Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 17, 1935, p. 5

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stouffville ontario january 17 1935 town topics of your visit send in the names ors to the tribune ea grubin r o optometrist and optician will be at his office in stouflrillo on monday and tuesday january 21st and 22nd the annual meeting of st james presbyterian church congregation will bo held on thursday evening january 17 supper will be served at c30 followed by the usual business meeting a cordial invita tion is extended to all members ad herents and friends of the congre gation recipe for long life be careful not to exceed the feed limit miss sadie evans of claremont is spending the week with her aunt miss s stewart miss minnie dixon of woodville is the guest of her sister mrs s t bodendistel xot mr leslie someone passlug a church on a recent evening over hear the village choir leader give this startling instruction the trebles will sing alone until we come to the gates of hell then you will all come in lloyd turner and councillor chas hooper markham ye serv ing on jury in toronto notice owing to uncertain road condi tions during the winter season i will be making only one trip a month to my stouftville office during the months of january february and march any repairs to glasses will be promptly done and returned ifj mailed direct to me at picton out or left with my mother next door to my stouffville office e a grubin optometrist mr john atkinson who has been lying in a serious condition at his home in the westend remains about the same still cheerful and hopeful under trying conditions of health everything is being done for his comfort the annual meeting of the stouff ville horticultural society will be helu on friday evening in iratcliffs hall an entertaining and instructive programme will be provided follow ed by the usual cup of tea and pot luck lunch visiting guests include j f clark provincial lecturer in horticulture lionel godson district director j a carrol supt of horticultural societies and mrs j f clark solist the officers will bt cheered if the citizens in general will attend this meeting since the local society was formed with the late dr f a dales as its first presi dent some ten years ago there has been a decided quickening in the interest of our people in horticult ure and the general improvement in the surroundings of the homes in the village is a striking testimony to the worth of the organization in addition we have developed the largest fall exhibition held in york county if the citizens wish to show their approval of the worthy organ ization come out on friday evening there is no admission charge but a silver collection will be lifted with which to defray expenses rev gordon duncan of wark- worth announced as preacher at knox presbyterian church walker- ton last sunday was unable to fill the engagement owing to illness walkerton herald times we trust the illness of rev mr duncan is of a mild type and hopes for ills speedy recovery will be t freely voiced here in his native district it may be old fashioned to suggest it but these long winter evenings provide a real opportunity to read library books the shelves of the local library are bristling with good literature for any member of the family r j reesor of markham village has been appointed an issuer of motor licenses there is also an issuer now at richmond hill and uxbridge so that the job has been materially reduced as a money- making proposition for the issuer as compared with the past as enjoyed by gam davidson at unionville who has been dismissed mr reesor commenced to hand out plates from markham last week our magazine offer was extended by the publishers for a few days and while the display adv will not appear again in this paper we have until january 30 to clear orders the tribune a commercial traveller in town last week reported to a merchant that lie had just returned from the maratime provinces where he sa farmers loading potatoes all graded lor which they were receiving only four and five cents a bag thats terrible and we think it is too bad also when we hear of ball- trae farmers selling the tubers at 15 c a bag while the thermometer dipped to below in stouffville on monday morning the week previous at the same hour it was raining heavily chicken thieves have been active in the east side of pickering town ship cleaning up on farmers hen coops motor licenses automobiles tricks and trailers operators chauffers permits etc issued by mac alexander ixbindge ontario i am prepared to repair reed furniture pots stands ferneries flower stands or to take orders for new work w greenbury at l e oxeills furniture store murray hill local smithy is suffering from a lame back which forced him to be temporarily absent from the old forge near the rear of shaws store tile smithy a mighty man is he is something that mr hill hasnt been laying claim to the past few days ere this is in print however the clang of the anvil may again resound from the smithys shop stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie friday and saturday january 1819 what price innocence with max alexander of uxbridge issuer of motor licenses has left a supply of application forms with the stouffville tribune parties may find it convenient to obtain a form at the office of this paper fill in the blanks mail it to uxbridge and your car license will he sent to you by return mail jean parker short subjects willard mack comedy next tuesday night at the stouff ville arena the draw will be made tor the new ford car which delbert holden is giving to one of hid customers who holds the lucky ticket to he taken from the tub on that evening this will be the occasion of the league hockey fixture between markham and stouffville and mr holdens draw will be an added attraction the ford dealer announces that he is giving another car this year upon which we have just entered accord ing to his advertisment in this issue miss margaret macxabb of clare mont in company with her cousin miss micbell left recently for florida making the entire trip by motor claremont is well represent ed in the south this winter so that j evans and 11 v bessie who are among the fortunate will have quite body of supporters as they carry off the prizes on the bowling greens it is reported they are doing application forms for your 1 9 r- motor markers can be secured at tribune office it is more con venient to make out the form r home and secure your license by mail without extra charge york county council meets on tuesday january 22 for their first assembly of 1035 body hardwood delivered in stouffville tor 10 per cord 4 foot measure cut any length no extra charge frank harvey ph 7303 a happy birthday on thursday january 10th the children grandchildren aad great grandchildren of mrs thos w klinck met at the homo on obrien avenue to celebrate with her on her eightieth anniversary mrs klinck who prior to her marriage was sarah catherino woodward was born at eversley king township iu 1s55 after that event she and her late husband farmed at victoria square until their retirement to stouffville in 1304 though having reached the four score in years mrs klinck is still young in spirit and active in mind and body of the six children one cecil r died at the oac in 1922 the others are dr l s klinck of the ubc it f of victoria square h o of stouffville mrs f c row- bothata of stouffville and mrs milton a clark of peterborough the community joins with the family in extending to mrs klinck hearty congratulations and their wish that she may enjoy many more years ot health and happiness quality service grain market barf wideman our granite and marble artisan lias been ill for a few and his early return to good is wished for weeks health messrs t birkett mervyn watts sam armstrong and clifford pipher took in the big curling bonspeil at oshawa their sojourn in the baby city will depend on the luck they encounter in throwing the granite rocks the regular meetings of the vill age council will be held on the first monday of each month it was de creed at the inaugural meeting on monday the estate of the late mrs fred wilson of stouffville was filed for probate last week the will revealing an estate ot nearly 40000 the en- sire estate is left to her only son dr harry wilson of euglehart except ing a bequeath of 1500 to the little grandson and 400 divided 50 eacli to the womans association of the siouilville united church and to the womans missionary society 10o to the cemetery commission tin 200 to a niece the seniour womens institute of stouffville are making some relief quilts and would welcome dona tions of materials for same parties having anything suitable for this work would confer a favor on the institute by notifying mrs simpson secretary when the material will ho called for at your home if you de sire telephone 1209 thursday january 24 free show delbert holden ford dealer friday saturday january 2526 pursuit of happiness with charlie ruggles mary bolaud the new bundling hit you can buy with confidence when you buy from us the old high school building in uxbridge town which was abandon ed a few years ago when the school board was forced to erect a new building to meet the demands of the department of education of the day has been sold a toron to firm for 25 cash and an agree ment that the company will erect a number of dwelling houses when the brick school is wrecked at least one of these houses is to he built in 1935 the abandoned school build ing in uxbridge is or was when abandoned as good a structure as now in use in markham where the school hoard remained adamant when advised to erect a new building some years ago the discarded ux bridge school building is known to numorous stouffville people who started their higher education there the ontario county snow plow did a good job on the stouffville road last week when it rolled the high snow banks clear back to the fences or ditches from uxbridge town to lincolnvilla it had been elt that the road was not properly kept open and loud protest had been sounded whether or not this had anything to do with the work done last week we cannot say but a big improvement was made to this important artery of traffic the water rates payable in stouff ville are as low or lower than any municipal rates in the province of ontario a householder with but one tap service in the kitchen pays only 1 every six months while large homes witli bath and all the taps they wish are assessed only 2 every six months in addition to the low est rates there is no better service rendered or purer water obtainable anywhere what a great blessing and wonderful asset this village possess es in this department alone the village of stouffville spent 13740 on relief during the month of december over two thirds of which was paid out for fuel one family drew 33 in relief and tho next largest obtained 21 while the majority obtained half a ton of coal in all thirteen families were given assistance it was revealed to the council when that body gav the matter their consideration on mon day evening the situation was con sidered to be satisfactory witli care ful consideration on each individual applicant for help being given books come high sometime whitchurch township must purchase a new cash book and the cost will be s0 it will last the township at least ten years just long enough to recover from the shock over the pur chase price you can be confident of gett ing full value when you buy your used car from an authoriz ed ford dealer there is no overallowance when we take these cars in and there is no overcharge in the price you pay 1 nash fordor sedan 1930 1 durant fordor sedan 1930 2 ford coaches 1930 i international 2 ton truck 1932 also a number of other good used cars at reasonable prices d f holden ford sales and service stouftville phone 18401 markham phone 120 found to be suffering from de fective eyesight and other physical ailment a knight of the road of well past middle life was picked up in markham village about ten days ago and placed in the brierbush hospital stouffville for treatment our southern village is not expected to entertain all guests in this manner but this unfortunate sort of fell by the wayside and was so exhausted he couldnt proceed evidently the treatment at the hospital was beneficial for on satur day the road monge r under pretex ot going out for n bit of exercise completely vanished hospital authorities notified constable pugh who discovered that the markham guest had been last seen getting in to a passing auto for a lift to parts unknown mr good said tho strangers condition was not good enough for him to be released for a few days but evidently his rambl ing instinct would not permit him to remain here longer there may have been a little flurry here on main street the other morning when it was whispered about that a c rurkholder had just hurried down the street with a contraption resembling a horse pistol under his arm guesses all the way from suggesting that the burglary alarm system had gone off in his office in the shaw block to one that he might be walking in his sleep were being made it was all satisfactorily explained however when the genial a c revealed that the old horse pistol was being trotted out for purposes of registra tion in connection with the new act in that behalf rev w e smalley pastor of the markham sixth line church was called to owen sound on monday to officiate at the funeral of an old friend mr smalley made the return trip in one day in his automobile travelling the entire journey of 250 miles without any difficulty return ing home especially the roads were particularly free of snow due to the ood work of the snow plows this 3 a real record for winter travel to make such a long trip north in mid- season and indicates how the pro vince is serving the motorist iu providing ail year round highways up to last saturday constable alt pugh had issued 44 revolver and pistol licenses some of our resi dents bring in very crude imple ments of warfare for registration among the most curious we saw was a vest pocket size a short revolver just four inches long from the butt to end of the barrel it is the proper ty of the town electrician nelson byer who has possessed it since his boyhood days the revolver shoots a 22 shot and was found in the garden on the martin wideman farm south of dickson hill it was picked up there over 50 years ago and had evidently been the property of one of the pioueer settlers in the district who brought it from the old laud there are no marks on the peculiar shooting iron to indicate tho maker or country of origin however the wideman farm was probably settled on a century ago or more and it necessarily follows that the re volver is of ancient vintage barley there is some activity in this grain but the price has remained about the same on account of the lower freight rate which the canadian west has into the markets of st paul and chicago if we are able to keep our quality of barley up to the standard we have shipp ed there will be very little harm with this reduction to our barley at the prevailing prices oats this grain is due for a long pull there are heavy de liveries in other parts of the country through this sec tion few oats have been sent to the market there will be heavy deliveries later on which will have a tendency to hold the market steady buckwheat it is getting to the lime of the year when buck wheat should be put on the market there has been a small raise in the market and we are in a position to take any quantity 98 lbs five roses f lour 8300 stiver phone stouffville 4501 the stork and indigents 1 ime f or everything this is tho time to do that odd job about the barns youll need hard ware- nails glass locks etc let us supply you at right prices radio licenses issuers gun licenses brathwaite hardware stouffville a new form of opening the sun day services in the united church has been announced and while not intended to resemble tho established custom of legal courts it does follow them to some extent in all courts as tho presiding judge appears in tho court room all counsel and everybody in the court must rise to his feet until his lordship reaches his seat and sits down tho opening of tho church service is to be some thing similar when the speaker or minister for the service appears at the accustomed door in which he enters to the pulpit the congrega tion take it as a tip to rise and they remain so as the doxology is begun when the preacher reaches the sacred desk in the courts this custom of all rising when the presiding judge appears is a mark of respect not only to the presiding jurist but is a tokon of submission to the laws of the land likewise wo take it that when the minister is paid similar homage it is not only a mark of respect for the cloth but should be a token of our sub mission and adoration for the one in whoso behalf the speaker is about to plead walkerton times something of a protest was raised at the town council on monday night when reeve clancy announced that he had been approached by a local doctor and asked to see that provision was made by the municipality for gett ing an expectant mother here ad mitted shortly to the hospital as the family are on relief the question arose about providing hospitaliza tion for the mother in the home while many others who aro paying their way wouldnt consider con tracting the expense ot such institu tional treatment the doctor however in the in digent case states that lie is giving his services free and that he should- nt be expected to travel a long lis- t tance through the snow and put tip with the drawhacks in such a home when the conveniences and assist i anco in the hospital are available to him this is an angle ho claims that councils dont take cognizance i of and he asks that medical men who are doing the work free gratis lie given more consideration by pub- 1 lie bodies iu this respect mrs john mckinnon wishes to secure a rhode island ired rooster will trade or purchase outright jl for an all year round market for your milk ship cream for best results and courteous treatment ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay 1 cent more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery stouffville creamery co phone 186 closed every night at six oclock open saturday evenings in most homes tho old guesswork baking days have gone never to re turn then it was a matter of anxious conjecture as to whether or not that batch of bread would rise properly all of our baking is a scientific success our bread should be one ot your standard family foods stouffville bakery bakers of stouffvilles popular bread ambrose stover prop and you will receive the whole 4 publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low price fl macleans m iuuti 1 yr chatelaine 1 yr jp canadian 1 yr national home monthly lyr q pictorial review 1 yr i canadian horticulture and home magazine lyr this wonderful offer is avail able to old and new subscrib ers to this newspaper we guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly aa represented re newals will be extended for full term shown mail coupon today please chp list o magazines afttr cheeking 3 publica tions desired fill out coupon carefully gentlemen i enclose please send me the three magazines checked with a years subscription to your newspaper name street or rfd town and province address all oommanicatlons and mako remittance to the stouffvllio tribune

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