stouffvdlle ontario november 29 1934 farmers information put the unprofitable hen on a paying basis experience shows that a strong properly fed hen will produce from 180 to 200 eggs as compared to 80 to 120 from a poorly fed undernourished bird quaker fulopep egg mash is built to produce these extra eggs and put the unprofitable bird on a paying basis iulopep egg mash is composed principally of oatmeal 91 digestible hominy feeds wheat feeds meat scraps etc these are scientifically blended in the proper proportion to keep birds in good flesh and in condition necessary to produce more eggs and bigger better strouger shelled eggs see your quaker dcalei or write the quaker oats company direct quaker fulopep egg mash the mash that makes the eggs kskw free 24 page book on the feeding of bens the quaker oata company peterborough ontario please bend me free of charge your book on the feeding of hens for profit name address j city prou dealers name a ddress1 gasoline engines for sale lister 5 hli eaton 3 hp gold simply muir 2 hp gibson 1 hp and baton 1 hp also massey harris pulper and 2 ph cutting boxes and other implements w l byer stouftville phone 7815 e a grubin registered optometrist november dates 12th 13th 26th 27th december dates 10th and 11th 24th at stouffville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined glasses pitted and repaired phone stouffville 2405 auction sale farm stock implements furni ture fowl grain roots etc to bo sold by public auction at lot 7 concession 10 whitchurch saturday dec 1 the following property belonging to j a lewis team dark bay geldings hd cow b w calf by side cow gurnsey due imarch cow ayrshire due dec heifer ayrshire 10 months bull calf ayrshire 5 months heifer calf 3 months 2 store pigs 35 hens 2 geese i gander 20 rock pullets 1g young geese set heavy harness brass mounted breechon wagon size cultivator p h binder 7ft cut mccormick hoe drill 10 hoe mh scuffler ihc good as now cutting box ph set harrows 4 sec plow fleury no 21 set of bench sleighs hay hack steel barrel 40 gal 2 oak barrels churn cow chains ncckyokos crow bar hoot pulper gravel box wheelbarrow grindstone doubletroes saw horse iron fence posts 2 logging chains many other articles too numer ous to mention about 3 tons of clover alfala hay 600 bus mixed grain about 300 bus mangles 100 bus feed turnips 10 tons cabbage in pit kitchen table flour chest japaneso straw mat 6 dining ihoom chairs number rocking chairs lamp lantern crocks jars cook stove baking tray morris chair xcut oak no reserve as the farm is sold terms cash sale at 130 pm a s farmor auct claremont of the the womens association united church will hold a baazar on friday afternoon dec 7th mrs burkholder of markham was the guest of mrs h porter last week mr and mrs fred ward enter tained the euchre club on friday evening last about seventy guests were present reuben and mrs besse and son joe of stayner accompanied by mrs besses parents mr and mrs j evans left on tuesday for florida where they will spend the winter miss effie miller who met with an accident about three weeks ago while visiting relatives in toronto was able to return homo last satur day and is steadily improving in health books was the theme of an interesting program given at the november meeting of the wi held at the home of mrs d m morgan oni l the second estimate of wheat production in the prairie provinces for 1934 is two million bushels lower than the preliminary estimate of 265 million bushels made on september 11th last in the boys and girls farm clubs competition at the royal winter fair ontario carried off the trophy in the dairy cattle pro ject through the markham dairy calf club and also the trophy in the seed project through the durham county boys grain club why burn straw stacks when with the use of suitable chemicals they can be converted into manure the question why burn straw stacks is really pertinent straw is worth some thing more than as a bedding material and not the least valu able is its use for the making of artificial manure the use of 100 pounds of ammonium sulphate and 100 lbs of lime to each ton of straw and this thoroughly soaked with water produces a manure of distinct fertilizer value from three to six months are re quired for the organic changes to become effective and the resultant substance has much of the appear ance and practically the same value as barnyard manure grain class winners the grain class open to agri cultural societies at the resent ottawa winter fair resulted in very keen competition among societies in eastern ontario whore the production of high class grain has developed so rapidly in recent years the purpose of the competition was to encourage the society to i foster the production of different kinds of high class seed grain by its members the renfrew agricultural society was awarded first position with a total of 450 points of a possible 00 the lots of peas barley alfalfa and oats each scored over 90 per cent wheat alojie fell slightly below girding the world with christmas trees each christmas it is estimated that approximately ten million trees are cut for the canadian and amerlcn market according to the freight traffic department of the canadian national national rail ways an average of about 350 cars of christmas trees are shipped annually to the cities of canada and the united states as each car contains in the neighborhood of 600 trees the annual cut in the dominion alone exclusive of trees hauled by trucks to neighborly points amounts to more than 200- 000 trees it is pointed out how ever that this gigantic cut does not devastate the forests as in all dis tricts where big orders hre filled the trees are carefully selected with a view to accomplishing the natural thinning of the growth so that those which remain will have an opportunity of attaining a healthy girth and as each tree is cut an other is usually planted in a differ ent section so that the reforest- ration goes on under expert super vision there are however isolated districts where the system reforest- ration lias not penetrated but such sections are growing smaller and smaller each year the trees for cut ting are usually selected in the late summer and early fall and the actual cut begins about three weeks before christmas apart from the serving of the canadian markets the big eastern marts for christmas trees are new york boston phila delphia buffalo cleveland pitts burg detroit and chicago and the provinces from which the biggest exports are made are the maritime quebec and ontario it is computed that were the annual cut of christ mas trees planted a quarter of a mile apart at the equator it would girdle the globe four and a half times western cattle to be finished in maiutimes western cattle will again be finished on new brunswick farms this winter according to advice received by the agricultural depart ment of the canadian national railways types will be hereford poledangus and shorthorns the same breeds handled with such great success in previous years in the spring it is anticipated the cattle will be exported to england in the event that the canadian market does not offer better ad vantages four years ago tue wintering of western cattle on new brunswick farms was tried out and each season since the operations have proved satisfactory and the cattle have been sold to good ad vantage providing a means for the profitable use of grain and feed as well as furnishing large quanties of manure for fertilizer quality when you order price dixie brand egg mash bethesda this high standard glasgow wednesday afternoon last among the program numbers was an excellent paper on books as a builder of character by airs loyst roy morgan returned to st michaels hospital toronto last week and on saturday mornin underwent a major operation he is very weak at present but his many friends are hoping for a steady improvement in his condition from day to day imr and mrs david dawson mr and mrs empringliam sr and joe empringham motored to gravon- hurst on sunday to visit the latters wife who is a patient in the san there mrs empringhams friends are pleasedio know that her con dition is nol- serious although it re quires a period of rest wedding bells have been ringing again miss eurla davis visited at j o spangs a couple of days last week imr and mrs murray slack spent sunday with mr and mrs orvan downers miss myrtle davis visited with her parents mr and mrs walter davis over the weekend mrs henry slack spent sunday with relatives in toronto aiiss gertie slack visited with her grandparents mr and mrs jesse davis over the weekend the cottage prayer meeting will be held on monday dec 3rd at the i home of mr and mrs walter davis nt forget this meeting also sunday school every sunday afternoon at 230 pm shooting match for geese and turkeys on the farm of john spence lot 4 con 6 whitchurch saturday december 8 shot guns and rifles ammunition free for shot guns shootixgg match shoot for geese turkey and guineas on the farm of w e claughton 1 mile north of stouffville on the nineth of whitchurch saturday dec 1st shot jiuns and 22 rifles ammunition for shot guns supplied dominion stores stouffville branch prices this week 2c 10c 10c currants new crop bulk 2 lbs 25c lard 1 lb package 12c prunes finest santa clara 2 lb 25c mincemeat per pound 10c lux threo small packages 25o creams balmoral 2 lbs frys cocoa half lb tin pearl soap s cakes manytlowers soap g cakes christies sodas 1 pound pkg salt free running or iodized 4 packages for 25c pumpkin large 2 tin 10c seedless raisins 2 lbs 25c seeded raisins 15 oz 15c hallowi dates lb 10c pitted dates 2 lbs 25c shredded cocoanut lb 10c lemon and orango peel lb 21c citron peel lb 3tc glace cherries lb 30c flour xxxx quaker 9s lb 210 dominion breaj 9s lb 230 fine salt 100 ibz 85c fine salt 50 lb bag 15c christmas candy gum dropsjelly beans humbugs rocks and spools jellies and creams chocolate drops lb 15c satin aiixcd 2 lbs 25c chocolates peppermints lb 10c p boadway manager shooting match for gccso will be held at lot 31 con 6 markham almira on saturday december 1st shot guns and 22 rifles ammunition for guns supplied b gayman milk producers the annual meeting of the milk producers of district nog will be held in the town hall aiarkham on wednesday dec 5 at 2 pm election of district representa tives for 1935 and other business to transact it is expected that e h clark secretary toronto imilk producers will be present come out and help j it campbell representative j h wallwork secretary 9th line markham the green ford seems to keep very late hours sorry to hear that mr clendening fell and hurt his arm mr and mrs frank clendening visited his parents on sunday miss audrey lewis had tea with air and mrs batt on sunday fred jackson and john pharris are working in the lumber camp at timmins sorry to hear that mr samuel petrochuck is leaving batts the first of the month airs james mccreiglit and little daughter spent last week with her parents in toronto mr and mrs k graliam and mr j randell were guests of mr and mrs peacock on sunday the barkey brothers and sisters of cherrywood were the guests of levi burkholder on sunday a number from this line spent a very enjoyable evening with mr and mrs john lewis friday night we wonder when bruce boyd will be making his trip up to little britain we expect it will be soon mr frank burkholder and mr carl boyd attended an organ recital in the united church in stouffville ing was spent steady progress during the last year or more no publication has shown more re markable strides in the matter of increased circulation than has the family herald and weekly star this is not strange for it is evident that in times of stress people are prone to cut down on the number and variety of magazines and papers coming into their home and they find in the family herald and week ly star a paper which at 100 per year gives them every variety of reading for old and young all combined in this one publication every issue overflows with practical farming ideas uptotheminute articles short stories together with a weekly newspaper section which rounds out a feast of reading with out compare truly it has been well said that the family herald and weekly star is the hst for the least a number of our men are doing roadwork on the east sideroad mr and airs louis brillinger airs herbert hisey miss isabel ham spent tuesday in toronto carpenters have been improving the front of mrs haines house by fixing up the veranda mr and mrs wash paisley from stouffville spent friday at the home of their son mr and mrs wm paisley again fred allin has suffered a loss among his animals this time it was a cow a few weeks ago he lost a valuable horse those who are taking part in the white gift service which is held annually in our church will begin practice in a short time those who heard the raymer hour programme in ratcliffs hall sun day night were convinced that it was a well spent evening to see and hear the raymer group bethesda was well represented at the pot luck supper and programme held at melville church on tuesday evening the yps was called off that the young people might attend the above programme the oyster supper held at the home of louis brillinger last fri day evening proved to be a huge success we heartily thank the three young husbands who provided such a feast another pot luck dinner but on a much smaller scale was enjoyed by the sixteen or seventeen women who spent last thursday at mrs ernest steckleys making a quilt to send away in their relief box the best part of the lunch was when one roast chicken was obliged to go around the circle and try to give everyone a taste of himself you are assured of production which will be uniform thro out the season dixie not only gives you uniformly large eggs but maintains vigor and body weight quality eggs well formed strongly shelled and well flavored with greater fertility and hatchability during the hatching season low mortality the 2 cod liver oil plus the minerals which dixie contains maintains maximum vigor under heavy production low cost dixie egg mash prices are based on the narrowest price spread of any commercial mash service dixle mash is never more than a few days old when it reaches your hoppers a real advantage free delivery on i ton lots or over phone your order today dicksons hill mills bethesda ontario phone stouttville 7207 markham ontario phone stouffville 5505 plus established 1842 service for sale at the gormley elevator grain salt feeds supplies we are in the market for barley oats and all other grains enquire for our prices coal dry hardwood coke new grocery to open next week frank harvey prompt delivery phone stouffville 7303 jack frost is here get your antifreeze at d holdens ford garage stouffville and markham we have all kinds of antifreeze at popular prices we will also put in a solution in your radiator to seal up all gaskets to prevent leakes free remember you also get a free ticket on each 100 on the ford car given away free january 1st 1935 d f holden dealer ford sales and service stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 in mcmorhun phillips in loving memory of dear husband and father sylvanus phillips who passed away nov 28 1933 wife and family i am pleased to announce to the people of stouffville and dis trict that i have purchased the grocery business of mr geo lawson in the westend with new and enlarged store fittings and accommodation i shall endeavour to meet your every wish and requirement in the food grocery line fresh groceries selected from choicest brands we solicit a share of your- patronage soiling for cash only we will be able to quote ivery close prices h0dgins grocery card of thanks the family of the late mrs b conner wish to thank their many kind friends relatives and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes also to j those who so kindly offered their cars during our recent bereavement in the loss of our dear mother the family west end donald hodgins stouffvillo prop coming stanley theatre stouffville annual meeting north york plowing association the annual meeting of north york plowing association will be held at geo anthonys wilcox iako on monday december 3rd 1934 at s pm general business and election of officers geo anthony prcsldont h e ratcliff secy w f marquis uxbridge licensed auctioneer post ofilco address uxbrldge ont office at residence phone no 23 25 successful years in the business farm and pure bred stock sales a specialty open to tako sales in york and ontario counties special atlontlon to uxbrldge markham and whitchurch townships write or phone for dates terms reasonable notice to creditors in the matter of the estntc of frank steckley into of the township of whitchurch in the county of york farmer deceased all persons having claims against the estate of frank steckley late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york farmer de ceased who died on the 8th day of november 1934 are hereby noti fied pursuant to the trustee act to send to the undersigned solicitors for the executors full particulars of their claims on or before the 15th day of december 1934 after which date the assets of tlio said estate will bo distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims of which the said executors shall then have had notice porcy stockley esq floyd steckley esq executors of said estate mcoullough button solicitors for said executors stouffvillo ont burning stubble when stubble has been burned off and the land again seeded after a minimum amount of cultivation the yields of grain have proven this method to be superior to any other treatment objections to the burn ing of stubble are loss of nitrogen loss of moisture and some loss of soil fertility while supporting the practice are weed control clean crop and convenience for jos sale a quantity of straw b reesor phone 6005 for sale or rent seven room cement house large garden water lights westend stouffville apply robert closson pine chunks for sale at 52 per cord or buzzed into pieces 12 to 18 inches 300 ross hood ballantrae phone mt albert 1g51 wanted brass band 6 or 8 wide used on the tops of parlor windows also an old wood stove with a high oven at the back apply leslie rowbotham wanted a number of cattle to feed for the winter reasonable charge percy hardy stouffville rr no3 radio representative for philco gener- nl electric marconi and victor- radios now and used sets for sale expert service and repair on alii makes george j storey phono 102 township of whitchurch postponed tax sale scene from mae west in belle of the friday and saturday nov nineties showing 30 and dec 1 this the postponed tax sale of the township of whitchurch will be held at the township hall vandorf on saturday the 1st day of december 1934 at 2 oclock pm list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes mav be had at the clerks office lot 21 con 3 whitchurch it is the intention of the municipal council to purchase properties at this postponed tax sale which fail to sell for the amount of taxes as set forth against these lands john crawford treasurer radio repairing get your radio tuned up before- christmas rush by the pioneer radio repair man wo guarantee to sell the same- quality as you buy in toronto at the- same prices or less plus our service gordon e cober radio technician phono 7802 sciatica rumacaps cleanse your system of uric acidrellovlng irheuma- tlsm and sciatica storeys drug store rumacaps