get an increase in salaries this year it cost toronto about s million dollars per year for teachers salaries and a hair million more for caretakers neither these facts nor the one that school trustees are tooted to their summer homes and here and there as they wish in cars owned and per day quite a contrast to 7 per gasolined by the ratepayers disturbs day which the york county couti- the city voters but very little ty councillors value their services at ontario couuty cut the tax rat ontario county council which j cleaned up their business for the january session in just seven days cost the county 103 per day while in session the cost of the session without mileage was slightly over 1000 the councillor drawing 5350 by one half a mill ling of 25000 effecting a sa- special special soap special i pkg chipso large and 2 kirks castile all for 17c christies milk chocolate fig bars special lb 24c comb honey something tasty for pickyappetites 2 sections for 35c christies christmas cake be sure to get some of this delicious cake half selling at per pound 25c price the insinuation made in this paper last week that the appoint ment of a relief officer in markham township was not the cheapest way to handle relief comparison being made with whitchurch has drawn some comment from a reliable rate payers of markham he claims that under a paid relief officer in 1934 markham actually lowered relief costs to the ratepayers in 1933 without such an officer there were 110 families on relief as against co at the present time relief costs in january 1934 were almost double january 1935 credit being given the relief officer for the reduction it is also fair to say of course that markham has a population about double whitchurch so much for the relief officer lb graham flour 3 bag lac lima beans 2 lbs 25c unwrapped laundry soap 10 bars 25c broken japan rice 7 lbs 25c crosse blackwells raw sugar 20 lbs 100 roasted peanuts per lb 10c fullovim the chocolate malted milk drink reg 65c- reduced to 50c linit laundry starch per pkg 10c domestic shortening lb 12c the tribune published every thursday at stoufftllle ontario yearly subscription rate canada united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan tomato juice3 tins 25c fish frozen salmon fillet of haddie ciscoes bloaters dried herring oysters fresh vegtables ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 coal winter fuel all kinds and sizes dairy peed its cheaper to buy cattle feed from us to feed your barley coke than it is s w hastings phone 169 stouffville here in ontario the premier will not tolerate even a state dinner at government house but up at ottawa liberals aud conservatives condone keeping up a senate of somo 90 odd members drawing 6000 per year each plus an army of lackies and other expenses that would shock the average voter if he out knew unlike the american senators who are elected for six years canadian senators are appointed for life mr bennett may have mov ed too fast for mr king iu formu lating a popular program but thero is one thing left for the leader of the opposition senate reform let mr king pledge himself to cut this oversized body to say 25 mem bers and hundreds of thousands of votes would roll in to him from the concession lines that nothing could turn away in the canadian senate only two are under 50 years of ago and eight of them are over 80 the average is 68 of the 90 odd mem bers 28 represent big business 2s legal profession three are major generals and eleven others are colonels the housewife and farmer are not represented ouejnember was defeated in four attempts to enter the commons and another was five times rejected it is a con servative strong hold a good reason why mr king could make it a popular plank there are 60 con servatives and 36 liberals in the red chamber what an opportun ity queens park arena cattle prices are goinjj up to the urban dweller these words may not mean a great deal but to the man on the farm they are just about the sweetest words in the english tongue and the prediction comes from one who knows where of he speaks he is none oilier than the hon duncan marshall ontarios minister of agriculture for some months past mr marshall has been engaged in tack ling the problem of how to bring about changes which would give the farmers some much needed income cattle raising along with other phases of agriculture has been iu the doldrums more or less for a longer period than most farmers care to think about there hasnt been much money in raising cattle these last few years hut tanners are noted for their dogged patience and they tightened their belts and awaited a better day now according to mr marshall that day is near at hand speaking to the ontario veterinary associa tion a few nights ago the veteran minister of agriculture predicted that within the next six months the farmers of ontario will tie receiv ing the highest price for their cattle in many years he based his pre diction on facts which he had obtained from a personal visit to tire stockyards of chicago aud st paul prophesied change in grants for twp roads toronto feb 12 county councils may not receive the cus tomary 40 per cent contribution to the cost of township roads it has beeu indicated by the miuister of highways it was pointed out that the government has already assum ed the full cost of county road con struction and it was prophesied that important changes in the present system of road financing might be made the minister indicated however that all sections of the community would be considered and consulted before any changes were made to the sunny south by motor coach iou us m southern idinter resorts f three months hydro rebate only lie last week we were shown a hydro electric bill issued to one of our farmers the first since the rur al consumer of electric juice was to be allowed something off his bill for use of a washing machine and ladio the total net bill was 1931 from which an allowance of lie was made because the farmer own ed a radio and washing machine as the account is for three months the allowance for these appliances will reduce the farmors cost of current by just 44c per year surely the mountain laboured and brought forth a mouse when the hepc figured out such a scheme while we go on the principal that every little bit helps the time and expense of putting into operation such a scheme for rural users was not worth the effort it will not be the means of inducing any farmers to take the current nor will it re- gagjtjjg tvpical low return fares between stouffville and miatmi s46s5 new orleans 3945 sax diego 6s90 subject to change without notice tickets time tables aud all coach travel informa tion at andkkson phone 1s8 speca bargain from ail stations in the east going da5ly march 1 to 14 inclusive return limit 30 days cent a nhle each way good in coaches only whcr sleeping cer space li requited the following ilightly higher fares apply a tourist sleeping cars at approximately 1 lie per mile ptg regular berth rete b standard sleeping can at approximately 1 per mile plusreglai bcth rote 3 minnesota and from exhaustive re- a ot tlie present customers search into the entire problem wllat the consider burden- that the overseas market for service charges it would seem canadian cattle presents brighter us to hav much more simpler suggestions for busy buyers tablecloths irish linen colored border tablecloths dozens of lovely cloths with colored bord ers in different shades we have them in all sizes from 36x36 to 54x70 and at very reasonable prices 49c to 175 table linen very attractive patterns in this line table linen in both bleached and unbleach ed 72 wide bleached linen per yard 125 72 wide bleached linen per yard 150 72 wide unbleached linen per yard 90c 72 unbleached linen per yard 75c all wool blankets have you secured your pair of these lovely blankets only a few pair left note the size 80xg0 and then note how soft and cosy they are thoroughly scoured and shrunk and with pink or blue borders regular per pair 750 special 595 double bed comforters a limited quantity only left of these attractive and serviceable down filled com forters art sateen with plain rose trim regular 595 special 495 wall paper sale still continues though we are rapidly clear ing out our stock and if you are thinking of papering those rooms you must hurry if you would take advantage of this un equalled opportunity of securing your wall covering at one half the regular cost still- many attractive patterns to choose jirom frilled curtains are attractive in the kitchen or bedrooms plain scrim about 26 wide with broad frill in rose green blue and gold yd 15c better dresses daytime and street frocks pure dye silk crepes in plain and novelty weaves al so combination fabrics in most attractive styles sizes 14 to 40 priced at 475 to 1050 new spring styles in womens wash dresses are now in stock dainty shades and colours in new and fascinating styles with long or short sleeves priced at 95c to 179 have you seen the new spring patterns in prints delightfully fresh and new in colours and a wide range to choose from three quali ties priced at 20c 25c 29c winter coat s the end of the season is nearly here and we have still a few coats left which we are offering at very attractive prices not all sizes are in stock but all are up to date and first quality only trimmed in various furs and well tailored and all priced at 25 per cent reduction all wool and silk and wool hose there is still a lot of cold weather ahead and you will find these fine hose very com fortable they are full fashioned medium heavy weight and in all the new shades sizes 8 to 10 priced at 75c to 125 fine wool odd lines of full wool not all colours in this lot regularly selling at 10c and 20c per ball special 2 balls for 25c knitting yarn almira and turnbulls yarn in all colours per skein 25c visit our china department and see the splendid display of dinner services fancy china dishes and dainty cut glass in infinite variety shower or wedding gifts or dishes for home use at prices ranging from 10c to 4000 prospects than for years past is shown by the ministers statement that he had received a cable from scotland which told of six top bull calves bringing in an average price of 10400 a piece at an auction in perth twelve of the bulls sold iu scotland are being shipped to canada as a practical farmer and one long experienced in cattle raising mr marshall knows the value of quality stock and he has plans to raise the standard in ontario by judicious breeding probably few men in the whole of canada have a hotter knowledge of agriculture in all its phases than has the minister of agriculture his outlook is that of the man on the land and he knows what must be done to bring better times to rural ontario in keeping with government poli cy expenditures in the department of agriculture must be reduced but mr marshall is seeing to it that the grants to agricultural fairs are not eliminated the value of these annual fairs cannot he overestimat ed and he proposes to aid them in every way possible for the commission to have reduced the service charge ever so slightly than to have wasted such effort as was needed to ascertain the names of farmers using washing machines and radios it would have eliminat ed the work of constantly checking these farmers to see that they have not discontinued the use of these articles baggage checked stopovors at port arthur armstrong nnd west t hi tickets slecpinecar reservations and all information from any anenl ask for tandkl canadian natbonal h b preston local agent stouffville phone 188 vandorf finances of the maple leaf co much im proved company has many policy holders in stouffville district train wreck may cost a million while the loss of life in the dis astrous cnr rearend collision a dundas on christmas night is by far the most serious consideration it is estimated that the cost of the mishap to the canadian national railway will be from 600000 to l0000oo there was little track damage but the rolling stock damaged in the accident represents a loss of about 200000 it is said there were three cars two parlor cars and a day coach splintered completely demolished or wrecked beyond re pair these are valued at 00000 to 70000 each the engine on the detroit to toronto flyer was also badly damaged but can be repaired in the cnr workshops the maple leaf farmers mutual fire insurance company one of the largest mutual companies in the province which last year had 64s5 policies with insurance in force amounting to 16215600 al though finding itself in the red at the end of year yet had improved its position by some eight thousand dollars over that of the preceding year is what was revealed at the annual meeting held at columbus on saturday afternoon last week there aro many policy holders in stouffville district the agent being t b birkett who attended the annual meeting at columbus following the presentation of the various reports and election of four directors in the persons of messrs thomas graham port perry h g macklin bowmanville col ir b smith oshawa and c devitt blackstock the twelve directors met and appointed g b mothersill as president and d m morgan as vicepresident of the company for the year both men having filled their respective offices last year the report of the auditors pre sented by ii l pascoe revealed that the assets ot the company consist ed of real estate bonds and de bentures of the amount of 56000 while the cash balance with premi ums due and interest brought the what the claims against the rail way for lives lost will be of course tota assets up to 6808025 the a matter for the claims department i excee the assets by and is purely a matter of conjecturo fitteel thousarid the amount however it is believed by many male up o borrowed money that the claims for hie fifteen dead and unoaru premiums on all out- may total 400000 to 500000 3ta risks together with a claims for the injured cannot be sma am0 for adjustment which determined at this early date either br0u the total to 7838211 as the amount ot claims naturally the cash rcce for the year depends upon the seriousness of the i injury and whether or not there is any permanent disability however with forty persons injured it is be lieved that the claims for injuries might easily total 250000 claims for luggage lost in tup wreck and clothes ruined may also be a costly item although not near ly so heavy as the others the lonesome parmer tune cowboy jack he was just a lonesome farmer with a heart so cold and grey he advertised for a housemaid who would work and never play things were going swell boys till she went out one night then he gave her heck boys and tried to cause a fight twas at a dance she met her fate at a neighbours on the line he didnt come till late boys and he saw her just in time she was dancing with another it made his heart real mad he would like to have told her mother but instead he told his dad so after the ball was over a star car brought her home the ford had come up sooner but he was all alone ho lay awake awhile boys until she did appear then he whispered to his dad boys as he wiped away a tear its three oclock in the morning and she has just come iu but shell not have a chance dad to ride with me again now you know there is a saying that love is always blind he surely must have swallowed that for hes away behind composed by gwen moynihan e a grubin registered optometrist will be at his office in stouffville on february 18th and 19th march lsth and 19th phono stouffville 2405 radio representative for philco gener al electric marconi and victor radios new aud used sets for sale expert service and repair on all makes george j storey phone 102 blaise pascal noble deeds are most estimable when hidden there is much of nobility in the life about us in the business upon our streets and pro fessions and this helps to make life worth while rg clendening funeral director phone stouffville 263 send tho tribune to absent friends lemonville the w h shaw store good friday doesnt come until the 19th of april this year tho rains we had last week mako the roads very bad for travelling both by car and foot wo aro able now to say that the flu has gone its rounds and with no real serious results as tho out come tho regular meeting of the womans association was held at tho parsonage wednesday after noon last week with a good phone 9512 stouffville ontario- jff were in excess ot expenditures with the results that there was a cash balance on hand of 149362 in the- movement of risks the amount of insurance and number of policies were shown to be less than at the end of the former year in december 1933 the number of policies in force were 6644 with in surance in force of 1849919300 while at the end ot 1934 the num ber of policies in force was 64s5 with insurance in force of 17628- 141 the fire losses amounted to 47041s8 of this amount 5092- 60 was on policies reinsured in other companies the largest single loss was that of the dwelling and contents of harry t love scar- boro township which sot the com pany back 10000 another ford free will be given to someone who purchases goods at holdens ford sales and service stouftville and markhamat regular prices the car which is a model standard tudor will be drawn for at a public dem onstration in stouffville on july 1st 1936 note winner may apply value of this car on any 800 value of this car on any model new ford car terms and conditions one free ticket will be given for every 5 gallons of gas or distillate oil purchased 1 gallon of cylinder oil 1000 paid on new or used cars trucks 100 paid on ford parts accessories 100 paid on labor on cars or tractors glasgow attend the play and social at j attendance after the business part glasgow school on the last even- jot tho meeting a programme was lng of the month the funds will be jjglven after which a fine supper used for special material for the ihr33 served school all purchases must be settled for at time of purchase either in cash or by note to obtain tickets contest opened january 2 1935 closes july 1 1936 the proprietor his employees and family are barred from this contest d f holden ford sales service stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120

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