Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 29, 1934, p. 5

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stouffville ontario november 29 1934 town topics childs crib or cot lor sale apply mrs sid schmidt you need a rain coat this season see our stock and youll marvel at the low prices f e rae tailor just three more weeks in which to select your christmas gifts shop early special showing of coats at shaws store this saturday a lady stylist will bo present and all ladies are invited to visit the store at this lime the baud of willing helpers of st james presbyterian church are holding a homemade baking sale and serving afternoon tea in turners ice cream parlor on satur day dec 1 at 3 pm coming p e trist 167 yongo st sight specialist at store stoufrville december 13th luke optome- torontos eye- boadways drug ou thursday suits and overcoats for winter wear in readymade stock at low down prices or if you prefer to select a choice cloth from our large stock of goods well make you a suit or coat at very reasonable price p e iftae merchant tailor dr and mrs jamieson motored up from hamilton on wednesday to see her stepmother mrs archie leaney who is confined to her bed suffering from a broken hip mrs leaney is doing well under the strain the doctor reports the village council will meet next monday evening for general busi ness when practically all the busi ness of the year will be wound up in readiness to produce the annual financial statement immediately after the final council meeting on the 13th of december dr s wesley dean will speak to the bible class on sunday dr dean is head of the pension board of the united church the town bible class are arranging to bring the colored virginia jubilee singers to town on the evening of january 23 sunday guests with mr and mrs blake sanders were mrs atkinson and mrs robert gibson of new castle and dr and mrs strattou of napanee crowds enjoy raymer hour the special services in the mennonite church will come to a close next sunday evening and in the meantime they are being held each week night excepting saturday ltev p wiseman the evangelist is an outstanding speaker and teacher whose addresses bear weight hear him while the opportunity is open arthur pugh of barrie has been elected president of the barrie lioiih club to succeed major gordon longman mr pugh is a native of goodwood and brother of our town constable he was the originator of tho barrie seth parker group which furnished several programs in this locality a year or two ago stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie friday saturday nov 30 and dec 1 mae west in belle of the nineties betty boop baby blues souvenir tuesday and wednesday december 4 and 5 shadows of sing sing mary brian bruce cabot short subjects comedy friday and saturday december 7 and 8 now and forever shirley temple the date for the continuation school commencement is set for friday evening dec 7 in uatcliffs hall the pupils will sell tickets to parents and others at 25c this affair is usually well patronized and doubtless will be again this year mr harry sawyer who recently sold his dairy business is preparing to erect a house on main street on the vacant lot immediately east of george brownsbetrgers double houses the new building will be bungalo style with stucco exterior and will improve that section of the street where a useless field now is tho only thing to look at that advertising in the tribune leveals strange things was exempli fied last week when the deputy reeve of whitchurch after search ing the locality for a used windmill decided to advertise for one the first person to answer the advertise ment was his colleague in council reeve herman kidd the revelation in this instance is almost akin to the time when a farmer advertised for some dutch beet seed with replies to be left at the office of this paper only one person answered this advertisment but it was the wife of tho farmer who wanted the seed she had some put away for use but had not confided the fact to her husband it was very scarce that i spring and she determined to sell somo of the seed to gain extra pin money the stanley theatre has secured the new and popular picture belle of the nineties featuring mae west for this friday and saturday it is a romance of a queen set in the glamorous new orleans of the nineties one of the jewelled dress es worn in this picture by mae west weighs 25 pounds and she had to walk around in this for eight hours while the picture was being screened those municpalities which adopt ed the earlier election date held their nomination last friday wouldnt it be nice to have the elections out of the way before the christmas rush come to turners dairy for your weekend supply of baking on satur day and have a chat with your friends over a cup of tea auspices of presbyterian church look over our stock of mens odd pants and readymade suits if you dont want to spend much youll find what you require here f e rae over shaws store this thursday evening the stouffville old boys and girl association in toronto will serve chicken dinner at the open hearth tea room c6 college street at 7 oclock a program of games and dancing will follow local people are invited and we trust that a goodly number will be on hand to mingle with the chums of bygone days the charge is only 45c per person as will he noticed in the full-o- pep advertisment on the back page of this issue the quaker oat company are giving away free a very finely printed and well illustrated book on the feeding of and care of poultry you can obtain one of these books by leaving your name with stiver bros stouffville or fill out the coupon it you wish and send direct the book is appreciated by all persons interested in poultry phone in your name now no obli gation to buy anything the ccf study group meets in the home of mrs h g turner at s pm ou december 5 subject specialist control of capital a paper will be given entitled japan emerges from the mists mr and mrs allan closson moved into their fine new bungalo near their old home in the westend last week and which has just been com pleted by the workmen the royal winter fair is being well patronized from this section and those who attend appear to have appreciated the entertainment more than usual this year fall plowing is still going on under the springlike weather con ditions excepting for a day or so there has been no interruption to the plow since harvest time to the sunny south bu motor coach mr george watson has sold his beautiful black show mare whicli has been seen in harness about town recently to mr william rennie of mongolia this mare was formerly owned by air gam davidson clerk of imarkham township and has carried off the red ribbon at peter- boro and other large fairs in the province mr rennie will feel justly proud of possessing one of the best turned pieces of horse flesh in the county a vote on local option will be taken in markham village next january when the municipal election is on it is estimated that markhams share of the twenty per cent which premier hepburn has promised wet municipalities will amount to 250 but whether it will have any great influence on the voters is a question to which markham people give all kinds of answers some say it will win the day for the wets while others say it will not turn a dozen dry votes wet it is estimated that the annual cut of christmas trees from the woods of ontario quebec and the maratimes if planted a quarter mile apart would girdle the globe four times over the statistical depart ment of the cnr is authority for this estimate one of the largest crowds ever to jam into ratcliffs hall was seen there on sunday night in an effort to hear and more especially to see the group of artists from ckcl toronto put on the raymer even- tide hour one of the popular sun day evening programs of sacred music heard on the air as heard trom the studio mr lloyd raymer who by the way conducts a couple of bakery shops on the dauforth appeared at the little table seated before the microphone with his group of nine singers in a semicircle on the stage following a heavy day in toronto of practise and broadcasting the group were visibly tired but their num bers must have been amply appreci ated for the throngs of people fairly stormed the doors and aisles until the program concluded standing room was at a premium throughout the twohour program the numbers were all familiar hymns dear to to everybody the setup of the stage was that of the studio under broadcasting condi tions at tho intermission period mr w e mordcn president and rev t laidlaw teacher of the town bible class voiced their appreciation aid the thanks of the class to the radio group for coming here to show the people something of the inside work ing of a real studio mr raymer as our readers know is a native of this place being bom at dicksons hill also mr oscar grove one of the party of singers is a dickson hill boy being a son of the late henry grove it was suggested that the group return here next summer when such an evening could be put on in the arena where ample accommoda tion would be available hundreds were turned away on sunday night unable to gain admission quality service pure sugar cane molasses good quality in barrels containing from 40 to 50 gallons poultry cod liver oil by the gallon or in barrels of 45 gallons cod liver oil is not a drug but a medical food and need not be limited to a special dose fulopep egg mash by filling in the coupon at the bottom of the adv for fulopep in this issue and leaving at our office you will receive a twentyfour page booklet on poultry grain market we are in a position to handle your grain at your barn your grain market is as close to you as your telephone call stouffville 4501 flour 98 lbs ivory bread flour 250 pastry 67c 3 for 200 stiver bros cream has advanced at the local creamery to 23c per pound butter fat for special grade and 21 cents for first grade this is the best price for some months and will doubtless be appreciated by cream shippers the markham high school will hold their annual dance in the town hall markham on friday evening nov 30 an excellent 7piece orchestra will be in atten dance admission 110 per couple lunch served mr and mrs wm waddell main street west intend to spend the winter in florida and are preparing to leave on the trip south next week others from this neighborhood who will winter among the orange groves of sunny california are mr and mrs r bessie and mr and mrs evans all of claremont they left this week by motor hodgins grocery is opening today in their new premises in the lawson block with larger and more com plete quarters you are invited to visit the new store in the west end prompt delivery service and satis faction to their customers is tho aim of the new proprietor typical low return fares between stouffville and miami 16 s5 tampa 1280 los angeles cs90 jacksonrille 37s5 subject to change without notice tickets time tables and all coach travel information at anderson phono 15s the town of uxbridge is negoti ating with a firm talking of locating there to occupy the gold medal lactory idle for some years but the concern cannot make the change until a friend makes a loan to them they are not asking the town to advance funds however over in newmarket another concern offers to establish a clothing factory there provided 300 citizens advance one dollar each to establish a 300 fund to pay a years rent invariably the municipality pays dearly for advan cing money to an industry to locate in their midst for it usually falls to the lot of tho hardpressed tax payer to meet increased taxes by reason of having offered cash inducements long after the firm is passed out of existence as they usually do that is why the law was enacted to forbid bonusing new industries thtr it a flnduu ronf to u eotry putt and purpotr flndtau quality it acttpttd today at the standard of ttooe building the firmest bajvce that ever graced a kitchen did last winter make you realize that you need a better stove the super oval is the answer it is a powerful heater its fast evenheating modern oven makes baking easy pleasing appearance smooth flush sur faces so easy to clean two depth firepot enamelled flues and enamelled oven which can be washed like a china platter every piece of steel used is en amelled and rustproof built co last a lifetime 3 sizes and 5 different colour schemes brathwaite hardware stoufrville ontario we had a juicy venison steak the other day because of the generosity of mr delbert holden who re membered some of his friends when the butcher carved up that 153 pound buck whicli our ford agent brought down on one of the parry sound trails if the deer were hard er to get it may have been the reason for them tasting so good this fall a splendid showing of the newest styles in frocks for all occasions afternoon sundaynight and hostess frocks in delightful styles and colours also winter coats heavily furred and interlined with guaranteed linings dont miss this money saving sale one day only saturday dec 1st at shaws store those who were not privileged to be present in the united church on friday evening last to hear the organ recital given by the guest organist mr herman pouwels organist and choirmaster of runny- mede presbyterian church toronto missed a rare treat since the in stallation of the new organ last summer several guest organists have been heard but it remained for mr pouwels to give a masterly and thoroughly satisfying demonstration of its fine qualities three groups of numbers were given by mr pouwels each number being rendered with phone stouffville 4501 more money for your surplus milk without glutting the present glutted market by separating that milk and selling your cream to us you not only save the cost of cartage but you retain the skim milk on the farm our truck will call at your farm or you may make your own deliveries to the creamery and receive an additional cent per pound butter fat you get your money on the spot phone 186 stouffville creamery co closed every night at six oclock open saturday evenings authority and a fine musical sense that revealed the possibilities of this fine instrument the organ numbers were interspersed with vocal num bers the choir under the directiou of mr irobert leslie rendering mendelssohns i waited for the lord from the hymn of praise misses anne lehman and luella gayman taking the solo parts very effectively the duett the rosary by mrs thos laidlaw and mr carl boadway was a delightful number is were also the solos by miss luella gayman and mr carl boadway at the close the choir sang brahns lullaby with a rare sense of restraint and confidence that brought sincere appreciation from the audience altogether the program was of the very highest merit and the choir of the church under whose auspices the recital was given have every reason to feel gratified that they were able to give music lovera such a thoroughly enjoyable and artistic treat com under special arrangement with the family herald and weekly slar the tribune is able to offer an attractive low rate for the two papers combined for one year at only 265 the yearly rate for the tribune is 2 per year and for the family herald this year the rate is i or three dollars for the two place your order through the tribune and obtain the club rate of 205 another business change took place on monday- morning when talt bros disposed of their butcher ing establishment to norman oboylo a native boy and son of the late daniel oboyle and of mrs oboyle just east of towns the new owner intends to equip the premises with every modern device for handling tho best of meats which will include electric refrigeration to be installed immediately im provements will be made at the slaughter house which will bo brought uptodate and made thoroughly sanitary in every way tho talt boys who followed their father in business hero have not de cided on what they may do in the futuro bert however intends to buy stock we understand but nothing dofinito has really been reached when this establishment is mado over into a modern meat market the town will bo supplied with two up- todate meat markets mr oboyles entry into the business is hailed as a good movo by his friends norman started in as a delivery boy here seven years ago and soon went to township ulia thla irt it a an ft 1 1 i here is a real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this is all you have to do only those who are in a position to read the papers of the towns and villages are privileged to know the extent to which local history is writ ten and published not a week pass es but many of the weeklies that come to the editorial desk catrying interesting stories of the pioneers and the days of settlement all how ever are not given to the round of clearing the land and the first crops hut quite frequently are devoted to tho religious and social life the churches schools and other organ izations that had a place and played a part in laying the foundations on which the successors of those of earlier years have erected such use ful and important superstructures publication of the tales of early days is worth while and the writers and nowspapers cooperating toward this end are doing an invaluable work as the years wear on the pioneers are disappearing hence the lessen ing of the opportunity of securing information from thoso who knew the wooden sap bucket the wooden cradle the troughed roof and tho chinked walls of tho log cabin may tho good work go on the early history of altona and pickering select any 3 mmmmmb x o si o i h e r wit h ytt lit lb klil tv civxjmfi etfjixwjt- and you will receive the whole 4 publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low price as found on page four toronto where ho was able to widen will be interesting to every reader out his experience and learn all and we hopo it will inspire more about carving up a carcass it is a persons to contribute articles of this i logical movo that he should roturu nature we will bo delighted to to his native town to enter business publish them macleans t4 issues 1 yr chatelaine 1 yr p canadian 1 yr national heme monthly lyr i i pictorial review 1 yr i canadian horticulture and home magazine lyr mail coupon today our guarantee to you i this wonderful offer is avail able to old and new subscrib ers to this newspaper we guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented re newals will be extended for full term shown please clip list of magazines after checking 3 publica tion desired fill out coupon carefully gentlemen i enclose please send me the three magazines checked with a year subscription to your newspaper name street or rfd town and province address all oommanlcatlons and mako remittance to the stouhvlilo tribune

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