touffirille sfcibmie volxlvi no 42 stouffville ontario thursday january 17 1935 a v nolan publisher laxacold tablets a quick acting and thorough ly effective remedy for the grippe flu and colds relieves congestion allays fever does not produce able aftereffects price 25 cents council swings into action for a second year j m storey the druggist home of quality drugs legal harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 1s003 m mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffvillo imoney to loan a c kennedy chiropractor church streot stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am m m gibson ontario land surveyor agincourt ontario briarbush hospital convalescent home main street stouffville license no 187 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards phone 191 mrs er good superintendent the inaugural meeting of stouff- ville village council was held on disagree- monday when the members met at 11 oclock look declaration of ofuce and named concillors ross e brown and walter brilliuger and reeve 11 w sanders a striking committee adjournment was made until 730 in the evening rev thomas laidlaw was re quested to be present speaking briefly and opening the iirst meet ing with prayer bert noble applied for the job of cleaning the main street pave ment he believed he could do a mans job although he has only one arm the standing committees for the year were appointed with the reeve being a member of all committees they are water and light m e watts a e weldon roads and sidewalks r e brown w c brilliuger finance h v sanders and e watts first named on each committee is the chairman del jennings hie chief and less rowbotham deputy fire chief addressed council on the advisa bility of procuring a new fire truck no action taken at this time clerk dougherty reported 7 births 9 marriages and 17 deaths in the village for 1934 indicating that the stork is a good jump ahead of the hearse the increased birth rate is due to the opening of the brierbush hospital there were births recorded every month of the year excepting march officers appointed assessor george storey auditors t b rae board of health a v nolan member library board rev herb lee 3 years pound keeper sandy jones weed and sanitary inspector john cower members athletic committee coun cillors brillinger and brown reeve sanders presided at the meeting and all other members were present december relief over 1100 markham markham township council met on monday for their first meeting of the year and commanded a good j sized audience reeve padgett sat at head of the table and had his first hand supporter deputy reeve james ronnie close by also the newly elected councillors albert reesor and ab sommerfeldt considerable routine business was transacted but the appointment of assessors was deferred until the meeting on february 4 workers from the west side press ed council for air increase in the per hour wage something may be done to moot the demand in the spring but not as this lime the relief accounts totalled 11gs general accounts 700 and road iccounts 300 old officers reappointed by whitchurch council members at inaugural meeting refer to hazardous method of keeping township records councillors pledge their best efforts for the year 1935 will parents pay the outside fees tax penalty lowered until march 1 livestock shortage seen in the united states medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york count dental there are approximately 10000- 000 less head of catle in the united states than a year ago mostly cows and heifers around 7000000 head were bought by the government under the drought relief plan feed shortage have forced a reduction in the livestock population of the unit ed states which is expected to re sult in higher prices next year according- to the agricultural de partment of the canadian national railways hog prices are expected to register a strong advance this coming spring melville the new council for whitchurch township was formally sworn into office on monday morning at 11 oclock before clerk john crawford reeve newton rae deputy reeve earl toole and councillors lome p evans george h leary and jess cook tax collector ross iratcliii re quested that council reduce the statutory tax penalty of five per cent and a resolution passed unanimously introduced by coun cillor leary whereby a reduction to 2 per cent only will be charged on all outstanding taxes for 1934 paid on or before march 1 1935 this as stated applies to 1934 taxes only and will be a saving of three per cent to those in default on last years roll councillors leary and evans al so introduce a motion instructing the clerk to procure from the regis try office a list of properties in the township sold for taxes in 1934 at a cost of 5c each for guidance of the assessors carried stouffville lose overtime r 1 in d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 130 lb 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grabiiis block phone s201 markham every tuesday ofllco in wear block see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines stouffville lost one of the hardest fought jr oha games of the season to newmarket on tuesday night when they were edged out in overtime by the score of 5 4 at the local arena the home team carried the play in the first period although they failed to score and allowed the opposing team one goal newmarket came back fast in the second period to score three goals in quick succession while stouffville notched their first count on a fine rush by todd the locals pressed hard in the third and finally tied the score with only seconds to play anderson and spencely getting the threo goa3 this success was short lived how ever as newarket pulled to the lead again in the first five minutes of overtime on a four man rush giving paxton no chance to save the locals worked hard ill the remaining over time hut failed to click around the nets our young people are invited to attend the skating party in stouff ville arena under the auspices or the bethesda young peoples league next friday evening the annual meeting of the mel ville united church will take place in the basement of the church next monday evening there will be a pot luck supper preceding the business of the evening everybody interest ed in the business of the local church should be on hand on monday evening of this week a erocinole party was held in the basement of the church under the auspices of the westminster guild there were about fourteen boards going everybody enjoyed the even ing of clean sport lunch was served the prizes 1 lb box of chocolates each went to miss molly mcewen for the ladies and lewis lehman for the gents the booby prizes were awarded to andy lipp and jean kerswell the first regular meeting of the guild was held in the church last wednesday evening after the rather lengthy business part of the meeting tlie following short programme was enjoyed the topic another year another try was ably taken by mr bernic cayman piano duet twilight song shackley by verda gayman and dorene lehman a reading by lewis lehman organ solo halleluyah chorus handel bruce lehman lunch was served tho executive was in charge of the programme road subsidy a bit of news was read from the ontario department of highways to the effect that the 40 per cent sub sidy on roads is extended to cover insurance placed on trucks and cars owned by the township and on surveys and any lands purchased in connection with any road widening this latter extension of the road subsidy re widening may be of value to whitchurch but the town ship having no car or truck will not benefit from the insurance clause better care of books council discussed the inadequate system of caring for valuable books and documents belonging to the municipality in respect to burglary and fire the clerk has an ancient safe which only accommodates a portion of the books and councillors leary and evans introduced a motion authorizing the clerk and deputy reeve to bring in a report on the cost of a suitable office at van- dorf for the safe keeping of town ship records and convenience of the ratepayers it was pointed out that the resolution did not dedicate the council to any future action in the matter the reeve and deputy reeve were requested to procure a suitable table for use of council so that the present- rickety piece of furniture might be discarded some women wouldnt have it to adorn a fruit cellar councillor cook in affixing his signature to the motion as seconder nearly lost his pad in the wide crack between the surface boards where he had to transact the days business position of assessor three from either side of the township but the appointments went to the old officials joseph martin on the east side and less j harper on the west they will each be paid the customary 120 and 10 for post age e starr a h vanostrand e a storry and j l ogden were other applicants dr williams was reappointed moh at a salary of 60 and e barnes and s p foote sanitary in spectors iw d irichardson was re appointed a member of the board of health school attendance officers elmer starr and everett barnes regular meeting day council joined the good roads association at 5 and set the 2nd saturday in each month as the regular date tor council meetings throughout the year this is the customary meeting date of recent years i position to be reopened a c burkholder insurance canada like assurance also automobile and fire co thomas birkett insurance agency everything in incurance stouffville phouo 25902 ont stewart beare phone markham 2803 or to bralthwaitos hardware radio repairing a service you will appreciate 9601 l e oneill stouffville and funeral director embalmer night and day service business phone residence phone 9s0i 9s20 miss freda held of toronto who was recently offered tho position of superintendent for york county childrens aid society has been chosen by hon david crowl for an important post in the provincial welfare department miss held is said to possess unusual executive and organizing ability as superin tendent of the york county childrens aid she would have re ceived a salary of 1s00 per year plus 600 from the government but it is not feasible that she can hold the dual position it is there fore likely that tho position of superintendent will again bo open for another appointee a person not over 45 years of age will be sought for the job which is an attractive post for tho right man and it is likely to go to a man this time messrs ad bruce rl stiver and a v nolan are members of the childrens aid society representing this section of tho county voters faces bring 11 new into council five reeves and five deputies rejected at polls mcdonald among missing 1934 reeves among births forsyth at tho brierbush hospital stouffville on january 141935 to mr and mrs levi b forsyth stouffville a son mccrclrht at mrs schells nurs ing home stouffville on satur day january 12 1935 to mr and mrs james mccrcight of stouffville a daughter eleven members of the york county council five and six deputy reeves will be the missing when council opens its spring session as a result of the municipal elections which concluded last week among them are wm e mcdonald new toronto harry sanders former reeve of scarboro fred lundy former reeve of new market herman kidd former reeve of whitchurch township robert osborne former reeve of sutton ex- deputy reeve p m thompson of aurora exdeputy reeve charles brock of long branch exdeputy reevo reuben phillips of north york exdeputy reeve john bennett of new torontoex-deputy- reeve w clark of markham and exdeputy reeve robert dooks of vaughan township the above ten places were taken by tho following reeve george mooro of scarboro ireove dr l w dales of newmarket reeve newton rao of whitchurch reeve william pugsley of sutton reeve e j vog- elman of now toronto deputy reevo charles malloy of aurora deputy reeve a w cooper of long branch deputy reeve j c bull of north yorkf deputy reeve dr c o lennox of new toronto deputy- reeve james rennio of markham and deputy reevo robert scott of vaughan e c toole whitchurch deputy reeve will be a now face to county council want siderond kept open a deputation urged council to make some better provision for keeping a piece of road open between petchs church and the cnr tracks on the ballantrae sideroad they held that the road foreman did not uso tho road and totally neglected it in winter causing some ratepayers to drive miles out of their way to reach vandorf council promised to put some relief men on the job the superintendent will be expected to look after tho matter councillor cook pointed out a dangerous condition existing to the roadway at gravel hill on the 10th and reeve rae was requested to bring tho matter to tlie attention of the uxbridge council in charge of tho east townline at this location tax matters councillor cook and deputy reeve earl toole moved that levi forsyth be refunded 1008 overpayment 1931 taxes carried t a hulso solicitor for tho pottit estate requested council to purchase gravel from their pit and credit the money against tax account the hepc contract- for elec tricity on tho vanostrand property in the namo of h ledson was cancelled on the advice of tho commission a new contract having been taken out by the toronto mens hostel present tenant on tho estate mrs carrie black toronto made a request to have council pay the rent of her tenant at wilcox lake said tenant being a swiss the swiss consul in toronto will be notified and it is hoped ho will be able to aid the tenant as he had shown himself able to do on a previous occasion for one of his nationality officers appointed six applicants applied for the sheep claims james brodie was paid 26 on instruction from hon duncan marshall as the amount arrived at by the departments inspector following the appeal made by mr brodie on sheep killed in sept and november last george hood was awarded 6 for 3 sheep injured by dogs tho clerk was instructed to obtain departmental advice on the councils legal right to sell ten pine trees which b kays cedar valley wishes to purchase said trees are on the roadside at the opening of the afternoon session councillors all made short speeches lead off by reeve rae the reeve foresaw a more or less diffi cult year ahead but prophesied that with the cooperation of the mem bers they would guide the ship of state successfully deputy reeve toole assured the reeve he stood ready to cooperate in the best interests of the town ship councillor evans drew attention to the manner in which the town ship records are kept and thought a vault or suitable office might be provided a ratepayer had volunteer ed to furnish an office if one were provided where the clerk would he available at vandorf i have pleasant memories of by gone days was the way councillor leary viewed his return to the council he too said some safer method of keeping records should be provided a vault would be tlie ideal thing councillor cook said he was open to learn all he could about municipal life and would keep both eyes open on all proceedings at the council meeting on mon day evening it was annouced by councillor walter brilliuger that the village would not be liable for cost of education of local pupils now attending the markham high school whose subjects are being taught in their own village school through dissatisfaction with the progress of the stouffville school violent protest was made to the board last year which went more or less uuheaded with the result that it is said no less than five pupils from stouffville alone left the school entirely and are receiving their education in markham the markham board will bill tho county for these pupils at the rate of around 40 or 45 per head and the county will collect half this cost from stouffville again where the village does not provide fourth form work the local tax payers in gener al must bear the cost but in in stances where the work is taught locally the ruling is obtained that the childs parent is liable if they send their children to outside schools it is a situation that has never occurred here before and while the duty of the council is to protect the ratepayers in general the school board is placed in a rather akward position also the onus is on them to keep the pupils fn the home school as a result of the ruling obtain ed from the deputy minister of education parents of these pupils may have to put up around 10 to 12 for each child sent away in this manner the exact liability of the parent we imagine will be the difference between educating the pupil at stouffville as compared with markham with the churches sxouffvllle presbyterian rev v h fuuer ba sunday january 20th 1935 200 pm sunday school communion service at usual hour o 3 oclock the pastor will be with us we cordially invite the publlo to worship with ua t t t t lemonville bloomixgton ballantrae rev c b jeffery minister sunday january 20th 1935 1030 am ballantrae 300 pm lemonvllle 700 pm bloomiugton t t t t melville bethesda peachs united churches rev j mceucn b a sunday january 20th 1935 1000 am sunday school 1000 am peachs 1115 am melville 730 pm bethesda t t t t stouffville mennontth ohuroh rev s cressman pastor sunday january 20th 1935 1000 am- sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 700 pm altona wo most heartily invite the public to our services ringwood church receives nice gift their road acconts div 1g 1220 div 1 1540 north townine g50 div 43 construction 100 13450 div 3g 2s05 div 17 480 div 44 1220 div 11 1860 div 37 11 so supt salary 5350 div 3s 31 div 28 890 div 27 3220 div 35 1755 div 4 1025 div 13 iis0 div 6 3 div 30 585 div 14 1025 div 1 soc div 13 1135 div 2 3995 div 5 i040 south town- line 1965 half paid by imarkham div 11 2400 div 2 500 div 21 1560 div 15 505 road accounts passed r hurd groceries 799 j m grove son groceries 2013 go wright groceries 4615 a g snider groceries 1194 s w hastings coal coke 36 mrs ilollidge supply milk 1s0 w ii chapman supply wood 1000 dr hore medical 370 l e oneill burial re donohue 4000 tho measles are making appearance in this district miss nellie amos of port credit called on friends in this district recently alex ratliffs hen coop was raid ed last week when 20 choice plymouth rock hens were stolen mrs martin fockler celebrated her seventyeighth birthday last week we congratulate mrs fockler on her mature age and call attention to the coincident of two citizens same age celebrating in the same week on tuesday of last week imr david gillam celebrated his 78th birthday a family reunion and dinner party marked the occasion when those present included mr and mrs john gillam and daughter margaret of toronto mr and mrs milton gillam and imiss doris of ringwood also henry johnson 6th line our christian church officials are pleased to acknowledge the hand some donation to the church of 25 from miss irene reaman o toron to public school staff the gift is in tended to be the nouclus of a fund for building a basement under tho church which would bo so con venient to our congregation the miss ireaman gift is made in memory of her mother and father late mr and mrs a g reaman gormley revival services now going on in the mennonite church each evening excepting saturday at 730 two services sunday 3 and 730 you will be helped come along ufo had 18000 turn over the stouffville ufo club had a turnover in business in the year 1934 of 18000 so the annual meeting was informed on saturday afternoon despite the large turn over a profit of only 15 was record ed tho club havo a bank balance of 714 the meeting was attended by about 14 members and tho officers were all reelected f ii sangstor was appointed delegate to the annual meeting to be held in toronto in february tho club have been do ing much of a spot cash business for outstanding accounts total only 20 annual oyster supper was set for the night of february 8 silly geese nay wo lay bold to the claim that an advertisement in the local press reaches even the ears of jack frost who touches more ears than any other agency we know of recently norm steckley advertised for a small flock of geese which appeared to have mysteriously left tho steckley farm at bethesda after twelve days absence during christmas season and following tho recent thaw the birds wore found in tho creek right on the steckley farm whore they had been confined all tho while due to a coating of ice having frozen over the narrow stream of spring water jack frost had so arranged matter that the geese were able to propel up and down tho stream and feed on tho grass along the banks mr steckloy must have suspected the geese might be encased under tho ice as it was through one of the holes ho made which finally freed the birds from their unusual winter quarters all but one of the six or seven came out allvo and prosperous looking somo one may suggest that it was a safe place for them to spend the christmas season much prefer able to being roasted mr seneca bakors sister is dead at thorald this paper is informed as we go to press t t t t bloomington and ringwood christian churches rev e morton preacher sunday january 20th 1935 one reason why christianity has so little real success in the world is because too many professing to be christians subordinate it to so many other considerations such as friend ship business pleasure etc services next lords day 1100 am bloomingtou 700 pm ringwood if we face the storm and cold atmosphere for the master on sun day we show more love than by staying home by the warm fire the public are invited to all our services t t t t stouffville united church rev thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday january 20th 1935 1100 am- morning worship subject christianitys supreme rival 230 pm ss and bible classes 700 pm evening service service beginning with a short song service subject selfreliance monday s00 pm yps wednesday 800 pm prayer and bible study you are cordially welcomed to all theso services t t t t stouffville baptist church c s mcgrath pastor sunday january 20th 1935 1000 am bible school classes for all 1100 am worship 700 pm service prayer meeting wed 800 pm the bible class will meet on fri day night january 18th at tho home of mrs helse clark street westend at 8 pm creed or tho belief in a certain amount of doctrine has made christendom but nevor a christian ye must he born again we heartily invite the public to all of our services t t t t stouffville congregational christian church harry worllng pastor sunday january 20th 1935 stouffvillo 1000 am biblo school classes for all 1100 am church service church hill sunday january 20th 1935 200 pm biblo school classes for all 300 pm church service thursday january 17 1935 tho annual business meeting of the christian endeavour we earnestly request all of our members to be present for this important meeting wo heartily invito tho public to any of our services keep open tho dato of jan 30 for hie first oes euchre of a serlos to start that dato