Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 13, 1934, p. 5

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stouffville ontario december 13 1934 town topics all municipal councils must meet on saturday dec 15 kitchen range for sale first class condition good baker j r barkey second st last mrs sadie smalley left thursday for her home in wilmington ohio after visiting with her son rev w e smalley for the past two months stouffvilie christmas market be heldxou a regular market thursday december 20 mrs dorothy smith is a patient in the local hospital for a time the arena opened for skating on tuesday evening a fine sheet of ice being laid in ave days the town of aurora spent 7000 on relief in 1934 the government reimburses them to the extent of two thirds of their outlay christmas market december 20 the cold snap last weekend made the garage business brisk everyone is talking dintys place the new grocery of the westend about modern announcement i mr bruce morton ithe town bible class not man baker is taking a course gt the dominion business college ln oddfellows h toronto making the fifth student i from stoufrville to attend this college this term the funeral of the late ela3 stover took place to dickoon hill cemetery last friday afternoon at tended by a long lino of relatives and lifelong friends for he had spent his entire life of 78 years in this very neighborhood rev s ciessmau his pastor conducted the funeral service and paid fitting tribute to the consistent life of mr stover in his passing a familiar figure on main street is gone forever hut his memory will not soon he effaced he was a man of genial disposition and cheerful counten ance which coupled with his great activity led one to imagine him much younger than his actual years wo believe his sudden passing while at the dinner table is just as he would have wished it few people of his age would have it otherwise for did he not escape a possible long and painful illness coming p e trist 107 yonge st sight specialist at store stouffvilie december 13th luke optoine- torontos eye- boadways drug on thursday stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie friday saturday december 11 and15 private scandal zasu pitts ned sparks lew cody popeye the sailor pictorial poor cinderella in color george morden eldest son of the stouffvilie creamery truck driver who has been temporarily employed as a sectiouman with the cn1j here met with a severe injury to his foot on friday which will lay him off work for a time the foot was severely pinched by a falling rail from a hand car fortunately no bones were broken pupils in the whitby public schools have 20sg in the penny saving bank of ontario and the amount on deposit by all children in the province from those 450 schools which have a penny bank system instituted is 120s7s4 there is a demand for penny bank saving accounts in stouffvilie we are in formed will address next sunday- he will tell of his work as a missionary at porta rico there will be hockey practise this thursday evening at 730 for junior players turn out strong boys is the request of manager blake sanders you have less than three weeks left in which to buy antifreeze gasoline oils and car accessories at d f holdens that gives you a chance to win a new ford vs tudor car absolutely free we sell at regu lar prices and you get a numbered ticket with the purchase what a chance three municipalities in ontario county adopted the earlier election date this year being beaverton thorah and scugog they can now enjoy the christmas and new year season without the turmoil of an election the monthly meeting of the j stouffvilie library board will be held thursday evening december 13th at 730 oclock will every member strive to be present as this is the closing meeting for the year weekend visitors at leslie rowbothams home were mr and mrs j barlow of oshawa mr jeff martin of whitby miss e chumbly and miss sharpe of the ontario hospital staff whitby the regular meeting o the stouff vilie womens institute will be held at the home of mrs e j davey on wednesday afternoon dec 19 this will be the usual christmas meeting with reports from delegates to the convention there will be an exchange of christmas gifts and a pot luck lunch all members please attend mrs wm dark a patient of the stouffvilie hospital has been dis charged from that institution and is back in her home at markham village there were seven patients mclntyro and mrs otisjj the hospital last week after irs from claremont were in dark had gone home mrs bennett town one day last week mrs bennett whose late husband at one time kept the mansion house in uxbridge has been spending some time in western canada the bennett family is very widely and favorably known in lie uxbridge district tuesday and wednesday december 18 anil 10 master of men jack short subjects holt comedies friday and saturday december 21 and 22 you belong to me the municipal council has appointed themselves into a relief committee to handle all cases brought to their notice so long as the life of the present council lasts every case will be dealt with on its merits and if there are those who must he helped the council intend to assist them in this they will have a good many citizens behind them for if we correctly interpret the sentiment of the ratepayers they are opposed to having any of our people in dire want the village clerk j s dougherty has been made relief officer and parties in distress will apply to him when it will be his duty to bring the matter before the relief committee which will meet as fre quent as necessary last year stouff vilie through direct taxation spent slightly over 350 on relief george lawson who recently sold his west end grocery store to dinty hodgins expects to reopen his old premises about saturday of this week with a line of light hard ware mitts gloves overalls and heavy goods of this class you will read his announcement in this issue with the christmas rush on advertisers would confer a fayor or this paper by sending in copy early monday or tuesday at the latest last week several were disappoint ed in not having their copy appear in print because it came too late and could not be handled in the last minute rush the time of year has arrived when householders would be pleased to have the morning milk left a little later in the day so that the caps are not raised by the frost and the contents of the bottle frozen to a point where the milk is injured hubby objects to being ousted out to take in the milk bottles the uxbridge 25yearago column in the times states that an automobile passing through that town caused a great deal of consternation among tho horses on the main street old dobbin has more cause to be afrad of them to day if he only knew it for the reck less driver has only sprung up in the past few years do you realize that it is thirteen years since you start ed to buy your supplies at george lawsons westend grocery your patronage and friend ship have been greatly appreci ated and it is with a certain amount of regret that we turn this business over to younger hands however you will be well looked after in the new- store two doors east of the old stand and ire hope you will give the young grocer a great big hand and just so you may drop in to have an old time chat with george we are going to welcome you at the little store with a modern hue of things you will appreciate we want to keep in touch with all our old friends whether you need anything or not come in when you are passing by we will be ready to receive you in a few dajs geo lawson westend mrs a v nolan was in toronto on tuesday and wednesday form ally opening a bazaar on north yonge street on tuesday afternoon on behalf of bedford chapter of the order of the eastern star the continuation school staff wish to thank all those who so kindly loaned costumes and furni ture for the concert on friday night and to mr s w hastings who furnished fuel to heat the hall for practices without charge rest yournerves by motor coach time tables and all at anderson coach travel information phono 158 the folks who reside on obrien avenue may imagine that they are living in the rosedale of stouff vilie but after negotiating that street a few times lately with an automobile we are free to state that it is one of the worst roads in town the surface is rounded up so high and narrow that its like driving a chalk line to keep in the centre with one side of the street so much higher than the other we must ad mit that it is a difficult road to keep up but some day it will have a tarvia surface when it will be fit and safe for travel all year round in addition to the letters which have been published in this paper from western canada folk thank ing those who contributed to the car load of vegetables and other things shipped from stouffvilie this fail to lafleck sask the rev jas savage united church minister writes mr savage addressed a letter to mrs wash paisley mrs annie mcquain and miss margaret neal mrs george t lee and others in which he speaks of the light heartedness of his people in face of great stress things are not very hopeful for next year only a skiff of snow on the parched ground but they look forward to the com ing of the rain sometime the first real touch of winter swooped down on this district last friday following a long warm fall season when the thermometer dropped below zero at the muston greenhouses where the thermometer is read every hour of the night it registered six below but one or two report ten below six seems to be about the average however the ioof lodges of the local district have just concluded a series of euchre parties for which grand- prizes were given at markham last week at the concluding party the winner of the grand prize for women was mrs t b rae of stouffvilie who was presented with a set of sherbert glasses gordon brown and robert woodcock were first and second prize winners respectively in the gents group the school board held their final meeting of the year on monday evening with dr ball chairman presiding members present were trustees mcmullen edw baker dr freel and lloyd turner there was little business to transact and at the close dr ball thanked the mem bers for their cooperation during the year the secretary for his atten tion to duty and the staff for their faithfulness he did not anticipate being in the run for honors of chairman next term the board authorized the property committee to proceed at once with the pur chase of necessary equipment for the science room which will cost prob ably 50 dr ball ambioso stover and j w mcmullen are the re tiring members this year they have made no statement as to whether they would stand for reelection or not we have heard no new candi dates spoken of a native son of ringwood was laid the rest in the cemetery at dickson hill just recently when the remains of the late harry bruels were conveyed to their last resting- place following his death in the general hospital toronto he was a son of the late thos bruels of ringwood where he was born on the old homestead much of his life was spent in the usa a brother thomas lives at north markham and a sister of this former family lives at whitevale and another in hamil ton after a resident in toronto of nineteen years mr and mrs j r barkey moved back to stouffvilie last week and have taken up housekeeping in their old home in the westend of the village when they moved to toronto the house was retained and the family enjoy ed a visit here each summer mr barkey has just retired after nine teen years in the employ of tho cnr freight department prior to moving from here he was employ ed as expressman at the depot we welcome mr and mrs barkey as citizens of the town once more we can and will save you money walk in and look over the suggestions for christmas everything cut in price tfxr it a finilmy ftmng to ut tcru pufte mnj purpat ftnjtay quality it ptrd tojau a the ttandard of ttoce bulwnf the finest rajtlce that ever graced a kitchen did last winter make you realize that you need a better stove the super oval is the answer it is a powerful heater its fast evenheating modern oven makes baking easy pleasing appearance smooth flush sur faces so easy to clean two depth fircpot enamelled lues and enamelled oven which can be washed like a china platter every piece of steel used is en amelled and rustproof alt to last a lifetime 3 sizes lb i 5 different colour schemes brathwaite hardware stouffvilie ontario house slippers for the children sizes 6 to 8 pair 39c larger size 50c ladies slippers usual up to 135 69c to 75c mens cowhide belts black or drown 35c to 45c fancy woolen socks for men 45c 50c mens sweater cdats all wool regular 425 295 mens pullovers all wool at 135 175 mens spats dome fasteners 125 mens zipperwool jersey goloshes mens 1 buckle 2 buckle and 4 buckle goloshes ladies black velvet fur trimmed goloshes ladies black all rubber felt lined 2 dome rubbers for all the family mens work sweater coats 145 a few leather caps to clear 75c mens all wool heavy lumber stockings pair 85c walk in and look them over no obligation to buy glad to see you wishing you all a merry christmas g h saunders shoe store stouffvilie we specialize in shoe repairs next ratcliffs grocery the december meeting of the wms of the united church was held in the church parlor with the second vice president mrs- d f holden in the chair the meeting opened with music by mrs gayman and a duett by misses gayman and burkett mrs holden gave the devotional reading mrs s w hastings the four chapters of tho study book the makers of the indian church irev imr laldlaw officiated at the installation of officers mrs jas imowat closed the meeting with prayer officers elected hon prests mrs robinson mrs hodgson president mrs h sanders 1st vice president mrs laidlaw 2nd vicepresident mrs holden secy mrs ball mrs burkholder cor secy mrs leslie treasurer mrs d c smith mission band miss may bowers 1 miss eva hoover christian stewardship mrs williamson associate helpers mrs still mrs turner mrs shaw supply secy mrs a hoover mrs d hoover mrs tarr and mrs c stouffer mite box mrs burkett mrs baker temperanco secy mrs taun press secy mrs f l button missionary monthly mis- c leh man mrs imurlson mrs gayman strangers secy mrs thomas and mrs b sanders missionary review mrs a v nolan airs thomas pianists mrs gayman mrs stcckley tho old boyer pond just south of stouffvilie the mecca for barefoot ed lads of stouffvilie for many years and which was wiped out of exist ence about three years ago ln the spring floods was cropped to cabbage and cauliflower this past season that is the pond bed for of courso the pond has long slnco pass ed on to lake ontario its waters havo probably been scattered to the four winds of heaven since the dam broke away just as tho lads who played on its banks down through tho years have been scattered it sort of reminds us that there is nothing lasting in material things of any kind woll getting back to tho i pond it is a fact that no man living i recalls the dam being built not oven i those with whom tho tribune got in i touch that could recall 75 years it is believed that the old pond stood for 100 years being originally built to glvo power for tho saw mill which quality service grain letter you will be glad to know that we can offer grain this week delivered at our elevator higher prices for this increase in price was rather unlooked for just now tax time it is all the more welcome but coming as it does at we have always taken the attitude that we should not advise the farmer when to sell and when to hold and wo are not going to advise either selling or holding however we aro pay ing a premium for good malting barley and clean dry buck wheat if you wish to sell oats and mixed grain are dull higher prices the tendency is to hold for farmers having barley to sell but still are short of feed we would suggest changing the barley for mixed grain which would be a saving december 11 1934 stiver bros phone stouffvilie 4501 more money for your surplus milk without glutting the present glutted market by separating that milk and selling your cream to us you not only save the cost of cartage but you retain the skim milk on the farm our truck will call at your farm or you may make your own deliveries to the creamery and receive an additional cent per pound butter fat you get your money on the spot phone 186 stouffville creamery co closed every night at six oclock open saturday evenings notice to markham township ratepayers the 1934 tax bills are being sext out and should reach you in due course tax arrears which prior to this year were returned to tho county are now shown on the records at the township office and are payable to the township subject to the same penalties and will be included in this years tax notices your attention is hereby directe d to rso 1914 chap 195 sec 94 which reads as follows the taxes due upon any land with costs may be recovered with interest as a debt due to the municipality from the owner or tenant originally assessed therefore and from any subsequent owner of the whole or any part thereof saving his recourse against any other person and shall be a special lien on the land in priority to every claim privilege lien or incum brance of every person except the crown and the lien and its priority shall not be lost or impaired by any neglect omission or error of the municipality or of any agent or officer or by want of registration your prompt attention will avoid additional penalties chas hoover township treasurer unionville ontario helpful hints for a mans christmas you will find many useful gifts in our christmas selections which men and boys will appreciate mens tooke shirts separate collar collar attached at 100 to 250 mens tooke fine quality broadcloth pyjamas 195 and 250 holeproof and mercury gift sox in all wool and silk and wool pair 39c to 95c gift ties in newest stripes and small patterns each 50c 75c 100 mens curries belts braces garters and arm bands mens initial handkerchiefs fine quality linen ea 25c mens lawn handkerchiefs 10c 2 for 25c and 3 for 50 mens all wool scarfs gay plaids checks 195 many other suggestions as sweater coats pujiovers spats gloves mitts underwear etc suggestions for boys sweater coats pullovers shirts blouses ties golf sox gloves mitts pocket combs handker chiefs and many other useful gifts r e curtis stouffvilie ontario operated on tho sight after tho dam washed away the place grew up in weeds but the present owner of tho property mr elmer ferguson turn ed the plow into the old bed last spring and after thorough cultivation planted cabbage and cauliflower it produced a wonderful crop of prizo vegetables which had there boon a market for would havo been a real source of revenue for tho owner lads of r0 and 60 years ago could they havo relumed to the old swlmmln olo last summer would have been amazed to seo tho trans formation of this beloved old spot

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